aiItINLY cool cloudy ea ther with scattered showers is expected in Ontario today Quebec will be cloudy and cool todayflyith the rain reaching western Quebec by Thursday morning In the ltIaritimes the weather will be mostly sunny The forecast tor British Columbia and Al DISTRICT WEATHER herta is mostly sunny Scal tered showers are expected in Saskatchewan and Manitoba Figures on the map indicate expected high temperatures today lCI Wircbhnlo Sunny On Thursday With some Cloud Scattered thundersltowers an forecast tor this atternoon and evening Thursday should be sunny witii few cloudy per iods Little temperature change is expected The recorded low downtown at The Examiner oi iice last night was 53 degrees The temperature at am was 73 degrees TORONTO CPI Official forecast issued at 510 am to day Synopsis itiainly cloudy show cry weather Is expected throughout Northern Ontario to day and considerable cloudiness and iew showers will likely linger in that area Thursday Increasing cloudiness toilnwed by scattered thundershowers is in store Ior southern regions to day with good prospects for clearing skies Thursday Toronto Hamilton London Windsor lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Niagara southern Georgian Bay Lake Ontario Haliburiion regions In creasing cloudiness this morn ing becoming mainly cloudy ivith scattered thundershuwers this attemoon Sunny with few cloudy periods Thursday Ont Approves £734000 Program TORONTO tCP The Ontario cabinet has approved four schemes costing total oi $734 000 under the federalprovincial agricultural and rural Develop ment Act program The projects include sxsohoo ior two new dam in the Moira watershed development $234 tttifl for public access roadsto cottage sites at 11 lakes $120 000 in improvements for live stock yards iniour communi ties and 530000 tor extension of the Carleton County forest Approval of the projects was given in an orderinvcouncil re leased Tnesday An ARDA official said the dams at Deeroek and Stoeo lakes near Tweed have yet to receive final approval Hastings and Lennox and Addington counties would pay $35000 and the two senior levels of govern ment $157500 each PLAN ACCESS ROADS or The spokesman said 34 miles at new access roads are planned Not much change in tempera ture Winds southerly 15 today westerly 15 Thursday Sudhury North Bay northern Georgian tiny Timagami Corh rane western James Bay re gions ItIuinly cloudy iilli or custom showers anti thunder showers today Variable cimnii ness with tow scattered show ers and cooler Thursday Winds southerly 20 today easterly is Thursday AlgomaI White Iiich regions Cloudy with scattered showers and thundershowcrs allowed by partial clearing this afternoon Variable cloudiness and cooler Thursday Winds southerly 20 today westerly is tonight and Thursday Ottawa and Montreal regions Mainly sunny today Mainly cloudy with showers anti scat tered thundcrshnwers tonight and Thursday morning Then be coming mainly sunny by mid day Scasonable temperatures Winds light Forecast Temperatures Low tonight high Thursday Windsor 55 as St Thomas 65 as London do an to spa cottage development at Welch and Deer lakes in Hall burtnn county long the Illartin River in Nippissing at Kaiiii niskeg Lake in Renircw county Aberdeen Axe and Cummings lakes in Algoma Grundy and Shoot lakes in Kenora district Galla Lake in Musltoka and Remi Lake in Cochrane district The entire construction cost would be shared by Ottawa and the province but the roads will he turned over to the muni pnlitics which will have to main tain them The roads would reach 852 cottage lots in about three years The federal and provincial governments each will pay $30 000 toward the cost ot improv ing on operativer owned livestock yards at South River Little Current Thessalou and Stratlon The senior levels of govern ment also will pay $ll25ti each toward land acquisition for tcnsion oi the Carleton Forest hilcheucr tit llount Forest id Wingllnm TB llamillnn St Catharincs R2 Toronto 82 PeltThorough no Kingston Bit Trenton R0 Kilinioc 80 itiuskokn 73 North Bay 75 Stitiliuty 75 Enrlton 70 Sault Ste Marie 70 Knpnskasing Git White Riv 7o itinosnnco 65 Timmins 63 PHARMACIST bins TORONTO CMJohn Craw iortl Gould chairman of the On tario Retail Phormaeists Asso eialion and former president aI Drug Trading Candied at his home here Tuesday He was born in North Tonawanda NY in too and graduated from the Ontario College of Pharmacy in liliii HELP STAllilP our STRANGERS None are quite so alone as the stranger in town or the newcomers to the neighbor hund Remember your last move hnwyou feitas the moving van pulled away howyou more than haliwished youd never come Spare your new neighbors feelings such as these Let theWelcnmeWagon Hostess bring greetings and gifts to make them tea at home Help stamp out strangers Call Welcome Wagon today new or 726m COUNTRY The area code for Montreal and surroundingsisSM Use the area code When you call Long Distance andy or call goesthrough instcrand easi where Direct DistanceDialing is available you can dial your own calls For area odes and dialinginSlruotiona please consultyour telephone directory ind wtwwsim nANMmsnnua mm Greece the liintsbined women will not be allowed in Mu of this northern Greek city tb new bishop ot Florian llid Tuesday Greek Orthodox Metropolitan Augustine Kantiotia also banned women with madeup eyes and dyed hair from churches Ken tlotlr is known as one of Greeces mat outspoken eon servativa clergyman No RAIN mama OreiAPiOrr goo recorded rainlus July for the first time since ml The state has had no rain in 39 days still short oithe longest dry po ricd on weather bureau records for Oregonoi days beginning on July 1531 Average annual rainfall in northwest Oregon is in inches RECREATION CLINICS MONTREAL CP The Ca andinn Association of Recrea Frencb speaking recreation leaders in itionctnn NB Sud bury and St Norbert Man ex ecutive secretary Yves Raiotto announced Tuesday Tile Sud bury clinic will be held Aug 2831 FOUNDS CLUB MANCHESTER Conn AP Vorricrs Club has been founded by John Staknis on the theory that as Stuirnls says worrying together Is much more eiicetivo than worrying alone NEW AMBASSADOR WASHINGTON iAliA Cflcl Cola company vice president Benjamin llilborn OehlErt Jr was sworn in Tuesday as 115 ambassador to Pakistan The 5Mcarold business executive and lawyer is due in Rawal pindi Aux 15 Inntsiil tion Centres will hold clinics for INNISIiI aortas VArrange For Opening 0f 7Centenniol Park MILOl Ollielal opening of Inntslils Centennial Park will be held Saturday Aug with assembly at in noon when citizens are invited to bring their lunch baskets There will be music by SL Pauls orchutrn from to 110 and singsong will start proceedings Grailman Bob Oowm wit open ceremonies with few remarks followed by bits Babble Craniieid TQueen of the Farrow Mar garet Come and liner Cochraoe plaque to be unveiled by senior citizens jwitl cammemon ate there who made the sup rem sacrifice in war and plan ears of lhetownsbip Dedication will be carried outby Rev William warnlcn nnd exReeve Cliif Lockbart will reply Chairman Cowan will intro duce various dignitaries and Gary Alex architect and park designer will speak Thelpark will he olficlnliy opened by Sim coa County Warden George hind Key and Reeve Cochrane Tugofwar learns will com pete Ind each councillor has been asked to captain team There will also be childrens tugroiwar Visitors are requested to bring folding chairs as the Initial supply of tables and chairs may not be suiflcleni to go round As many as can do so are re quilted to appear In cesium BETAth SITE Application at Shell Oil Com panyto establish restaurant onthe titlrllne west of 400 highway was passed byCounciL subject in approval of the De partment oi Highways and other authorities concerned PARACHUTE JUMPERS tirrn which is training par achute iumperals using the private alr strip oi Swee ton on the lith line asa base to land plane loads at the Barrie airport and when over the inoisiil Inrm the jumpers drop to the airstrip it would appear that all otthem do not hit the field and complaints are reaching the police that corn and gralnficldsare on the receiving end oi the jumpers Parachute lumping has become new younger folk and when the as many as three Jumpers can be seen dropping from the plane on trip PARKING ALLOWED motion authorized changing bylaw rctiarding parking on the 10th line betwoeen the so feel west at 25 aideroad and 20 feet westoi Cedar Road ontho north side This will allow the south side to he used as toot patb on which prime coat has been added to make better walk4 ing especially for barefooted enksnd reorder sponsoreobynhech tcntlingRed capForeverAssoctatlon popular activity with the weather is good It is said that pedestriam Thepath is to bo marked by yellow line similar to that on the nth line FENCING PARK beo Gibbon was authorized to construct wire isneenine wira high on the west and south sides of Centennial Park The fence is to be supported by wood posts and angle irons The road on to sideroad be tween the 7th and 3th lines leading to the porir has been re built to standard widthlhis wall to have crushed gravel top but is in fair driving condi tion at present CIVIC HOLIDAY Although no proclamation has been issued locally it is pro sumed that Innisiii along with surrounding communities willl Experiment With Rice 111 Ontario TORONTO CF The 0nJ tario department agriculture led the Ontario Research Foundation are experimenting It growing rice In Ontario Lyman Chatnnan of ONE said Tuesday some small plots of rice were planted May 27 last year on the flat elay land near the mouth oi the Grand River The crop was harvestcdSept and three varietiesone of Chinese origin and two of Ja panesematured Mr Chapman suggested It should be possible to grow rice In Ontario because iii similar climate in the rieegrowing re gloos of northern Japan and southern Ontario This year rice is being grown at Dunnville and at the West ern Ontario Agricultural School at Ridgctnwn where the project is headed by Dr Robert pbawoog native of Laos August as Civic lloliday Coun cil meeting has been moved on day to Aug to enable the oilieestail and Council to enjoy eelcbritethe first Monday in use To Your iio DRIVEYOURSELF CARRIER MISS YOU Ii yniir Barrie Examiner carrier has not arrived by part the holiday Phone 7283433 And Copy of Tho Ethlner Will Be Delivered me by non THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI CARS AND TRUCKS ciA