Barrie Examiner, 26 Apr 1967, p. 14

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ll TIIE BAILRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY APRIL Ii 61 April Want Ads Shower You With Results Place Yours Today Check Your Attic Stateroom Garagel Somebody Will Pay For Your Discards Call Want AdVisor 7282414 ANNOUNCEMENTS DEATHS EA ammo AbntcvM the Royal Tutor NAPIHI DAME all Its dai April ion Annie rrliu melding ulte or the lair cram but Ultitllll our mother at mama run Km Chuntlcrt and he latc Ilaud molhfihlrhw Dl Jcnnetlc Hatttt Krbndmotmr cl Brtln and TIYflidl Intlnl Goldi Smith YIIIE Ind Judy lhlntlcr rutfillndmplhtr or Item Lunan and cm Snlttt tlsttl 01 Punk Icltu III fluclpil hmr ol mm Ioltr illn milk namingi or mxtcr Ruling II It Jenn hlncnl llurnr is uranium sum 11er rte lot rentrr nu Tirursdri hm Mnmull Chrl chm crummy It CARD 0F THANKS TOWNSHIP OF INNISIIL TlllI MISS lNNlSlIL BEAUTY CONTEST COMMITIEE wish In thank ll Idloulng lor their generous donations which did mih to Ensure the success at our contest Mrs llcvcrly Slnlpsttn bl Clltllllllll District Illiluigcr cl Sarah Cavcnlry lUlCllr Kolmar Wilkins Iliurlc Walkers Stores liar nc Ldkcvicw Restaurant Ban ric Stlzttlcs llcauty Salon AI culla Ilcrlcll chlcrs Store Brlr ric Smiths Studio Barrie Glilllules Stnrc liclr It at tun laul trIa us In thin uni tp nur thanks to the nutsrs an II of rho noisl v1 Iorm llmpltal and in Dr Laurie ulin ittvndrd us also to our rmuu and irrigabnrs tar gills was 1qu and cnqtllrlcs altcr nur arlltl rllrrl and Lou Tlu lamlh nt in late gnu ti Iics tltlt to mum tlicli illa to rclnltics rrlruds 2nd nctxll or ror kind rims stalls at symn iv and the many hcirutttul ilurnl trlbuiri mound during the mint Iltltlcrl patslhg or dear moihrr anti urandinotn or Spctlal thantr tn Itct lurdnn and the strcklr hintn1 Ilomc COMINGTIiVENTS CENTENNIAL RECITAL by pupils of JESSIE BRYSON Tuesday May ii pm COLLIER ST UNITED CHURCH HALL Cards may be obtained trom Miss Rryson or at the door Nearly New Sale TRINITY PARISH HALL Colller St MAY23 AM TO Pll GOOD USED CLOTHING HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES Mrs WolfendcrlIZIHSRZ Ir Trapncll 7135161 Centennial Stamp Exhibition BARRIE DISTRICT STAMP CLUB Saturday April 29 1310t0 Dim CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH HALL Toronto and Ross Sts ADMISSION FREE CENTENNIAL TEA BAKE SALE ANTIQUE SILVER DISPLAY Saturday May to 4311 pm Westminster Presbyterian Church 170 Steele St cial Emblem Theme HEIDI Film Show FRIDAY APRIL 28 pm OAKLEY PARK SCHOOL Davidson Street Sponsored by HOME and SCHOOL ASS of TIM CHR SCHOOL uI BARRIE Adults $1 Children Soc Rcfrcshments ATTENTION Former King Edward School Pupils REUNION and LOOKING BACK Friday April 23 pm at the school Call or 374 for information RUMMAGE SALE Friday April 2810 arn ODD FELLOWS HALL Auspiws Inbistll District Local A550 for Guides and Brownies VRUMMAGE SALE SAl APRIL 29 am12 noon FELLOWSHIP HALL Collier St United Church Auspices Barrie Collegiate BAND MOTHERS SPRING TEA BAZAAR and BAKE SALE FRIDAY April 727 2530 pm CAN LEGION HALL Auspices Ladies Auxiliary Copy for Want Ad Section acccptcd until pm ANNOUNCEMENTS COMING EVENTS RUM MACE SALE Saturday April 29 am12 noon ODD FELLOWS HALL Auspiccs Humane Society CANCELLATION TllE IlUMANE SOCIETY rc lzrcts that the card party sche duled for May in St Georges Giurcli Ilall Vlill be cancellml REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ACTION RESULTS Call the Action Line 7284401 COXMILL ROAD hill as button Ideal for small family urrctircd couple llcnts for 5110 yearly Nice Int 75 100 Carlics or less than $100 principal intcrcst taxes bow down payment DUFFERIN ST Oltltt slorcy homo solid brick moms tcll maintain ctl private tirivc garage tcll laiukcnpnd Irult Ilces Asking 3135011 Open to otters Owner has bought OAK ST Attractive bungalow bed rooms large kitchen lot 63 130 Excellent mc room This home must be sccn to be ap prccialed IIELP TIIE NEEDY Yes we are in nccd of help Salcs arc brisk and we nccd more homes It your home isl too large or too small call the Action Line and leave the mst to us CHOLKAN CO LTD llILS Realtors Lawrence728ml Baker7254101 Gibby Gibson7260454 PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE RENTALS ARTICLES FOR SALE SHELSWELL and WILLSON ms REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE BROKERS 119 Dunlap so 72mm or 7mm MODERN FOUR BEDROOM BUNGALOW with three bedroom basement apartment ti acres on the highway Had bush and Prer flowing stream Call Mrs Lang 7285761 $13500 cosv mun BEDROOM HOUSE baths excellent condi lion located near dropping am and school miter will consider low down payment Call Gladys Sinclair mom Nb aw COTTAGE 0N KEMPENFELT BAY all as button large rooms some Iurnilure included small lot only $5000 Call Ills Atkinson mm STAFF OI 12 10 SERVE YOU AM 10 IM CAMPBELL PHMO ILLS REALTOR 32 HIGH ST 7260241 RES 728738 MODERN SERVICE STATION AND RESTAURANT On Trans Canada Highway Pointc Au Banl area Tomist paradise Large gallonagc Excellent revenue the rear Round on acres trecd property rcal opportunity it you want to be in Insiness For more particulars call this otlicc or Hugh Plowman nt 7750129 DUPLEX 0R SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Ccntrally located on Owen Stud only $2500 down Charlie Rcad 7231817 Hugh Plowman 72511429 Don Campbcll 41372111 Ron Allan 4565313 Doug Campbell tut2123 Bud Watson moors Smith Campbcll 721nm Fred Taylor 72114205 ROGERS C7 CONNELL Pllnlo Realtor DUNLOP STREET EAST At the Five Points Phonc 72835617 ESTATE SALE lBEDROOM ZSNREY MODERNIZED 306 INNISFIL REET 1912000 Pritcd realistically or sale to settle estate here is splck Idspan older style home that has been completely modern izcd an be either good income producer as two apartmcnts or spacious tsbcdmom singlefamily home It has good big grounds with lots of privacy Arrange to see it NOW It will sell quicklyl Phclo MLS EVENINGS CALL MLAlthllr 7260617 Rogers 72111117 Ed Groon 77114123 EMORY MILLER MORTGAGES ARRANGED 726158 Flcd Epletl 7289793 Conncll 71341755 urs Norinc Rogers mam 1115 REALTOR 67 Dunlop St West ACREAGES Several choice parccls ol land for sale some with streams Inyest mcnls lor liltier and hidcvrays Call any Itllllcr salesman Ilstcd below Karl Marshall TOT9917 lllirvoy cbcr 4363815 Robert Flcwclling 71851183 Emerson Swaut 7268605 Rita Scandrctt 1184065 Kenneth Illillcr 7151881 Emory ltliller 7150363 Pclcy Ford Till79110 Gordon Spcbccr 7286348 Triton ms Realtor ROSE APPRAISALS MORTGAGES RENTAIS 15 OWEN ST Till2378 New NHA Holmes 634 Mortgages Only homes loll with the low interest rate of 635 mortga ges All have bcdraoms at tached garages down payments start at about 52900 and lower to qualified buyer Call now as these homes are selling fast SEMIDETACHED BUNGALOWS Beautiful brick semi detachcd bungalows only about ycars old Each has bedrooms com birlatian living and dining room lull basement Live in one and rent the yother or this could be an ideal family set up All Rim Res 7253116 Billltlackncss Ros 7260716 Russell Smith Res 77211996 diary Vair Res HOMES tDickt Hartley 7287978 hut SANDY COVESWISS CHALET TYPE bedrooms living room this place kitchen bar and 510015 kitchen cabinets mudcrrl con venicnces part basement oil furnace stone foundations well under pressure lully furnished near lake and golf course $6 950 NANIYR PARK Year round home bedrooms liivng room modern kitchen pc bath tiled walls hot water heating gas circulating pump aluminum storms screens stove trig Acorn fireplace wall to wall carpeting good vcllundcr pressure close to Lake Simcoe $11500 SOUTHOF BARRIE miles 11 Hwy snack bar and variety store lully eqquipncd living quarters have bed rooms living room kitchen bathroom basemflnt oil heat ing gas pumps gallanage 60000 Also frame bungalow winterized bedrooms living room kitchen bathroom base mont all heating garage good well under pressure $1200 Terms BELLEAIRE BEACH bedrooms diningatvuig room modern kitchen pc bath large sunroom artesian well under pressure built for elec tric heating Close to Lake Sim coe $7500 full price Ruying or selling Contact RAM Snow at Strotlti $3116 or Dorothy Cnlboume Stroud 431 13177 1111 EgIlnton Ave East Toronto 12 11mins Imrlcr construction but nccunzncy Spllt starry lovcl one or two car garage but NHA Tlrllfltlltl rnr lnrnrmuttnn tvllpbblw 7256751 HAROLD FORSTER COMPANY 911 Bayfield Street PHOTO MLS REALTORS 72651511 ItIartgagc Funds Available Free Customer Parking BEDROOMS BATHS This type of home is in great demand but we have one only which wont last lung so would suggest you negotiate fast Family sized kitchen With direct entrance to at tachcd garage makes this pcrlcct setup Inc wee ones rcqursting between mcal snacks Valkaut from both living room and family room Carries for $143 principal inlercsl and taxes with substan tial down payment to your ollcr To learn more at this interesting home call Margaret Moore EVENINGS CALL CURLY KLOOSTEIIIIAN 72375155 MILDRED It 3100 Tiais7 MARGARET noon 7117374 KLDOSTERlitrv ivy st GLORIA KDSSATZ 7251751 mu commoin nilthan mom CARSON PHOTO 11115 REALTOR 58 WORSLEY STREET TELEPHONE 7266481 MAKE YOUR DREAM HOUSE REAL This lovely suburban bungalow has just about everything beau tilul rug brick 12110 sq feet on large tread lot almost acre Convenient to new school store and bus stop Must be sold as own or translerrcd $1000 510000 cash required Call Norm Synnott YEAR ow 59th uan Immaculate condition This home is priced to mt Immediate pos session bedrooms living room dining room kitchen recreation mum Terms arranged to suit purchaser Call Russell Carson Alter 600 7756161 Norm nnott mam Russ Carson 7254351 Bill Harliillon 7235323 Rupert McGrath Elmvale 79172 Charles Hentvorui 72166482 FRANK NELLES Photo Realtor 79 BAYFIELDLSTREET 7751405 42 FOOT MOBILE HOME complete with Tropicana mom and many more extras Full price Is$1500 Can financed NELSON STREET Lovely It bedroom bungalow on extra large beautilully landscaped lot Living room separate diuiiig room well appointed large kitchen Recreation room Very well kept home and warrants your inspection nvnmucs CALL 77mins CHUCK com 17759977 Home DOB SAUNDERS Coolutn 4517475 one 4875716 Fosmn rzobm BIDWELL Real Estate Broker 33 COLLIER STREET PHONE 7284430 inbNE FORBES MIKE sIAGUS FRANK Mums CECIL mus WILMA BIDWELL TAT6321 ELAINE INEASON 7284295 MARYMORRISON 72119933 RAWN vs Wmal Estate Broker ooa EAYFIELD ST msisi NEW BEDROOM CMTAGE 100 Hayfield St 7281071 Appraisals Listings invited electric heating piece bath COUNTRY LIVING drilled Itell carportand paved drive situated on nicely tread bedroom insul brick bunga low sunroom lull basement lot at SandyCove Full price only $7000 vith terms Call Leo anesian we creek bypasses2 acres of good garden soil Cavanagh 72191207 SPECIALIZING IN $1000 TermsEbrly possession VLA RURAL PROPERTIES storey immaculate home nice tread lot bedrooms lull divided £aezncnt txyzithl bar OWEN mmm MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE JOHN com moon Photo Realtor JOHN WHITE 71341770 Fault nmuooii bunnlow or able nut basemth and recreatlall room In yllllttc ur NiPIPston Pnr partlcttllra contact within Stone Fhelpstnn telephone flmvlle mm Dvgninm GORDON 111 Coonsmam WALTER coUIrsmtzttt SANDY courts772473 two BEDROOM Rruk Funrulnw very central lacted at 71 Dcclcg strut North $12500 cash Til PROPERTY FOR SALE FARMS WANTED APARTMENTS T0 RENT PETER and WILES LTD 7181110 GOOD BUILDING WIS at Painwick 75 2m ect each zoo ACRE DAIRY and 1105 tarm livestock and implements accommodation tor 100 cattle 1000 Pigs 101 ACRES hog and beef arm brick house tllh conveniences hogtbbrn and loalirig barn BEDROOM HOME aciu ol land Tyndale U617 BOAKE Real Estate 11 Dunlop St Barrie Ont liorEL i2 units fully equipped with two family residence Lo cat on do Highway miles liom Colllrllzwood Enloys ex collth year mund business large land area to facilitate ex pansion 312000 with terms DUPLEX Downtown location Ideal home with income or as income property 0110 BEACH Doc bedroom cottbgc and one bedroom cot tage completely furnished on picturcsque lakelront lot with boat house and garage RESIDENTIAL 1m approx imalcly 1050 square lcet Sunni drile Road area Call HAROLD BOAKE OItlcc 7186061 Evenings 7285367 STARR We Sell Rural Ontario CALL BRUCE McLEAN Cookstown W496 HENRY ELRICK MICHIE Real Estate Appraisals Mortgagcs Is COLLIER ST 77353113 Potter Real Estate Broker 23 OWEN ST 72111960 lst and 2nd mortgage funds availablecity or rural Evenings 72oluaz rI KEITH MARSHALL 11th Rcaltor Insurance Orchard Drive 72112592 Rose Pappin 72175223 CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 7282419 93 Dunlop SL lst and 2nd mortgaRLs mangsa nn lnw inninth payments We will buy your prompt In and 2nd morlgixcs TIIABEL MARSHALL 12mm MADGUERITE MOORE 7217256 GRETA ZIETARA mam JANE YOUNG 7154711 LAURANS KERR Allistbn sis7514 BUNGALDW titn large bedrooms rull basement wltb rlnlslrcrl spare room gar turnch edge to town Lam modcl oni accepubl norllon or down payment muss ANGUS AREA year old bed rnnm brlck bungalow lnrlzc Ilvlltll room dining um Ittrbctlve klt siren Elnlshcd rec room attached garage large lot For tntnmnllon 55515 MODERN three bedroom brick bungalow nuny extras including fireplace brnndlnom built1n but 721 and maize completew flltlshed Polynesian no room so Ecrcly Street mam APPROXIMATELY loo Acn hm IIntcd 1n Ilns Tounintp Good nu hm urn buuntnu substan glut rub Telephoto 063015 utter p711 PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT tutti WoNDEn anley man on brdrdnm tmul brick club cottage partly mmlsbed tummy Ioi mull rummums ma non $60 monthly Includes Intu nrtnclpnl tun mam LOTS FOR SALE In ACRES um our Barrie uaoo Box nu 13min Dumlner ulnar Bulldtng mu too It zoo will round It clty Illnltx tin rm Low Inn Tc om TZBWll LOTS WANTED LARGE uildlng Lot or mull ACNIKP wanted ultbln smile dtut o1 Butte vtll pay cash ma vllc Tclephone coonan ub uzb or MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lst and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere ON ALL HOME FARMS AND COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES 90 0F VALUATIONS If You Need llloney cbmalldlln debt at emu mortugu mofllllo coming duo IIIomg Improvements OAR wbrtbwblto use Write or Phone M0981 Mortgage Funding over SimpsonScars 129 DUNwr 5T Member Ontrib Mumg urnnn Anoclrunn WANT MORTGAGE First or Second at low simple interest up to 110 of your prop erty vnluc Low monthly pay mcnts up to tiltccn years to re pay For any mortgage prob terns sce COREY Real Es late 53 Dunlop 7732419 ws itan Mortgage nuuis It you have money or sound Investmont on tint morllflltc call oinor Miller Drakcr 51 Dunlap st Darrte 7161831 BUS OPPORTUNITIES lItOIITAIXLE slchInn You run makc mcncy ulstng cblncnlllu 1n llmltcd accommodation Excellent marvels Write or vlstt Sinnelrnusn Chlnchllll lunch RR UXbrldge Dnllrlc oisTnquTon Ind Dealers tor thb unlnuc Nomad Ilbuglns tInmlnl trallcr Ind boat cumblnnllon slcnnsnwo to six Phone vlre r1tc Outdoor vnrld 1135 Wcrt 31nd Strcct liarnlltnn onurtn LIVELY Summer lTDWnTI rumlly Established bzaclv gmccry with post nttlce tlsnciun ukmut mum restup but bedroom apt abutn Sccnnd lot nmuscmnnt collage Close to busy lndusIrInl town on beau 11bit Gcorglzn pay on ma Rar ric Bummer INSURANCE Business tor MOVING Dont forget to transter your INSURANCE and it you need In coverage of any kind see STEVENSONS 113 DUNLOP ST 7161801 MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes General Glendale Iravclux Parts and Service Cash or Terms up to Years 171 BURTON AVE 72843866 lsss Bedroom Nbrthlandcr Mo hll home or sale Locltcd In Angus Mobile Home Park Icle nbonr 4455915 15 PT 1me Tnltvr roi sale like new rulLv nipped Cash dual Tolevhfine 7263761 FULLY FURNIS bedroom tnlar to sale Akudy located In tratlnr pzrk Available immed lntrly Telepth mom NEW EXECUTIVE SUITES Luxury lumishcd and bed room apts llodero appliances cable TV pc bath Suit od ulls Central 7760981 days ox AND Two bedroom norm menu in mil rrnin Nun monib ly rslepbnnn 7mm tor lumcr Inlomullcn Rmnlnuu Annrtmmu Mode bedroom mutmflth nrw have and relflgcrltbl elm lbunflnt nnd nrkuig raruiuu Anon 17 Blbku SL Apt lot iris yhnno 7min llleSlIED Alumnan one bed room living room Ind kltcnen Ielloottlllnld lo nrlriuies wulk rrntn dbuntouu Adulh in tiny Telephone mm RDOMED Abutment or rent central lnnttnu panting Ind hun gry room but and vraier sup nltnd Arblllbl my Tele phone mom nttcr 530 nun FURNISHED Abutment main floor baud clun modern nu contained nuklrtg close to down inun Atbllbbl April as rcla phone zoom um 530 uni Iunlvrslrzb room lulluncut roll conlltned plitlte entrance clr port zlmrlc nwllaacei utlll ucs pal Near mrrtc Plan and hospital suu burtncss wuplc Mr xtllncrs only 7264652 R00 Ind blth Irtmcnt Mth bun porch ground loor nut Ind llrliIs Included chad locailnn In nllandslr Ibrklng no monthly Avbllahlc now new ROOMS TO RENT cmquva Muted mmtmed glccpln mom or run Llricn iunnllnd Parking Telephone 726 om or all at 71 um srmt ROOM ANmARD 110011 Ind Board Avlllbble cui tnI locltlon lurking fbcllltlu ulghtue 72 111in Strut noon AND quRn ln centrnlly lnroird horns veuurmnn preler mi pack lunches no light uuri dry Parking III drtvrway Tllb phone 7256565 STORAGE FOR RENT iron RENT or sun net of dry xtnrnnc ror nrlvzie workshop ouislde city limits monthly Telephone uszm rttrr ant GARAGESWANTED Ivnmcn To in no In uarrtc Onecur tur op one use SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES T0 RENT FURNISHED cottage tor re tiny and June 011 bplce hcat bcdrnmm shanty Da area Pro uan is slow Telrvliunl mam ml lnrnrmailnn THIS WEEKS SPECIALS llolrat apartment size electric range $20 Gurney apartment sixe range 15 Frigidaire apartment silc elcctric range sis Kclvinator apartment size electric range 385 Frigidaire 30 inch electric range 575 viking 30 inch electric range like now $100 Mottat Itctng orator large size automatic defrost $100 Apartment silo RCA refrigerator 33 Large sired automatic gas space heat er $85 Wringcr washers 20 and up ROBIN HARDWARE 31 Dunlop St 77324111 ATTENTION I1 II II FOR SALE IN ANGUS All kinds and sizes also ply wood Widows doors insula ibnn fluorwcnt lights linole um sink basins toilets show em tubs also asbestos insm brick May be seen lit the lum bcr yanl in Angus Highway 90 Open every night until pm and all day Saturday Ask for Mr Robert Mlmarc Phone Itsbus any time LINCOLN WELDERS amp Complctc with Accessory Kit REGULAR $16128 SALE PRICE $145 UNTIL SAT APRIL 29 ONLY Frcex demonstration in store VE CARRY COMPLETE STOCK OI ELECTRODES AND ACCESSORIES Sale ends April 29 11767 HANDY HARDWARE ALCONA BEACH ROAD PHONE 4361770 NORTHWAY RUG co LTD The house 01 Inc hmadloom DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED BROADLOOM Remnants Illl sizes and price 65 Collier St Phone 72641111 Used rclrigeratbr range 7qu matic dryor and automatic dish washer llIcFADDEN FURNITURE ll APPLIANCES 72841288 CLASSYFIRED ADS WILL BRING RESULTS SERVICE REPAIR GU These Skilled Tradesmen are Ready to Work On Your Job Immediately ALTERATIONS LADIES ALTERATIONS 11le MILLER willhelp you cipand your wardrobe also invisible mending 911 ESSA RD RET=RIGEHTIEN 7253000 STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE Clapperton Stmct PHONE 72mm SEPTIC TANKS SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $25 size house tank within 23 miles of Barrio KEN WINTER CO Barrie Telephone 720117113 NEW norm 755 Grove st two stony bedrooms hqu silo kltcbzn slngl garage Nn Ecllevue cred nll eloctrlc exec uIIio home 0an 12 to you Dvenlngn call Puss commie Ilon Ltd mom BEDROOM split level luxe kit chm Lainpod llvlrrg mom and dining arcI finished rnmuy mum recond blthmnm Close to schnols substantlni down Plymlnt re quired Monthly payments sits brlncloal Interest mes 7237212 SUNNEDALE AREA Executive bedroom brick bungalow pc brillcolored fixtures Lower lcvel completely llnlshcd plnelled and tllcd Bar libraryi games room Attachtd garage PutPd drive pallb Thls home is bcwtflully lo Cblcd and Complete to event do rail 7mm alter run PROPERTY WANTED LIKE To SELL We no law to listings and sales are brlsk Let our courteous said run repres out you Emory llulliu ell E51111 or photon st 72st 51 MONICAS School Am Have about with considerable cub who needs spilt level or two storey house with gnarl slzcd bedrooms wlth possesslnn lune 15411 Ir you have such home to sell please call Gloria Kossatz rcpmscntltlve of Harold anter and ca Rani Estate mom or mam FARMS FOR SALE 175 Acnu or level cly loam north or bum drilled wall with plenty witcr under pressure L11 burn no it to bqu milk anilinet Telephnhn John Cole 7733017 un menllng ll wnlte Rul mate inc ACRES Barrie ml to mom house room hungllow Suitable rnr Mlmtly hccommodbtlon barn Implement shed ntilclten house car glnge livestock trnplernuiu Included write Box Din nutrte Eatminer FARMS FOR RENT ion Itan rnrutl for rent tvlth RENTALS HOUSES WANTED ted to rent by my For tumorparticulars telephnne 728475 Two BEDROOM house or duplex wanted in rem Ono teenager June Tclnvhone nil06m srter on HIGII scnoo Tsunami mouthald chit quire bedroom home inr August or 15 or sent ImTclcphone collect Toronto 769 Ir Anst requlre rumlshra lions In nulls In July and Auto nst Nice locality walking dis unce to downtown vrIte Box D60 Dlflle Dtamlnar APARTMENTS TO RENT FURNISHED one bedroom wart brunt Apply 59 111an st for rur thnr inletmutton GENTLEMAN has mum house to share with congenial man age do to so yurs Good location Plcue telephone moioo Rnr 570 Two BEDROOM Apbmmnt un ruinuhed rerrtgcratnr Ind stave hut writer innltnr service stor age puking Ind laundry tacitl tics st Vlncnnt Putt ms szlt Able luny Telephone 711311 LARGE niodun two bedroom apartment sum and reirtrmlbr supplied laundry Inll narklng rubles can and Telephone no 6495 or 7mm niobium two bedroom ticted apartment ror mu Static relrlg enter wasblng turbines parking Am ply 108 Knmpcrdclt Drive Apt or telephone nostle GROUND FLOOR nno tumour bplrtlnmt unlumtshrd central location Poilung Tulophnno REDnoou House 7m FUILVTEIIEI modern thus rnom Apnflmcnl mm bath Illllll sun blind sunbl tar two mlsiltlsc pnnnle Queen street nu Puk TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS 7733993 pxopyg mm Inn turf bank ham Thornton mu Te ennuio 7594090 Toronto MOWER REPAIRS AUTHORIZED Service and wan rarity all mam air cooled cn titties lttndlgan Mower Service rm in Burton Ave 7mm JANITOR SERVICE LOOKING FOR clout clennlug or homes alum slurm Rlnbi Clanlag Scrvlce nit713 SAUNA BATHS DAINES sAuNA Bath nnd Muss Ige Tho ultlmbte In bulthy relu ILlun Private ladlcs entlcmen Saunas dblly Lina nan mm PAVING SPRING SPECIAL Asphalt dirveways and parking lots Free estimates WRITTEN GUARANTEE MANIERI PAVING CO Plume 72600111 Tsu Bone Co of Barrie formerly of Toronto JAPANESE PAVING EXPERTS Asphalt lots driveways etc Lyear written guarantee 11111 mile radius Save up to 25 book now Call 7206515 ASPHALT Lors Driveways etc 3yoltr lubranteo Japanese ox perts loomlio rndlux Save up to 25 now mom rsu Done on RUG CLEANERS 171 IT trounce It Hon dry cleanlng method Use our ma cnlnn ace Northwriy Rug maul INSULATION uantNu Mzrrion Insulltlnrh rm nsllmntu Guttnnlccd work in facilitch lmmedlntc occupui 2y Triennoni nil7m Telcphpne Scott MIILr 1181251 Highway 27 North IDE GYPROC TAPING in honour lnchlm extolinn pblnt donor expertpanrnng um to unins Con Shintyfluy 7281145 MASONRY MASONRY and repair work brlck and black clitrnncy work no 2511mm 72m DRIVING SCHOOL LAKESIIDRE nanmo scnnoL Ltcenccd instructor and Instruc ursr Phone mom anytime cm WIDE DiIvlng School ully licenced lnsumt dual controls For Inrnrmtlon call mom MODERN nnwmo sciionb Learn to drle or modern way Telephone moms INCOME TAX PREPARATION bi Tax Returns All types install BookkccplnR system Gram Bus Ad mun moon HOME RENOVATIONS REC goons Cuhlnct Bulldlng or repairs Ceramic tile 7mm PLASTERING 63055 PLASTEILING urn Ite Dilll Free estlmates Itcasanablu rates Telephone moist SECRETARIAL PUBLIC sTmo SERVICE Ptck up it required Accuutc prnmpt Telephone 1146422 WHEEL ALIGNMENT MURDOCKS tvhul Atlgnment Ind train rc all 27 Toronto St Ramp Green oprlctnr 7732202 CARPENTERS THE CABINET sitar We Izc in modern lrltchcns Display at 219 Rndrord 72847 cnRPnNTDn wants work All types or construction hrlcltr block work wiring and pllsterl nlmnbln ranting concrct wn Frcc cslmalcs 7236151 IRONING momma ozpflr bukot wlshln and Inning $351 115 shllul Pickup and dullvcr norm PRINTING fiy PRINTING PROBLEMS See motto Maclnnes Commorclll Prtnunu division The Barrie Ex Amtner 16 Blyllold 5L 7265551 firm PAINTING clcnnlng carpoiitertng Anyuilng 1n milnicnIncClclll Miller 7253735 ROTOTILLING noTOTILLING gardening and landscaping initiy experienced noasouobio nus Phone 72547953 tvrnlngs

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