CHAMPAGNE Itflch Sale ad was created tor Salad tck to honor wihnurot the Na SPEAKING Social note an intended to never the general social llte at the city District weddings nnni rsurlcs hrldal showersv parties travellers and visitors are all Itrml at interest to readers at this page Your help in sttpplying pus news out be greatly appreciated Please phone The nanre le anrlnti 12645537 and Vllslt tor Eileen nlvnn or Audrey Coul son at the Womens Depart mcnl EUROPEAN TOUII Barrie teacher Miss Thatkor of Clappclton St touring Europe this sumnler ill grnllp of over 100 Cann rlian students itiiss Thacher ls party leader at the Ship School Association educational cruise which left Toronto international Airport for Galwick Airport England via Transglohe Alr ways Tile group will tour Eng eolland and Sweden with hi The engagement at Miss Mary Jane Garner to David Vallbncka of Oakville has been announced by the hrideelects parents Mr and Mrs Wi iam Garner ot Roads Endy Shanty Bay The bridegroo SUMMERVVVVEDDING PLANS tlonal Salad Bowl Football Ser ies Ottawa conch Frnhk Clair and Ellis Agriculture tSand or PEOPLE AND PLACES some members of the party plan ning visits to Spain and the Soviet Union SENIOR CITIZENS Bhrries now Ccntennlui Pnrk prailded the setting for an alter noon meeting at the Gethogcth er Club at senior citizens ple nic supper and singsong was enjoyed by the is members at tending the outing Finns were discussed or bus trip to South amnion later in the month SILVER WEDDING The 25th wedding anniversary of iir and ltlrs Percy Casey New Lowell will be marked with an informal reception on Sunday attelnoon The eelcbranls will receive friends and relatives trom llntil oclock VISIT 130 lltlss liealher Clleesrnan and hits Cathy Vnrley of Barrie are holidaying in Vancouver ish Coium for two wee tohe is the son of hlr and Mrs Vallbackaol Sudhury Trinity Anglican Church Bari ric will he the setting for the atlcrnonnveeremony Aug an at oclock Photo by Smith Studio ra OSullivsni toast winners with the New Canadian Sat od VISITS IRELAND litre Kathleen Kovacs nee Kathleen hlagtllt will return to the city oi Barrie utter spend ing live weeks holiday wth relatives in Beltnst Northern lrcland This was her first Visit to hcrr birthplace since leaving l2 years ago itrs Ko Vacs stayed with relatives in Newtownords County Down then on to Roehdolc LEEICSor and North Wales AT Illa IIAY POINT ltevandhirs it Barnes and daughters Cathy Heather and Bonnie nt Blind River are holidaying at tho Clergymcns Camp at Big Bay Point hirs Barnes is the daughter of Mr and furs Jack Duvol of Cluplt perton St HOLIDAY AT TIMllIlNS ltlr and Mrs Gerald Suther and ot Varnlca ltd Patnstviclt visited relatives in Timmins and Sault Ste Marie toliowing twolay tour at Expo The holidayers were guests at Mrs Sutherlands parents Mr and Mrs Ill Campbell Tim mins and of her brother David sndhls Itimily nt Sault Ste Marie IIALIBUIITON HOLIDAY Mr and Mrs Young and iamin ot Strnhanc Ave spent their summer vacation at eottage st itiincrs Buy in the Haliburlnn llighlandsi Mrs Young and daughter Debbie also spent weelts holiday touring Expo SUMMER GUESTS Holiday guests at the homeoi hire Michael Van Denbossche Ottaway Ave included her par ents Mr no Mrs Murray and her aunt Mrs Jeltrey of Thamesville and her cousins Mr and Mrs Nadeau oi Londnu Military Club Relilies Baiiles FREDERICTON CPITwine month tive Fredericton men relive battles fnught more than we years ago The men are members at the Military Miniature Club and the haltlu are fought with the aid of dice and scale models games table in the home at club founder ltlaj Gordon Fish er is the battleï¬eld Maj Fisher and Peter Toner formed the club last fall Club members spend hnttrs researching battles and Mr Toner moulds most of the mod eis from lead and then paian them Maps are used to lay out the battle scene but players decide thepositionlng ot troops The Fredericton dub is parti cularly interested in thé Natio Salads createdwhy for Week contains Utterlenptllu trash fruit whidl will soon be ll its peak this season CHAMPAGNE PEACH SALAD manoeuvre close torocks which Favoritelare The favorite fora with III tho thr worm ouan we or origin to ho IIIIdL Fresh fruits and we stables in nelson are not only titul but they are exceptions CWIWIIP teal lterm worth including in the uni menu No in is more in tune with hot summer days than hntov genie arrangement oi is an individual salad or help yourleit salad plate Emh lruiu are so colorful and so attract ive in xhnpo that they need littla skill in arranging in act very simple siod made tronl tevr contrasting fruits with crisp cooling air about it on more up peat than on lllborhle one which requires more handling in it making The Champagne Peach Salad Salad ts servingll it envelopes unilavored gelotlne cup 18 or boiling water it cup tam cold water taps granulated sugar tblsptli oz tresh lemon iulce cups tzt oLl Canadian Champagne poached rips pooch halves maraschino cherries cheesemayonnaise Soiten geialine in cold tutor add boiling water sugar Stir until dissolved Cool Stir in ten nn juice champagne Chili un til syrup ileanw lle on peach peach hnll cut side up in hot tom of champagne gloss place mnraschinn cherry in centre of euehCnretully spoon syru champagne mixture over penc halves Ohiiihlorooghly Garnish with chilled cheesemayonnaise dees lieplaoe Chains 0n Buoys VICTORIA CPIThe depart ment or transport it hoping its buoys will hang themselves ehcoply if they are given enough rope gt The department has started experimenting with heavy nylon ropeto nnchnr some at its navt gallonal aids to the ocean floor at tour locations of Vancouver Island The experiment could save thousands at dollars annunliy it it works say department otti elals The buoys are currently an choredto the lsea bottom by costly chainsbut it the ropes are effective it will be quitej revolution an id Can Bill Exley superintendent of lights for southern British Columbia With some till buoys around the island it would his major saving Not only are the chain an chors expensive to replace but they havelo be inspected yearlywhieh means hauling the heavy chain and its fivetun weight aboard ship Theservice vessels have to the inlay is warning shipping to stay clear of Because of this its tricky operation and dangerous said Capt Exley with the nylon rope only small boat is needed lvith diver aboard The rope is attached to hooks on thebuoy and weight on the ocean floor To replace it diver is required only to unhnolr the rope The step at raising the heavy weight and the chain ls eliminated small that is attached to the rope neorthe weight to pre vent il tram dragging along the sea bottom and wearing out halves drain and cool Ploeejn on airlines designed torecre ate the battles between the Highlanders andlhe Englth in the nth century postgraduate history stu dent at the Universityti New ieodic vitars but is also working most of the research Illliston Square Host CentralHQntario Clubs By nnlnN Batten More than 200 square dancers from clubs all over Ccntrhl0nt aria converged on the arm at Elgin Blaker at Allistnn where the Alliston Eights Squnre Dance Club was host at the ln vitalinnal gettogether hold each year in Mr Blakelys spaciolï¬ potato stulagebarn And what btit madeln the mndeln barn scrubbed bright and clean hung with hundreds of colnrtul toil stars sparkling underlthe electric lamps and tilted with set at square dancers attired in Western and nldtirlle art5I GUEST CALLEIIS Cailer for the evening was Normliarmsvorth caller for theAiiisldn clan along with six gllesteailers who each called two danees This was not enm petition and no prizes were pre sented This event is presented club sritj giving memhersal Vatliius clubs to get to know one anodter and talk over problems and experience Barbecued Hamburgers and hot snit drinks were tree Brampton Cooksvilie Genrge townToronto Campv harden one Sound Collingntood apt what the nonties av Dance Membéis it Stayner and Drillia This is modern dressup sonare dance not ha oldtime square dance where you could ivoar old red shirt and overalls remarked President of lhe Alliston Square Dance Club for the comingseason Roy anney shaman hassoNs just walk in and alter few dances youvere as goodas the test because the caller always used desmjiptive calls but in the mnderrttype you must havé one season tr nlng to hnow pttve calls mean You cant just wailr in modern square dancing Lens sons are given each winter to nmveomelstand we are always eager for new members Ross Doylpresldent oi the club for the 196557 seaSnn ends annualrdanee T6 pteparelhe barn tor the cases of soap andtvn or three thousand gallons of water plus masphsre was kept lvonderfull In the old style you could ed his duties at the eloseot this dnnccf Mr lBlakelynsed two plcnty tilelbow grease The at fresh and cool bygone pounds New has it was blt9tawnu othetchoiooingredion tiialing tans of ice placed behind the ven wï¬ggimï¬a warm new Nton nesstnv tEtcn consul Dnlytitirbét flavour The Cobbler made oiiuioy pa peaches his is just one at the new exclusives Gerhuthtings vout habv Why nutgivoylim or her tho honnlit ol its nourishment and flavour soon ahlas are our bustnoss conflivhuslnessl Gelhéroahv roads didanhdrttï¬JANAQA Brunswick Mr Toner dogs Peach Cabinet DesSert ioryourbahy GElerJllthlIeaEh int ut cinnamonand MALE MINK PERSIANALAMB DOUBLE NORWEGIAN FOX themostéa tiv Vg colloidodor précioils this in coptivityrat the orcgptionol saying And tha isbridshié noises abulou buhblywool bouold vvooi arid mohair diagonal wsavo wool In luscious colors to outrivsl otttumn Peacock gold tail on total red green blue on wellos basin black gray brownvand halos olnkynur chin in those furbeating boaulleti Polite junior and Waleonie the iotiirnrot tha elegance of lavish tuttrims Here now atWolkerap SAVINGSAND sanAwnv lull COAT now our Excutue gLArEnlg