statement williapp preach on he part the Canadian overnnient an thefone it has ak gquietlyvbehlnd the scenes tir Martins stntemen ado behindUnited NatlonsSccre General ti flharitrandre reseniltivesï¬o number of other count es notto men tion some wertut voices in the Congress teeithat only an uncondi tional haltyto the bombing can bring Hanoi to the conterenc table The Canadian representativegerte company with UThant only when failed to co demo the his tor ntransigenc No one seems to know for sure of coursewhcther an unconditional halt to the bombing would in not bring Hanoi to the peace table particularly in View otythe viousiact that the North Vietnamese and the Vict Cong are doing quite well tor themselves in spite of the bombings But it would be opening door to possibleendto the waryg DdWN MEMORYtans who nAvs so vs as A6 Barrie Examiner 191 Up to Tuesday night 103 men hadbee exam WW meats proolamatldnfiol ath 1draft under MilitarySe ces Act will be alssued Och13 includingmen 20 to 34 ed doweraGwithout ï¬lls Word that their and Lance Corporal MRlchhrd home from overs Drive Fr Mon ren of Armyjhiechani Transport and sgt Harry Green at 157th battalion CaptRo who ed DP reininded Canadians at their economic deelpendeoce uponthpiUs pi thimsetto entot echargeo economicwe areah dot principle but it man etheleSslavfrank statement of cti leitmanythou htiul people wondering justth much nadinns ti itrcarneitdit really would be repaired toigivepop tor the the perha futile gesture of lorthrlghtty oslng Spoliey inJVletna Canadian consensus on policy not clear But it has long enunlt comfortablyspparent that many Jana ly dont hat happenan WE euphortais not disturhe stigma that has attached rivilege making astheirown economic And this is rightly or wrongly to the governments policy of quiet diplomacy We have supportedthe quiet diplomacy artly because it is us uolly better tor at concerned iftwoold friends can iron out their differences in ivate But there is no can in th the governmen new approac tiyin it may oven do some good 11$st ek losetLat TorontoTnion hfockyafds he horsessharnes gonsghuggies and dump the imperial Government o£Great Britain lasts toconstruct the viatton area am Borden Prices were quitehighwi mostly farmers bidding Total recel is about $50000 Rural school tap row ginpopularity and usefulness gudging from ofthoseheld in lmcoe County this year L1rnce Laurel Montana formerly of Elmvate motored more than5000 miles to Canada ahdihorn using 270 gallons Ani lean gasoh chadho tire trouble tacit ltles because of depredatlons submarmes ommitteo of Barrie seoond century Agrrcu behind while Canada movcs into itseutomated nnd altiuent So Aarlctditxe Ministerlae up task for Modern rbird prdipects and mendatio lhla task torce private interview will not be lk royal commission do postpartum its lying rt and perpctuatin new sidekafls Could he have had in mind the zroyihcarded ondohar Bye and mnlssiontt No he assrlredme its work wilLbe ancestor mornJ by afraid gricultnral economists orraws error use then when ed that there farm something wrong with the to $5 system today Lookln istches are adwnidon iwhteli even most pnzruslvcparents would feel constrained to voiceahould their H6 group and by not being abloto lheimm°¢ attractiva Negro boy and toll in We with him And then the will have toiars all the preludioev colaand older kn in air busheiiust chang interran tod one it did tonydlva eateraso haps the do veto at at motor car then cost about mechanical pickers tor irult andvogetablesiTh mlsetost to the consumer and will not alter the novatir oi lh The answer which one gets product it doeshowever ucall irnmthe Department or Agrl tor certain chant as which are culture is the very realistic one being pioneered at our expert lhntourlormers could not sell mantel forms such as develop wheatcn world markets at$lfl az tomatoest Nofcouldour bulid muster want his an we room irameshontiea in Asiaror ldealiydva shouldgrdw squora am by us even in Europe retention today tomatoos to simplify hut then we arenot in the building exportbusiness 15 $2 whoa economically sotind Possibi armers work is arbour hlswlt um heel there is seen virtu mltless market theyeemnhe or Pam dream no lb or change obviously takingplace lsthe switch to ally red meat regards hired helps at This is the sort oi problem and hearth in he he an more at thoiworlds and us the storms nhea They would honestly deplore the proiudics thatveslsu be repnred to combat it but in parents would flerventty hopezthe would nothave to combat It lthth and on $53M Front manhas strenuously relu lost his auwcaxmihry lllmlnlu The in iiesto Rene levesque will present to the next convention oi the Quebec Liberal Federa tionat least has the merit of elarliyinghls position as the ire Canada it were iederal on First ot all it calls or Quebec secession than the establish ment ole new union on eso oiatloh with the Nat oi CanL Yarwirflh ii it ton lure more darkerallow laln as In toolsbars tended tobekopt in the Iowar rIclll inyorry 7shwlehilltollp 51 Wanton ï¬led the chance to llshizntha creates meadow inleriorltyt complex since in mï¬hmuï¬lomï¬ hMadeline lt are swab tly equated with immune riser Hiare condcnmed to hencotho posters oi mlitta as Negroes me more THOUGHT thermometist the boatlie will be untee the cart utmuuo soon member that th yet lot to be med and ac isnt at itut Wait on the lord and shah renew strength people must henshlllclontly close Since eoononncand political metters are so closely asso elated todaw any attentive economic association involves political association likewise close The European Common Markotawhich vlnctudes such on cry emies France and Germany goes back only to 1958 is an example Following reconomic union politt al union mus allows ada particularly in economic matters Thus the hnpllcitiy sopnratlst attfludos no sity beo nextvdoor to the most but wheatiarmers are not gomgon 528th Nth the agricultural utaskiorc will go to work its reheti they ongoing to rdexlco Format mashed sand the like whole make powerlul nation in the world thetr recomineadatioos within For its ny significant union frequently heard as bewareperetrat9rscfgtoom7exploit mgthe sor dand the sadistic out desire to more apers 0i comethec argesare untrue mostcascsand grosslyunfalr to the dustry as whole his plan accom indication ochmalighe youn by them lves faredeveryjbit as we and that dnotjoyen count the weekly yohth sup so am ed the positive average mailers in away most encouraging en uragtnghecause the unusual makes the eel hard core news the fat to recount unsusme grammwnmammmasam in mt 0H JlE iRWUQIWPER Mknmaesavsamosra ms 55 eFttEROCKt5514N0$mLED DOWNfetllnllm me as tunes moire armor hit MMAIZMED mtillimtl WNWMaldith flint Immmaomhaocmsmm mmrnatsemonunoamwso otasntoaats wtlmmamnuomm whomN marsac WWW and W3 0W3 am year It will not havo rigid termsol reierencc but will be asked to protectgonlsaior national agricultural ol to Such policy will be deslgngld in was to work SMALL FARM OBSOLETE Our greateatlazricultural development lhsopenlng ot the prairies was based our the con cent of the numeraectionï¬iarm at too acres But that Whoslxty years as ywhen ihe chief farmpower was pah oi ooal hoverusing halverslty Avenue WCaulcutst for the winter PRICES CORRECKE Snme other farm prices have jenioyed rises Milk was $262 per the pounds divoyearsag ted depending quality rononrd Are Roberta strategists doing bad turnt Are they flha early stages at the go ernmentwamnlienjn th tion hav by tbeiact thatJoe Greece has venobtahed for it the consult atlve services at the lemons USAeconomisL whoh native th Niagara penhgsula of Ontario Galbral 3mm mammalsit must heirecognlzed that Reno Levesque lshonest th him rstateselearlyrwhat eTmeans Thesame cannot ll members oi Zthe leeral ortyqnathe Union Nationale whomalntain contusion The iederal realmsunder which we nowllve includes organic solidarity rat the matte insatiresi Erase we tr ey ogre to turnover lie the central to part of their powers so sell and with th lrezlmo the dim ydubiect bothto centrslgnvertmedt and of lien Levesque on would set up confederation that is theonionloi two sov thauniori Is that and amem thlsstarted oilfwrtbtho opening oitho omipai Earnllto Mr ltobarta promised mantnachaiog slop In between he may people otth wor nlyabout th her thdr arable any Ireizime other than federation provld ing it with alltbe possibllltl oi evolution it involves 11a question presents ttelt today in the sametermsis brim federationin within Laholt time ennexatton to the United States That lormuln advocated by Rene would bathe shoitcst roa