Flowers ANNOUNCEMENTS AoogrtoNs Tm Mt mad 1mm 1on Jr GIIIbifl Mam In vleued In announre the lnivul GI itd Smell dlufltief Dorothy not Ind Mrs Perrier 91 AW and itr tod airs Talbot Sr at Gillom ENGAGEMENTS animal VALLBAcKA Mr mi MN wtiliaru Garner ot iioada load shanty Day0n wists to announce the engagement at their daumter liary lane to Mr David Vailoaele oi mkvtile son or air and rim Vallblch ot Miny The manthee 111R me once on salumu Auruat to 1961 at oclock in Trinity Aricllnn mulch narrtr DEATHS BRENNAN htlrhel roan At the RayI Vittoria tiaapttai Barrie oil nireday Aurtut m7 alien John human in his lath year notesed husband or Laura Cutlei and dear lather bi Margaret tin uneim oi barrie loan tilts 11mm or lemon notch Calltornla John or Amie and Ann 111m Rnndeaul oi Ottawa Also survived by 11 drandcluloren hear brother or Emlyn and rtria human and Ztia ttlra shrubplot all oi harrte Iredeculod bv lhnr es vuliam and Arthur Resting at the renuelt mineral name 151 nradrpad street name thence to St Marys Church tor lleouiem him on Ittttmdly at 10 any in 1erment st Marys cemetery 11y anallyrequest in lien or nowen donation milV be made to the st liarya church riuiidlnx Fund Iteellation oi the norm will be said at and Wednesday evening by the Lumen Asocitlon oi the IIon Name soeie GOODIVIN at snnliul Passed away at it Justlce Nursing home inten sound an Monday July 51 19W 121ml Susanna Goodwin form trIy of Thornton aged 11 ells Daughter or the late It Good uin and moon Lenmx dear do er pi Hilton tMll Dew oi Mlmlco mnir or Thornton 12 mm oi Ivy Ind Whitney Thornton Resting It the Hume runerat home oooutoun untii 12 noon on Thursday August then to Christ Churvdhslvy or lenltc It 210 pm lntcimcrit Id Jolnlitk terrible nunai roaooa on Saturday lttly 18 1967 at the nlllamore NMYEIII Home nrimplon AItor ions itiness loan Dilch oi B9 make st Dorrie Ont beioved wltc the IIIC Vincent Dudck den mother or almond Iktmwski or Timmllls Henry Claimsill or Part credit and M11 Sieohlnto suntan or narrlc stepmother at an Louis Dudek Mn Irene Lev tnsltt ond Alisa Lillian Dudek lit at Montltal Iuitural pas held from the Turner and Porter reel cna oerl cooksviiio alter and rroutm mus It St Dominic lioman Catho lie Church interment Mount Hope Cemetery Turanu EBLNEII rren At Lbs iioinl Vic toria llospital uarrle on Tuesday Annual 19 Fred Eblncr torm criy or Toronto brother or ulllan fills Tallort oi barrio elyn iSlls miterlogo o1 chbunt saskatchewatt and Georg lloit oi rtouni Pleasant Texas nesitne at the Jennett runeral Home 152 nrsdionl Street Barrie roi senlce on Friday at 11 am in tcrmcnt name Union Cemetery TulVNSLID Sydney Arthur Psssrd aouv It til home 91 wt 11am St Alliston on Monday July 31 1951 sydney Arthur Townsend beloved husband or Llllim Laura Smith and dear iaLhcl oi Kenneth Pailtell Mrs 17 Cooking Gloria thirs srialey all at Toronto Keith Richard Sandra Wendy and carol Ann all at home in his 57th year hosting at the IIlomlts lun eral Chapel Alliston tor tunerl service on VcdnesdaY August at pm interment Allison Union Cemetery CARDS OF THANKS ltva iiayrnond Hunter and Emily would like to thank the Guthrie community tor their dor nation durlm Raymonds illness apeeiai thanlu to rtev Walter King and those who helped him COMING EVENTS UTOIIA ANNUAL SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT Monday August STARTING 10 AM Ladies and mens teams REfreshment booth $25 cash lucky draw TugOWAT price ADMISSION 50c Chllilre under BARRIE HORMCULTURAL SOQETY Tour to STRATFORD FESTIVAL MONDAY AUGUST Leaving ii am ANTHONY CLFDPATRA Tickets $250 $35111 $450 Takea lunch Supper optional FARE $550 aiisrcall MissYeates ce For itll menu lean Gable midst CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE 272824l4 qtasslilcd advertisements and no ces for these pages must no halved by pm day Precediltvg publication with the exception nl CllBIIied Displd lrlvcrtlsemenu which mils be by 1100 noon preceding day oANcohpaalulia mo and 1019431 inr nine day 24 won itmmiutti cnassmeo onmTtsiNoCssh Discount tvnld av or per tnserti Tiues consecutive insertion to per nerd per insertion total SHE six coir lecittive inmrilons oil per word er tnsotttun iptII st subiset namtons may he ordo to cancelllllon when satlueeiorv ldlultr ohtllned Per tentlri rim modehild tor Mr 322000 easy terms oargo neuutituiiy link99d Lot Check yo BARR ammo waohunar Adam 1m REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE KEITH REALTOR AWNA BEAGI South of Barrie Log siding summer cottage bedrooms living room kitchen bathroom flluh toilet sunroom furnished Also log siding summer collage Lbedroorns living room fire place kitchen bath lush Iot lei breakfast nook iurrilshed well on pressure In both tiust be sold artbloc Also large building lots included in beaur iiiul parklike setting with while birch maple pine and cedar trees ready to build on 511500 MOONA BEACH South oi Barrie year round home large living dining room bedrooms kitchen bathroom sun room furnished garnge waodshcd good well on prey sure close to Lake Simone 39500 GLENWOOD Leonards Beach bedrooms living room Lshaped dining combination bathroom itice kitchen aunreom iurnislted immaculate conditionv beautr iully landscaped lot 100 200 200 to Lake Simcoe flower beds rose arbor Ariesinn well on pressure $89m AIDONA BEACH ROAD Opposite lnnisfil Park gates 150 to Lake Simeoe No has one bedroom living room flush toilet stove refrigerator No has bedrooms living room flush toilet stove refrigeraznr No has It bedrooms living roomI sunroont stove rctrlgc alor No has bedrooms liv lttg room stove refrigerator outside cohvenieiices good sco sonal Income Property adjoin ing also available Ideal moral or store site 513000 with $7030 dawn RESTAURANT South of Barrie 0n busy High way No 11 Siroud Seats 45 living quarters tcar garage and pit tlvo lroorn cabins and one troom drillcd well new pliIIIIIJIIIgflIIO large new septic tank Taxacogas pumps all equipment included in price 172 165 real money mali Contact Edw SrtnwI Strand 4353116 or Dorothy Colboume Stroud 4361187 181 Egtmwll AVG East Tomato 12 Photo MIS Realtor ROSE APPRAISAL MORTGAGES RENTALS t5 OWEN ST gt new NEW SPLIT LEVELS $17300 bedrooms Irshrtped living room and dining room Donti payrnents$2800 and the balance on one mortgage These homes must be seen to appreciate the vnluc you re ceive for your dollar Call now for appointment to inspect EAST END $9800 bedroom home Inca ied in the east end This is good property for someone wanting larger house with good deep lot in the lower price range All Rose H5 meliilï¬ Bill Macknes Res 7260726 Russell Smith Res 7289596 Mary Vair Res 72841366 It iDickl Hattie 7267973 PETER And WILES LTD 72mm 50 ACRES Relnodelled brldl horde barns lull line of equipment and crop included 3150001de and you are IllIIRSIIIESS Iownusr oils MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE hotof MLS Realtor EVENINGS coupon accounts1mst WALTER collarsmam sANnit Vcouarsmioanth ACTIONI RE LTS Calltiie Action Line 72844019 CHOLKAN OLTD MISRealtors Lawrencewlitlml Baker7234401 Gibby Gibsonan Marion Newman7258892 mwALz Attractive year old brick ranch hunsaiow highway in bedrooms livinxdinlns roomwiut none tirepiaes hodern ititehen tuii basement iundry At taooe riaaeedin enmmve dri toettx 250 feet Phone 111m 1e lldOWI mnrnlngaunttl 1131 is The Season ditiaatal cllllll it MI IId Within InvendIyIflm PROPERTY FOR SALE root sun dodi and bank patio Ihs ihilshed recreation room workshop area mnku this cvnm moosmiMAN wraith11mm 1r NprmSyii on 7232533 an BAYIIEID sr hungalow PROPERTY Eon sALE CAMPBELL PHOTO ILLS REALTOR mun HIGH 51 mg Neat and clean Amy bottle Ouilde nicely ï¬nished with and Bud RES mm hamlet utility home Call Watson at moors £01385 gt SERVIE SPATION SNACK DAR AND GARAGE This is profitable business just out of Harris on busy highway Has Medium apartment in the building Pumping good gal lonoge Lot La arm in tire Business could be increased sub Ttantlally Call Rod Taylor at 7784206 evenings marlin titad main nugri Plowman mum Doll Campbell lift2123 Ron Allan 6653 Doug Campbell 812423 Bud Watson Mia Smith Campbell 7287389 Fred Taylor 728420 ROGERS ET CONNELL Photo ll Realtor DUNIDP STREET EAST AI tho Fivo Points Phone moses SOMETHING QUITE SPEEIALI H4 STRABANE AVENUE Facing souih hear the Vancouver Street end oi Strahane very pretty butt brick ranch bungalw set in beautifully landscaped grounds measuring 701180 ii Paved driveway to attached garage Modern in every detail this lovely home has bedrooms baths out recreation room cmuamlcal oil furnace and high quality aluminum combination doors and windows throughout Property is mortgage iree and vendor wlllaocepi very moderate cash io single open mortgage with guaranteed ocmpancy at end at August Wonderful temul EVENINGS CALL GItlacArthur W37 Council names Rogers 7283531 Mrs Norine Rogers noose Ed Green SHELSWELL and WILLSON MLS REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE BROKERS Ila Dunlop St East 7254422 or 7251411 ltLi ACRES orio Mostly workable good loom nice stream Fred Eplett mom bank bnrii cement sinhling water on pressure ruse implement shed All in first class condition No 8867 Call Jock Willson mean or Dmreit lcugiieed imam HOME IN THE COUNTRY VLA possibility Threebedroom house with kitchen living room oudsunporoli No garages one acre of land Reasonably priced No 10067 Call Keith Mc Master 7261421 or soloist 01 Brown Deed Atkinson main 11M 111 1111311 96154 4375151 7154611 Ilarnret Tarbuth Norah ltaltret Glady Sinclair Keith ateliarter mitten sheuweu Willaon Normm sheuweli FRANK NELLES Photo ML Realtor gt 19 BAYFIELD STREET 7164403 TIFFIN STREET Vcllbuilt redran bungalow with large kitchen and living room Well Insulated and economical to heat Nicely landscaped lot low taxes lAsltilil only 59500 with $2506 down Carries in $65 monthly Why pay rcpt when its so easy to own this home EVENINGS CALL notice 11 CHUCKI couAN moors mANtt NELLE 1566 nor SAUNDERS cooksto 45114368 cricil MILLS ono Astoria FOSTER nasal EMORY MILLER ins anamon MORTGAGES ARRANGED or Donlop St West risiooi 39le OPPORTUNITY Restaurantand smoke shop ostab liahed 27 years Rent $200 per month Inspect and make after Call Bob Flewellllrg mom FOURBEDROOMIBUNGAIDW Hus dining room living room lange kitchen iinished recreation room attached garage Home only years old Cash to mortgage $119 monthly includes taxes Call Emerson Swaln 7268606 TllFhl SHEET lhreebedroorn heme lorced air all heating priced to sell Harvey Weber 4363815 WOODCREST ROAD Executive 4bedroom splitlevel home on large attractive lot Designed tor balletliving with fireplace in family room tpiece vanity as well as bathrooms All electric heat Double garage Priced right sin600 For particulars calllien Miller meld Rita Scandretl maps Percy Ford 1mm IIIKE MAGUS Kenneth Miller 4361314 Karl Marshall 7239917 Gordon Spencer 7235348 Harvey Weber 4363815 Emerson Swain Robert Flewelling 7285533 Emory Miller 150563 HAROLD FORSTER COMPANY 98 Bayuud Street PHUIO 1115 REALTORS molar Mortgage Funds Available Prep Customer Parking EVENING 6Ale flREIRI IVy atria 7184356 11100115 121451 mormiAN MOORE mun 121M158 Lou GOEDEMONDI 126M GLORIA KossATz IRENE roimm BIDWELL RealEslate 33 COLLIER STREET PHONE WILMA ainwm moon mama limo MARY nonnisoNnosssz CARSON photo MIE REALTOR TELEPHONE rzaoial 58 WORSLEY STREm nuss Carson moist Photo MLS 7284480 Earn 72a ELRICK RealiEsint MchlE Iteal Estate Appralsals Moxtgages 49 COLLIER ST SPECIALIZING 1N rural PROPERTIES Evenings VCaIi Lao CAVANAUGII moor LARRY TORPEY 7260715 HILL FAWN 7263999 Real Estate Brnkerr 23 OWEN ST 7281980 Isl and 211d mortgage funds availablecity or rural Evenings mum lL eORBlw REAL ESTATE 109 Hayfield St 72Iil071 Appraisals Listings invited EVENINGS JOHN WHITE Tiamo Broker JOHNVL COLE W17 Phonengggxg LEIITIA avt bedroom brick 93 HIIEIIHI with builtin stove outbuietpr bioadioom 1n 1tvinxdlnlng area and bedmotnr Finished tarntiv room Doublu gauge Appointment Mn smith mam lot on 2nd mortgages uncharged on low monthly payments We buy your present Latnnd 2nd mortgages MABEL MARSHALL mama MAilquiuTr ricotta was attractive 7room brick home all mnvehlenccs First class sortin trance nduiLyZ 7285583 AretBlociming Slimmer Is Here To SiellyO REAL ESTATE STARR We Sell Rural Ontario CALL BRUCE McLEAN Cookstm ASSlid LOTS FOR SALE Tan Acnu time no no BUS OPPORTUNITIES mom smrix with bedroom residenea pith urport and paved dawn1t selling wize 1900 Reasonable term writ to Box 151 Alliatoo Gnocnum apd Smelt Bar Pitta seitcornalped apartments and Euimhili Hemiiisid rotten mlsol INSURANCE MOVING Dont iorget to transfer your INSURANCE and it you need extra coverage til any kind see STEVENSONS II DUNLOP ST 716450 MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH MobileleHomes General Glendale iravciux Parts and Service Cash or Terms up to Years 170 BURTON AVE MSW wowtwo Tratier rara and Comb Grounds 1057 Directory Cine ads and United states $291 Aha ittobilo Lite and Camping Mu xinea Oro Mobile Home No 11 illultuay mlch north 11m tie Texaco Service centre midsi TRAILERS Port 111 Fully equipped it toot travel trailer or rent by melt or month commencing August some brakes sleeps Telephon Llsotro Alliston trees iiaar nurta nants namlner MORTGAGES ilIIMEDIAIE ist and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere ON ALL IIOM FARMS AND COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES 90 or VALUATIONS If You Need Motley Tu eonsoudats debt all existing morigagol mortgage coming 11 pipe improvements worthwhile cause Write or Phone 12am Mortgage Funding over SimpsonScars DUNLOP ET Member Ontario Mortgage Brokera Association WANT MORTGAGE Elist or Second at low simple interest Up to Eflk at your pro perty value low monthly pay ments up to fifteen years to repay For any mortgage pro blems see COREY R831 ESIatE 93 Dunlop 72 no YOU OWN Maddich heady cash available to Wchasl moo We not even lend you money on your mortgage ror turther trifor mation telephone Martian ï¬nd ing mom RENTALS WENT htooarLN haeltopltt bedroom liouse tor rent la bathrooms convenient to downtown Occupan ey September $16000 monthly Telephone norms HOUSES WANTED 13501110 imseflwgiliteg llfl Lent red re or an one manor 53va minimum apartment hunted immediately tor retired couple Please ielephone meow Two on Bedmom uruutbtshed apartment wanted immediately tduit family Telerlwne oouere Aiurton aosoao RENT APARTMENTS TO ONE AND TWO bedroom aparo meaty to rent tron sour molltb ly Telephonn 12mm or turtiaer tntonnauon UNnnLNrsm roomnpper du piex Bnth heat water mpplted Private entrance and parking North end bus service adult only No pets LAKEERONT ground floor apart ment Executive level Icooromoda tlon mil tumished Aurweekly or monthly in permanently mm sootemher 1st Big Polra Telephone norm FURNISHED three room hoseoten apartment 401 with lfliate For appointment teieohone mlm TWO BEDROOM llllllultmled was spent apartment parking ututies applied cerouul ioestton ova iahie immediately Rent too monthly Telephone mom alter pm 17llilletala11 apartment three rooms and bath ele entnni cation vseircontained tlsble ter August 50 monthly Tel phone norm alter pm FURNISHED room ltvlflmfllt not end and bus routs overlook the bay hydro and heat Included near shopping centre swimin tar oiiitits Telephone meat tor ONE uzonuohi rent Available September lot reirlgentur mm BEDROOM llvum duplox If contained heated Largo llvlnl room kitchen with diligiltt Lllln dry facilities and pulling Adultl dilly $100 mmthly Avllllble Atti llsti Writ 311x Fill Barrio nmImrr minim turntshoa tpsrtment in new home Living room bedroom kitchen and Ipizcu bathroom Pork lllg facilities rEasI End bloath to hit Apply iva Cook stmeiatter optional Telephone nmA ZIETARA nosirr EXAMINER WANT Am JANE YOUNG 1114711 To Advertise mu LAlmAtts 1021111 Al magi CLASSYF IREIJ ADS Phone 121111 utter pm talviates heated parking facilities stove and RENTALS ROOMS TO LET CLOCK Dorm flm om Taiophonsmm at Times sum NINTH BACHELOR unit MP mot upen applied downtown lo cation in available Gentle mart Telephon mom 110051 You rim to print borne tor young gautlonaan dually 1o eaird by but am Telephaoa 88 idormation or gentlemen rectory wortrt YRIGM Lllhl Wamlltldolll um taunts paratnr wttbln stginutu oi btiaineaa section an SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES TO RENT LARDMINT Bil Bali Point Ar sleep Ix clean mmipnabla Tv nod antinr Availoh Auruoi emotion mighty Mnaonthly COTTAGES WANTED To RENT SMALL COTTAGE wanted torent near lltths tiii and or msen lluat hav conveniences mono Wriu Box No Barrio examiner YOUNG 11115131135 molt with thud seek eotuts aoeontnoodatton Sevle to December Modern mvzrilcnces lo mile radius or italtie Telephone media ARTICLES FOR SALE INVEST IN COMFORT with Gibson air conditioner irom ROBINSON naaowann al ouniop St is 1251431 McFADDEN FURNITURE APPLIANCES 7289288 Highway 27 North Rcirigerntor door ill cubic loot one door reirigerntor Automatic dryer All used and I11 good condition NORTHWAY RUG CO LTD Tho house at line broadloom DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED BROADLOOM Remnants all lilies and price 55 Collier St Phone 72613 Dont Be Dishwasher BUY ONEI Kitchen Aid Dishwashers with work saving advantages ROBINSON HARDWARE tl Dunlap Street 7mm Emmi 313 8° aiaritut 1w Collier 1ioslav uszn Toucan Air Furnaces or sale in good condition For lurr Particulars telephone 72 No to nor wamt tank glass lined allghtly used also racket Lheater Telephone macros azlvmt MACHINE portable tor sale Good working condition Telephone 1734321 for iurther par tlmlazs Norman GIIITAR or sale gold paisley three pick vsItlephone int1290 ror iurther partleuiaro BOYS 31011013 on trails also girta ad Inch both in excellent Mdilion Telephone 1151113 mattress oak dresser 1n good run dlilon also lambtmulln Tele stmurmu Pool ft inch in diameter in Inches dt ha been iillcd once cost tvili bell for 810 Telephone no Gas STOVE tor sale apartment size nearly new also at inch Gen era Electrto television in good condition Priced reasonable phone 44967611 25 CENT to and third per cent on goli clubs and carts uatlora tents mplng egtttlp mediatAIorgalc or rent gist£1313 an wn C11um street Telbphond 1Ia6411 ununow hoist and box it long also wood hoist and box 11 at long burner electrte stove Frigidaire all in good condition Telephone mam math is root so inch electric range 10 cubic toot raisinsstar piece bedroom suite automatic washer arid dryer Ali in good condition mom 11 Eli AVAIIIhle huainesa ottioe TYPEWRITERS bought said so paired rented speciaistudent re While You lient plan star writer Co int Dunlap st 7254559 nanutsmamit lots more reel moss the top Meier Intanta tanoi Harvester am ho John son outboard motor both in good gildillon Telephone beva are outLs cwrnaa size mi cont winter 0011 Ind leggings dress tumors play clothes also boyl riotnas size to Ali in excel sesonbiy prioed lent oondlttun fnlrigroom tAbl chest or drawers etc Also REHEIIIJIIII oi Intitttlu and old books The Aaulous cellar rot ouraop Street West barrio mom ARTICLES WANTED suhrr ruru wanted 1n good coir dltlori Telephone 1115911 nuances Dishes Antiques nntn $501111 Hand Shop 4564571 orv1zolt use CEMENT mixer wanted with tinwithout uncorrreiepnano aura LANDSCAPING BLACK LDAltl High grade an uniliy by tho load delvery Teiep one 1vy tortll TIRentl Your Attic Sioreroom Garogel Somebody Will Pay For Your Discords Call Wont AdAVisor smut nan ollrcio not sound and at Barrio Sports Ltd collisi st TENT momma hurt too cabin duho about nur€uy WANTED Furniture stoves AP row ARTICLEs FOR sALE CAMPING EQUIPMENT Hm ml In It by area on WW tor tale top unlit soot ark BC mo sports éoiuer woobe TINT 11 no math 5351 ti on cover Telephone TINT elm truth In and him $09 itllhwty 21 Hall mth ii Midland Open WHO Tomrid ht uu plot Telephone ROOM AND qurtn tor Min 561 BOATS AND MOTORS OBOAT LIFTS MARINE RAILWAYS POWER WINCHES Installation and deliveries Rolland Boats Ltd any ll North Orillla mutt moonlit MOTOR Arm comm gllzgvlcs Paliitvrlclt Motors 16 ll Pool IAILBDAI ritn cabin like new Dela Dom Ltd told st is 11 toot lmeiier with John no kw1c Una hitsI MW mu Telephone maul irur youNsoN outboardiraotor iot sis in seed condition norm Teieobouo 1m altar pm it PM Cedlr Stili bolt newly mm painted Ind ilnLuieu votihv lilo Innis paddles 10 hp motor trailer with tires All in excellent condition Telr phone mtotd utter pan mar P1th rumbout with to ho rahnon subs in loot Grett oll runabout with Vito hp John son $1195 to loot Oresulnr with too we Johnson tlm to loot Grew threslu with top Vw hp rohnaon Rosannahey boats Ltd immenseth mom odes AND PETS REGISTERED st hematd wnter tale pleat chlldl pet and guard 33 witch old Tbicviiolln 05 moons tot ate temqu minia 111m poodles white ovvee1ta old Telephone sneioon neviman msuouor liusn smut WM registered champion sited and but week old shots tattoo extended pedi gree Gaiway Kennob no tat Asa aus itsbarb szNa or me Siamese male tennis muy hautebrotren Thus kitth will be available to August so come and choose your now Contact Kart Harelr om RAIIIIITS SIX week Old whllfl plum and Trove Can be cut bliCkl and lreyl Cm be Kerri It 122 Cook St VIIan MM and Ask or Tim ARTICLES TO RENT VOU CANT BEAT THE CONVENIENCE or momma Camping Vdcaliori Equipment CALL 7280580 MARTIN RENTAL CENTRE 137 ouoiop St meson ERVICE PAVING PAVING SPECIAL Amhalt driveways and parking lotsFieo estimates year WRITTEN GUARANTEE MANIERI PAVING CO Phone Wt PAVING BY TsilBONE C0 0F BARRIE formerly of Tommi Our customers amour best ad vertiseia Japanese pavnlg ex perts Asphalt lots driveways etc Written guarantee for three years Call 7286545 SMALL ENGINE REPAIR BEVS MOWER AND MARINE Service and Repairs Lawn mowers chain saw outboards min tillers veto rFroe pickup and delivery LITTLELAKE HARRIE ALTERATIONS ALTERATIONSl MR5 MEIER vill help you expand your wardrobe also invisible mending so Essa 1m mom REFRIGERATio STAN BRYSQN REFRIGERATION sanvrco at Clapperton Strcet PHONEJZMSSZ SEPth TANKS SEPTIC TANKS ultimo 525 any size house tank within 25 miles of Barrie KER wnmm co rio Telephone 7260752 WILL BRING mourn TRYEXAMINER WANT A05 Advertise Heré 7282414 ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR RENT to am ainotu tag all claim alumni llfl HATER 15uiu st FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled caitla and hornet Small animals removed tree For in service PHONE BARRIE mml Collect or an tor NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH 9H NO CHARGE Mbourlnddy Trilyuvtvel RR Famed Ontarloï¬ license No most Nick Montague Prop FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies it Service Case New Holland David Emu Bully III BURTON AVE mm CASH TRADE TERMS HANK BROWN Delaval Sales Service DAIRY FARM EQUIPMENTt Complete line Dairy Farm Equipment Suppliea Barrie Holly Hwy 21 1250333 Imitw mmr ram irnca stretcher for Sale 11424 RIM TI Masai sun torrow motor biota pull type In Rood eondttioa Apply mar win to Raymund Jobblt 109 no no or phone WI alum 11mm rTo root combinei Davtd Blown can truetart COCli turn plough Ehttsl iltctr one mile north or ivy Store alolml moor Thrall an to all mllar bearing maulMI straw cutter is it rain elevator with pipes not drive belt mellent tor rotago threshing win Wit Ilwwvlgr to Ito Mould telwbum uszo Nzw 11011AND Baler mod et 68 only morith old iullv guaranteed IlJn Muley IL flirta iio hay mower aa mod new Apply MWEIII Farm Boutpmenth 3117 Mills Telephone rim1e POULTRY CHICKS is ruitlollm ricer hood year old llleIl well nlllnl rumble Telephone malts FEED SEED 8t GRAIN CUSTOM COMBING Telephone now am onus of mixed My for nail In the fluid Smtt Muir Mlaeatno or teleobon 1251151 wttzAr sanitw tor nle as acres Stephens tit1M1 tor turther de qllANTtnr or my tor sate Apply to Rupert McGraLh Telephone 1191111 NR WANI AD SERVICE call 1mm PAIR GUIDE These Skilled Tradesmen are Ready to Work On Your Job Immediately ourstoE MAINTENANCE GUT lawns look Ltth your month and do you militia All materials and equipment supplied Telephone mm between 111 and 730 eveninfl PAINTING BRADLEY interior Ixtflflor palm dawn exp havering va Shanty Blip HQOKKEEFING anavcs on roman nooklreopio smart in com Tax Plantain m1 IRONING IRONINO $2 per basket lulhlil anhiv Illl Hemp middle 12 JANITOR SERVICE 100mi roll elem clean or homes oillcu rtovvsal stop oieaotng smiee norm DRIVING sci00L LAKESHORE DRIVING ilcuaorn manned instructor and instants tress Phone 12134115 anytime itiooanN Emit meatn to drive the mom way Telaplaono mania iNSULATION nbowntu moo insulation Pm cstllnllu Gumntsed work Tolephnna Scott Muir 1151261 HOME nEsrous Home Dull Hum vim drawn to yuurypeeiiieatlorn Garry Lu cay suoud Phone b1270 MOWER REPAIRS Airmail111111 serviea and war rarity all mlku at cooled eu trlues Medina Mower Serviea rear 111 Burton Ave Tia1111 mm lAVESTROIIHHINO rippling mah ln chimnxen Graham tarot sheet LIGHTNING PROTECTION LIGHTNING ROD INSTALLATION Work done according to th Lightning Rod Act Funestlm iltes EARL EDGAR Box 93 riEESWATER 39265613926863 EmVALEJZtRM after pm CARPENTER myaxatnnoit WANTS ADS Mil ALMTIQNI renovations lwllu 50114me drum ed poets ammo Almat 111w