mm is Tm BAHRIE dEXAMINERII WEDNESDAY APRIL i961 OBITUARY NNC ELIZABETH MELTIAN Funeral services were held tram the ietnlck Funeral Home It Jnc Elimbcth lcliian who died suddenly in her lilh ctl She has the daughter at John Eduard rchoan and the late ltuth Eleanor Rupertl She is sur ivcd by her ialhr one sister Donna and tour brothers Jack Gordan Glenn and Allan ail oi Harrie She was predeceased by her moIlILr In IEJI llcv Jay and Rev Mosley conducted the service and interment was in Minesing Cmctory Pallbearers ere Bill and Don illd hielean lllI Parker Rick llilcs Tom Skrypynrltuk and Robert Johnson llonorary Pali bearers here Brian Bowman and Michael Woods LESLIE LEONARD OOD Funeral services were held tram New Lowell United Church ior Leslie Leonard Wood who dict suddenly at his home in Angus Ontario hIr Wood was the son oi the late Leonard Wood and diary Havcrson lie was born In New Loucll In 19 and was liie member ol that community lie retired from iarming une year ago and look up residence in Angus ur Wood was member at New Lowell United Church and member oi the Masonic Lodge Crecmore In 1910 Air ood married Mildred Gordon who survives as well as two daughters hirs Rus sell Mock thiarian ui Creemorc and Mrs Eric David Betty oi Lisle tie is also survived by no brothers Norman at hiinesing and Iiarold oi Vasaga Beach two sisters Tirs ii hicanan Alma oi Collingnood and Mrs William hieKinnon Enid oi Barrier Also surviving are live grandchildren itev hiaclienzie oi New Lowell United Church conducted the service and interment was In Slayner Union Cemetery Pallbearers were Clarence hic Quay Alired Patton liarry hiansbridge ll rt Baker Iiarry Prosser and Donald Duti Flower bearers were William Arnold Norris Presser Blendon Snow Bert Dauglzs Day and Vincent Stainton Friends and relatives altcutlcd irom Coliingwood Queensville Cobourg rric Cookslown Creemore Stayner Stouliville Vasaga Beach Minesing ril Ila Toronto Mansï¬eld and Ivy AGNES ANN VYNES Funeral services were held Irom Stockley Funeral llama tor Agnes Ann Vynes who died sudl denly at her home hirs Vynes was the dough ice at the late Ernest and nu Gzti be was hara inhittington Shropshire Eat land in lBQII Alter the death other parents she came to Can In I903 Ill I920 she mar ri Vthe late Ja mes Walter Wines They lived in the lathe ri Edgar area until the death eigher husband in 1934 at which time she moved in Barrie She was member oi Burton trgssUniiod Allies Lodge Loy aeriue Blue Barrie Past Mis tress oi Golden Star Lodge LQBA Barrie Crystal Chapter Lodge Allandalc Ladies Auxil iary Canadian Legion Barrie and member at Simcoe Loyal True Blue Lodge She is survived by one datwh ter Eleanor Mrs Charles er Elwood uyncs both at Bai rie Five grandchildren also sur vice She was predeceased by her husband and one son IGClr Norman Vynes who was kill cdin Holland during the Second World War two brothers and one sister Rev Pardon conducted the service and interment was in Edgar United Cemetery Pallbeareu were Norman and iiaymand Kelly Lorne Ferguson Wallace DcSiiva Alvin Hoitman and Gordon Caldwell PAY EXPO TRIBUTEr LONDON CPITho opening of Expo 67 in Montreal Thurs day vas made the occasion Wednesday or warm tribute to Mada in the editorial col umns oi The Times The es tsential tolerance which is one oi the hallmarks oi her national life the reputation for interna tionallsmrbuiltup over man years the record at the good allyall these Canadian attri butes have won her respect around the world The Times says WANTS YOUR TilLICK RENTAL BUSINESS 7256527 See How Quickly Answer on JIIIIIISIJII 113 DUNLOP Aye United Church Past hlis Opposite The Queens Dark SHOULDER Houses sash one 39° RGASTS LB SPECIAL MEATY earn see some mos 65c SPECIAL GENERAL FOODS CHOCOLATE FLAVOURED DRINK GBEAT SHARES and 43°ié SPECIALI HOSTESS CANDY GRAND stun SPECIAL BOSTON BROWN WITH PORK IN CHILI SAUCE TA FL rlrnvwnnr AYLMER BEANS UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF THE WORLD NEARLY HALF AMILLION WORDS SPECIAL HOSTESS BISCUITS Shoooloie ilhhllh SPEC AL AYLMER FANCY Ixl SPECIAL WITH PECTIN ADDED WETEEEYS WERE Mild an SPECIAL HEINZ COUNTRY GOOD ElittltlEii Iitlttilti linden SPECIAL NO WHITE Militia it SPECIAL POLSKI OGORKI DYSONS ILL PIGKLES 32st onau II AND EIFIEEN HUNDRED 0312 IAIT ILLUSTRATIONS IN FULL COLOR IN 16 HARD COVERED VOLUMES unlvmu mom or THE uonuz Special Introductory 0hr When presented to the cashier at any participol in LOBLAW SUPERMARKEI this coupon is wonrH stoo rownnos rumours or VOL the regu orprice of 8129 Limit coupon plr book DNE DOLLAR MI VALID AFTER HIV ill1967 onward320 CLIP AND REDEEM is $100 COUPON PER VOL SPECIAL MeCAIN FROZEN FANCY FRENCH CUT Green BEANS neon SPECIAL LOBLAWS KITCHEN PRIDE Imam or 1402 ms um um uxl mm una PEPSDDEIIT tomum DOE FROM CALIFORNIA N0 GRADE Wlmm Whom 2d 39 FROM FLORIDA N0 GRADE ceased sauna tit 319° enlcss EFFECTIVE APRIL 2627 28 29 wmmmmrm cm or new rrcum or on mama rm in norm women EM mm mm em our amen mm um mu ICE DREAM vlr rxo mt summon mm mm 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