ARTICLES FOR SALE Door Crash Special ICE CREAM Regular $I 12 his lOlz Gal GAL thoyLut at your COOP 273 Innisill 0N NE DOWINM 9W Cur nelcr usrd Iata model relepocn Til24575 Dl FRONT IDG ID LIL SlatL GTE ID Dirk food Market Coullll 71w Is swim JIISDOWI than upon in so in dining prpu Tclcpbom nodule bum SUITE tibia and our chain In omUent rendition Tel enhnne nuts alter pm pools GARDL noanuzsl Ior sale In ma condition Telovnom no Gurus BICYCLE tor pale mm wheel ucrllrrK condition Girls Gcar Iliryde mind whm no Ilinnc W7 urmrcn nine or pIll uiih ampe and me uh new Tcle prions moron Ior mnhcr deulls PERSIAN lamb mr Con vmh mink collr also 5mm um Telephone mm or lurin er details POTATO rcsLm Is In eIpa elty annd nlvl government sus plur Cort sumoclearing sum Sll Ouccn st Iv Toronto 7669655 Um IDIICLI Air nilnoon lnr nlr ln rood mndlilon For fun LIIIII paniculm lelrnhona 72o Isl IJNSAY Illoblla Rodin or pale one lholl Iwo Molt Apply at Wop Sll Lost or telephone no roUII ruuzs ior ule ms It ply tubtlesa whiiewali um In thsn so ndler no mo Tole phnm 7mm nauv cnnruhnc or salt blue our while In rooo condluon sto For further lnrarmrllon telephone mom I960 ronn llcnon or sale cyllndcr sundrrd transmission In lood condition Tolephone 72mm hirer pun llwmlAnr Centennlol Quilt or nudeailc dih wronshi Iron fluid ohnson Ion motor SI bedstead and sprinr mono no 4777 mun CAGES Ior sale could bo used Ior noth mi Is tunnel In colliding mug ADDY Run an om Nephom Logos annmllouscs Excellent so on tuniiy to buy 1000 on It or also 2000 so Ii or 31000 inch lass panes Telephono mom Illcl pm RESTAURANT Equipment Sur Ins Fryers arl Toarten Eountu Slnnll Salad Unlb Frus en Dishes and cuflory Real bur Fins vostern Sll Queen 51 omnio Dnl doom AMPLIFIER or sale Ivro 17inch apekm reverb and tremolo add en months old like new nod condition 71366 mm pro or arier pm slam ron SAL ply while cardboard Exlmplc Api Io Rent House or sale etc Avaliablo at Ilurtl Exlmlner hualntu otiiu In IT windows with llbrml and Icrennr 15x30 Antlouz lawn lunch mens sulLl size to Dcclr cnIir Cribbage board phone Room FOR sALr Homemade el carnpinr trailer storag mica on aides Will sleep two Tail Ind signal upon Te ephone Ivy mm er pm or Su TYPLwanzns bau sold plren rented sotclot strident ml Ial rates lnqulro about our Euy Whlia You Rent plan slur Type urlier co 7M Dunan st Iort hissons Ich son sALn reel high needI minor repairs Ind pm pm orier Also dol Irons nulls large dog excel lent condiuon can at I1 reel stunt nEranmATon modern Ilcciary Easy with large Ruling compart ment Wt lectrle stove Gurney 75 inches $50 or nearest nflcr Both In soon condition Toiwhone nitum PLAYER PIANO Heintzrnsu small one reconditioned am mill hesi nllcr Also End Tabl Iam Ind Irillmt lamp All In nxce ent condition 725m LEWYT VACUUM Clnamr with disposable bars no omoe lilo trey motal In or me storm computment with lack upper runs pIrt never med Hamper or unnel coal 9150 Tel ephona mm MATERNITY Clout or ï¬le ska IO Several snorted WP Ind Ikllls slacks one 345 malt men brflcnde Party It wont twin All cllln Ind In good condition so mmyllte Phone mum All it uncou HenriIr Aid used only meta new condition Tudtnvpe heavy dul rinse good eondidon no Lao Lemon blazer wIth dust inn and tie my flannel shirt box pleated sue In new corodltlon Phone mml arm pan as lirULcAsTm 51 old sewing machine Singer treadie Tv ret Wsshlng mlchine Double bodwom suite all oak udth marble plnIa on droailr Electric stove lronins baud chairs rod on on Can or next between on noon or be pm WANTED someone to take our payments on singer rutornpuo six nil sewlnz marine auttonnoles rows on buttons my naturals lit all Iuiomatlully Originally sun Balance owing or 53 pr month wear guarmtee Lessons included write Po Box 4531 Allied saleI And Service London Ontario Dialer our loeIl repre Ientatlve will call ARTICLES FOR RENT SPRING WORK IS HERE AGAIN Do you need garden tiller lawn roller wheelbarrow pump or ladder JUST CALL US If up havent got it You wouldnt want II MARTIN RENTAL CENTRE 437 Dunlop St mosh RUG SHAMPDOER Bluell also per day nooinson Hardware 3i nunlop 12 7W1 DOGS AND PETS LAmuiDon moor blsck emote weeks old $5 Telopnoroo M7605 GDImIAN sIIcPIumD or nlo llolo Io mnnlhs old black Ind ltsan no Nlbphond mom arter pm my ammo wums ans STORE m1 ARTICLES WANTED cun mn old tlenli noon Ab Ines Iumiiure rim china plo Ium ciociu lamps maul Am USED 1le Saddle alust na Ln road condition For funher Inlonnaltou telephone min anu pm Illlimo vunuture stem AP pitnoes Dlahu Antiques Roth 5mm Hand shop M70 or no It AND WANTED Any condition sui makt helm Ind amps peter lurhost prices polo In con vIIu pin up Inunrdlalely Will has D15 nam Examiner FRUITS VEGETABLES mos soc baker sm ol or by The Mabel oi Sm lard 5L mam nAsrumnl Plsnu iron loundallon stock In sun per loo strap Pia coat swine Ill Dilldlwn Pauli I230 An wn T3 IIIT lcy cum wiqu an tele phone moans BOATS AND MOTORS NEW 14 FF CRESIIMER BOAT 33 hp motor Iuily cquipptd with trailer $1395 Rolland Boats Ltd tiny 11 North Oriilia 1mm 12 mar rim Iaaiher Crlll Il uInInuIn boat Ind 735 hp LVIn rudc motor or pale Telephom 957m rl cAnIN cruiser alecpa two Vn cniiine hull need Mniinr Ilurt reu Chap 00 Telephom Assam mu pop ALUMINUM host also up ho rnnton In it cano II Ahuntnum Ball In ohIIson Innlor Slll rep alrntely Apply 37 Ann 51 non TREES SHRUDS PRUNING Trees Shrubs PLANTING RIDGEWAY LANDSCAPING 72841492 TREE REMOVAL CEDARDALE IRE EXPERTS Tree removal trinuninc and stumping Also general con trading Phone 45347 Coohstolln FARMERS MARKET FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid or dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals mnovcd kce For last rervlu PHONE DARRIE 77237751 Collect or ask for Nicks DEAD STOCK ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE hours day days week RR Foxmcad Ontario License No 298664 Nick Montague Flop FARM MACHINERY HANK BROWN Delaval Sales Service DAIRY FARM EQUEFIIENT Complete line oi Dairy Farm Equipment Supplies Barrie Holly Hwy 27 mom CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies ls Service Class New Rolland Davld Brown Easily 176 BURTON AVE 72mm CASH TRADE TERMS DAMK001 BowmIIIc cm premr and Iv air line no so stall coon Ior Io eons plus Into mluc mllur Winter used months Telnphon Ivy 30M FEED SEED GRAIN srnAw IIAY nilxca Grain or sale Telephono Ivy am Tle SEED trown mm tilled CIImIXt clllllld EWIEI III cludlnl IllIBIlRLi Grade IDDUEN UL Also lllllnuU OI HIYI IAVIIIDI mined loaded on your truck phone call willjecure your order 75111 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE nuLsTmN cows lo nIe unea credo Ind two due this week Tri opmno moms Ii rich mums old also mo eggs da Apply soc stone tele pIIone Elmval moon WANTED quiet ony sulunle no children Telep on sumI camp Burden rmmnnsn York boars Mlflo servloo an aim custom oleno red clover seed or sale and cup bum coln plantIn dm Dill Pea cock 4015540 OAUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE I967 RENAULTIé CAR OF THE YEAR AWARD IN EUROPE test drive is all Wu need to be convinced that this collidbe Lilo car lot you AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE DIME DAY SALE All must be sold Licence ma 1N7 comm CAPRI door Maine blue cylinder aut omatic white sidewall Lists lull uheet discs Worth $3350 YOURS FOR ONLY $2995 MOFFATT MERCURY El Run Rd VIAUfl RAMBLER ll Gowan St ml LIIPALA convertible ll pawn eteerlnr prose and pin anI telephone 94147 my srUuusAKm silver AWL I957 Ponilac uuon also mo Ponihc sedan 75 non or our otter Telephone 7156182 mo DODGE or rain door eundrrd good Ins Al mechan lcal condition ash Telephoto mono nnui pm mo VOLKSWAGEN mount ino tor new uprwlnrry rim minor bod repair Tebphonu mm tor Mutt Lnlomuttnn Isal PAILle convertible poured has new 105 complete mowr on Tclephone 77mm days Im lan Iss2 ACADIAN rId whiio wail Ilm dcluxo model emiteni wil dlunn mechanically and body hein with price Interior llert nilcr Telephone Timon ml METEOR door cyllndcr whitewaus backup lights and owner new nllnr 3month ruar aniea mime load 2w him pin alums mi cunv Sedan tor nle body rood condition Ideal or stock oar Also Ilcw Homer chlln nul rcduccd in clear Tclrphono Shoud uwms mo cullnoun Station moon ryllnder auiomatic radio one owner heal rlun Conuci have nurle Second Iland store Dun Iop West TRUCKS 8r TRAILERS ms INTERNATIONAL Truck for sale Ito Inch wheelbase In roudlllon throughout lclcphnno 7132675 loss clmvnouzr M40 pickup truck or sale In rood meolilnkal oondllion also 1966 Volkswagen chum Tokphono room lrr pm Inst cnzv wroN HeoLrida PU 10000 runes never worked with rmIil homemrde camper In stings ndln rrou not Sepsrd Ave Downrviow telrp on union AUTO REPAIRS MOFFATT Mercury SERVICE DEPARTMENT Equipped Stalled To Service Any links of Cal Our Expert Mechanics ans STILL ON THE son It GIVE RELIABLE SERVICE To SMALL can OWNERS Moffatt Mercury Ltd REE 723553 WATTS MOTORS Your only authorized VOLKSWAGEN Service Centre in Barrie ONLY FACTORY TRADYED MECHANICS WORK ON YOUR CAR We guarantee all parts and labour 65 COLLIER ST BARBIE PHONE 7282121 MISTER TransmISSIon Ltd Automatic Specialists 33 Dunlnp St 7233141 MOTORCYC LES OPENING SPECIALS NORTH YORK MOTORCYCLE 10 OFF All accessories and parts in Stock Get your tires and batteries nowl III stockBSA Thunderbolt 441 Waters 500 Royal SLBdNUfl0I Atlas DucalI 350 250 160 and 100 CLEARANCE ON USED MOTORCYCLES HONDA 905 TO 60 751963 Yamaha reduced for quick sale 1965 BSA loos DUCAII use owns 100 All must go no reasonable offer refused IMMEDIATE FINANCING AND INSURANCE I5 Essa Rd Barrie 726864l RENAULT I967 STATION WAGON tooling system Price includes up 045 MPG sealed watu Great summer and winter car $2495 ONLY $1675 BUILT IN CANADA Bank ï¬nancing can be arranged PETER KLEIN MOTORS 34I Bayfield St 2283926 8PERSONALS RE FEMININE Superfluous hair removed by Elcdrolysis The said pclontitlc mothod Our Cerulled Electro loglst ls svaiAbls or consults lion wilth chme SYLVLAS SALON Fred Grant Sc Barrie Ont mm MUYDUMVIIW rouie on Ema mini phone mum music be you not your lonuoe load by tam so Iephono mm In 1on en INCDaIs TAX returns pro Ind or gummgunmn or Ihdi uaL auouolani to Dunlap SL Wool ldphono 71ml hr ropolntment any or ruins NURSING HOMES snowman Nuurrra Name In den accommodated In sum wllh 00d nunlnl can thl daily Immune slum rndivIAuI me Plunnt and aunt mund Inrn vacaner Trltpbono Stayner WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Governmcoi Chartered School Thorough training in All bron chcs ol benuty culture DERWIN IIAIRDRESSING SCHOOL i2 VOILSLEY 61 7mm Io HELP WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED ncLlAnLu LADY want now uhrx or cleaninr by the Tdo onion mm or iuriher Intorm on YOUNG Mm would III to care ror hillni In my own hum Illc days weehly St Ilneunl Grove strut rm Phone mom SALES HELP AGENTS DEALER WANTED Largo iniematlonal manulsc iurcr of nationally advertised producb otters dcalcishlp this arcs Small Invatment Lucrative rcturns For Iuli In formation TM NClii M2 King st Kitchener Ontario SELL GOODYEAR Maintenance Products Partllllll oi hilluni In taro lIn area Subslhnllll eommlulon rill cod but buslntu Ind gllcn income pDLHIIlll with car flPPIlflllll Wll AolldJlrd Paint slid Vomlron ill Lii Tm on Dells President DOUBLE YOUR present INLET Sell Ianmenu household pacesi tics extracts norm prooneu pic lllh conuniadon bow ex clusive miter1 FlrnLklr cl as smion Montrenl Que TRADE SCHOOLS FINISH HIGH SCHOOL TN Bll Home study pm you to write Ontario Provincial exam lnniians for recognized cortill calc Grades $13 All books and supplies Low monthly pay merits illcoma tax deductible For full Inlormaiion write The Modern Canadian Acacianu of Adult Education Limited Box 8S6 Dept BA Hamilton Onta no FEMALE HELP BOOKKEEPER CLERKTYPIST Interesting position open in lo cal insurance oIï¬ce Must be an accuran Iypist with expcrlv once in dictating machines and shorthand required Salary commensurate with ex perience and ability SAMEANT INSURANCE AGENCY LTD 27 Collier St EARRIE ITELLER MUST HAVE REX ENT EXPERIENCE Good oppoillmity for advance ment and salary increases Write Box D58 Barrie Enam iIIeI stating experience marl tal status age do FOR IMMEDIATE EMPIDYMENT Young ladies to do pleasant telephono work from our down town office Salary plus bonus Gall ltlr Suinamor at 7231600 Ior appointment Gulls WANTED to learn rars Kcypuncll Write cvrc Box psi name Examiner iiIATImIL WOMAN ur ent needed in live In and Iookaitg pre schnltiilrri Roomunnd bflid and ma remunera on one mains RELIABLE Baby sttttr mum to live In Iopchool chlldxlrl Tel ephone polo 0m altlr pm or rurlher lruorrnauon MATURE person wonted loom aIe nunorglu Sennmaur Book beenlrK humino also other or other duties Telephone Ins TELL MORE SELL MORE When you place you Articles ForvSalo so In Too Harrie Ex aminer keep these points in mind state What Item is Brsnd nama Size Ase Color Candltion Specllications AccessorVs ï¬nd altscnmenia Pllce Previous usage llphnlstery Flnish Make it easier he the prospect to buy Remember the Articlel or Sale classification is LIII Peoples Market Place Include as many or thus Im portant features as you can THOUSANDS SHOP 7282 IO HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP with several years experience as or MANSFIELODENMAN GENERAL COMPANY Canada Manpower Centre Barrie Well Help You Write Ads Secretary Sten ropher LIMITED Apply through 10 HELP WANTED mmmwrmmmu MALI HELP WANle Barrie Public Library Mu LIBRARY ASSISTANT mpnmmmdmymmmuumw um um um Melba Moniwworflngutthpmde mmmhucndauJyfluanmslmrnotM negrowtouudrbzemilrumdam Summitadv we mu IRDEIMS iarnblnguyooodnx badcxmind experience ability Written plinth ONLY to the Suntan Barrie labile Library Board 82 ilh qinlliioatiora lime 9W to Want Ad Section wed until it prn HINT FOIL THE BRIDE AND GROOM Watch Classiï¬ed Ads for terriï¬c furniture and ap nllsnco bargains YEAR I964 1962 I965 I962 I965 ORV HARDY Takes The Risk Out OI Buying Used Car lisliernsilhaourlmdmnlpcnmrt you eel youdidhot receive the courtesy and lench our um daenc or that our paint has been in any way misrepresented you wiLl always find me avdiabla for your mutilation OPEN LETTER IO USED CAR BUYERS FROM ORV HARDY MOTORS LIMITED I76Bradford St Phone 7284272 Dear Used Car Buyers April 2a 1967 We at ORV HARDY MOTORS feel it Is unwise be pay too much But It is worse to pay too little When you pay too little you sometimes lose everything because the oar you bought was incapable of doing tho job it was supposed to do The common law at businws balance prohiblts paying little and getting lot It cant be done It you deal with the lowest bidder it is well to add something for the link you take And if you do that you will have enough to pay for something better Do yourself favor before you buy any car Come in and just look at our merchandise Putting you behind the wheel of the host used car your budget can afford Is our business Yours truly ORV HARDY MULORS ansp Your Satisfaction Is Our Success Pleasing You Is Our Profession MAKE large ï¬rmly Lie mil Pontiac bauraaiilan Motor pssunger wagon sitomatic power steering mar brakes radio white wall tlros finished in exeurtlve blue an ideal wagon lor the Price l495 Down Payment Trade or Cash 95 Licence 156800 season airysiér Moor hardtop oyllnder auto matic power steering power brakes radio mite wall ï¬res beauLimily appointed in Alaska white and ever popular rui Interior Morris 850 Moor and radio ï¬nished in Ermlno white with red Intrrior safe reliable Second car or your wife licence ll95 95 For No oi limb lilcnths 565 36 3587 36 850 2609 36 Licence 596536 Memory kioor hardtop minder noto Imtic power steering Power brakes radio and many other extras to Indira this one of Fords Ines creations ITEM In gleaming dimmRJVILh matching Interior Mercury Ila ton pickup Custom cab lleot slde long box an ideal unit for the sports man and or mail business man ï¬nished in ï¬nest green Licence coma in months iiQS I395 535787 369 36 s4239 The above terms are subject to adiustment to suit yourpersonal budget WE HAVE 50 MORE UNITS OF THE SAME HIGH QUALITY AND FAIR PRICE 176 BRADFORD STREET BARRIE The Home of Driving Mans Car At Thinking Mans Price ORV HARDY MOTORSLTD 7284272