Barrie Examiner, 21 May 1964, p. 2

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Eduration heard requestf vflMMwmrfi A7wn We ihit have Inch hIp penlngs on Parliament Hilll has Ottawa escaped line of his Job hiWIrhlngtonl WIs it power WIs it money Was it sex Or was it power as mean to money lid sex lt ought have been boredom which is the greIlest problem lacei in Ottawa by our MPs Canada has not seenpa rips political scandal on the front pages or the since the dine at the Ben mats in whldi the then prime minister Mackenzie King da scribed in his valley of hinnil Tliil spanx 3PM Stands To iOn Controversial Flag Issue Keep Betiéiwatd Prime Minister Pearson and his cabinet may choose design for new Canadian flag today and presenttheir selection to llarilament later in the month For most Canadians this is moment ousdecislonAilagis arsymboliotonr nation and as such it has strong sen timerltal value The design eventually se lected will please some people but anger others There can never be unanimityfol opinion on this question fact thatMr Pearson knows too well It is axiomatic that there are always two sides to every question In respect to aflag we haves strongly vocal group who feel that the Red Ensign isvand should continue to be the official flag or Canada There are others said to well in the ma onty who believe that Canada should ave its own distinctive flag which represents the nationirom sca to sea and bears no allegiance loany oth er power MrPearson has declared himselt He contends that Canadians have reached that point ofmatunty and nationhood hvhess gefihmflgfl lgtlreir own rig su orted by Social Credit leader Robert Thifgpson MrIhonipson says that the lied Ensign puts Canada in subservient position presumably to Great Britain 40 YEARS AGOlN TOWN Bsrrie Examiner May 15 1924 New est industry here Warren Organ Co started on first contracttwomanual ectric theatre Night Constable Walter Raynerconiiscated 37 gallons al cohol from liquor runners who escaped on Slowest Magistrate Jeiis reser ved Judgment in charge of disturbing the peace laid by residents of JothSt area against religious sect whose hightl sev ces were characterized by loud sing ing and praisrng OroHorticultural Society was organiz tirst township groupin the county with Irwin Mcltiahn onHawkestone president Board of public schoolyteachersaskin max noniwamm acnetul Mipnni nonmu clenched finbscrlptllnnvnte dIily tion arises Union Jack and risked th inf DOWiquuoRYEANE no ladies nightvdinne Be Counted As the controversy bolls and Mr Pear son rlsks his olitlcal future the ques at will new flag dolor Canada will it dissipate the drive of the Separatists in Quebec Will it make us hetierCanadisns who will feel proudar pr theirnationality than they do todayl We could obtain almost as many answ ers as there are opinions on the flag is sue itself gt The selection solve theeconc itimes or Quebc new ila will not views The Mar wont be wand thatwrll bringindusuies to the prairies or reduce unemployment in the ter months Mr Pearsonbbyiousiy will select new design for one reason only He wants rallying point symbol which allCan adians can accept as their own He is pririceeding at the risk of offending thous an veterans who fou ht under the lives to de tend King and country lie fee thatvnow is the time to stand bencounted He made anelecliori romise about anew flag Now is ollowlnigsthroughon that promise Whey ther he politically astute in taking this actiononly time will tell He may have to wait for the next election beforehs learns the verdict of thapeople icon no Where meal was scrved by Beav ahs President DrWilllamIcvgtds ed Tivo new ing the moor signals slay iatlon gt Are modem Canadian on class hwerviour to the appeal power and money and sex The clean public record rug QUEENS Pillllt Hund1cappingyour Heart Howjlqfigure Your Odds it it it as shit it it an alleged utdnpt ro babe an MP to influence his party al legiance lhir raises the ow lion whether past changes in party allegiance have been in fluenced lhs someway How many or all those who labor on Parliament Hill have been altered bribu in cash or inndl Whur does hospitality be corps bribery Ind man does retainer overstep the no it 1y our newspapers smug criticized iortlgn sinners sue pet that the only diiieMCd be tween Ottawa and those lorelgn lclapitais in ear our libel 0n Highway Traiiic By DON OHEARN NRQNKOYou will see lot more provincial police on the large numbér of mobile units particularly motorcycles have been added to the lorco since last year Irnd the strength of the force has gone up tremendously Until nowthe OPPhas never been equipped to handle the heavy lrsiilc oi holiday week ends 1le year fcrllia iirsttlme it thinks it has chance llhcre will be more law on the roadand there should be better flow oi frame and more violators in the courts incidentally motorcyles put back on the roads lart year alter long absence are prov lng very worthwhile Being able to get through thick trsliic easily they are particularly handy in highly congested press Another welcome lecture this year is that emphasis in forcement is to be placed on oiienoea whicir causapaccldents such thingsas tailgating and uossing Inner without About time manypeople will You may have noticed other steps such as this last in which dimprovinclal torca downtoeartii altitude if For yearstraflc control has largely canirod on rspeeding nmre dangerous offences have gone relatively uniieeded inodcequMMa bit thats new lody Men played Ltor Williani Cm led weeks shoo at Barrie Gun Club An nual pzsrt showedBarrl Women Rest meeting definite need with names onvlast year tererl John Sasos stores reopenedvThere were two adjoining businessesl fruit andvegf etablesnnd mens furnishings ack in fact you nemapshsvs hilllsoana wuoou cal con it between tiistanddiin govern ment and British construction firm was signed irresday tor the Lionel ll queinllrila Av Built with loresi products rom British Columbié Ontario wonheod nine 32 thspublic image ot the Give credit or this in Corie mluinner Eric sue He has bcendninga goodjobn very good one Peopls wondered when Mr Silk was made commluloner couple of years ago For years he had been oenlor oiliclal of the attorney generals department its had never been policeman In tact he hadnt even been close to the policingend oi lava He had been mainly legis lItlvs andcivil law man And he had never commanded my large stall How would he make out as the boss of this great creel ihnt question has now been answered He has fitted timid thoudi he had beenhorn to it lie has shown lrnaglnatlon practicality dignity and tbe ability to commandiwlth underr standing gt sisir THOUGHT iii Siipliilti lta bring only dlI appointment and disgrace bush epito innermost whilLother and potanme Biggest Year new wean awn eelIna annual march on Parliament lying start this peeled to tdur the majestic cen tres block oi ltheParliament Bringing uaclrlng lira record eathe hai brought them outln droves1 mostly adrool childr ganlzed busterss By ml more had colin Joni on tour in same data No ally the real nisli vine lien nobhltnntilduiy Mienschool ia out ndths daily ringing th rdmsoeataclebegins whole country Health Organization 2111 gt has become touch one to ban ay Ivaryr whether you on Mt executive er lawyoriiarnilr timid rzholestuozgio Mail with reading milligram or higher run tire to six time the risk or lownormal choles terol men Blnod Premrre blood pressure mean tlmu rain make for extra Smoking ClgIretta anrshn dev coronary dlseIsa It rate to six times greater than nonsmokers Diabetes in middle Igs it boosts risk two to our timer Physical inactivity The Iodeii my man runs twice rial oi the active man In one study msn entertain ing three members oi the syn dlcato oi heart killers we so timesmore likely to get heart attacks than the men wlth low normal findings in there nine respects And there is no immunity by virtue oi your income the place where you live your type oi lab or race The shIttertng tact ii that the syndicate spans the rucheI out everywhere into Ill kinds oi homes Heart disease rank FIRST among the ll leading causes oi death in 11 of the most indus inclined countries the World mom These are Canada the Unilsd States West Germlny Denmark Finland France Norway the Netherlands the United King dom Sweden Switzerland and Australia DIET FAUIDB But rese clr recently has brought beginning signs that the artery rusting disuse can h° ornament camps diet that reduce tho ol cholesterol and animated orv hardi iatr and lower the blood cholesterol It has long been known thIt droicsteroly natural and very essentlnlchsmlcnl oi ills Is one at the ingredientsln the musbyi deposits or planneethat arteries Atherosclerotlc vplaqucc now have beenlprodlufiduin svsry spec es ry animal lnthe dog the ra nix hamster and monkey feeding them highlat highdroi estarol diets monkeys rat heart sltack similar to those in lneull led diet moderately naosrniious sueran ruin cigIrctts Imolrlng and other lactose looking or or or irrnry causes epidemiologith have roamed the world com paring the mode at ills or many dilisrent people Most CIiiIdililn eat so well that the suspicion has been growing ever stronger thIt many at are gorglng Ind in log our way into heIrt attach Our diet is ridi varied tar is ddlght Inda oonitort keeping obesity ll one price ws pay Rather than In army oi starving children we have an army now oi let children our main problem now is OVERnuuitlon particularly in certain types at foods Brime we alter lood habits we must ask lor convincing svi dencs that our diet really is part oiutlre dsadly oornnarysynili Such evidence does come mainly irom scientists who have wondered why heart attacks Ihonld bs aoconrmon in some lamb and rare lnotheri They havetonsil one clear WIMF hinhsr rats oi ntherorclsm tic heart disease and higher blood cholesterol levels occursin th the countries and cultures which are more advanced economical ln theas countries lha dials tend to be high in total calories high in animal and saturated lists high in cholesterol and in Hsmply calorleI lionr rollned processed looda Atherosclerotlc heart disease rarsfnnd bloodcbolesterol level is low in the underdevelop countriesihere the diets smmpm wwwcar 7M uqi at up lawn 1761me Min ClilllESllilil nun ursuu lllliElES mini siinn Pilltliil illllllll usually ll low In total calm in low in calories irom animal tats low in cholesterol and low in empty calories lbs epidemioloqu lound atherosclerosis In many NW tries among people mount in high cholesterol highlat dist in the lam oi eggs butler milk meats and animal products generally quouo noon niey noticed szss dilist too ihs artery trouble appe to be low among poor pie whore mainstay was largely cereals But it was relatively high among Ihosc in the same country who could altoid animal foods richer in unturned lath and cholesterol Economic status and wh they could allord to eat made dillerencs among persons oi the lame ethnicgroup and race liv ing in inc same geographic and cllrnatlc conditions Raco ethnic origin climate and see Ire not significant lac tnrrfli such The mode ni ills in The iood we consume over the years play part dour average diet has changed considerably wltlrlnh hall century or less We are in large sense also lndling from lame stewpot now in the Bh°l$°w lair Ipp our ll the one associated with high blood cholesterol levels which in turn are linked with high risk oi atherosclerosis and heart Ittacks lbnmrrow Bringing Down Cholesterol Condenscdlmm Your Heart Has Nine Lives published Prentice Hall copyright by Alton Biekesleel his ems uncommon 11x dendeaths loom hurt attacks lhe commendenominator in these animal experimenuwas changsto diet high in int and cholcsternl Nor sons muss it is gulteclear that what In animal or person eats lsno the sole causayol the artery di sense llrs underlying process can be made worse by other things including oberlty sedentarylile high blood pres urws For Tourists its notuniistu to getilvs or six calls day voters Grief Jones credits thelclty promoted Mey tullp lestivrl from visiting with producing the early rush About 1000000 tulips are in hiosiom nowalbni tliejcapltals driveways andvpublle lawns The flower on Parliamen Hill are ailot tpolor endann increasinglypopular target or amatern photographs llis pedestrianshopping mnl along three blocks ohdownlown Sparks Street Just block irom Parliament Hill alsoisbulld reputation ourv latgene iv the 142 the chm assigned to protect the Parllament Hll grounds hasdie biggest head acheThetratfie in buses Ilonr years in announcln ls3hllcipéied at capital iiimunch Loucou 4mm union lsad eranre rplexed Inn disturb hutempioeyere oi labor are hile ly pleased with decision by the government to institute an investigation lnto thelaw govemlng the erItionIni trade unions era has been no inquiry at this klndnlchoo Joseph Godberirilnlster at is place Early in the ills olvtlie newjpevilamen uhlch can be taken as an indication that Mr Goober lully expectantbat his party will still be in power then investigating body and scope of the saidnwould be dis thelrades Union gress and tire Bsh Fari era Federations 0peioiion 0i the House of Lords gave on iroveralal decision which ga the govunment the llnal nudg awards making an inquiry in that case three trade union oi iclals has threatened to call out their members at British Overa seas Airways Corporatinn strike unless the Corporatlo nu Douglas Rookes who had re signed irom the union The canal want to the House oi Lord which upheld his claim to dam ages against the trade unlo olllclirls This decision made it clear that the immunity conlerred on trade union leaders in iurthen ance of trads disputes und lhs lradaDlspute Act of 130 is less extensive than had bee behaved THREAT 0i PROMISE George Woodcock general see retary oi the Trades Union Co grc yls much disturbed ov the announcenient that an in setting up royal commission to conduct the investigation He does howsvsrrecognlzs will be delicatdandcomplsx task Eor that reason it will require an inycstigarlng body cl high standing The last investigation under laken1ust over Wvears ago was made by royalconrmls alriir underth chairmanship Loi vDunedi do preseptt its changes in trade vestigatlon is to be held said dont know at the atlt He went dn to any that th unions would prelerlto correct the position within their ow nvrvement lllhat were possible byjalieilng the exlitlngrule governing the unions But it an amendment were needed in lh Cwauld make representations tolling ould not wait

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