Barrie Examiner, 2 Aug 1967, p. 7

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Parents Choose Dear Ana Ladders laughed our the letter about only anlyl Jones who wound up in be army with the name Booty only Its bad enough when turb things happen by accident LANDERS 5st1er but what do you think about parenLr who would Intentionally glveacbildacrnxynarnel read recenth where some one who researc ed odd names through Social Security listing Centennial Program Highlights Churchill UCW Summer Session ollrs Ronald Allan presided at the July UOW meeting at mill Ior their Ccntennlal Itleeting Following roll call Illrs Russell Stewart led In the special missionary prayer and trcasullzrfhlrsffl Watson ran ported on tinances to date those included presenta do at estimates Irom various tlrms regarding some very nec essary work in the church base Illcnt DIDFASIIIONED DRESS The program was handled by Mrs Gotllden and Mrs Stewart dressed in Centennial luouns as were several of the mcmbcrs Mrs Edgar Sturgeon wore beautifully patterned cashmere shawl which was brought over trom Scotland by her grandmother Mrs John Allan when she crossed the Atlantic in low Commencing with the singing of Faith oI Our Fnlbml Mrs Stewart followed with Scripture reading Irom the Litath dnpter or Deuteronomy Mrs Goulden reviewed very capabiy the past century touch lng on the circumstances lead lng to Confederation the out standing men oI that time and the highlights ol the nations history Irom 1561 onwards SOLOIST benutilul solo No One Underslarut Like Jesus loudl Lributed by Mrs Keith Sindail added greatly to the pleasure at the evening Mrs Stewarts paper on the past to years in local druml attain indicated mud researdi Lord at the Lands was the closing hymn and lunch was served bringing to an cnd particularly interesting meet ing Collegé Students Challenge Lends Wings ToDieting Effort 41 By IDA JEAN KMN Accepting challenge is so marvelously invigorating it lends wings to your etlorts The college senior in todays story givcs heartening proot Hes winner You probably get few letters ttrom overweight men partieu lariy those under 21 years But there are lots or teens and young adults male who suitor Irom the embarrassment at being overweight am senior in an Eastern college When first entered lECthl was 60 pounds on the discredit side of the weight edg er Overweight has always been problem and to compensate Ior lack of dashing looks worked on developing tricndly personality but went through hell and high watcr every time beach party came upou hat Ilab One night at dinner slim Iricnd started ribbing me about my weightwhile was busily stulting double order of mashed potatoes down throat He bet the that could not lose 20 pounds by the next big weekend eight weeks away More to prove could do it than anything else started carelully plannai diet ol my own making had seen so many doctors diets that never used felt like an ex pert easily lost the 10 pounds week ahead of the It week deadline and wore slit smaller tux to the dance Not content to just look not quite so fat warrlod to look great so during the summer continued to oat to build lean ness as you term itVell sited those so excess pounds from 240 to too On large frame am sure have final sy arrived The next tall living on cam pus and surrounded by hun dreds of familiar faces it was almost embarrassing because of the compliments received There is no shyness in making dates nowr Whoever said fat people are always jolly was crazy they just laugh so much to direct attention away from the flab IVe never been hap pieror tell more lit than do now lI really believe that by fol lowing sane diet plan have established good eating habits for lite weigh every morning and it theres ever more than pounds over my limit or lollI cut down and take all those two pounds used to read your column in the Fat Days and wish now read and nod my head Keep up the good work Anyway lost thought you would like to hear from successIul gradu ate ot the Kain Course To Slimness he concluded BRAVO In my book you graduated summa cum laude May you live bundsotncly leao ever after THE STARS sail By ESTRELLITA FOR THURSDAY While financial and career matters continue lohe generous ly influenced there will be planetary restrictions personal relationships are concerned Persons born under some Signs may be under slrcss now so emphasize patience nod tact FOR THE BIRTHDAY II Thursday is your birthday your horoscope indicates that while progress may seem slow at the moment your chances for achievement along both job and Iinancial lines will come soon In fact programs launched now it careIully pre planned and carried out should bring fine reward in late De cember And good period he ginning then will last through midFebruary other good months along these lines next June July and August Ior li nancial matters December late April mideay and July for job and tort business Inter ests It will be important that you be conservative on all counts for the next our months however but especial ly in November Where personal matters are concerned the picture is pleasant one child born on this day will be endowed with dynamic personality and unusual mag nanimity and generosity antes That tg came across ltn Cans SaIcty first Never Gamble July Bonus Pork Chop True Story and Horn Young The one that took the cake was the name Mr and Mrs Around hung on their newborn son They chris tened the boy Stick Why would parents do this to child Doesnt lt mean they have perverted sense at hu manJust Asking Dear Just Not ntcssarily Some parents want to give their child name no one will Iorget II ever met Stick Around Ill never Iorget hlrn 1th about you PORNDGRAPIIY Dear Ava union What rebel to read letterln your mlumnlrom woman who has the same problem have For years thought was the only wife in the world whose hus band collected pornography hid under the rugs in the trunk at the car and even in tbs rII ters ot the attic When IrlrsLdtscovered my hlnhands hobby WI dis guslcd and shocked Ilscon tossed lbat his intense interest in poroograptu began in adolce cues and realized he was ill begged him to get Psychiatric helpbut he relused When our son Iouod part at his collection he agreed to see doctorrAl though be Is or from cured be now understandsht illness and Is trying to get better hope other wives who share this problem will recognize it is sickness Plense tell thernlt takes great deal at strength and courage to live with some body elses problem but It can be done and know it can be done because have been doing itDes ltlotnes Dur ItI Cheers Ior you And for the thousands yes said thousands ot other women who wrote to say they too are living with husbands who col 1ch pornography It problem Forgets understood to problem hall solved Thanks all at you who wrote to say Me too CARRYING sum Dear Ana under am la and going steady with tellow to Jamie dated girl Ior three years below knew bundle says It was kid stult and his love Ior me is much greater than the reeling he had Ior her Ila did admit that aha broke all witb blm however Jamle Is very food at this girls parents When we lirst heganto date he used to talrc meover there at least twice week Jury aanlca People anI waSawlully uncomlortahle in their prcscnce and told him so law times his exswsetheart was at home when we arrived and wanted to die Finally rotused to go any more but he still goes at least once week Inmlc wants to marry me next year but Im atrald tic is still In love with his exeweeb heart What do you sayrllluot rent Dear Montreal It sounds as it he is still torching Honey Date others and urge Jamie to do the same II in year he stillwonts to marry you and has knocked all his vi consider Heraldry At ripe Attracts Interest From Dublin Irelandto Ila Nous Dame at Expo Mullins Boutique Iiods that customers make the same requests in both plateau lit In very well with the theme ot Man and hts World said Mr Mullins Our records cover not only Ireland but Britain and the whole All Europe and as most Americans and Canadians come originally from thatpart ot the world great deal at in terest is being shown We have some very old relerence books dating back or hundreds oI years In number or langol ages including Arabic and Ileb rew continued ItIr Mullins and so tar as we know they are irreplaceable From these bookswoare ahlrto truce thousands of Coats of Arms and genealogies and can make up wall plaques oI ny size to suit requirements course we can reproduce crests tor cilics colleges associations and institutions as well The crest are mounted on wood marble or copper bases and al though the greatest rlcmand ls tor singlc crest we do receive requests for His and Hers plaques when both members at tamlly are interested in their lamin tree This little Boutique which Is situated amongst variety or gilt shops has very detinite Irish flavour CANADA GRADI EVISCEVRATED rnozm cnovrc Ilit SLICEII wllllrsnwll or colour lillEtI lllll 24 oz lutvn BREAD Stlctll 24 ill liJAF 355 53 3E GOlDEN RlPElllltGE BANANAS ill Produce ot USA lETTUCE 29 Colllomia Select FreestoneComma No Grade PEACHES Fresh GreenComm No HtOZEN SltlltEtYS ll Bat FANCY OORN misrwttr 24 or nr EH can 57 to Grade not win XHIM nvus osMAwA wwousale month an duper mg mumn All IGA Stores in the vacation area feature low CANNED HAMS mr sullen tlzi lb Tin rooosv in M9 VARIEIILS In most illlJM McVIIIE Blscuns f4 KOCDllilltlEll MllO OllEESE liOIAt HOW CREAM VOIK OI rtAlluls EXClUSlVE OIItlll stunt 39s in low Ioronto City prices it 99¢ 53¢ 83c 35 from IGA Heraldry and CoolsulArrns Festival They KlM MEAI ran aunts sxsnwm ivnosrsoltv Auousr Colorful Dancers Qt Jamaica To Appear AtWorld Festival The National Dance Theatre Company ot Jamaica will per lorm eight ol iLs most popular works when the colorlnl com pany appears at Expo 57s World Festival August it in the Theatre PortRoyislht the Place des Arts Though best known Ior its witty and spirited dances deplet Ing Jamaicas Iolklore National Dance Theatre has in corporated numerous works In to itsrepcrtoire dealing wilh contemporary themes to the lite ot the Caribbean nation This combination at modern and tradillonal dance lorms is excellently demonstratedjn the choice or works to he presented by the company at The World range Irom Jamaican Promcnade suite at three dances depicting the color and exuberance or Jamal can lite to Dialogue for StiCED RINDLESS SIOE BACON us or IHE PIECE BOLOGNA BURNS SliCtD VAC PACK OOOKEO tlsar mm TOMATO llllCE Blllclltll Bttt or itilSit YORK SlEW lUlllIllEllll DOOOON tlltll MEAT sinus MAXWEll MOOSE or So the Zia75c nirrefi study or Wunano domination over Man The National Dance Theatres repertoire ls choreographed by the companys two artistic dir euars Rex Nettletord Ind Eddy Thomas Nettletord who leads double liIe oI artist and academic he studied politics at Oxtord on Rhodes Scholarship and teaches at the University at the West Indies in Kingston is also dancer and appears in many of his own works in addi tion to lecturing widely on the history and dcveiopmenl loa dance in Jamaica Eddy Thomas studied modern dance at the Martha Graham School in New York and Coult neeticut College and in designer at the costumes tor all the National Dance Theatres works In addition he is on accom plished musician commercial artist and fashion designer 539 an ts oz $1 49¢ Ion $139 BUTTER Honoornlzroi ill or enlcrsilrrrtrnvr AUQ234I5 Only We mam tits right to limit qunntltles MARKET SQUARE IGA WORSLEY AND MULCASTEK BABYS LEAF AND beautiful set Ior the new Llrcr srr baby this thrcepicce set of dainty voollie Ithesc lltllc garments are quite easy to knit or your own very youngest or as gills ll you would like the leaflet which gives instructions Ior tho thren pieces simply send astamped sel addressed envelope to the Needlecraft Departmental The Barrie Examiner request ing Babys Lentsnd Lace Set Leaflet No N37 vouNoes IGA FOODLINER STROUD ONTARIO OAREINO WORLO cotr HAMPIONSllIP walnuts at uni rluc REDEEM FOLDER 05000 15A lAPESi ONLY 15A IlCKEI MAY BE USED

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