Barrie Examiner, 26 Apr 1967, p. 6

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WWWwnmfimmvwmmswm fmwwwsV COSTUMES OF PAST era were mudt In evidence at tho Centennial Tea held yesterday alternoon at the AXAF Club rooms Dunlop St under the auspices oi the GetTogether Club ot Barrio In the photo PEOPLE AND PLACES above William Abel the clubs vicepresident is shown with Mrs Clara Warrincr oi Cooks toun Examiner Photo Guests In Costume Depict Theme Of Centennial Tect The pages of time were turned back for many of the citys senior citizens who attended the Centennial Tea held yesterday afternoon by the GetTogether Club an active group of Barries older folks Over 200 guests attended this initial event of the newly formed senior citizens group who meet weekly in the Army Navy Air Force Rooms on Dunlop St Centennial costumes worn by the majority of guests were in keeping with the theme of the tea President lllrs Alice Seal and VicePresident William Abell at tired in costumes reminiscent of 1867 welcomed the tea guests Arrangements tor the tea were in chargc ot Mrs Nora howlcs The tea tablc was entered with outuork linen cloth and con trcd with tloml arrangmlent of pink and vuhite carnalions and blur tapers Too was served trom silvcr tca senices at canh end ot the table Tea assistants included group of vomcn from Trinity Anglican Church including Mrs John Seal Mrs Frank Caldwell Mrs Bill Scrulon Mrs Wally Leadbetter and Mrs Lorne Brit ton Other eonvencrs included Mrs William Abcll who looked attcr tire bake table assisted by Mrs Barron The work table oi fancy sewing was in charge or Mrs Vtscman assisted by Mrs Simons raffle was con ducted by Mrs Anderson Mrs Mills was in charge of draw tickets for Centennial who made and donated to the club by Mrs Gilchrist Ihis cake was won by the holder of ticket number 90 Mrs William Plait was tea ticket convencr Kitchen converter Mrs Wilk inson was assisted by Mrs Warriner DAFFDDIL BALL Plans were completed or the annual Datiodii hall at the meet ing of the Nurses Alumnae ot Royal Victoria Hospital at Laid llaw residence Mini 17 The dance party will be hdd at the Barrie Anmoury Mays Gradu ation activities and the Annual Reunion Dinner were also dis cussed during the business ses sion chaired by President Mrs David Hill The speaker Dr Clark psy chiatrist was introduced by Mrs Frank Bebh His interesting talk KITCHEN HINTS Macdonsid Institute home ec onomics at University of Guelph suggest that good and easy shell for creamed ham can be made by pressing trimmed but terod bread into greased mul iin pan and toasting in hot oven until crisp and delicately browned In doubt about what to do with that lettover meat loat The Foods Department at Macdonald Institute University of Guelph says that it is good cubed and heated in undiluted tomato or mushroom soup COIN OPERATED DRY CLEANING 832 Weoffor Donnop Dry cleaning OFlntshed Dry Cleaning Shirt Laundering Coin Laundry Attended MomFri BIZIHZKIW SII It runs Moth Proofing BARRIE PLAZA For hitormntion 7260l01 dealt with his philosophy ot community psychiatric service When the new hospital wing is completed 05 per cent of persons in need of such service illbe treated locally Miss Audrey lllnpcs thanked Dr Clark and social hour tollowcd CIRCLE IDIE CUBS llho liadius Auxiliary to Circle Pine Cubs and Scouts Ease Bor den will sponsor Rummage Sale on Saturday alternoon in Alexander Dunn school Base Borden beginning at oclock bake table is an added teal nre oi the sale RETURN FRO SOUTH Mn and Mrs Henry Vander bcck of Toronto St have re turned to the city tollowing months holiday in Florida The couple were guests at the Dritt wood Collins Ave at Miami Beach FUN FAIR Fun tor the whole iamily is promised at the Fun Fair to be held Saturday atternoon tram to oclock nt Prince of Wales public school Bradford St Fath er can have the car washed while mother shops at the ba zaar and bake tables myrind of childrens games will keep the small try busy at the lish pond bowling darts or bob bing tor apples Everyone can take part in the bingo games The smnll admission fee oi l0 ccnls includes ircc cotton The Parcnts Group are spon soring the Fun Fair and pro ceeds will he donated to the Sludmlts Expo Fundl COUNTRY CLUB PARTY prcseason ice breakcr Saturday evening party has been arranged by the cntertolnmcnt committee of the Barrie Gel and Country Club Mrs Mcl Brass is commitlcc chairman The in4 formal gettogether to cnnhlc old and new members to get ac quaintcd will feature dancing be ginning at oclock in music provided by George Wilsons on chcslra RROWNIES BANQUET The annual Mother and Daugh ter Banquet of First Earric Frownics was held April 19 En tertztinmuut included songs by the Brownies and in lap dance number by Lorraine Fey and Kathy Hildebrand Presentations were made including Enrol ment Catheryno Dahlke Louise Fraser Tannis Rurlon Debra Peppy Susan Marshall Golden Bar Gillian Greenhaigh Pat Petcrkin First Year Star Lorraine Foy Judith Fraser and Kathy Hildebrand Teen Owl Miss Helen Bell received on Eight Year Star Special thanks were extended to the leaders Mrs Ll Burs bidge Miss Mooney Miss Helen Bell and Miss Brenda Burhidgc tor their time and vai nable help with the Brownies dorm 1le BARRIE EXAIIER WEDYESDAY APRIL In 1N7 Toronto Wedding Of Lecal Interest Forest Hill Unttcd Church To ronto has the setting for the marriage at Catherine Annc daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Pirrie Oro Station to Calvin Alexander son oi Mr and Mrs Harold George oi Toronto Rev Dr licndtrshnl oiliciat ed at tho sltcrnoon ceremony April GOWN OE LACE The bride was given in mar riage by her lather For this special day she chose goun oi lace orcr bridal satin The bodice oi the gown teaturcd high rounded neckline and belt sleeves headdress ot scid pearls held the chapel vcll nt tuilc illusion The bride carried bouquet at uhile lilies Miss llctly Pirrie httcntlcd her sister as maid ol honor llcr gown ot lime green lace olor pcau do sole was complemented with matching green pelallcd headpicce Shc carried bouquet of while lillcs John Morrison attended as groomsman The brides brolhor Allan Pirric was usher RECEPTION Following the ceremony rc ccption and dinner took place at the Beverley Hills Hotel The brides mother received attired in sheath dress with matching coat asliioncd ot pcriwinklc blue lace Navy accusorics and corsagc ct white gardenias cn honccd her costume Leaving tor the wedding trip the bride wore coral wool dross with checked mat in harmonizing ion Antique brown accessories and garden in corange completed her en scmblo On return lrom two week honeymoon in Florida the couple will reside at tho hlarkdale Mn nor Apartments this Bathurrt St Toronto Sale Of Seeds Aids Retarded TORONTO tCl For the sixth year the Canadian Arse cinlion tor Retarded Children will distribute tlouor seeds to ubllcizc and raise money tor work Between 700 nod 1000 pounds at cosmos seeds will be distrib uted by branches at the associ ation around Mothers Day May in most cases the branches nsk gilt ot money in return tor the gilt oi seeds in some the Flowers at llopc reeds are given awoy as port of con tinuing public education pro gram liy coincidence the cosmos is also the ccntcnntal lower and it hnppcns that because ot poor weather the association has about the only svslloble largo supply of secds The flower is an annual that will grow to one to six teet in height Money rotted by the associ nllons branches is used or lo cal projects otten or schools Taking baby to Expo 67 Gerber Baby Foods exclusively Will be provided tree asa special sowice in the NurseryI Expns babyvcare centre on the Saints Helena operated under the auspices ol Expo and The City of Montreal Gerber Immut Suggestion For The By Ixle DIXON MONTREAL lSth All roads lead to Expo 67 But before you Join the throng travelling to La Belle Province this lummcr make Iurc your reservation are in order Make sure youve taken along heavy sweater or locket tor the cool evening breeder it you Ire planning to vlrlt during the opening weeks Inks along blanket The site Is one at the windiest in Montreal and youll Tel awlully cold on the mlnlrni tpnrtlcularly crossing the river between the Russian and US pavilions and on tho various boat trips Your blanket will also be usetul it you want to sit on the grass or on the concrete stops and rocks that are used throughout the hair grounds COMFORTABLE EIIOES Ladies Would be very unwise to wear anything but lowhcelcd walking shoes Youll never ren iiro hut how big the site LI uw til you start walking it The best way to go to the hair so was told by one ol the lovely young Ontnrio hostes ses is by Metro Take the mini rnll circuits to lie Vcrt and lie Notre Dame then the trailer train to La Mode and the mint roll from there Youll Just have to walk to Mackny Pier or use surtace ve hicles in that area There is large coated map to check your whereabouts when you cu ter the rite hope you have the cost of your accommodation in writing My reservation at leading downtown hotel in Montreal had the RIpido contirmtd my res ervatlon by phone told the clerk my expected time ar rival and tell tor the tour ot the Ontario Pavilion at Expo when checked in II the ho tel shortly brtore it pm the clerk on duty Informed me that my room would not be ready tor an hour it hadnt been made up yet and the cost at the room was 311 It couldnt understand why the clerk had conllrmed my reservation earlier at $19 We dont have slnglc room left at that be noted The only single room he could give me was on the ltth floor and or cost at 821 Alter arguing the point thought it better to ac rcpt the tiller bolero that room was gone and the rate went up again Besides Its little late to go looking tor room in Montreal nt thot hour oi the night HOW TO DRESS One barrio resident asked me to try to not Intormnttnn or her on how to dress learned that over Joyeor period Montreals summer temperature range in lwccn 1t and 7B degrecs Spring ls cooler and tall tcmpcrntures can go to the 505 lnlonnal clothing will be most condorb nblo on the Expo site Take wrap atom for evening and dres sicr clothcs It you porn to at tend progrnmr at Place dc Arts Also raincoat and walk in shoes To get to the site you can travel by the new subway sys tem which has an entrnncc to Expo by buses or commuter trains trom suburb to the con lre of tilt city There are more than 4000 laxlcobs in Montreal located at stands throughout the been made through the gentle cit Adult force on city transport man In charge oi the Press tour which took port in this week hod bcen told the nightly rate tor single room would be SIB at the lady who checked in at next desk got single room tor tin and even at Its tho rates had gone up since the week bolore when single room could be had tor Sit night Arriving in Montreol aboard Mayor Resents Male Accusation IWEED Ont CPlAl ex pected the women tolkcd back Thursday This town at 2000 in eastern Ontario has council made up of Reeve Barbara Allen our other women and Burton Thompson 50 Mr Thompson said earlier this week that the women were inclined to talk more than pro vlour nllvmule council and would probably spend more money Reeve Allen replied Thursday that Ihewomcn councillors are not empty headed bits oi Hull She said in an interview that Im not militant feminist at all but it theres anybody on moomrncil doing boo much talk ing its certainly not the women 52 Dunlop St BARRIE NORTH DRAMA fWW or STEPHEN LEACOCK 11 liqI we Traveller gt Who Plans To Visit Expo 67 treat maintains kiosk in Central Dominion Square where intonnrtton lists or current at traction and map may be ob tained Expo at will have more than 200 acres or parking are at the site charges will be at ru nonable tired rate we urre told WHEN YOU REACH THE SITE There are three entrances utlh parking space No cm will he allowed within the gates Park ing rates as mentioned obeys will be tired Should you have neglected to oitlx your picture to your rca son passport you can use ra pld photo mnchlnc placed at the entrance Dally admissions and sevenday passports do not re quire photographs The main gate is Place dAccucil Ind it you have driven tar you will be pleased to note that this entrance has locllitlcs you may need ban her shop beauty parlor wash rooms lockers telephones tnurants Colic shops will be open at hours day SERVICES ON THE SITE As well as many wash rooms there will be 105 drinking Ioun tains exclusive those in tho pavilions 030 public telephones with the new push buttons lock ers at convenient locations seal lng benches and choirs or 9000 persons Booths tor the rcn ml oi miter and umbrellas at three loc lions including Place dAccucll Expo 57 promise to be high adventure and entertainment tor everybody tor the young and tor the old and the nice part about Why Ilirls leave Home to get marrlod Prlcad tram $10000 at BILL tirwettrns SHADES we buy the socks rL Just because wo wantto do little something tor your little darting Were altering you babywear ol the same high quality you like to choose yoursalt JustsendIabelstromtwoeerhnr Slvalned or Junior Meat Dinners along with thls coupon and well send you pair at long wenringwhlte 100 nylon baby socks with plenty oi wiggle room tor tiny tons NOTE Whan ordering com are shoe size to suck size as own here and check the appropriate bolt snot SDCK €35 SIZE SIIE SIIE 3V JV 6A El Sendto GerberEabyFIoductl A174 Dundns SI Walt Toronto 18 Ontario arm zxrmzs hm soul rm nhthtlld nunm new minum tlllblltlttll Albnow FlorLl was llkllin vim lllnl mono or hm nouns pron STUDENTS 75 GARNETS HOBBIES JAN ES STATIONERY PLAZA DRUGS FRIDAY APRIL 28 SATURDAYAPRH28 TICKETS AVAILABLE AT it is that as per cent ol the inn within the gate in tree CLUB

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