BASE BURDEN PERFORMER member or the Canadian Armed Forces motorcycle dis play team sigoal man John Ncrbert McKcil of Base ilorden is shown in Iron oi the statue oi Meruiry at the Support Given earlyeinterutralmady has been entrance oi Vimy Barradrs Kingston It busy schedule calls or him to perform in 112 com munities across Canada before the end oi the year Canadian Forces Photo Celebrations Pleases Women Iii Hawkestone HAWKESTONE tSiaII Ve were Verypieased with the suc cess oi the celebration said Miss Barbara Gray presidcnt of Ilewiiestone Womens insti tute in reference to the many tavoraiilc commentsover the communitys observance oi Can adas 100i birthday yeari Arranged by the Womens In Gloucester Pool Regatta Flamed COLDWATEP Staff Out door motor handicap canoe crab race and paddling races are listed on the program for Gloucester Paoi Cottagcrs As sociation annual regatta which is to he held Saturday August at Whites Bay Boats will start Irom the low er end ot Gloucester Pool in the open race and ï¬nish at Whites Bay dance Ivill ioiiow the re gatta in the clubhouse on Sat urday night 4H Class Gets Judging Lesson ilt Cookstown COOKSIOWN Stall Select ed as the most competent judge in livestock and crop judging Bob Jackson at 1311 Bradford as been receiving the congrat blatians oi fellow 4H club mem ers Jackson was among 75 mem stitule Ivith the assistance at the 0range Lodge and other organ izations Miss Gray commended all who participated and sup ported theeifort which was es timnied to have drawn some 2000 visitors talinwltestulte OVER 300 SERVED The LOBA looked aitcr ar rangements for supper at the United Church and more than 300 were served Those serving wore while dresses and orange hats which added to gala at mosphere Miss Gray and others express ed satisfaction over Dr itynard MP member ior East Simcoe spending most of the day and evening at the Hawke stone celebration Dr Rynard complimented Miss Gray on the arrangements gt Bright sunny weather favor ed the celebration and the crowd included many irom Barrie and Orttiin as well as the nearby areoslhe parade drew more than 25 entries and exceeded ex pectatious of many UKRANIAN DANCE The Ukranian costume dance in the eveningreceived particu lar applause Thestreet dance on the pavement in the central area of the commuutiy was well attended Everyone was pleased with the large turnout said Mrs Roy Gray mistress ol the LDBA who also was congratulated by Dr Ryoard at the Hawkestoae United Church supper smitten new THE HARRIS EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUGUST 67 Cookstowrt Plans Music Contests COOKSIOWN Stall An In other recent years an old tlmo orchestra contest will be sponsored by Cookstowo Agri cultural Society preceding the toll air in September and much shown Carl Elliott and his Nova Scotlans irorn Aiax won over is orchestras last year and it is hoped there will be as many tor the coming competition The ltfuiholiands mm Stroud were runnersup In 1966 and could be leading contenders tor 1967 honors Third award In 1966 went to the Rhythm Ranch Boys from Erin while Ray Rowetts Long Branch band won the western division honors Morgan Murphy 72yearold Baxter councillor who won hon orable mention hopes to be back leading his band again had lot or too last year and am looking torword to playing said the wellknown Bax ter dler mar ANNUAL The coming Cookstown lair will be the 109th annual for the society and eitorts are being made by the president John Sheardown and associates to have particularly standout livestock show suiky racing events and other icatures The Friday and Saturday dates Sept ember 15 and 16 met with gen erai approval Aihert GIiroy secretary has been busy with the prize list and other arrangements In quiries indicate large list at entries but much depends on farm conditions Need toi general support was emphasized to make the fair in Canadas centennial your same thing particularly noteworthy Mr Giiroy reported more than usual interest has been shown with enthusiasm stimulated by wellsupported air last year SULKY RACES Burrieowned horse Lucky Ace won the 1966 suiky ieature when driven to victory by owner James Wood while the other suiky race was taken by Mid land horse named Sa Rain Iorced cancellation oi the 1965 races which helpedto add to in creased lutercst last year Morethan 3000 attended the Cookstown lair last fall and another 1500 patronized the old tirnerorchutfl competition show It weather conditions are favorable it is believed these figures may be exceeded for 1967 Cookstowns centennial parade and reunion In May attracted mudi interest and residents still talk about the antique dis play aod other highlights The fair too will ieaturo centennial displays School Pupils To Parade In Oro 0R0 STATION Stall Paw pits oi Oro schools will again participate in parade as one ot the features at Orn Agricul tural Societys centennial fall ink on Wednesday Sept la Arrangemean approved call tor the students to assemble long the northern area at the fair grounds in thne to be ready to march at 1246 pm Scott public school inspector Harold Dempsey music super visor and Lloyd Fletcher will be in charge Prizes will he awarded tor the best banners and also for the best marching Grain vegetable ilower live stock and poultry competitions will be held for Oro school pa pits Simcoe County farm safety coaneu also will sponsor safe ty poster competition on the theme Safety with the Use of Pesticides BORDEN SPEED LIMITS BASE BOEDEN StainWhile speed limits are being raised to 40 miles per hour in certain sections of through streets with the posting oi the necessary signs the general speed limit in Base Borden will continue to be 30 miles per hour motorists re advised WWW FRIDAY AUG LITTLE tissnn and the census SATURDAY AUG Titties TWIitlttE StPOIId Beach Peggys Pavilion bars from Cookstown Bradford and Beeton who attended coaching night at the arm of Harry Ross Cookstown last tweakt He was chosen as winner or the senior division after judg ing at Holstein cows and Dor sct ewes at the Ross farm and also Shorthorn coivs at the farm of Keith Realty ows also were judged on to barley and potatoes at the farm of John Sheardown annksinwn The members found Ute coaching of much beneiit and this will help them in later corn petitions Along with Jackson as senior winner Lloyd West of RR Bradford was chosen in the intermediate class and Rob gt Keller or an Bradford the run sion DISTRICTvBltlEPS Tlie Centennial of Canadas Confederation irom the Citizens of lunislil Twp Official Opening Of the Centennial Park in Centennial Park the TownshipsOfficial Centennial Project is located at the junction of the 7th Lineand l0 Sideroad lncliadedju the ParkvlayOUturey iifive acre pond childrens playground and equipment ehangehouse and washrooms pavilion and gatehouse nature trails and picnic spots THE FOLLOWINGPROGRAMME is PLANNED ron vouiz ENJOYMENTr sATUROAY AUGUST 5th 1761 llilll noonASSEMBLY You are invited 15 bring lunch baskets 191 minMUSIC by Sir Pauls Orchestra An invitationTo Celebrate FiXinr Your WHITE BARBECUE TENDER PLUMP YOUNG EVISCERATED CANADA GRADE LE BROILER SIZE CHICKEN LEGS BREASTS for Barbecuing lb 55° SWIFTS PREMIUM MILD 55 LI SKINLESS WIEN ERS essr auv save GEM COLOURED pA RCHMENT LB PACKS SWIFTS PREMIUM MILD MARGARINE RtNDLESS BEST BUY SAVE 14 ASSORTED FLAVOURS SWIETSPREMIUM FRESH sucso BOLOGNA SWIFTS PREMIUM MILD it skiNesss SAUSAGE BACON oz PKGS sEsT aur save 14 WHITE SWAN nnriiiiooriiissiies 119 near BROWN BEANS 25 OZ TlNS ROLLS FOR SAVE ascPARo BUYoOFTHEWEK FOOD FM 125 mynus IOV°$fI DRINK serum venom lNHILE STOCK LAsTs 1501 it oz TIN OZ BOTTLE cHARcOAL LB one SAVE DRINK eowosRs Morris 49¢ rnesnin iii 49c SAVE 10 OZ PKG SAVE 6c ALCAN 12 WIDE 25 FEET liliEilM wan 49¢ ltlfttiiltiii 33c PLREM LUNCHEON MEAT so i89° FRUIT DRINKS $1 MILK EVAPORATED em 24 OZ TINS SAVE Be 14 DZ TIN SAVE SWIFTS PREMIUM 49 ALLENS ASSORTED hen swam TALL TINS SWIFT PREMIUM seer oR IRIsH gt BALI FROZEN FOODS FORITHEHOLIDAYI SWIFTS PREMIUM REG 163cl SUPREMEBRAND WHOLE LB BAG heartless 39c sterner corn er 1130 umSINGSONGO Canada God Save the Queen Chairmans Remarks Cowan Miss lunlsfll Speech Miss Bobbin Erahfleld Queen of the Farrow Misa Margaret Cow Reeve Cochraue Unveiling ior Plaques bySenior Citizens 390 painDEDICATION otpinqne to commemoratélliose who gave tan lupremo sanrlllce and unipioneers Ber William Warnch Reply to tha dedication 2xReeve Gilli lacklurt his nmiNrnonuci10N oi aignunnes Down 225 pmGuryAlex MIteeLnndPaIkgdcslgner 250 nanOFFICIAL OPENSNG Sliiieoercoautyi WardenGeorge Mutiny and Reeve Joseph Cochran stoo pnTTllG0FWAR contest nor pmcnunneNsrurnoswnn Contest CHICKEN BARBECUE COLLlNGWOOD Stall giiciren barbecue will be held at xhibition Park here no Satori day August l2 by the Coiling wood Chamber of Commerce TAG SALE APPROVED COLLINGWOOD tSlafI Col lingwood Salvation Army has been given permission to hold tag sale in this town on Sepl tzmber and Ha SUNSHINE FRESH FRUITSVEGETABLES llBAGS CRISPHOME GROWN No1 25c lETTIICE LEMONsT rosin OARosNFnssII 6F°B39°1 BEANS so To PKG LARGE HEADS SENTENCE STUDENT Tlle MP Tunisian military tribunal has sentenced theology student to to years in prison ona charge or insti giting mob that burned Jewish synagogue June Floy rthrce other persons were given prison sentences Monday rang ing from one to 15 years for at tacking the synagogue setting tire to the British Embassy or attacking the US Embassy on the someday whonwor broke out between Israel and Arab states SeIieral stores belonging WESTON Icso the initial luppl of QIth lull duirl will ha Limited so wnnerenneatlng that as many person no possible bring theirvown To givathe day MLMIMIIIIHMVOU you araiovlted to attend ore ed in period costumes Nisan TOWNSHIP colorannmtoonmmna TNNism Townsam coumni