TO HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED l3 AUCTION SALES BOOKKEEPER TYPIST ï¬xpericncetl Responsible Full Time duh able to do ilLl not cl in loot after ordcrs nears tiling etc Interesting ansiion and pleasant urraunangs Accuracy ertlal Salary aijustabfe to experience and ability 35 huur utrk Anpy Nth full information to Box D37 Barrie Examiner MALE HELP ACCOUNTANT WANTED It local company uisilcs the services at young acmunlarl pre lcrnbly under 15 degree is not necessary but should be able lu produce monthly re eluu Iv establish cost accoilntiug and advise on matters at Successful applicant should have pleasing personally and able to get along with people This company has small modern oilico vlh zoo employees in total no position nIIcls nil llcnclils uith excellent opportunity to advance in the management of the wrmtany Stale experience qualiï¬cations and approximate salary rcquircd In writing to llox D35 Barrie Examiner All rcpiicsilcllltd Ill strict conï¬dence SALES CORRESPONDENT Young man required or internal salcs vark uilh rapidly expanding local Industry day gt40 hour neck IlLl range oi Company benefits Salary Conuncnsuratc with ability and experience Apély lo Manager Employee Relations Box 6000 Barrie TOWNSHIP OF ESSA Applications will he rcctivcd by the undersigned until 1200 noon Thursday May m7 lor THREE POLICE CONSTr BLES Im the Township of Essa Police Force Salary schedule Constable lsl class $5000 2nd class SL700 pills annual cloth ing nliouance oi 51th Applica tion forms are available at the Cltlks ulIice and will be mniIA ed on rcqucst or at the Police Oillce at the Angus Plaza An gus OnL Applicants to state experience if any and uhcn arailahhs or tluty asurcl Tnullship nl Essa Box 10 ANGUS Ont Iclcplwnc 4357091 RY NAMINER WANT ADS uonr uninm uan Nunlrcd llc cured Please Iclvpllultc 720nm rnr nlrthcr lnIonuntton uccllmcs dealership Tulcpltnltn you EN rnncnnnlc rmulrcd lwst aces nail gnarl tnrkln nditlnn In urn rlEnt insurance bctleiiu arlennanc and risk or Erncst vaus cllss or truck Mllcntu required ram Illslon lu Senior lualu lrlcn rrlinal rulcurs lmnlcd rlm name and trldiihoilc number to Ilnx nan narrln Exalmilttl stal Ina past cmcrlcnccs ln construo lion and salls ntld Aupolnlmcnls rum suls rcqulrcd uusl lm luarricd and nhlc to lltt Cnu tact have lmrrio Srroud lland sure 5a Dtlnlm st West min cutmm or am no ncai and altIt young in lloqutrn minimum tworrarr ancu Bxpcrlence and Grade 12 edu caunn Plcase call or write tur Battle Lauren Tide llnancc Malt vatls Drhe Neomarkct mssm AUCIIDN SALE Compute rsat ot beet cat tic herd in ma Saringing was Sockets and naives Ior ARNOLD FORBES DAISION at EHIVALE SALES STABLE lrl Elmialc on THURSDAY EVEN ING APRIL Hunt utll sell tlchcily alter plgs at nm Audi oer ARCHER COLWILL AUCTION SALE Friday Apnt 28 pm sharp For FIL VK OCONNOR but Conccs it cst Gui limhury Tollnslill Auction sale at complete line ol exception ally good household furnishings including nearly new Terms cash No reserve as home is snlrl ALLAN Holt ill Itucliuntcr Still AUCTION SALE 0i cattle sous pigs arm ma chinery hay straw and some household eilccls The undersigned has received instructions from LORNE IIOLLEY to sell hv puhlic nurtion at the premises LOT It CON ll VESPIM ll miles nmili nl Illtflnv 2U turn north at gravel mile south oi VcspmFlos Tounllnc Saturday April 29 at lOO rim sharp The following carnal Jersey Cow ars old fresh call at foot Ilciicr years frcsh ntiaot PIGS Yorkshire So and ti pigs uccks old Landrace Sow anti pigs weeks old Yorkshi Lanlrnce Sous lyred weeks to months chistorctl Yorkshire Saws bred weeks Registered York ling it months old York irc ling lfl months Ill Yorkshire llog purebred but no papers It Yorksllim Pigs ruin it to 13 colts old POULTRY lll lltlts in lull production IIAY STRl5tfl lralcs OI choice mixed AllahTimothy Ila 200 bales of Oat Slrau PLEMENTS and llISCEL LA EOUS Ferguson Tractor 20 in good condition Pidlcy or Ferguson Tractor 200 gal Gas Tank Ferguson TEA Zn in good condition Ferguson Irnnl end loader complete with lurk Ferguson furrow tnaclt tur plow point hitch Fergus scn tractor manure spreader vilII 75 Luis scnnp MIN point hitch or Ferguson tractor Flcury Bissel tandem tractor disc Ferguson tractor cultivtn tor Cedar posts Stilt tooth tractor cultivator vilh liII hitch furrow disc plow Stcel land roller drum Allis Chal Fertilize as early as pnssihlc at $350 lhis Mercury spreader has 25 1h wpacity serrated agitator blade prevents ncl lot breakage Durable metal cnnstruction Ordinarily sold itill grass other cutunrms suboil insects weeks 1055 formula IO LB BAG Covers 1000 sq ft Regular sins quality each 395 Covers each Covers feet quality FOR EASY FERTILIZING 8r SEEDING 23 Found Fertilizer Capacity Designed for easy for tjlizing and seeding does difï¬cult job properly and leaves you without being exhausted and linistra ted The price is right at Robinsons This year order this stumin built worksaver that spreads evenly com lont to out pattern with ease LIIWN FOOD lligh nitrogen content work immediately fast greening and long lasting ll POUNDBAG Regular $293 quality 22 POUND BAG 16 lAWN SPREADER grassy rccds kills gruhs Feeds your lawn for 2513 BAG Covers 2500 sq Regular $995 quality each 795 Starts to zsoo sq It 235 5000 square negular $495 each HIIRDWIIBE 7252431 mm Baler Set 01 has drag harrous complete uilh draw Allis Chaimrrs Combine otor driven in real good con ditifln ull rut No Poucr quer EllII ide delivery rake lost Gm 2461 Interna tional tractor seed drill seed attachment in good Condition léton chain hoist Ilubher tired large farm wheel trailer with ash platlorm Kmse plate tiller Surge Zunit milk ing machinc motor outlets Sprayer complete with new pump and ham Fanning mill with screens motor Scrap iron bale hay elevator mo tor cctric oat roller 16 gram auger motor Small cream separator Electric grain auger hp motor 32 mon sion ladder llubbtr tircd uhccltiarrou Electric clippers Circular Saw for pt hitch Tractor chains 1143 21 Simm chions comple ct cattle cas trntors Chain lolks shovels and many nth arlic cs HOUSEHOLD EFIIICIS Farwell cabinet grand piano in good condition Oak lihrary dcsk Oak parlour table Eclipse regulator antique clock Space heater Antique oak din ing table with extra leaves SLrand cooking range in good condition Breakfast set ullh kitchen table and chairs Breaklast set table chairs bullet Largo Coop Deep Freon Zl CGE 21 TV Stl Drop Ical lalxlc porcrlain lop Day couch toilct sets com plete 1t Washstands Single bed complete with mattress springs Double had complete with mattress springs Odd chairs Rocking chair Jardin itrn stand Large oak cuplt board Antique klldlcn chair Quantity of oak flooring Knick knack shell burner cloctric heater many other articlm too numerous to list Terms cash No resume as the arm is sold Nothing to be removed until scttlcd Ior Owner or management will not be responsible or injury or accidents on property day sale FRANK anlll £ch JERRY COUGIILIN uctluneer Phone Barrie LSllg MINER KILLED SUDBURY CPI Nilo Guerra 37 of Sudbury was killed Tuesday when he was trapped in rackfall at Falcon bridge Nickel hlincs Ken llcd zill mincs engineer who is in vestignllng said Guerra was scaling rock at the 24mm level when ceiling gave way DEATHS UXY THE CANADIAN PRES Ullle Fills Mlnn Grades lltargulis 64 trumpet playcr uho had played with both Dor sey bands Benny Goodman Artie Shaw and Vincent Lopez Gema Ctiltord Johnston Webster 4a counsellor with the Canadian delegation to the lonatian Geneva disarmamrnt commission at heart attack Culver City CalmTom Con way 63 suave hero the Fal con movle series and star at nearly 00 motion pictures at liver ailment Pull Plllsades Cl 16 TIE SAME EXMIBER Frank Ovation t8 ubo ap penred In such films as To Kill Mockingbird and Dark at the Top 01 the Stairs at an appar ent heart attack Eaton Maryland Dr Vll ham Andrw Irwin 81 internu uIDsTsmv mm im iionnlly knoun Old Testament scholar uho helped produce the revised standard version at the Bible in the late 1930 TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 725le1 DOWNTOWN BARRIE TODAY COMING MAY 11 Woolworfhs GRAND OPENING BE PREPARED FOR Our GREAT VALUES OPEN CHARGE ACCOUNT Kindly Use Woolworths Hayfield St Entrance until the Grand Opening THE PORTAGE ROOM Wlll REMAIN OPEN DURING OUR REOPENINO PREPARATIONS GILLETTE ENOS Fruit Salts fAllIA SELTZER RESDAN Dandruff Control some iEtiiMATIC RUZOI shaving edges WHITE RAIN Dunlop St El Barrie lISTERINE Antiseptic TOOTHPASTE Reg 69 each 99 Reg 395 Reg 129 Re 255 as oz Reg 50 7oz Clear 125 Lotion val 9ZIIHJVUEM4VEO uaans nulmr gran 69 LUMIJET THE DISPOSABIE POCKET OR PURSE FLASHLIGHT 15 hrs of battery time Reg 129 pram TAMPAX Reg or Super 40s CURADS 60 Assorted PEARS Transparent Soup VACUUM Bottles CLEARASIL For Pimples Acne OPEN Reg for$l Iorlr SPECIAL Reg 25 gt RollonDeodornnt 79c L29 COLGATE Toothpaste Fumin Sine Reg 119 Mom rm Wed sat to pan rum Frl to Cloud Sunday and Holidays