ti us Bandits Net $15 Million In Coins if kBlNCESS BRBIVES FOR TOUR Ontario litAiov Earl Rowe left greets Princess Marg arct and her husband Lord Snowdeo at their arrival in Toronto Thursday The prin cess and Lord Snowden will spend two days in Toronto be fore going to Montreal for fiveday visit to Expo 07 gBishopgAsks Gels TORONTO CP Canon hloore Smith 50 resigned Thursday as rector of St Mat 9thins Anglican church one day after coroners jury found him and his wife negligent in the death of Katherine Globe 10 in the church rectory Right Rev Snell Anglican bishop of Toronto laid in statement he request Iod Canon Smiths resignation earlier in the day The two mel earlier in the bishops ofï¬ce have now received his res ignation uhich is effective at once said Bishop Snell Canon Smith has been direct cd by me to retrofit from par British Army Begins Task Disbanding The Gurkhasy 1ticipation in meetings of groups similar to the one which met in St Matthias Church The inquest jury found that LONDON tAPlThe British Army has beglm the sad task of isbanding some of its finest ightlng menthe Gurkhas The Gurkha brigade is being trimmed to 10000 or less from 14500 in line with the British governments policy of gradual zovithdrawal from eastofSuez oulï¬sts the tough little hillmen from Nepal have fought as mercen for briiain for 150 years and they have many admirers No matter what sort of job you give him the Gurkha seems tocome out on top said one British officer Gurkha troops on tly earned praise for their coolness Wnen fired on by Chinese troops on the Hong Kong border About 4000 Gurkhas are help ing to keep the 11 Jack flying in that colony Singapore faith healing group at the church had tried with prayer and exorcism rltcs to cure Miss Globe who died of brain abscess and meningitis church official said that Canon Smith remains minis for in the Anglican church although no plans for his future have been mnsldered yet Rev Douglas TtsdallrCanon Smiths assistant was notified that his tenure of otfice and association with St lllatthias ended with the resignation of Canon Smith later Mrs fisdall submitted his resignation saying he is proud of his association with Canon Smith No further expla nation was given on llfr Tis dalls status with the church The peneiaglc Johnson Archdeaconof the diocese was has 2000 and the remainder are in various park of Malaysia The end of the fourryear con irontation between Indonesia and Britishbacked Malaysia last year spcedod the cut of the Gurkha force coo BEING momenta The first batch of am Gur khas recently returned to Nepal is undergoing resettle ment course to fit them for civlllan jobs The out is part of ooarroc tion of Britains army of 130 000 Dofence Secretary Denis Healcy says it will be down to 165000lnen by l970 Nepal gets large chunk of its foreign currency from the export of Gurkha soldiers and the reduction is being spread to prevent too much harm to the Nepali economy new CAPSULENEWS Dead4lurt In Crash amoaeonn inquest his soils including women and children crashed and burned on car per takev loff here today One person was killed and four severely injured Pilot Killed In French Crash UllAWA The RCAF pilottkilledflhursday whenhis CF40 jet fighter crashed in France was identified by defence he quarters today as Soda Ldr or he Rock Sask DooaldJosephv Misselbmok 36 To Impose Heavy Penalties WINGTON AP Heavy penalties are imposed on owners and captains of foreign vessels found unlawfully fishing withintNew Zcqlands lZmiie fishing zone under hill introduced meat today info Parlia fishermen Strikeln Hang liong nova Kovo fAP nongkongsc fishermens strike today and told Commu thelrstudents to combat British provocation imistleaders called schools to prepare mean it gt Priests Resignation appointed temporary priestin charge of St Matthias BishopSnell also announced commission to investigate activities of the St lllatthias group stop recommended by the jury The commission also would conduct studyof the extent oiid recommend proper conduct of the churchs work By rhis aotionl hopethe people of the community as wcll asour Anglican church people will rcallza that this unfortunate affair is being dealt with in positive and construc tivemnnner and that as far as is humanly possible we will develop proper safeguards for the future Bishop Snell said Canon Smith rector of St Matthias since April104£t Wednesday denounced the find ings of the jury He said in statement that Anglican bishops had known about the faith heal ing group inthe church for two years and had done nothing aboutrit native of Toronto and graduate of the University of Toronto Canon Smith was ordained in 1935 in the diocese TODAY Ann Holders6 any News2 cxassinedVi4ris is Comics10 Deathsl4 DistrictS Editorialf Sports8 TheatreS rv listings12 Weatherll Womens6 EDMONTON CPiDr Boris ts en ranking Soviet nuclear scientist said Thursdny night he has applied to remain permanently in Canada because in this countryfhe can find aca demic freedom Dr Dotsenko fl isa former chief nuclear scientist at the Ukraln oAcademy of Science in Kiev lie came to the Univer sity of Alberta year ago on research grant having been granted I0 montbs leave from his latest appointment as head of the nuclear laboratory at lfiev ISlate University in the Dotsenko said in an inter vrew that since hi applied to and nahireofspiritual healing within the diocese of Toronto in the spiritual healing sphere llllAhll Fin APlAn heir to the du Pont de Nem ours wealth wired his seaside mansion four ways to guard against kidnapping of his stuns but today be was offering substantial reward to get back fortune in coins stolen while the alarms were turned off Five masked bandits smashed door at the Willis Harrington du Pont mansion early Thursday and took col lection of US coins valued by the Russian Prince George ltlik hollovitch collection valued by about $1500000 The true valuo of tho nncoi to others may be underlined by the stormy history of the color prize of ihe Russian Revolu tion later stolen from the Bolsh eviks Du Pont ill his wife hiircn 39 their oldest son Victor and two servants were lied up by the thieves Another son bmmnol was left aslecil They came right into the and shoved their weapons at us and said We want your money Tell us where it is or well blow your brains out du Pont said ltlrs du Pont was told to open the bedroom sale was so nervous couldnt remember the combination she said Theyiold in You better remember or well put bullet through your head The bandits took 54000 in cash and $50000 in jewels from that safe dropping 0000 bill on the bedroom floor then led du Pont downstairs to his idea UTTAWA CHThe Liberal government drew support from the Conservatives and Social Credit member Thursday night togeject 141 to 17 ND nonconildence motion Five Creditistes nnd indelt pendents JA Mongraia iroisenlvieresi and Gilles Gregoire Lapointe voted with the NDP on an amendmentthat criticized the government for not raising to $4000 the person al income tax exemption for married couples The motion on which Howard Johnson soohmagan Rev elstoke voted with theLiberc als olsoJnokjhe government to task for not removing the feder al sales tax on building mate rials in theZ seat Commons Liberals 131 Can servatlves 93 New Democrats 22 Creditistas Social Credit independent vacant vii wasthe second test of con fidence in the government since after asummcr recess it weathered an attack on to housing policy lhesday in name vote gt The NDP motion was sub rnon Sovni Huron Sought Br Scientist the ad ian immigration department for permanent resi dent status he has been visited by two representatives of the Soviet embassy at Ottawa They tried hardito persuade me to go back They said would be safe in the Soviet Union told them was staying here would but go back to the Soviet Union thats for surnj GRANT EXTENSION Dr Dotscnko said he applied to the Canadian immigration department two months ago and was granted oneyear extension of his stay in Canada immigration authorities told du Pont at $500000 and part of the Smithsonian Institution at akind hlllthailovlich collection Parlianieot resumed Sept 75 where he opened the large vault containing about 500 Rus sian coins and about 6500 US coins flow much are they worth one of the thieves asked Maybe $400000 in Paul said he replied Then maybe youd be will log to buy them back for $200 000 the thief shot back When agents of file Federal Bureau of Invostignlion entered the case do Font refused to give urth or information to reporters but hlinmi Police Captain Hutloe said du Pont seemed willing to pay the $200000 ransom to get back his collection Prince hiikhailovitch was asrassinatcd during the Russian Revolution 50 ycars ago The Bolshevik government placed his collection in the Hermitage Museum and it later was stolen while on loan in the city of Kiev Russia lilnsl of the 9000 pieces now are in the Smithsonian lnstitu tion in Washington where offi cials said they understood du Font had planned to donate the entire collection eventually Astronaut Dies In Jejt Trainer TALLAHASSEE Fla AP An astronaut who said he want ed to be first on the moon and specialilod in the craft that will make the lripwas killed Thurs day when his T60 jot trainer plowed into hilltop Maj Clifton Williams Jr 15a member of the US Marine Corps and one of the third generation of us astro nauts was flying alone from Cape Kannedydo Houston ltlanned Space Ccntre by way of Mobile 010 uherc his father was reported ill Williams radioed the distress signal about pm and to mine ates later helicopter rescue crew from Moody Air Force Base at nearby Valdosla Ga Govt survives Motion By NDP amendment to government budget resolution The Conserv atives already have moved an amendment to the resolution criticiling the goveniment for not reducing taxation andJor its reckless increase in gov ernmental cxpendit Explosions Rip East End Toronto TORONTO CFiA series of explosions in the sewerage sys tern in east end Tomato today sh windows and sent employeesscurrying for cover No injuries were reported as losions man Ole shooting flames and smoke near cars and estrians bl several Police sealed off traffic in the area while firemen and city works employees hunted for the source of the explosions At least two more explosions occurred after firemen arrived Officials believed sewer gas was responsible for the explo sionscentred in tileareilot Queen and Carlaw streets Recidence him they would consider his application for permanent resi denceyhere at thoend of the oneycar period Dr Dotsenko came to Edmonton under an exchange agreement between the Univer sity of Alberta and Kiev Unia vcrsity noons on Sh When you married me you didntmarry cook Ill you understand WIS into the air arrived at the scene on plan tation near Miceosukec Fla 15 miles north othere The plane disintegrated and the body dislntegrated with it said Maj Joc Johnson of Moody Johnson said the fiery plane dove down so straight it singed trees but plunged between pines 100 feet apart without touching Em board of inquiry headed by tile first American spaccmnn Capt Alan Shepard was named to investigate the crash Wllliams was the eighth American astronaut to die acci dcntally the fourth in the crash of jet pianol Williams was cagor for space flight can sunvr IS coser PUEBLO Colo AP lfaymond LPerkins 22 had close shave as he was driving to class at Southern Colorado State LCollcge Jihursdoy fall using battery powered shavcr he lost control of his car whinh crossed the street knocked down two signs crossed the street again jumped the curb and stopped in motel parking lot Police charged him with careless driving snorhnonntiï¬s rNouinv WEATHER mualitdowarmer new mwonoioa in Sears NofMoro Then roar cm on ANlINFlATION Pt CRITICIIED Sharps Threat To Impose New Taxes Draws Protests By THE CANADIAN PRESS Tun western premiers joined Canadian labor leaders Thurs day in an attack on Finance Minister Sharps throat to increase taxes if necessary to curb inflation lllnnlioba Premier Duff Bob lin called ltlr Sharp John comeelaiciy adding that Olin waa own deliberate policies led to inflation ilElllierEllltSi Manning of Alberta said Mr Sharps pro posals are two years late and blamed fantastic federal waste for the problem Opera tions of tho CBC and the royal commission on bilingualism and hilculturalism alone $7000000 down the drain lllr Sharp told lbsCommons Wednesday the government would act to end an inflationary spiral if voluntary rcstrninis failed to curb wage demands and price increases Meanwhile the Canadian Labor Congress warned that any tax increase would have damaging effect on the own my SUPPORTS LABOR lt rejected implications in Mr Sharps remarks that labor is largely responsible for cost prico increases but added it was willing to meet with the minister to dismiss the omb lcm in statement at Victoria Altorncychnernl Robert Bon ner of llrilish Columbia said the threat is on admission by Mr Sharp that the federal gov ernment has made shambles of the Canadian economy lllr Bonner said it also dem onstrates that the Liberal gov crnmcnt have national policies that are applied on selective basis The more shocking stale meal if lllr Sharp has been correctly reported is that although they now admit it was mistake thcy are neverthe less making an exception for Saskatchewanwhich just hap pens to be in the midst of an election where the Liberal party has troubles of its own Saskatchewan Premier floss Thalchcr meanwhile expressed agreement with Sharps views Were certain ly sympathetic to his objectives and well cooperate wherever we can Premier Alex Campbell of Prince Edward Island saidhia province has already cooperat ed byuitliog spending Frontier Smith of Nova Scotia was in favor of talks with federal and labor officials to discuss inflation WASHINGTON AP Pros ident Johnson made another plea Thursday to congressmen to get on with oting him increased taxatio lioadded weight to his bid by putting federal from on Con gressf jecls But Congress still shows no signs of increasing the taxes pat public works pro The administration added new ingredient in the weeks long test of wills between the president and Congress by sus pending indefinitely some 31 Hike 500000000 worthflofs military building and civil public works programs The freeze announcedby the defence department came as J0lliIEttlLflgaltL initiayesponsibii ity for budget cutting on the congressional doorstep and said taxes should be raised to stifle inflation To in congressional observers the freeze appeared an ind tion Johnson is begin ning lo yr to pressure that he take responsibility for cutting or eliminating programs popu lar with hometown voters flts not much of shield but its cheap The stalemate over who should cut spending involves in part the determination by Con gress notto bc saddled with the blameior such cuts right if ram VPltilNSjHOMl to caution Gfllia Anostolovic 37 and hlsrwife Dcsankn 2o pose with their children in Redondo Beach Calif yesterday after learning theyll obleto move to Canada instead of ha ins deported to their native Yugoslavi The children are and Danton months Congress voted down which would Miroslav have remain in IEllJdDQMdUEl ted States Canadian offi hope to have everything ordcrrby thisweckeudfor iho inova AP Wireph