Barrie Examiner, 2 Aug 1967, p. 14

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News scanner Diet Accuses Govtg Of Pussyfooting FAIRthNT HOT SPRINGS EC tCPlOppositlon header Dicienbaker con demncd the lrderai government or pussylooting over state menu by French President dc Gaulie regarding Franch gov ernment attitudes toward Que bec ltir Dieienbaker was com menting on statement issued lhiesday by Prime Minister Pearson whicheaid the Copa dian government hasiilrendy made its position clear on the unacceptability of any outside interiercnce in Canadian ar airs and has nothing to add to the present circunutnnccs The Conservative leader at cusrd the lederal government at backing down during ted erai provincial arguments over protocol during President do Gaulles recent visit to One bee Completes Trip 0th AP Sheila Scott daredevil British llyer landed her single engine plane here Tuesday night and became the iirst woman to ily solo rom Cape Town Smith Alrica to London The blonde ilyer completed the 7500 mile trip in two days l9 hours and 56 minutes in Piper Commanehe Criticises PM JONOUIEEE Qua OP Gilles Gregoire leader oi the separatist Rnliiemcnt Na tionalc has criticized Prime Minister Pearson and Quebec Opposition Leader Jean Lesage for their statements on the Ca nadian visit or President do Gauile At news conlercnce ihe in rlependcnt member oi Parlia merit tor Lapointe accused the imc inisicroi nursing an intentionally blundering atti tudc towards the do Gaidle visit Died Of Cancer ESSEN taFi Airied Krupp von Bohlcn und Halhach 59 West German billionaire indnsA trialisl died Sunday lrom lung cancer medical bulletin said Tuesday night ills iriends said he had been confined to his home suilcring mm bronchial ailment for several weeks Six miners employed at one or the Krupp concerns are guards of honor around the cel lin They will maintain their daily vigil until the funeral Thursday To Stand Trial NORTH BAY CPlJohn Ed gar Chassie 35 Tuesday was committed tor trial Sept on charge oi capital murder Chassie taxidriver was charged in connection with the July iii shotgun shooting of Mrs Foilande Gascon 29 mother of our panel discussion oi the Cana dian institute on Public Al lairs said he had never seen an exampefil advertising men choosing or shaping political ts llilel Joseph Clark president at the public relations firm oi Tisdlll Clark and iesy and also member at the panel said that JOHN DIEFENBAKER Fish Beguiotions OTTAWA tCl New iish cries department regulations have been passed by orderin council requiring new standards at cleanliness in iish cannerim and aboard boats used lnr com mercial fishing The regulations apply to all canned iish and shelilisll prod uets sold in interprnvineinl trade Olticiais saldihis will in client make them applicable to all but lewsmnii canncrics serving only local market in the iloritimcs May Be Fired TORONTO tCllTDr hiorton Shuiman tired this spring as chiel coroner oi Metropolitan Toronto said Tuesday his tele vision counterpart may suitor the same late Dr Shulman said the Cann dian Broadcasting Corporations series Volenk inspired by Dr Shulmans career as chief eoc oner may have its television coroner tired at the end of next falls programs CritICizes CBC GENEVA PARK Ont CF Daiton Camppresidcnl oi the Progressive Conser sociation of Canada CBC Tuesday or what he callerl its massive lailurc in the pub lic atiairs told Mr Camplwas speaking to session of the Canadian institute on Public chiching cn jointly sponsor bi lie charged the CBGwith at understanding politics and vih failing to bridge the gap in un derstanding hctneen and English speaking Cana dians Deny Report GENEVA PARK Ont CF The president oi ltiacLarcn Ad vertising Co Ltd denied Tues day that advertising agencies shape poii al campaigns or mold politicians inlo appearing what they are not George Sinclair speaking in skirted ile Patti Boydaboard one at London yesterday as they leit for atinn in the Los Angeles area ARWire photo by cable from London in the last three lediral cite lion campaigns not one public relations man exerted any sig niiicnnt influence on the only tent oi the campaign Stays In Hospital CORNWALL GP Stephen Smith it of Columbia lll who survived wmiiean ur tum ble lrorn his iamiiys enmpcr truck Sunday remained in sat isiactory condition in hospital here Tuesday The boy stepped out oi the truck as it sped along the lac DonaldCartier ireewny an die outskirts oi the city sleep walker tic woke up on thesido oi the highway where he was lound by two Welland men and taken to hospital LONDON tAPiTlte 7506inn British lreighter itianchcsler prorlcrwas reported on lire today in the Atlantic 150 miles west oi Northern lrelnnd with crew of ti and nine passen gcrs including women and chil dren aboard The lreighicr was bound for Canadian and US Great Lake ports The Manchester Merchant anal went to the burning vessels ai The Royal Navy survey ship llydrn was also steaming to ward the Exporteri It RAF plone spotted the ship with lionresin ona holde cLAULE ioupin Tights Paralysis OTTAWA CPI Claude Jo doinpresldent oi the Canadian Labor Congress who suffered severe stroke more than it weeks ago still is tighting to overcome the paralysis ol his rightside The 54ye old labor leader was unconscious for about month alter collapsin his ol ice may 19 but now is mentally alert and able to spend some time in hospital wheelchair Visitors still are restricted welcomes PM OTTAWA tCPiPrime ltlinis ier Hugh Shearer of Jamaica and our of his top eahinet mire isters trapped on to Parliament Hill Tuesday to tell about the nadian investors in Jamaica The graying tayearold state Visitor wasted little time in his reply to Primedtiinisier Paar sons welcome belore remind found Jamaica sate and pro litable investment Sunglasses Report TORONTO CP Sun glasses should be made ol oplt tically ground glass or properly moulded plastic iiiplgeonsbiue or sagegreen colors says The CanadianMedicaiJournsl The Journal saysln an edi torial inits latest issue the lenses should be free oi irregu larities while the colors should be oi suiiicient density to let through oniyzo percent ol sudden glare ExpreSs Concern MONTREAL CPl Concern about the ettects on farmers of certain recommendations the recent report on taxation by the Carter ruyai commission was CXPTEISEW Tuesday at meeiing of provincial ministers and deputy ministers of agricul ture said statementissued after the closed session ithe sullenrent sat tions regardingthe change lrom straight ne no tin the change from eashrtolaev eruoi system or recording in come and the proposed capital gains tax wouldoppenr to be freighter liblaze sistér ship was an hour away need lor more aggressive and adventurous attitude by Ca ing that your linancieis have in particular reeompienrlaV in Martin moan mmnar noousr on Calls PorRaid SUDBUitY CF Spokes men tor the international Union oi hlinrhidl and Smelter Work ers charged Tuesday that oili cisls oi the Coniederatlon or Na tional Trade Unions are here to raid their udion Yeter Curtis Ontario organ lzcr for the Quebec based CNTU Ind Tediayne Ontario director and viceprosidcnt oi the union plan to attend meeting today of ilintitiili Lo eat 598 Bear Carnivals VALLACEBURG OhL tCPi ban on carnivals withp Wallaceliurg was approved by council hiesday night The action allows July 22 riot at the Vallacfliurgs carols vaiv grounds involving 300 per sons and resulting in damage totalling 5000 The only exception will be tor childrens rides on private pro plierty ior commercial promo on Natural Curl neuxrn Complete Kit filhigsfls its NIGHT oppnoncnrs ijace at young ltiilwaulrcc policemen reflectsieelings of police and National Guard as they cnioroo citys curtew IllllTlSll MIGRATED Australia gained more than Tuesday night Hertands guard populated innerCore where racial disorder broke out Sun moon British immigrants dur rnv axniimmn witnr ADS PHONE mans ing the last years Prices Suturdo effective until 1961 Fniasiiq Valve NYLON BRiSTILE nominal FEltlltlltE arenas 125 Sugg FACELLE 3Ply Royale Regular nrMon Six It Sugg list 55m Bon Rollan Deodorant 83c on 5m no 71K Eon Aerosol in la or rixiPiirr inttANoAir onuos significant as for as agrlciiitiire 18C0i1lctlIEd instant ricm Tissues 14 sadnes fingernail Paste mm 99 on eds scone Hoii Creom or 97 viiiaii einuor loly Bog disposal llags 25x 36 7282325 mam one Slight imperteciion handles orNNIsoN PlflltlililltlE PliilltlttiE includes tsble cover 44 84 HARPERS PHARMACY 7285407 day night The total Curlcw Withmtsunm heavily helm brought things under control Monday with only Belated in cidents breaking out DANCING AISLE TORONTO lGP Dchle Centre ind iLs moat unusual orientiignighl Monday when 100 yoiiog people danced in the aisles and oo stage during rock and light show Centre oilicials restrained their secu rity police when the audience accepted an invitation to dance irom the main attraction group tlie ieilcrson Airplane CAR AND TRUCK LliliSlllti ATTRACTIVE YEARLY RATES CALL 7256474 BARRIE DRIVEACAR Li Essa Rd Alludlla ioA SPECIAL ARRID CREAM Mos Special 83 tor 35F KODAKFILM cxrzs Susy no v71 VPllG FILM for Polaroid Swinger tBlacllt and ct Sugg list 265 roorrrrs Beige Fits 33125 gt Ioll MackAYs iviiAirMAcv 66 Dunlap

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