AUTOMQTIVE cansron SALE 1965 METEOR MONTCALM $33 door hardtop screaming red white interior with black op polntmcnts automatic perr er steering and brnku caper licence MOFFATl MERCURY 131 kin Rd su IAU RAMBLER 11 GomnSt menu m0 Sedan it um In nod condition Telephone ivy 21111 tor runner lnlonnnltnn it ton tmdk lino 1961 GMC Va tonn lD6l Glic is lorrI ILL In common am mmth moaned Telephone 726mm TE omom or air ryllm car in erratum mitten Trim name now sumo or runner dehlh 156 Am 1101 excellent Nu mus moo irqu eculnncd mu ndlo mow um nest olielT¢lu DAWN WW Ilter 530 pan use ram to me mm arc but needs minor rennin 75 Tel Dixon mm runhnr Tutorm eon lose ammo in nerd of main Good ar lol puu amount is tor VB no But arm Arrtn tr lnlonmtlon telephone 723ml me man converunle 31 motor starrend tmrminm pawn nteerim custom radio good um Mwly inked led In color black no Telephone homo 9N hiGll aver drive Wire lrhecis Anntn exhaust tn mo condition convertible top Ianueru imminch moo or pert arm ï¬gure Camp Borden 4246850 AUTO REPAIRS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION SPECIALISTS Motor Rebuilding Engine Valve Work PAINSWICK MOTORS 7260163 All company buneiils lillSlBII Transmission Lid Automatic Specialists as nrnlopSi mazil 8PERSONALS MUSIC INSTRUCTION Summer and Fall courses Gul tar aeco munts supp cd eXCtpt pv Fully qualiï¬ed teachers Limit ed openings available Tele phone Mil or moon BE FEllTlNTNE ISuperfluous hnir removed by Electrolysis The sale scientiï¬c method Our CertiticdElectror logist available or consulta tion out charge SYLVIAS SALONI Fred Grant St Barrie Ont mono Mr IF YOU have mid ylny time mom was CASH tor nld lturruiwelr clocks nrrrrllurc china lamps curry atlases etc 726nm Do you want your innune tnld cards It so triephon mom or Ippntnt men len lvArmrn daily from Barrie Alliiston Baxter Laboratories to arrive Alliston pm leave or 333ch 430 elmnuns mom WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Government Chartered School Thorough training in all hraur tones of beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSDIG SClinL l2 IWORSLEY Si 7284962 HELP WANTED MALE FEMALE HELP ORGANIST CHOIR DIRECTOR Requiled by Trinity Anglican church3min Ontario Please mu qualifications and salary expected in Robert Mitchell Chairmanltlusic Committee Parker Court Emir Ontario Phone vialoos SALES HELP AGENTS CHANCE to increase ynur iu crease your inwme by selling our daflyneeesslflts cosmetics mm ancestch in your ama Famiinx la the Mr to your rnnney prob lems FzmtlexCP so station MmtzleaI Que V9 MALEHELP WOODWORKERS Rapidly expanding Mann Jr cabinets and windons Many of our employees have already advanced to nior posa ltinns and the possibility of tut ure advancement in this depart ment is areeptional Basie wages to Ski Ed men up gal$244 perhour plus over 25¢ per hour for evening Sh Scmr ed and Women are also required Top behefiLs provided Appli cants may to Box No Flu Barrie Examiner stating age rperlence and phone number Llcsucun body nun ror nul my bad iron in Ortllta Telephone among WANTADS EL MOSTANYTHINC 7282414 in HELP WANTED Business Ills GoOdl We Néed Experience an asset but not necessary All application will kept mtidentlol MOFFATT RLESSARD MALE HELR Salesmen MERCURY 72S5558 BULLDOZER OPERATOR4 ephonc 7268569 Erienced bulldozer operator wanted immediately Imperial QII Llcl COMMISSION SALEsMAN To sell Essa heating equipment salary guaranteed Medical in writing to in the Barrie area Minimum and group insurance available Apply MR scholar 51 OaklIEy Park square Barrie om Experienced Baker Sulory according to experience Apply Woolworth Store 45 Wyndham SI Guelph Ontario SCREW MACHINE DEPARTMENT FOREMAN Must be iully conversant with single and mulli spindle madl ines and secondary operations Cam experience preferred High est remuneration for right man Bright modern plant in Toronto This is an executive position and our employees are aware of this ad Write to Box Flo Barrie Examiner lnGil sermon studentto help on small mm room and board ln eluded WrttA to no Barrio Examiner 10 MEN REQUIRED FEMALE HELP WANTED NOW Teenagers Mothers Grand mvthcrs start at once to show our exciting line of Christmas cards and gills to friends neigh bors relatives Earn extra cash tor mislmns this easy way No experience needed Our catalogue with over 300 items beautifully illustrated in full color helps you to get plenty of orders Write today or Christ mas cards on approval and tree catnioguerMonnrcb Card Co Dept 217 Cannon Hamilton TYPlST Lady required or general clor lcal nork and typing dutiesI Telephonelira Dawson at 721 ms for appointment BALL PLANING MILL CO LTD Barrie Ont AVON CALLING TIME MEANS MONEY Put spare hours to work and watch the dollars grow AVON COSMETICS For portioning please Contact Avon Manager MRS TONI SMOLUK Phone 7256551 P0 Box iris Burris LEGAL SECRETARY requilM or local emu Experience Full time or part time norkI EVWOSDW Telephone 1285821 or or inns well Ibove average 5730 more month it within to Work Most ovm ear bourbon llle age or in nn Call 7233921 In on range personal inletview FEMALE HELP WANTED PAYROLL CLERK required or complete payroll including punch tape recordrr Salary commensurate with ex pcrience UNIVERSAL COOLER Telephone 7264415 ARTICLES FOR SALE Poinimmt WM sncnnmny Receptionist mouln ed by Eye Plusiclan Please write Box nlzI Barrie Examiner or an pliontlon onus CAPABLE curl or woman Tor do meme hall at summer cottage tor August good wages For adults Telephone 4555935 Lnlroy artur pm iv nnrvnuv requires kill tcs our full time year round hw tcswsttlom ladies or lull tirne year round kitchen positions we aim arr unconditioned idl enen best 01 quality good work lmr conditions hostess uniforms the highest pay scale rlnxihl hours transportation till Barriev For interview please call mom Id LADIE COMPLETE RANGE or COLORS AND SIZES Slacks Sweaters Shirts Velour Jackets Socks Golf Shoes Shorts UR AND WEAR AlllltemsséiecrNomeQuality MENS wean SALE EN Toll30 SWeaters Velours VNeck and Turtleneck gt Slims Shoes Blouses TIShirts Skirts Cuiottes Coordinate Sets LADIESWEAR DS AUGUST 161967 GOLFI HAVEN lo HELP WANTED FEMALE iiELP IKITCHENIHELR OUTSIDE STAFF URGENTLY REQUIRED Partthorond fulltime Good ralary pleasant working donditlons Unllm untied TELEPHONE 7284874 FOR TRADE SCHOOLS mm 13 law permeate boob maniac Income tax deductible Canadian Academy an nanrulers 0n tlrtn Wt ll LEGAL INOliCE 0F SHERIFFS SALE OF LANDS UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of Writ at Pieri Facial to me directed and issued out of The Supmne Court of Ontario wherein WALTBR salmon is Plaintilt and KATAILZYNA SBRAFIN and WILLIAM UM are Defendants have called all the right title inter est and equity of redemption ot the said KATARZYNASERA PIN and WILLIAM ROZUM in and to the iollowing described property namely ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and prunlsecsitunle in the City at Barrie in the County of Simeon and being oom pored ol the whole ol Lot No 20 on the South side of Gowun Street according to Aegis tcred Plan No 40 iortho said City barrio ALL of which said riyrt title interest and equity of rcdemp tion of the said KATARZYNA SEIIAFLN and WILLIAM ROZ Uni shall otter or sale by public auction at my office in the Court House Barrie Onta rio on Wednesday the 30th day oi August AD 19th at the hour of 130 oclockin the aft amoolL DATED attire City at Barrie in the County or Simcoe this 23rd day of May All 1967 moss HUGHES Sheritl County of Simeon TilAUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Good household furniture in cluding Electrical appliances Etc The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions trom MRS GRACE GAZIAEY AT 30 FRANCES ST NORTH BARBIE olt Dunlap St West ON FRIDAY AUGUSL 4th AT 600 PM SHARP to sellthe following McClary 10 cu it Refrigera tor uiih freezer across the top good as new lloifatt burner electric range clock land timer good as new Electric Huron vacuum cleaner with all iat taclnncnts Electric toaster El ectric ir Quantity of kitchen dishes vChrome kitchen suite with thnirs th match Studio CouCh good condition2 antique kitchen tables Quantity pots and pans em stands Modern chesteriicld suite good as new piece swivel rocking chairs good asnew Combination magazine light stand Viking 21inch TV good as new Coltee table Hassock Large living room trilight Large living room rug 12 with underlay good as new Several goodvscatter rugs Oak writing desk Mantel May clock with chimes electric lamps table style Book ends antique kitchen chairs Hall runner Livingroom and dip ing room drapes good condi tion piece bedroom suite Shorts Socks AUOHDN comm mnplcta dresserv stool diest ot drawers bod box spring Postmpedlc mattress Pictures Iron bed mattress and springs complete odd kitdicn chairs Antique bedroom dresser with large mirror and night tablo oval picture names Scrvlng troy Carpet sw Runner trunks Quantity of small tools Silverware Kitchen Uten sils and other smaller articles loo numérons to list Terms emh No reserve as home is for sale and Mrs Gaz ley has given up her home Nothing to be removed until settled tor Inner or manage ment will not be held relpon siblo or accident on property day nl rsale Frank Webb Clerk JERRY OOUGHLIN auctioneer WM Ivory 1an will be and to man replies inIbnx nnmben to the acvnruser as loan possible we accept no mirth in mm or to or alarm learn to arm thran either tru nre nrnelay in rorwanitn nrcn Poplin however caused other by nelllxtnco or otherwise CARS FOR SALE 13 AUCTION SALES AUOIIONSALE lateral Cable Poultry Farm Hey Straw Graln humanoid mm and The undersigned has received insinuate tram Erma on at the prernloes 101 11 MN TWP Y4 mile north at lvystore EALURDAY AUGUST AT 12 Ell SHARP The following cams Kerolord Cow yearn milking due0ct Foiled Ilerelord Cow years old rm Nov unicorn can years old milking due New Hnelcrd Cow year old rnllklng due Dec Black Holstein Cow years milking due Jan Blue Roan 0w years old milking due Feb Hereford 01w years olddue Jan so lierdord Cow years old milking due Mind llerotcrd Cow years old milking due March Herdord Keller years old milking due March so lied Durham Cow years milking due March Hereford Heller years old line Oct Hereiord lieiier old but bred Above Cows are nil bred to Foiled llnrctord Bull Hereford Bull years out of good breeding stockns choice Hereford Studs er Caves mixed Holstein Steer Calves veal from 50 to 350 lbs HAY SlltAW and GRAIN 150 square bales of clean Ont Straw 500 square bales oi Clover Hay 2500 round bales of new Clover Bay tons of Oats bogsof Wheat 13 ac res oi chalcelstanding Oats POULTRY lib lihode larrd crossed wilh Columbla Rock liens year old on lull production 200 Rhoda island Pullcts months old Quantity T82 HARM mm WEDNESDAY ADGUHI 21 ll at Pauliy Feeders nnd Wrier Fountain ANNIE Set Truck War loneLQuentiiy at mop Set at 51909 sum Quantity at Salt sir Srgi Elm no ran use Harris Seed Drill Steel 1km Wheel miter with alert ruin Dim Rake Cirr lent srmr Pitt St lurks shovels drains T1 and many other mailer uti US Please noï¬cethe binge turn machinery was sold with the am HOMOLD EFFECTS nilSCElJANEOUS lnlcrun tionnl cream uparotor work ing order 10 eordsni Mixed Wood in stove lengthsEm ptre large cooking rnnga in good condition Large Space Heater will burn coal or wood Antique China Cabinet and But iet Baking Cabinet In nice condition Antique Doherty 0r gan in good condition An Hope piece Oak Bedroom Suite springs and mattresses piece bedroom suite Antique piece toilet not complete good diaper Small tables Quantity of bedding Scalter Rugs Big trunk Wardrobe Antique ardny wnll eolck Odd chairs day beds And mat tressesp Dishes Kniek handss sealers Pots and pans and oil er srnnllnrticles too numerous to mention Terms cash No resave or arm is sold Nothing to be re moved untilreltled tor Owner or management will not hercspousible tor injury or occidan on property day of sale Frank Vebb Clerk JERRY COUGiflrlN auctioneer Phone Darrin 7285449 Subsidized Care Is Proposed For Farm Animals TORONTO CF AVSaakn toon veterinary prolessnr nresr day proposed governmentrub Iidlznd veterinary clre tor term animals because veterinarkuu specializing in large animals 099 are llndlnx It dilitlcnlt making ends meet rinse the horse dis appeared rom lemma ll Fraser head of the db partrncnt oi veterinary medi cine and surgery at the Univ versity of Saskatchewan also told the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association that there is greater need tor reducing disease among livestock with the increased demand or land coming in the years ahead He suggested government salary tor veterinarians Mchlcheon and lvhittlclr two Toronto vctcrr lnariurrs told the association thatToronto needs large publiclysupported animal heir pilal Cheques Dralv tickets Business cards Letterheads Envelopes Perma stamps Wedding Stationery rnï¬n nsmmrns ON ALL pmrnvc Nnnns EXAMINER Commeréial Printing ORV HARDY TalltesTlle Risk Qui Oi Buying Used Car it visiting our used car superman you feel you did not receive the courtesy and service our customers deserve or that our product has been in any way misrepresented you will alwayr find me available tor your considtatlon Open Letter to Used Car Buyers ORV HARDY MOTORS LIMITED 176 Bradford Street Phone Izmir2 Dear Used Car Buyers August 1967 we at QRV HARDlr MOTORS feel it is unwise to pay too much But it is worse to pay too little Whén you pay too little you sometimes lose everything because thé car you bought was incapable of doing the job it was supposed to do The common law of business balance prohibits paying little and gettinga lot It cant be done if you deal with the loweslbidder it is well to add something for the risk yen take And if you do that you will have enough to paylfor something better Do yourself favor before you buy any car come in and just look at our merchandise Putting you behind the wheel of the lbest used cart your budget can afford is our business Yours truly gt onv HARDY MOTQRSLIMITED Your SOtisfchctIOnls Our Success PleasingYou ISOLtr Profession Mootsedim planted by PLYMOUTH Moor sedan MERCURY other extras cyl radio deap tread tires Zspeed wipersalld washers with an immaculate blue harsh and matching interior rI mun IPOAVLIAC ISIENNE Moor hardtop ll cyl automatic power leéringpowcr brakes radio with many othor extras Beautiluily appointed with whiteexterior and mauveinterior LICENCE mean Ul rvéshersyz lllilwhcel discs Nassau blue with white vi luminous blue interior LICENCE WE Standard transmission manner 4door hardtop cyiaueunatu power steering power brakes radio and many tomnkethis one of Fords ï¬nest creations Finished in gleaming chestnutwith matching interior some Down Payment Trade or Cash $95 PONTIAC SEDAN Automatic radio era deep tread unite wall tires Bull whee discs Finished in coolAlaskanhite with wipers and ash lawch tan interior Elm WW Per Month WEHAVE So OREuNlTs OFTIIE SAME HIGH QUALITY AND GBRADFQRDV STREET RIE DrtVIng qus Carl 728421 At Thinking Mun