loiid Yur No 179 Ad Loan unnrwooo nun onion bard liarewood and his bride the former Patricia luclrwcll board plane in New York Tuesday for iligbt to London otter they were mar ried in New Canaan Conn Tuesday by justice of the peacc Lord Ilarewood cousin of Queen Elizabeth and i7th in line to the Er sh crown was given perm sion by the queen to re earlier this month after his first wife had rdivorced him AP Virophtr Trctins Collide Crewman Killed TOliONTO lCP Ontario provincial police today said with others are missing inthe head on crash at two Canadian Na tional Railways trains near the community or Dunrankin as miles northwest 0fFolyct in NortherniOntarior Polyet is 175 miles northwest lol Sudbury Canadian National and police ofticials were proceeding to the scene bylhelicoptcr and spe shakrn up however The wreck occurred about Ms am spokesman for said the trains were the west bound Supcrcontinenial passen ger train and freight cast bound out of Winnipeg Tiara locomatives and 26 of 84 cars in the freight train and three lncomotivu two coaches in mail and two baggage cars of the passenger train werede railcd The spokesman said no pas sengers were killed or seriously injured Some passengers were CAPSULE NEWS tï¬xpo Blamed For Visitofi Decline WASHINGTON cro Montrears Expo 67 is partly responsible tor decline in the ntunber of visitors to Us national parksand historic sita in May park service spokesman said Tuesday Mideast Ceaseï¬re 15 Broken The ceaseï¬re between Jordanian and Israeli troops was broken today with gunï¬reorupting across the River Jordan for the second straight day Pears 0i Coup Increasing LIMA Reuters Fears at military coup increased today 55 senators at all parties sought ways to end political crisis caused by the appointment of an dent of the Peruvian Senate opposition member as new presi lldvises Negroes To loin Army wash POINT Miss tori James iL Meredith advises you egroes to volunteer or the armed forces and calls the war in letnam the greatest thing that ever happenedvto the Negro At AttorneyGeneral expelcted thiafallr TORONTO CPiDr Morton ulman levelled his gunsat At honeyGeneral Arthur Wishart and was himself brandcd psychopathic personality dur ingTuesdaysactionpac sion of the Parkcr com muuiry Centre of discussion du lite day was acToronto he clinic operated by the late Dr Earle Shouldice internationally known in the surgical treatment of hernia where manrdied 19534 confidential letter from Dr Shouldlco to Premier lnhn Ilob arts concerning Dr Shulman hon Metropolitan Tor ontos hicf coroner said the coroner was psychopathic person silly constantly publicize himself asthegreat emancipa tand hospitals in Outer tor of lhe medical profession The letter written in Ja ary 1565 said Drr Shulman lshould hc removed from his position of persecution The inquiry was ordered Premier Robnrts nitcr Dr Shu man was fired as chief coroner by the attoney general in April alter charging that government oiticials wore suprcssing or in tcriering with informationrelat ing to inqucsts Dr Shulmnniiuesday charged Mr Vishart wltb suppressing nve lgntion into medical faci ics attho Shouldico clinic and his attempts to improve them death at no Eurnett in the clinic in 1963 on inqucs ry rccommendcdoddlr 1149 announced Monday Fire Destroys Businesses one Man Dead SALMON ARM BrC CF Onc person is dead and others feared dead in fire that lcvelled half in business block early today and threatened the entire downtown section oi this village Police ldcntiiied the victim as visitor to the lliontcbelio Ho tel where the blaze broke out Positive idcntification of the per son was not avallablc At one point the H5 firelight era who converged on the TransCanada highway commu nity about coo milcs northeast of Vancouver feared the entire downtown area would be on gulfcd in flames Theysald the fate oi Salmon Arm hung on also yoar old wooden hardware store which if ignited byrhcat radiating from other burning buildings would beyond control unusual norm hnicl after starting in the base mentale through awall into an adjacent supermarket and andsln pad to other buildings Impose Curfew In Port at Prime ernmmnsnmruonmdo ae Haitian dictator Francois Papa Doc Duvnller has imposed curfewin Port on Prince and sct up road blocks are the capital amld rumors of an im pending gucrrilla attack say travellers from lla this Dominican caoital The travellerssaid Tuesday night more than 100 persons were arrested by Duvaliers sc crct police last weekend on suspicion of being linked with nnttDuValier guerrillas Jn armed attack on the Hai tian capital could take place within 72 hours the travellers six Haitian women and children who took refuge in foreign embassies ln Portau Prince passed through Santa Domingoiairport Elucsday on thcir way to New York after being granted safe conduct by Duvalier Ontario Tofolter More HOME Lots TORONTO CP Thc 0n tarin governments Home Own ersthip Made Easy Plan will offer1uss lots more than origiov ally intended for sale next Tuesv day Economics and Develop ment Minister Stanleyr Randall announced Tuesdayr at Bramalea 0ntv five miles west of Metropolitan Toronto boundaries are being offered because otta particularly heavy public response The new lotsnwili bring the total uumbur of HOME lots to be altered across the province to 2194 instead or the original tionalf es for theclinic Supreme Court Judgment lntcr quashed the iurysi find ings on grounds that Dr Shulman hadsat in on th in quest ytiththe presiding coro ner butD Shulman continued to press Shouldice to carry the jurys recom saidltha late in i964 he received telephone call from Frank thsnn assists ant deputyattorney general who saidDr Shouldice was one set and had gotin ouchwlth Premier Roberts The fired cm or quoted Mr Wilson as saying Mr Wishart hadtold hlm totell Dr Shtdman to takehodurtllar action and not tob the have enlarged the fire almost The blaze levelled the wooden Mr Randall said the lots 11 ing Ithe longdebatcdoff mineral rights question over to HOPlltG road Hours hunts ruin real estateoilicial at era of lotsior sale underthe HCME plan lots went on Brnmnlea near Toronto takes the namesof prospective buy LONDON Ont CPlVi 15 yearold boy who disappeared from his New liaven Mich home two weeks ago is pacted to appear in iuvenile court this alternoonon charge of capital murder in the shoot Ontario govenunents Home Ownership lit any ing of an elderlylondnn man Sunday The boy who is 15 todaylls the youngestiporson charged with murder in Ontario since Steven Truscott of Clinton then 14oos charged in resolution PliiilVilERd union IqxqtionizRepmt maniac Agenda FREDERICTON be controversial Carter royal com mission report ontaxation is ex pected to top the agenda today as six provincial premich cludeiwu days of talks behind closed doors in New Bru wicks new centennial ofiice building here The report rece ed some aty tention from obepremiers as their eighth nnual conference openedTues buthost Pre mier Louis Robichaud said it is so complex it was diificult to even begin to lSCliSS The premiers dovoted more time during the opening round to several other issues at least two of which are highly contra versiai Theydisoussed possiyle mo ticatlons to the federal gove ments proposed medical care insurance programand took an other swing at Ottawa for turn are the StlplemeCourL oi Canad Premier Robichnud said government is oi the opinion the provinceswlli not recognize the Supreme Cnurt ruling regard less of what is The decision on whether the federal government or the prov inccs hold rights to underthe sea minerals off the coasis is The Examiner TODIIY Ann Lancers7 city News2 caussuléois Comics10 Dcathsill EditorlnFL raccoon Whistle1 ltlVLlstingeLll3 womanm uldice any weather16 Is Promier Rnbichaud chairman of the conlerence said Su premc Court Judgment would not be recognized but then there are otheravenues that can be takano overcome the dif ï¬culties created by ajudg ment Robichaud actingas spokesman for the premiers said he believes most premiers are in favor at some modifi tions tothc medical care ilIA sale at am Tuesday CP Vlrephoto ing the rapemurder ot 12year old Lynn Harper Chief inspector Eady of the provincial Juvenile Delin quents Act provides that he could be tried in adult court fin the interests ofthc commu nity or or the good of the child The ruling applies to children between 14 andrid and the deciv sion on trial is made by the juvenile court judge CAR FOUND The boy was charged in Wind sor on Tuesday setter police found another boy loyearsold asleep in the car belonging to the dead man toycarold Windsor man was also questioncdihut he and the idycamld vcrelater re leased The American boy was returned to London Thehody of George Shaver 74 was foundhta pond near the MacdnnaidCartier Freeway where he had gone to fish There were two bullet holes in his chest and his 1967model car was missing llhe car was found in wind sor parkinglot after province Jsarnslt inlay with of eloudypcr mount domes Highlammaudo nm II NotMara flhln PEAR to For Cép 29 Pages ON Pearson Issues iiiWord Response Tode Gaulle Pledge DiTAVA CPlPrime hilnis icr Pearson hascurtly informed France that Canada will not ac ccpt any outside interference in its internal altulrs 1n the latest move of the transatlantic ruckus the prime mintstcr issued tcrsc itsword ruponsc Tuesday to President dc Gaullles pledge to help French Canada achieve its free dom aims While it stopped short of di ieclly accusing the leader of intcrieronccthe Pear son stotcment was unmistakably pointed lhc government of Canada has hated the stntcmcnt hythe president of the French licpr lic regarding his recent visit to Canada it said It has already madeits posi tion clear on the unacceptability of any outside lnterlarcnco in Canadian afiairs and has noth ing to add in present cilcurns stanc Thc stotemcnt came more than 24 hours utter dc Gaullc in statement backcd by his full tended to hclp ncll Cana dians realize the freedom aims they have set forfthemselvea PEARSON UNEAPPY Mr Pearson was reported very unha pp yl about the French move but was said to have decided on the brief ra sponsc in hopes ot toning down the conltoversyihat grew out or de Gnuiles shortencd visit to Quchcc last week cabinet said France in Before issuing the slalom the prime ministcr talked tr over with several cnblncicol leagues including External Af fairs Minister Martin Justice Minister Trudeau and Man powcr ltllnlstcr hiurchnhd ltir Marchand ladder oi the Liberal partys Quebec wing was reached alter some uliii culty while on iLshing trip in Quebec hiri Trudeau in hlontrcal ln terview said it was difficult to take the Prcnch statement sc rinusly it is absurh that the French coblnet should agree to say that the British North America Act of 1367 has not assured Quebec era of their own land liberty equality and fraternity it is as though the Canadian government allowcd itself to say tho present French constitution does not provide lustlcc for the Basques for Brittany and fnr the islands of St Pierre and hilquelon PMMADE DECISION While the prime minister con ferred with several colleagues over the response to de Gaulle spokgmman saidthere was no formal eating on the lugs tionhnd that the decision was primarilthat of the prime min Lster source close to Mr Pearson said the prime ministlr favored titeterse comment over the at ternatlvcs of ignoring the French statement or engaging in long with Paris BY UNITEDNATIONS ilrl The IsleWOf Mani may seek Probe LONDON APAlready har assed by problems accompany ing the dissolution or its far flung empirehEritain now faces revolt in its own back yard Charging colonial oppres sion the Isle of Man in the irish Sea 16 miles off northern England is threatening to take its case to the United Nations The 24 members of Parlia ment who represent the holiday island will vote next Tuesday on an emergencyresolutinn calling or UN investigation into on attempt to enforce British do HERES our fDo you think that long hair makes man look intellectual Not when his wifefinds on his coat it then makes him wide alert look foolish mestic policy on the 50000 lsv lenders The Isle of Man known chiefly for its annual mntor cycle race and the Manx cat hns government and constitu tion of its own Britain handles foreign affairs for its parlin merit the ancient Tynwaltl Mans people customs and way oi life are as British as neighboring Cumberland ontbe mainland But the islandersv have always been fiercely jealous of their right to man age their domestic affairs The dispute was brought to head by British legislation ban ning pirate radio stations which beam nonstop pop music from ships just outside British wu ters One of the biggest stations is amhored just off the isle Prime Minister Wilsons govern ment made clear the ban will apply to it despite the rejection suranoc program iillt Klttso in insulin pu lei aimpdtive lives and women in critlcal of similar bill by the Tynwald we unha nun Dillhit Edmonton hm oatg Highway me Which connects Edmonton and Calgary The stretch twolauaundlvided during the la arg No as have releasedr Whmhotol