so mu whims mount ti on Indians 1de our nonstonmmnni At Expo pavilio omnmssrosw mos Bituminous MohiREAL CPt7hllcmncs lea oi Brockviih is home includln Chict Montagnah Swa Green alter tree train ride to Com Blackloot and Haida MIX Gm innit oi Quebecs wall But hes writlngJ letter Huron Indiana meets to settle at compllint to Cmdinn Na Canadas Indians are travei tough problem with Chic Den trons mum ling to Expo Irom all points oi lltla and Mutt optimisatioan annoy to his an tha compag this summer to Russell Notes and It Krilvi hound childrc aged and ind anew sense or unity and Late ML Kelly am aboard to Ilontrcal to mutual understanding at their from BrllibCoiumhla and in rheilo the with their iursase popular teoepeeshapcd pavilion Itlos Delaware irnm the tried to find them is sent The only manicure or aos reserve nedr Brontinrd vlhIakifl We people once hadlol other tribes Ont have found that like Chm iammtd Just or he timid well the Sioux their got from Dulialc they are being looms Chum lv in white ménamagnrinu Chlet lngty and on to upturn the pulled out Andrew Deslislcpl the 50 Indian point at view Tho train left sevenI member Cuughnowaga Iroquois 21 wmdn can us spokesmm lit early Mr to aa hand near liluntrcal said iucs and all ML dfli blosei says But Mr Destisie This magazines made It be The result is hardhitting at least has come to represent have the Sioux were bad people demand or Indian controlot wha this pavillon is asking Now we gotta meet them hora Indian ailalrs that Chiri Dcsllsio and we can see theyre not figures maku Indian visitor As commissioner generalot the controversial pavilion soil loci they are ntlast snylng Chm Mb something or what they leei loo en as ma his comfortable pantomime FIRST NAN SURVEY an iniormal meeting pitted or doubt any Indian had ever lndians from British Columbia halo NT Canada like to Princc Edward Ialnnd it hiding out what other In TRIBE CliANis DANCE dlanswcre all about White in Mdny his olilce was vestlgators have done it before Jammed by deadly troupe of hutnevor an Indian Stalled by it pretty hostesses Blackfoot entertainers irom Cluny Alto making their llrst lrom tribes across Canada the trip over to the East todancc pavilion was built and is man and chant at lndinnDay cele aahad the conductor to pull the crner cord and stop the train bu ha told me would have to stay hoard uni til the train reached Coraw relust pay or tripK so the wiductqrvlet ma ride tree Munuhilo my wile who cannot driva was sitting in our car in Brockvlil Mtcr standing up lor the 6th nonunionLee phoned in wits who aslrcd his brother lnIaw to aka time oil work in drive to Cornwall to pick him ll coMtNs TOTHE nuRoNtAomvsa brations scheduled for Friday alternonn In Place des Nations They staged drumthumping war you on tho sunny pare ment outside the plvilinn which representsrialns Indians with Its larzc teepgeftho Westcoast witha tatern pols carved lor Ezpo by Kwaxintl crnllsmen and the East with blrchhacir canoes resting on quiet pond For two years before Expo opened Chiet Desiisia travelled to tribes across Canada asking Indian people what they wanlcd their pavilion to look like and to COPS DRIVE CABS NEW YORK AP New York City police can now with department sanction works cab drlvcrs during their oil duty hours They also may carry weapons The new per mission ls intended to réussure tha public as welllas rohbory plagued drivers It also is ex pected that the move uwld case the shortage ol tonldrlvcrs iS BiiCii stunt uswonnol ii if Hill Ninth DOUBLE aged entirely by Indians An advisory board oi eight lnltt in drumthumping war song LEO IltElili Youngman loll and Alex Scalpl icexitrc load ii troupe fli I5 Blackfoot Indians irnm Cluny Alhcrln QUEBEC CPtA statement issuud in FrcnchTucsday on be halt of Premier Danici Johnson expressed astonishment that see marks attributed to him lion day night iii Frcdericton were related to Mondays stnicmcnt from the French government It said Premier Johnson clearly established to newspas per men that he had no com ment similar statement in Eng lish was issued in chdoiicton by an aide ol Mr Johnson The Canadian Press reported Monday night lrom Fredericton that Premier Johnson attend ing the premiers contcrcncc had said he thought we can solve Canadas political proh Iems in Canada The CP report also qnoicrt him as saying he thought that by lrecdom aims thcrlnns communique issued Monday iol lowing meeiing or the French cabinet referred to cultural agreements signed betwcnn Quebec and France The CP report said Premier Johnson had been interviewed shortly alter his arrival at Fred cricton by plane and that he said he studied only briefly the statement lrom Paris CP also reported that Prc micr Johnson was nskcd whether he thought the Paris statement was correct in soy ing Frenchspeaking Canadians had not been assured liberty equality and ratcrnity in their own country by the British North America Actr REPLY QUOTED He was reported tohave rc plicd Yes French speaking Canndi across Canada hes right iTItn CP rcpnrt added that Premier Johnson said he did ii hes speaking of net think President de Gaulle mount to include Quebec within the context ol that pussngc Tuesdays statement issued by Jean Dosrnspcs news cdi tor of the Quebec0iiice of In tormntinnand Publicity said Mr Danicl Johnson who or rived at Fredericton lastnight to discuss common problems outside the Indians oi Canada pavilion at Expo itmday On their llrst trip east the Black loot pcriormcrs were among 17 oiinsoni AStbniShéd At Press Remarks with other premicrs is aston ished that The Canadian Press applied to the statement at the French government commcnls he made about the inierprovin cial meeting tinJohnson clcariy cstnb iishod to newspaper men that he had no comment on tins state ment of the French govern ment RECORD lNTEIiVlEW CPs Monday night report oi hlr Johnsons comments was based on taperecorded inter view hroodcast by Fredericton radio station CFNE The inter view was held in noisy airport surroundings partial trans cript oi the interview iollows Reporter Have you seen this statcmcnt madc by President Charles dc Gaullc and the French cabinet today Concrete Proldng Strike TORONTO CP An Iron Workers union spokesman ex pressed disappointment Tucs day altcr Teamsters union members turned down sonic ment that could have paved the way lor an end to the two monthlong tieup at Torontos construction industry iack Trassidor busines agent lor the International do socintion oi Bridge Structural and Ornamental viron Workers said the iailure oi the ready mix truck drivers to accept scttlomcnt will prolong the stalemate between employers and his own union The Teamsters and Iron Workers are the last unions still involved in the labor dispute which began with slrikeJJy sewer workers in Mny other unions havgsincc reached education matters and thcotllei thousands of Indians who have tound new opportunity to meet together with peoplcs ol other tribes CF Vircphoto the plane and didnt have tirna to reflect on it ltcportcr Would you ngrcc with this slntcment that thc pifl scnt system at government in Canada does not ensure French speaking citizens equal rights Mr Johnson ch it hes speaking across Canada he is right Ithink thats what he mcans Reporter Does he includc Qucbcc in that lilr Johnson No dont think so Mr Johnson laughed Reporter Sir he also said he wants France to help them realize the treede aims they have set for themselvesVhat does this mean Mr Johnsontj think this is in Lille with the agreements that were signed in 55 under Mr Lesagc One ol them was on one was on cultural matters Drivers agreemean with the construc tion companies andhave re turnedto work The members of Local 230 In to matinnal Brotherhood oi Tcamstersh Chauiiaurs Warn housemen and Helpers or Amer ica turned down nithreeyear contract with seven read in concrete companies that would have given them an fluentan hnur increase Thcftrucker drivers prov ouslv earned $260 an hour and asked for an increase ol iii cents an hour Thomas Lens Locnl zoo presidflnt said mcm hers were also opposedvto sign ing direoyear contract Victor Scott Ontario inhor is portrnent concilliation said he would atlcmptto ar range resumption ls4d tionsas soon as possible THIS WEEKS sorta oEAt nnnnn brFast Fain Relier iii only HM 37260621 OPEN lTHURSDAY Woolwonhs own When the More on the package is cstwoii brand theres no qiicstion about the quality estwsll sheets and pillow cosos are famous tor their dapon obi t1 Firmly and smootth woven in medium weight cotton for years at wear Sur prisingly cosy to lnvnderlhey always some out sparkling slaun Choose from double bed side 80iDOlwinsi1e 72i100 single sixe 63xl00 titted twin size 39x75yor tilted double size 54x75Quolity pillow slips me we 42x33 Toke ad vontoge oi thesa prices and Restwelll budding AND 1227 399 ¢wj TAKE ADVANTAGE or THEsE SUMMER sAiINGSI USTSAY cHARGs SUMMER BEDDING SALE lileilii DOUBLE SIZE 39x15 FITTED Tttltl 299mi 275s lZXltlil 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