as aTsaxwgQw 331224 24 us as AltH swarm NW samv Lamas AWARDS As in ofcueumber growing awards Leonard Rob inson tieitl Airs Robinson and llrs Ken Barker rcceived transistor radio sets from Alan Brown grading station oper Conservation PRESENTED AT STAYNER tor at Stoyner The Robinson won for best acre production and litre Barker for haifacrc TRACTOR DRIVER KILLED ST THOMAS tCPl Ted White 31 at nearby iiylmor was killed hicsday when the tractor he was driving collided with car on Highway about To Place School Bell On Cairn At Utopia UTOIIA Stattl New cairn erected at Utopia Community Centre has been attracting in tcntion as well as various im provemenls made as the com munity cenlennial project school belt is to be placed on top of the rock cairn which has been inscribed Canada 18671967 commemorating our forefathers Utopia Centennial Project The parking lane has been gravellcd and paved sidewalk mm the parking area around one side at the building to the front door Now paved steps have mplaced the old steps The cement block building has been painted turquoise with doors and Homework while Beside the community centre St Georges Anglican church which was erected in 1873 also has been the centre of much at iention The land on which it was built was donated by John Jen nw pioneer or the common ity and those who supported the work included William and asgswes Work Praised BIIADFOIID tStaitt Work at such conservation authorities as the Nottawnsaga Authority was commended by Arthur Ev ans hiPP Progressive Cnn scrvativc member for Centre Simcoc Chairman of the Ontario leg lstitturcs scich committee on conservation htr Evans said it was comprised of nine Conserva tives three Liberals and one NDP The committee has re ceived tit briefs and has held 99 hearings We have found that people are rcalty concerned about con servation Ilnotls drought and pollution said Mr Evans re ferring to the anxiety about the condition of the provinces not urat resources as an increasing population makes more demands on them The need for oiienlive conservation measures is more urgenl than ever before From out of twoyoar in quiry the selection committee made report which contained 127 recommendations designed to further the conservation of soil water wildlife and forests of the province There are now 35 Conservation Authorities ac tive in the province covering 23710 square miles and their 853 municipal and provincial representatives administer combined annual budget at over WEOOOAWO ilie Nottawasaga Causewa tion Authority oi which Rceve Lloyd Prldhom 0i Sunnidale is chairman is one or the 36 This covers 26 municipalities includ ing the City of Barrie the towns of Alliston Coliingwaod and Slayner the villages oi Creo morc Vasagu Beach Totlon ham Slielbtirne and Benton and townships of Oro Osprey Sun nidaic Tecumseih Tossorontio Vespra Aledontclnnistii ttlono hiulmur Noltawasaga liiclanc thun Adiala Amaranth Essa Collingwood Fins and West Gwillimbiiry ltir Evans referred to the New Lowell reservoir project the Tol tenham conservation pond area theEdenvato conservation park and other parts at the eonsid erable Nottawasagn program He advised that the authority was asked by the village of Tot lenham to take over the pond area and village owned land for development native of Tceumseth town ship Mr Evans was born on farm on the 7th linc lto attend ed liammells School and Dec ton Continuation School and int cr was in business in Bradford where he was reeve irom 1933 to 1959 in this he was elected ward en of Simcoe County and served this oitlee with distinction Lot cr he was elected mayor of Bradtord and in 1960 he was chosen Conservative candidate or Centre Simcoe and won the ridihg for then Premier Leslie hfflcrostr tie has continued to represent the riding and is again in the field in the coming eicc tlon GUTIIBIE Dy MRS CAMERON Congratulations to hire iEerl Jamioson winner of the Night on the Town contest last week Mn and Airs Jamloson will be dined and entertained Friday April 28 which also happens to be their Itlld wedding anniver sary Mr and Mrs Bernat Living ston and iamily and Mr and Mrs Itinx Livingston visited Mr and hirs Watson Cratviord at Alliston last Sunday ltir and hirs Faragher and family of Oshawa were weekend visitors oi ltlr and Mrs Cecil Cameron hfisses Jean and Karen Camp sott Egbert spent the weekend with their grandparents Mr and Mrs Campbell Guthrie Bowling League finish ed last week with Velma Brad leys team on top Other trophie icys team on top other trophies and prizes will be awarded at the banquet and dance at River Gardens Friday evening ltlr Brendan of Caldwater was present to give practical assist ance at an open meeting hcld at the community hall last week re garding new arena Keith San derson was chairman andrepro sentatives from all parts oi the rmtflmlmnm WGOBL fOne of the rare township voted in favor of build ing new arenas four miles east at here James Miller Thomas Lee ilui iLOede with imitation brick in in Connor and George iiaiis Rm Bates was the first pastor The inside of the church was panelled iih wood in 1596 and gas lamps and wooden seals in stalled in 1900 The church was Road Foreman Named iit Beeton ansrow ismff Newly ap poiietd f0rmin tor fiction works department truce Calc man is dut to commence his duties on Monday tiny lie was selected try the tillage couns cii irom iivc applicants Mr Coleman has been with the Cooper chks leitcd for some years anti workcd in Dec ion and Toronto Reeve Earl Drown hands the Dccton council whltli also in cludes Councillors icicr Urban ski Lawrence linwtoti ii Boyninn and Sheridan hicGinty 1938 and interior decorated Utopias first school was log one located on Lot Zor Conces eian Eugene Smith great gruntiialhcr oi Essa Deputy licere Eugene Smith was sec retary for years and John Bow man was an early teacher Like other schools of the 13405 it had benches lacing the centre and was heated by box stove in the centre in the year of confederation the property was sold and frame school was built on Lot 17 Concession The school was destroyed by life in i872 and another school erected at the some site MILL DAM ROAD BAXTER lStaiIl Develop meni at road over the mill dam at Utopia is being discus sed here Deputy Reeve Eugene Smith and road superintendent Louis iruax hovebcen appoint ed committee to negotiate to Essa concerning the road STRICT NEWS THE BARRY EXAMINER TIIVILIIAY APRIL 26 551 DISTRICT BRIEFS Best Crop Yields To Win Awards STAYNER bin Stnynar Womens institute which is heat Apusrox smut rip dead by strs Henna is mak for two to York is the top ing plans to be represented at regional pnrc in it high yield the district annual meeting to belt0m competition Top eompeh held at Creemore on Vedncs itnrs in South Silltcoc qualify day lilay to hirs Eugene hiur tor the overall provincial com ray is district director with petition lllrs Clemence alternative Ross Fraser oi Atcnin was DISTRICT MEETING FARM IIELP AVAILABLE ALLISION tStaftl Recently returned home otter an educa the regional winner last year with the cultivation of to bush els per acre The South Simcae Soil and tlonnl tour of farms feed mills Crop improvement Association and lumber mitis in Scotland alsoinnauncedahtghyioid cum and England William Elliott pCilIiUH in bzirlc This compo iruil and vegetable inspector at tilion is for variety at ban Alliston reported considerable icy and the winner will receive interest shown by form labor in the Parsons Seed trophy En coming to Canada lie suggested tries should be matie to the de was an advantageous time to pnrtmcnt of agriculture by ltfay recruit this farm help is HEtNZ raiici tomato UI or iN OUR PRODUCE DEPARTMENT CALIFORNIA GARDEN FRESH ASPARACUS 31 PRODUCE OF MEXICO CANADA NO IMPORTED Vine Ripe Tomatoes 19 HON PRODUCE OF USA CANADA N0 GRADE Dot In six BURSTING WlTli JUICE Florida Oranges 39 Contoioupes or 29 PRODUCE 0F SA IMPORTED BARLINKA PRODUCE 0F USA CANADA N0 GRADE Block Grapes 39 Anointing H431 ggreat wild ARCHER WINSTEN POST srAnrs SUNDAY acorn Imgskini We NOW PLAYING Recommended as ADllll illltiiIItltih 645 909 memorable pictures mmmuam sn CHAMPION Devi eh shit or liver BB BALLAIIB DOC FOOD 25 UL CONTAINER ST LAYIBEIICE COM OIL lGA TOMATO CATSIIP Baby Dilh Snot Mixed Band uod Boiler COBOIIATIOII PICIiLE WWW WE FT OAOBOOYS cnooo it 39 caranra are 45s BLMX CURRANT RASPBERRY or RAW in 99c 651 39a 890 or Dottic critters runs JAMS 37c JET sraiir CLEAlSEtt 5s WGLOS HAWES noun nix $124531 or 59c DISINFECTANT PIIIE SOL CLEAISEII MARKET SGUARE lGA Worsloy Muleaster Sis CHRISTIES IGA l3 Essa Road loAlAtLvtltIRAhAPmdactui FUNNYTHING HHPPENEDONTHE WHYTOTHE FORUM uuhruflfllfl ARV 423 so more 37L1Nlarne 20L um artrunner YOUNGS IGA Stroud Ont PLAY MlNlT aINoo BEEKIST LIQUID 12 07 JAR attend or or Over cunts numbCards available at your an Storm EY For my counting it Std you wil FREEoeuan no pm At low really my regular IGA Csili Register In folder xuppiiod in an am got in happy lubi Its so swan no mt you simply an Dcubl it amount at ya ash gnu Wannat dollars aroma aurala an in you Addilional use to or an on 16A Gilt aIaloguo or for Elton Merchandise Certiï¬cates IMPORTANT huluvh only corn hdellmwl pic an up totk tourists pin lnoliur mm why my How llaiualile are itili Cash Register Tapes Bonus Tapes Hm simple will of ac IGA Tap on taper you how full older ham list in the GA Gilt Cahloqul purchased by older int doom inldur for $200 Eaton Morelundm Co Thurs certiï¬utn can in wind mt It cull any Enron nm or TromEaInnrCalnlogttu 710 it your hunt Take Advantage oi Double Tape Days To Claim ttitts Faster Supplied by osnawa WHOLESALE umrso supply dopot tor progressive sunspotmenu PRICES EFFECTIVE APRIL 2627 TO AND 29 WE RESERVE THE RlGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIE Donor mm ndBonufT It you of so my rv Dalia ioiciimcr GREEN or wrxra cur BEANS cit Fresh Ontario lEAII TRESII PORK SHOULDER Lean Fresh Loan Well Trimmed CHICKEN COTS BEEF llYEii BOlOlillA noon FR APE Ironox Pork Butt Roast Pork Butt Chops ECONOMICAL HENY SLICED strewn 35f itiia tint Port Saint 65 FRBH EGG mi 3354515 15 51c pwmwwgm caoaurr mien io chooic ham CHOCOLATE BISCUITS 4a iiiiiiifitiï¬iiiiiis BABY WEEK of IGA cram COTTON ants 29o Silt Citiin Plastic Bandages iii 690 BABY POWDER stZ 631 BABY OIL in 69 Matt iGA Slum rig Pig SEALTEX BABY PAIITS 88¢ TIPS 79o