Barrie Examiner, 2 Aug 1967, p. 4

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fiihe barrio Examiner PUbliahId by Canadian Newapa rI Limited 16 asyilald Strut flarrla WallaI liubliahorci Ontario McPherson Managing Editor mum suotm 1m race William Taller General Manager ions reorient fWiieai Bod IIVWARRBN IALDWIN Examine Correspondent mm single mm wheat croptbil year will make riittia dillerenco Iolha purchas iag power of most Canadian wheatfannera No had years In succession would be another story But the spread out In wheat deliveries by farmers and the fact that in recent years pric ea have allowed generous final payments by the Wheat Board nearly year and half alter the crop has been harvested sAhve Mnedoututhe rilowi oIchtwheatdallarrthatyearInTpredlcliomhreTlanllédfliifllfhuh II dew wheat dollars Into the farmers pockets and their effect on the earnings and spending of most Canadians At least is important as the line of the western wheat crop In any one year are the price and volume of export sales In stud of crying over milk that has not yet been spilled reports from Saskatchewan are slightly more encouraging Canadians generally would do well to keep their eye on market prospects because wheat in Canada ls still everyonas business Last year wheat production accounted for $1047 million INTERPRETIVE De Gaolles Position Madé Clear ny CARI MULLINS Cann In Press Staff Writer President de Gaulles pro nouncement on relations with Canada tacitly claims the right to intervene in Canadian poll tics The claim is based on his per sonal view of Canadian history and his Interpretation of what French speaking Canadians IwantIhe most fervent Quebec aeparatiat might find do Gaullra supporting arguments oversimpluy the Canadian situ Lets Forget de Gaulie One ofthe most sensibletopinionsabout LGeneral De Gaulles views on the Que bec political situation has been express fed by Davie Fulton former federal min ister of justice in the Diefenbaker re gime and now candidate for the Con Vservative leadershi Mr Fulton advrses Canadians to ig nore the De Gaulle outbursts and to con tinue to work out their own destiny without his unwanted help Certainly this would be the diplomatic slap the French president deserves and would make it clear to him and his government that Canada and Quebec in particulardo not need his guidance in settling Quebec affairs in his first official statement on his recent Quebec visit General De Gaulle up the Separatists cause and is backing them in their tight to obtain full inde 65 YEARS AGO IN SIMCOE COUNTY Barrie Northern Advance August 1902 The people of Barrie are long suffering people Right now they are suffering their town council to take holiday of over month with work un finished that should have been attended to weeks ago The aldermen seem to ters whatever The apathy of Barrie town council over roads particularly is much to be regretted Rev Dr Ille Leod of St Andrews Church is on in spection tourof Muskoka mission fields for Presbytery of Barrie Miss Washington has returned to town follow ing five years on mission work for Meth odist Church in Japan Barrie regatta great success Special train brought Tolt rontoCanOe Club members Excursion boats carried many spectators from Oril Iia and Jacksons Point In feature race Jalre Gaudaur of Grillia beat Hugh Wise prominent Toronto oarsman Kempen felt Bay had scores of boats during at ternoon Besides steamers Islay and Enterprise there were many private steam launches Curran yacht Winds mill was here from Lake Couchiching Drlllias strong team won war canoe race wmmngwwsk pusaspssvm OTHER cottons VIEWS use FOR Tahomc STAMPS Ottawa Journal Thoseiof us who worry about bored housewives traffic congestion spoiled teenagers ratepayers planning boards bare feetbroken glass and bylaws knoW mg elongs ow ver not the victim that should be penalized But thats not the point Whoever pays that thesh lowson that ntermlnable list of suburban problems Withfthesubdivisions of the modern megalopolis came the super market with the supermarketrcame the shopping cart and with the shopping cart came parking lotandpedestri hazard Soywhats new In Toronto city councili having leg bummed atc ning these serves only to prove that he has taken feel no responsibility in municipal mat day evening where theyre intended to remain far so good But one alderman in his islators His Advice Is Not Wanted pendence from the rest of Canadé He says he intends to help the Frenc etion De Gaulle reduces Canadat past and present io blackand Prospecla are not as bright as they have been but thanks to wheat nice to the Commun iSLs are stillreaaonabiy good In 196566 export sales were sat mil lion bushels lo the crop year ending July 31 they will be about are million In 1967 they will be below son million bushels though still well ahead of ten year average which included three boaaan yearn The last short crop occurred In 1961 when production dropped to million bushels barely more than half the ioyear average ciuding the final payment on the 1959 crop totalled 86411 million million more than the prev ious year Saskatchewan flrm era the hardest hit that year too got was million The follow Ing year wheat paymenln were up again to $676mllllion with the Saskatchewan farmers gct ting $432 mtllllon INCOME 31003 MILLION Last year the wheat income reached 810 million but this was not result of the bumper 1966 crop Aboutmmiliionbu shcls of that crop are still lying in the farmers bin and when dciiveredeill offset any drop in cash receipts that he may ex pcrience through poor crop ncidcnlaily he will be getting the new initial price of tillo higher by 10 cents than he would have received if he had deliver ed it before July 31 Wheat has been called prairie gold but except in color it is id Threesf Flow Of Money To Farmers far from gold while it Is waving in prairie breeze or even when it is safely stored in the lamp era bin It still needs the Ilidsa touch of those Wheat Board cheques Canadians wliil not get thelull benefit of that mil lion bushel 1966 crop until Jan uary 196a and in the care of wheat undelivered on August until January 1969 chieanwblio last years big crop is atoning the new crop year off with stock of wheat luliicicnl to cover all commitmenla and probable sales even If the direst 1968 crop conditions are repel tilim oi I967 Canadians may be in trouble in barrio recently farmers of the Nannal Union were com paring this year in the west with the worst draught years of the mos if you look only at crop yields lhin may reasonable comparison though it gives an exaggerated picture of the prob abe crop loss The Saskatchewan ED PG WED WHng BRO ST Wheat Pool before the rains crime was iorccastlng yield of 11 bushels an lien for that prov Ince In 1936 the yield was eight bushels and in 1937 six bushels Today that would mean crops of no million bushels and 176 mil lion bushels HUNGRY THINTIES But If there is any suggestion of return to the hungry 30s for the wheat farmer the com parison is ridiculous In those days Canada had very little BARRIE HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE RUBKHIJBSOIIGIOIIGEPIPIIIRI iilIY iiiiliiiillliiiiiiliilitii white ease of Frenchsspeaklng Canadians against the rest His reference in the century of oppression lie sioclo dop pression that followed the Brit ish conquest ignores such liech opmenia as the Quebec Act oi 1774 in that act the conquer or did more to preserve French law religion and custom in Quebec than didirench Ieadl speaking Canadians to realize the tree WI WWW habits dom aims that they have set themselves Then the statement adds it goes with out saying that France has no preten tions to leadership nor to sovereignty 3verall or part of the Canada of tea ay Most Canadians will heave sigh of relief to know that the general does not intend to take us over even though he may want to break us up as nation Even Premier Johnson of Quebec who invited De Gaulle to Canada and thus helped to trigger this diplomatic storm bro his own silence bgestating that the Quebec question could settled in Can ada without outside help However as Mr Fulton remarked General De Gaulle has had his say and now lets forget him DOWN MEMORY LANE over Toronto powered by Ernie Bill and Walter Curran Mayor WrA Boys was chairman of regatta committee On Sunday special service will be held at Christ Church in honor of Coronation and thanksgiving for HisMajestys re covery from illness Sons of England and St Georges Society will parade Barrie lacrosseteam which is below par this season lost another game at Brace bridge 114 Royal Victoria Hospital Board awarded ilding contract for car pentry work to Bali Pinning Mill Bar rie steam laundry purchasodby Messrs IGNORES rnsr De Gauiie likewise ignores the efforts of the last eight years to work out more satisfying system of federalprotincial re latiolts dismissing Canadas century as failure to assure Ranch speaking Canadian of liberty equality and Iraier nity Quebec leaders and intellec tuals who made the quiet rev0lt lution as much struggle against features of the Quebec establishment as against Anglo Saxon domination arelikely to see theGaullist interpretation of Canada as too simple Th gh the government spokesman Georges Gorse de Gauiie has denied that his Vive Quebec libre cry in Montreal was intended to bless the sepa ratisl movement Libre conveys the idea of freedom of spirit the government says llad do Gaulle intended more he would have said Vive Quebec inde pendent However in pledging Frances help toFrenchspeaking Cana dlans seeking liberating objec lives de Gaulle has not ruled out support for any groupsep araiist or constitutional PDLICY UNIQUE De Gaulle has thus enunciated foreign policy line unique in relations between governments The statement makes clear that Frances relations with Ottawa are to be governed by the wishes of Quebec Halstead and Hennard from Hughes Bros Cable from Casualty Depart ment Cape Town South Africa states that Trooper Crossland Barrie of 3rd Canadian Mounted Rifles is ill with rheumatic fever DymentButterfieldl Foundry installed new radial drilling machine Robertso drug store tea tores Toronto City Dairy ice cream Commander Whisll conducted morning service at St Georges Church Allan dale last Sunday Local ministers are holding services at Peninsular Park Ho tel and Big Bay Point Pavilion each Sun Allandale won cham pionship South Simcoe BaseballLeague carts to the interior of the stores zeal to control the suburban cat has suggested that shopkeepers befmed $50 Itor allowing themto leavetheir stores Too much zeal Sitrely its the thief the fine the method of paying it should receive due consideration from the leg Why not trading stamps Perhaps the Consumers Association of Canada will examine this lntheir next brief to the governmentv the Emir Examiner is Baytieid Street Barrie Ontario Authorized as second class matter Post Office Depart ment Ottawa and for meat of postage in cash Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted rates daily by weekly $2340 Subset carrier 15 year Mailout side Ontario 514 year Dut side Canadawllritish posses sioua $15 year and foreichidzo year National Adver mg of iices 425 University Avenue Toronto 540 Caihcart Montreal 507 iaooVWest Pena der St Vancouver BC Member of the Canadian US the Canadian udit Bureau of elusiver entitled tolhe use for republication of all news dispatches is papercred ited to Ilor Th nssocated Prnrsorltehielrsaod also the loo wr ed ANIIIMI PHONE dill22H TECHNICUIUIL DRIVEIII THEATRE DAV IIII Nilt ALL coLOR suowr SlDNEY romp mzanm manner rnrcn Plusi BF BLUE Adult Omar SharifeHorst Buchaii Marco The Magnificent Ldsr riMEiroNtciir WALT DISNEYS FOLLOW ME BOVS with Fred MscMurray Vera Miles Charlie Buggies Both In Color ALso iruro sun can SHARK Lamas To EDITOR nmjrr wasnoonr DebSir lam nretsdent of this ilk city and often spend the alter nooo in St Vincent Park Well last week having occasion to use the washroom foundrlt disgraceful mesa filthy in fact There were two olher ladies there from out of town and they said they had never in lheir travels seen more terrible place The wash basin was filthy and the toilet bowl Ialack to any nothing of the nor Who is supposed to keep this place clean Someone had bet tcr do something at once before the news apresda all over the country am sure there are enough taxes paid hero to have man up there at least twice week Thanking you for your kind ncss Your very truly uomw wheat to sell but the wdrld didnt want what it had Prices drop ped in 30 cents bushel or the equivalent of between 75 and 50 in terms of the 1966 dollar in 1965 the average price for all grades of wheat was $159 and at that level farmers last Jan uary got $270 Milan in addition al cash There will be no wheat farmers living on potatoes in the next two years Finally word lo the wheat larmer Every telegraphic crop report from drought areas issued iby Ottawa has had one almost idtJIIICBi senttenc it says Summer fallow land In stand ing up rcloiivaly well In dry world all the fertilizer In the world In no subsiituto for good plain water IMPERIAL IIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIE JASIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIS hnuonlll mum FOR FURTHER INFORMATION cnnl Barrlét All PAT COLLINS xaTOM EOSIEYamtntmni WaNOIiIMIILEAR soyaROBERl numsmsomnmmomu LEARamoWJD ifliiiiii tan Times Tonight woman aonotl HOUSING NEED Dear Sir My husband and were shock ed when we read last week that the IHousinl Mutation bad to said the paper back to coup oil as It did not contain 75 per cent of the names Now what is the matter So many senior citizens are log to beable to have doc place to live In ata reasonable rent and It is held up again by Council What do they are aboutanyofussolonguthey had nice homes and gardens to relax too What we oldalcra have doesnt malts some men on the counefl read this please take it to heart and see the mortgage corporation gets going on this matter at once and dont sit bgck and feel on aJpg midoafiuic use you are not it you doat see into this matter and help us and give In decent placeano live other room do it Why Signed Insl Waiting BIBLE THOUGHT llva attendance in road fng to exhort on to doctrine Iimotily The need of our day Is the same as It has been with every generation spending more time with the author of the greatest book ever written I11y word if lampunto my feet and light unto my pails mv EXAMINER warrr Ans cm 72am to We STARTSTOMORROW separates the girls from myinaxhnmnsumusmmsmremAlidiDEhiPRiiDbiJKii IIEIIIIIE HEINIIIIIS iiIIII SIHMIIIIS see 11 wild MIME yovlovel MAthNdABELLEEiiRANT 7oos9 time 7283440 Jinnfiomorolalsefim lilologger VMEIRU GULDWYN AKENNEIH iiiMAN PRUDUDTION yoMoll Human Bshad onvlhe exciting bestseller iiliiit ninn an out Tlill lllfl Illill lilll tilli STARrs trounsoevfl Iiflil lllllli lilil lilliiiliiiiiliii iiiiiii liilill iiiii liliiili Hiii iiiilii Iiiiiii iiiiili mamas Ar mo PM EVENth Ar at EM REdULAItPRlCFS rnonwzssear FAMOUS rtsvsns THEAlIlE 46 UNLO BARRIE

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