Barrie Examiner, 6 Oct 1967, p. 11

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our Tfialfrio Emmott Homugiulo osceret tom ol law but llSoorr Heron no Lnnmry linonur omro or controomu ouam mnr unuu llum And 11m on 15mm in The 5m gram llmn 1runtrloou llDILlIn mo 0I nod And sm rNm 11 no son 00 lNevu Wuuur 5mm IMovlo lurrodl llPterro Horton mo lNlll LNle wuther 5W SAWRDAY SEPT 30 MORNqu AND AFTERNOON lul IIollx Till Col Hunrtu smelter 7hml and Ham llllwley mo zclulch Clllo ccr uln Kurnm 161 oer stun llSchrlllrll noun mo 5Hqu IRocht ship oCmoon rytmuo Hlnhld rIl osumn 7POWI SATURDAY SEII lo EVENING Izod 71ooluul sMter llthtlo Peoolo 440 tGoodnbout Gmdid IFbolblll owarld or sport IlDenrlis ru lienu szoo Ilootlull sHpniz lune zlmrler Man 33 Bunny llHobo IM LDuth villo tgn ro soui Inns no Lsunmy llsuperv lierurl 1111 sr noun ol Iunllll AUTO MAIIC oNoul oNur weothu 596m llrrtticou Juneau 1m lNm wuthrt Spam JVolrllo oProolo An runnr 50 To In no wlunl lihmn 1Nm woman no LTuun owlln wtld Well 10 To so no wtlud I290 lroouny Hunt IIluvln Huxhurl lLJscldrnlal nutty mo 14m mu sromrny uuolor oaonr Pm 1Honoo 11nuo Your urn Tho Homrltte xL Chain Saw HWY 11 NORTH TIA2753 Huddl tlad Anon lour Hanson otm 5pm noon 74mlme ouulnu 11Hour ttnu 11 13mm tMubv Dick 1K Km Ho or inn 1110 Hot JExwt Lsopnnnnn IGwrn BThl Bulk lividla 11M 2Top cot fllts 11 Ikw ANu IPllnuloml lllloclrer zllovl no Golden Budl Littllbllllel tltounn lelo DGlnnn 11 slrlrh corporal 4Gleuno 1stth lho M11639 auto lhfovt tau1st GUM Girl sot zaet smut slrovl tun Stone tMy mm soon 11mm rm llseowry mo 1le lmnr rmrlt Svort tutor MlnorJteplln Conlolete WESS 205 Mlnetl Ptr lid SUNDAY 001 MORNING ANDAIVIERNOON 100 IHIlIld gt01 lltlth llfim mm 1ohrlmpher 500 LArrtculture 1114 1wm or 111 F7Milton ll5ued Heart mo zthlr tno Lilo tLolr Go 1Llnus oCortoon Phyhouu llIlther Meann Hurtnth souorulru lPlpel Cull vmnunlo Hour éllncnhedral cotton 411mi Club 1rwc1tets1rlr71 llllallan foolon 100 zslomlnr Coramuse dlep Unto 111 rm oMarlno Buy 1110 odumerorslr plus 1rlnt Nuno oniy 11Marle mo pronto11 43091mm or 10mm oSomr llllnr Talent sou entle lien Mantle our 114m instant Aitlliort nme Mottol Talk ll bolt In Spin grit so Cfllul onlu nullity noorlnr at mun Pris1 division Cu Care SPECAHst TRANSMISSION SERVICE 50 Wk HEEL lloo 34Mwum IBtlliulltklo oMeu llOontlde Iltn lSocred loom 117an 1suoer Comic Dilllhn Album 1111 3134 4Dlperlmenul Then trrce rho NitIon sunnor oer EVENING lllrlar moorr11 mo JGmorl Acres guano 7voygo Luonkm 1111 chIlt Dislily aaluhnck tcmlo Ben oIBl 111mm line Collector 1110 wsulllvon sulllvux 11131 Izlo ZMorthrrolrlLII Leannlo dnnrlzl iBomrln CEDARGLEN INDUSTRIAL Controcton 110 mnmmmurmmmarocmlnum Ch 11111115 Ch Bullaloi Ch Toronto Ch llarrio Ch hullan Ch llzHMIROII MONDAY Oct MORNING AND AMINOON llu vuul v11 lAotldrnlll ronutr 1th mom lLrmml luv Idudd oBlr your llIIH Gflflll 1110 ll N£III Wuthor Swfll 1mm Barton Hal can tcmmlndlt ruovl tulnlll lMovlo IKlnn Go mun umy nob lluovl won Juan Dlovl rsortolrlor slant lolr snm arrrm lndmr on no World 13 no ocoputn Koom llxSdontuel ltouu IUnturdty of tho Air to 1olllnr or Dell tPrz noon oCorlton Merton sruxopor Roan 11121 Ann Hmoon Playhouu llDonna nrco 1M Hoop Judllrnenl 4cndid Cullen LUncil Bobhy Presents llGuvrr Home our slromt Rulan mtn or Consequences oPm Football llthilnm blond 11 10101 slccool Hominy QIICI DMom Prince Who Won Talon rm 1uovl Kflchum Dupondo oPrny Mann 71Intflone1 211m llMly lrenou AJunl 1w Ilflahrmln out NWorld Seder rlrornm ProDavid AJMH Rquur llwmuo 2M onmoru flat Wu IMblll no um 7w1oe World 101 und Ind syn 7Neu no 1an5 Wlllhu Sport Lilth Helloan Kelly llPIrm Berton I411 aNmr lllmh Tomorrow tim Ilnc unuloo llM nnln lru acoonotntlon bGuldln um omnrlu 1111mm sllm IDltllLla mm mm IJhlerIn Doclor um no mum TBHIUVI 11 all Ahmnalll ocood Itomlrll 1111111 Donnie mo onooy urmun 1Kmnsoonmeo Lmboll noolo ma VI Ill 1WM oIu Tho world su Ann 151 In oolclr vu 1m 1rmuty om Ile Ind 1m llgurlln mm 111011 ruty 7rmnl Girl Hunt in conflict llnm Mum no lAnothlr world LTII so oro roll no mm IGlnenl Horoltsl ollnmtoo Court at 3th on kvau Wrath 59° 71mm sonml Rutiodn oruroolo roar llulu m1 um tboctm noun call ollnv mull LN Henri 1m xYau me soy Lalo or Nlm 7con1nlhndtr olu Your Mm lllulllrtnhll MONDAY on EVENING millen LAMY Gnlllth 1rrlony Squid Hollow Kurt run out IDundr and an Culhlno AIotdlnd HIM 71mm an any 50 ocuo nrnott 1th Volty lLVtrv Grtllla oNau Weather 590m 11x nlrol mo zNnr wenthrr Heddan Infill FHOHOIIOOHIH Henna IIqu Il lmlll UNCII yvelthrr Etienne soon slum Hw ow ILuelilo ill Hlnodlt 101 no 211m lvullwo FKYIR Mule Hall onrwltnhcd 1LMovle tDr srrlnlelom 11m ll Nw Wulhnr may sNew uo oLuoliio 511 111 Patrol lFlrnilv Allolr 1m Kolv Btu tun un INewn wulher Sports mo lloohfonsont of mm lioootum 19 3w1nrlow an no world LSunurler seroum lhoool lel Belu Beummel IlMovlo timer In to Yum Yum rm FlNorm II 390m oPro Mtbtll lldi zlrom limo luvm ro Emil Hoottzflt tMovl rm Bo Envoy lcorncrn Brothers Iltfovio tlnro Without story 41Nle 1wlndow On 11 World 111 1uochuhlo Mo Fountain Klanrun llsdlnltxel dual 115 DUrllvusity 91 or Al IDllllnl for Dell no at Boom Hutton Frederick 9moner Rood1r 11131 Alton mo Llanor 71mm IClrtoan Hoytmm IlDonu nus 1ooo Haul Judgement ocnrud Curler Lvrlcll Bum llMovll tfllnw 31 lfldol if 101 Harald mu lSuIdonn mo 23m Dough xcommonlort osml storm ol uwmw llsuoor Home tur lBunoy Boomer orrutn or Confluence onlovle tltun Th son llgy minor rug 7Movlo Pride or so Loni llStr 11mm 31165511 to Station uullon 1mm 3m do An PM xx cholien fimlu merry noon 7nlnu1oner llcornlm 310 501 Loud And so nlur rn INen 1ruor Shoo lldoment or mu moo 7Mhwl 0m Myth mo human Isue Mm 1111 we sreuloort Junction um Weather sooru lMovte noono ro Plndiul llPtlm Berton luo zNown WEDNESDAY zwlmlow on tho World Hummer smutnr ILIMII lej mo 1way tNrwo Tthdnw on to World 53 Yum Iroot II gagWEEZL IWfl llPeymrlm lloo it 11 Ne Wertnor sport llJo sslrume air rm LNswl wmnor sport InMerv Grllllrl 1month 111nm dMovld steer Town 171mi room near 891111 lLGnnLulutL will Illl vnooketrulo not Litmun Knrlnrno llscnnlmllloun mo 9Un1lrvelnty at th Lotu For Dolln or Donor Bros looting Toronto 311an Book 14mph Lcultarl Fnderlch Dflompfl Room iIld Alien sno 24m uunn tNewl lJrloorl rloynouu llnonno mod 1000 HulP Judlrmrnt ACandld Camel Lunch louby to 11m rzolul ZConcmlmllan gt lloo ocr MORNINGAND mo zmnt rm llVlu BARRIE ANSWERING SERVICE 11 you ll unlu For my bushels or proleoslnli Night and DoyErery Day Reliable Friendly Courtoous Theres Always an Answer 59 mom TUESDAY OCT MORNING AND AIIERNOON 40mm mot 3mole cued 411 no 14111111 Mr so our llMtkrbount world Tum 200 zmy or our live llgvl Ad 1m III or tPluword 7Nrwlwed arro 2Doctun lllooro Party 71mm GLH VPBWIE ln conrllct llPelry unno 2Arlolhulwolld srm so oro lell nu rrutlr 7Generr nospltnl kidmater Court om LYou nont say tlldue or no 7commlrlder Lils Your Mm llEuliwlnklo 1leltlln IPorlamldty SCoodxlornln tItndr Grlultn IHowl Your mom lnrhw ITlltbont Anol 1110 1110 Vood uu sm Allon 11in tulcx Vln um rnrnlly DMr run run 11111mm Confidential won 11th JLunohenn 1m 41mm 1lttnvle Swen notlsdm 910an Todly llthUo recolo lZlll mWonomserlq Min ammo ZMQIV Gflflln Lseuon row Tomorruw Asemh our Tomorrow llrlrolo ltnllla IIIIla MWAY 001 2mm zNewl no LNewo oNm Wnther Is rtr Lngthunmq 1117mm Kit W2 JEMouemzooii 53133 II to en Liatour LNulrt moi EHalty 551 Im rational9 llTuuv ormlo 4030 zmolr Ind was Lroollo Ptlrnl 2Ntn$lth€r Mul lIPllrfl IGM 7Glnhml Gorillas 9IGH Lewis 1101mm 11 ll 41 Wenlhnr sport Hem Lewis omo sirmo run if 11 dlled skl 7Invlde1 from Aron wun LOutrr uni7 WMovlr no no wig mm mm 1m strzl llUnder Attack swoon allPhoto 413lth mambo um immv Intent Tn mil mashm Mllier BMovlo Nb rtoonr nor ho Gsooml lt 11min Donnie 110 lAs 111 World hmu lluon 131mm lam ZCknflnuntnlivn eye IJItefilrlo nllywood or zrmonxuty saooo Mornln randy Grlitlth new Itch ITumll Anni 11W 217m our Live 414 Is Mrny Splendor not 1Nowlywzo mm 110 EW AA CHoulollrly 7Drum Girl IPlople rn conmot llPern siron 2Amthotworld srm so vLlD Tbll Tho Truth 3106119le Hmltll IMnllIhlt Com mo ZYou Dont Sly lEdle or mm 7Cummlnder Tam ADll Van IYunIIy Ganlleyh Fur Ind 11 Bartemt lluurdu Hromnto Mry llLittl Peoolo 1211 zMrrv Griffin kWMM SIan hournu vreempted osurch For Tomorrow Hem lol olt Your Movl Tomorrow Itllutlwlnhl our scommunlcm IM LMy The son worm ms IN BRIEF Donor urns SASKAIDON CWDr Mor rh Brook 57 Al Suhtoon the tomato of dome to asthma mothlomlh rem brutlr hut died Thursday Ibo Brook litway musdtalor which he perfected nearly in your no is 111 wide Imitation Round the FILL CANDIDATE REDWOOD CITY Cali AP Sibley 19mph Block paid her No lint toe thurs dny candidate or the llth us mmdonal district nico donon Nov It the onetims dilid mth rur1nodo no nutrient ESTIMATE KILLED NEW DELHI AHMary one Indlnnn wero killed and Injurod In tho tllsh with Chinese It ho Ll In Sikkim on the bowls with Tibet laid atti dai Indian Limiter received hon ihurm trialmaul said utlmaled losses on the other side was tho lama SIGN IUNGO STARR HOLLYWOOD AWRingo Slur Englands pop alum Beatles will plIY Mexican gardener In the film version 01 the controversial book Goody an spokesman for Selmur Productkm Rintu will mm with Morton Brando and Ridi Ird Hilton INTRODUCE OIL BILL III tIteuterrlCommu nlals in the Nationll Ammny My Introduced hill to nationalize the French oil Industry The bill suggested set tilu up stole mlpany to deal with prospecting and production and another stats Why to deal with imports exports rgflnllu transport and distribu IIOVL WEDNESDAY OCT EVENING 2mo pourin 8minute odoent slam I1 uvl Luv 115qu Rom ddl SBullly 366ml lRmh of communism HM ANrwl rt lDlllut udm llwn1t Dtnul orl port 131 av ll 13117le Llano lPorry Mm lillntltm Illiuo no 20 IM Add lqu 3D Go 121 llPhylfll Dllior no 311 Add sh ONmr wutrwr spor 111on Delflnldon Gabi lIPizno Horton out ZNtwl oanvrdm loo Linton 1111m our urlry oMo lN IL wanna iNllwl WillIMP palm iNm Wuuue he AIt Salli World 5111 INsm Wrathr In 1111 summert IPro rootsll To coqu MIKM WI Shut mo 13111 mull III Mutton Questions tGmn Arm 1ldovlo tum vlln tho Propersnnnur1 luun Your Lu ouundeo no no Cfllhlnl llum crtlrln 1vo sPoullul Toll porn not out 11 Nrwl Wellher sport llPlorro Berton 11 ohm Canon ollavlo lAlrbonle IMovto mm For 1hr Sun LUntourhahleI LPm ontoll llllot Uni 1211 lIVIII 1111M mlhllllu Barrioo Only 24HOUR assmummy iron Cooled Muir us Bayileld mm on oer iron lulv logo Ithdow 0n he World 661th Semester lllbcu Now dlleverlly IJIIelino llroo zconeentntlon Hollywood IChlldflm Doctor NING AND AFTERNOON lzoo Ianlo Goodbye tMeu roo 11111er Lnrrltlv ouovlr twins or Hawk illdlh Doutllr Illllblllltl zPemnnuty sGood lo tAndr ar 7Juneymoon 11m lIulbolt 11o 21lollywooo Souolu nm Alien run TFnlnlly no Liar Ind llMnroln commendl lzm Hoourdr moo iToppor ocmton Frederch ononw noon llm Alien Iltinvll Wot Till Lroronlo llumo Prop oDoctotl um lWorld Wool Pllyhbllu 1lDonno leed looo zsnro 1114mm undid Comer IJncll loony 11Mwio molt with women tGuidlnx tNewr Wumr shines Nettle Prom preempted zMerv GfllfllIl sNewx Wruler LSeuvh For romrorow lllhoto Flnlsh min ltmn tIto The world hinll Am INau mo 11m or our Lire trrnworn 1Nawlywed Guns 110 2poclon 41mm Pnrly 41mmqu oreople In Conflict 11an limo moo ZArluther World LINK to 410 Tell The Truth olllmrtrrteo Court mo 2Year Dont soy 33111 or Ntlhl 1Cnmrlllnder rorn oltr Your stove llaullwlokle lhl Suit Today noun cut seller Unit THURSDAY OCT EVENING BM INwl ZMlkl Mullu llSerrot stem Ave Lucy ilSupor 112m Illa In NONI molar Corlleouencu LMovle that or two time llitl About host 11 mo 41mm Sport srroll 1mm trlrry um no 741111on llhrirho 1111221 suo zor noon And llrroelrry mo on AsNewn wgolnu 111mi 40 llPiolu Berton owl auxm welthu 59°11 ZIrnmldo smucopo nNru warmer on om zNem Wutner sport srm Girl all Me mm nllylno Nun llihor Glrl lNeurr Wutller sDnlol Boon 7fire Prevtntlon Hm rrek serum TWnl Null 7Bewllclletl uh 1mm moo Iert mm UNCLE 515PORTS HAVEN Your OMC Sonne Contra tllnvle Splendor In 1110 Grist IJtlut Girl oDeon hiaan mo Lnnznét 1reyroo rloor 1noo 2Ddul 11min sxun For Your IGood compor Itilnrllx 1111er Grluul 1ozlo 1sth Hundred Years limo ll News Wettlerv Sport lIPl¢nI Barton 10 Hohnlly Carson knowlww 100mm TIMING IMovll rue Loni not marl Merv Griff 9510le Mel Um 11Nole no Tables HEANTV BAY RD 7261001 OMC Snow CrqurI Evlnrudo outboard Motors Lawn Boy Mowrs Solon Sorvieo FRIDAY OCT MORNING 13 lozso 2Wlndaw on Thu world osununer Semester llliocll Now 1011 LIodly tNzwr 1Wlndow on no world 7Dotellne 11m ZPrroolllll oTurboat mt TROskekhlv lluu ACnpuln Klnnm 11month Honor 1111 dYou And Your Family FUnlvorLV on Al LMAIlen sMr Ind 11 opudy tNom Sport leuovlo 11011 Lorran rrulorlrlu Inomyu noonr 11111 Allin no nJnk nunu oNowr LCIrtoon Plynouu llDorllll Med 102M Hoop Judlement AClndid onion ltunclI oltm ov IMMII You to Memoirtron dBeverly nurolmu Hollywood Load Mointnt lAndl Grimm 1Hnlleymoon 11m zHollywood solurer IDlrk Van Dyk 1runily Elmo 1111mm Confidential twtt Tut The sun sttlner Neuiel lluttlo Pronto 121111 2er Grlltlrl sseml ror Tomorrow tSeorch ror Tomorrou lllholc Flntlh tautlulu nun ursnuoou arovlo molten Every Surldll tMeet Tho lulllerl lnllltlvl Danln Thunder on mu llMlkl parrotr lzlo dAs Tho World Turns lNevu AND Iv Annlr IIIIO snryr or Our 11m 6hour lo ltllny Spllndar rotor INewlwled Gun zuo 21mm VGHaln rmL vDmrnmrl gt Time Mn llrorry 111mm It gt LAnothor World 11mm to 41 Tell 11 rnrto IGenrnl Hospital Liloutrun oCurt dlel 1Ynu boot Sly omre or Nlrht 7Corllmlndnl Torn 12 orenolo In Conflict ARRESTED IN ENGLAND Cass Elliott oi the American pop singing group the Mamas and the Papas waves as she arrives at Waterloo Station in London Thursday She had been arrcstod ns shc slapped ashore from the liner France at Soulhnmplon earlier and WINNIIEG CPIOfficials were laced with an appeal Thursday alter disputed game featured the third round oi the Canadian centennial grand maskrs chess tourna mom Bént Larsen oi Denmark was awarded win in his game against Pal Benitooi the United States by tournament director Jack However Benito appealed and lemon ment officials were to considnr the question today Benko playing while and Larsen both ran out oi time before completing their gumel Each player is required to cum plota 40 moves within 25 hour time limit Both were making moves so quicldy as time ebbed away that neither viewable to record nththe moves on their scureslloots Tournament otlinlals recon structed the game and laund Benko had Iailcdto complete his 40th move before time ran Gollllomots Sign Players our cm to Gnu Hop oddod defenceman Bot iall and goalie Ron Boomer to their Ontario Hockey Associa tion Senior roster Thursday Boomer compiled 425 goals against average in 32 games last season while Hall playing both to and defence scored 10 goals and 23 points in 36 games liornets havell players signed tor their schedule opener Saturday in Kingston Others are lorwards Ine Hogan Ted Power Don Snider John Beeohcy Fern Belanger and Peter Brennan and deienccmun Ivan Tennant Larry Ziliotto and Bob Maxwell Nicklaus Playér Split Golf Prize OSAKA Japan AP Gary Player and Jack Nicklaus foughtrto tie in special 31 Three gal tournament Thurs day pluyed two holes of sud dendeath and then agreed to split $40000 in prize money when darkness and flight schedule halted play Nicklaus shot twoundrrpar GB tying Player at 211 after the third round The South African had sixv stroke lead after two rounds but fourovervpar 7l on the final round enabled Nicklaus to tie FOR Tim was accompanied by detectives on the train to London Shu was charged with stealing km and two blankets rum Illn Inn hotel on previous She is to appear in court 111 day tr Vircphdto by coblo from London Dispute Round OI Chess Play or out although he held hrtlcr position Benito based his appealon Ute tact Larsen tailed to record his moves as requirod Unless the decision is rcv ersed by the appeal committee Larsen took the load in Wild day roundrobin event with 2+ points win is 0th one point draw hallpoint OTHERS WIN Two other wins marked the third round in contrast with the iirst two rounds which were marked by draws Alexander Mulnnovic olYug oslavin delcaled Shimlln Kagnn of Israel and Kluus Darga of West Germany defeated Winni pegs Abe Yunoisky the only grund master in the Common wealth Boris Spaaskl ought to draw with Paul Kcrcsr Iotlow Russian and Florin Gheorghlu 111 Romania drew against Hulk garys Laszlo Szabo Todays fourth round 9h Larsen against Darga Szgrbo against Yanofsky Korcs against Beullu Matanoiric meets Spaaski and tharghiu againstrKagan Standings alter threerounds Larsen 25 Darga Keres Spaaskl and Matanov eac Szaho and Gheorghtu in each Benko Yanolsky to and Kngan l1 NORTHWAY RUG co LTD Formerly Universal 1iqu 111g Houslg rm BRutDé SPECIALIST IN WALLTOWALL BROADLOQM SCOTIA PLAN FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE LARGE srocx or REMNANTSN 0N HAND NorihwuyRug BESTBUY IN NEW on USED AUTOMOBILES com John Franks Atkinson Pontiac Buick Ltd lulu Unlvorral Rug 65V Collier 7251311 7261 885 In until orir unit5111

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