Barrie Examiner, 19 May 1964, p. 2

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Accidents are in Dismctmoc mine movement ruled or sr to per end ltrotratlid caused no real Heopla tbedistrict and Jatai accidentamere reported Elmvsle Village Police boast lovely weekend Mile moved wall and the drildrea were all trader control The par eou banded together to stage fireworks demonstration In th par Alilrtoa ore reported good weekend with heavy trellis Wa saga Beach opp had silent congestion on Sturday lo the main area but also reported good weekend Barrie OPP also had law accidents and an real tratiie problem The proviodai police orcea had every man available oa the lob during the weekend BARR iNCIDENTB Bfilfliailriitmbih Don mer ave report ot hitandrun accident Sunday morning At 119 In Roland Evans of Steel reported some bns had ranuned into his car and tailed to stop Police were contacted It izot irom the other driver battery was stolen trom Baldwin lone residents car Sun day night Barrie police report Albeiootboulilhdflh motor and trailer was Ital mm 175 Wellington St dur tn the weekend Police in validation woman receivedslminor la ea at Ma pm trrrday mishap on Donald street The woman was treated at Royal Victoria Hospital and released Provincial police and city po line have received temptiota lrom motorists having their cars pelted wiur stones into the Sun nidaie bridge over Highway 400 One driver had his windshield smashed Coltlngwood man was ed up by Barrie police an re ttaoed to Collingwood on Sun day Fred Manning was charged with ialse pretences No children were reported missing in Barrie Sunday At mo pm Mrs Chris Watson oi rs Essa Rd reported her son Ronald missing ior an hour me boy was louod asleep run der the drestarlleid and the seaml oalied oil Another search was cancelled at 1049 pm Sunday lira Hil da Greenlaw lound her son The boy had been out playing and had tailed to come home Hill inother called the police at Const Robert Green is inves tigatirrg Saturday allernoon on normal smsrusn East Pakistan Professor Stu es District Ioops An East Pdkistsn prolesaor Drl itlotrmed Sulsymnn will visrt cooperatives and credit unions in the Barrie area today Dr Sulayman is professor ol moperntives He has been in Canada ior eight months at the Coady tentational institute at St Fran cis Xavier Urdverafly He won the Msgr MM Goody pwsrd lor the best essay under the general title the Path So cial De He came here to study Can adian toooperative movements List Winners 01 Dog Show iba Barrie Kennel Club held its lath annual Championship Alibroed Dog Sow at the Arena last Saturday Prize winners were group ooe sporting dogs Spaniel llu Igomsr Hero ownedvby Mary and Bruce Moths oi Tomato Group two sporting dogs hounds Beagle iaoobis lsm horeta owned and bred by Mr and Mrs isoohlol Voodbridga Group three working dogs Old dEnglish sheep dog Boswell our oi Yorkville owned by Noyiandsr oi iioronto also lud ged Beat in Show Group tour Terriers Kerry Blue Kerrycroits Bold Brlgond owned and bred by Mr and Mrs Gardiner oi Orono Group live Toys Pug Lias MsrltlaDuke owned and bred by Mr and Mrs Loitrrs oi stitisviile Group six non sporting dogs Chow Chow loo HSings Fu lr owned by Mr and Mrs Gar wood ot Toronto Best Conadiari Dreddnshow Rough Collie The wizardown ed by Mr and Mrs Home at Uxbridge Best ianadian Bred Puppy in the show Pomernnlan Wee Mitee Little Joey owned and brod by MrsJessie arrrot st GeorsoPQ surnnianmounr The nonoiury sittings illll East Pakistan with its 60000 000 people has just one coop erative college This trains gov ernment stall members and co operatiye executives the cooperative is govern ment sponsoredthere He said was surprised to see the cur rent light over taxation at no operatives In Canada He sees the cooperative move ment as the moderating iorce world economy It is he says hallway house between the exploitation oi capitalism and the gndlossness oi commun sm 41 pcratlves permit mem bers to avoid the exploitation of the middleman by having their organization as common puohasing agent he says lireyalso permit the individ ual to retain his identity which is not allowed in the commute tic system the prolessor says He delined cooperatives as organizations wirictr reward in vested capital at fixed and limited rate or interest pa tronage refund is granted accor ding to participation Member ship is voluntary Dr Suiaymao stressed tire so cial aspect oi the cooperative movement He said that only through this movement could so clety prevent the automch rise of Marxist ideologyin acapit alistic society ick Sunday aoddant sent live people to Sotdien Memorial lins pita in Orlilia with minor tnlti juries All were later released way it Both driven reoevad slight Injuries iheyvere James Coul son at RR Milton and Knight oi ER Oriuia hm passengers in Mr Couisons car were also slightly injured Damage was estimated at 50 Coast Bob Rose 0r illta OPP investigated Charg es are pending Midland resident James Clay has been drarged with careless driving and following too close alter Monday eve olng accident Victoria Harbour OPP said Clays vehicle collided with car drivur by Noblelt at Etohicoita on Highway it The rear end collision caused aaeb limated Wit damages naiiic was bumper to bumper The detachment also investi gated an accident on Highway lot near Port Severn Drivers involved were George Allan hic Csy ol Dundee and Harold ll Ferguson ol Goderldr there were an drarges and no isriuries 405 Witnesses Attend Meeting Oriliia Community Centre be came centre oi worship ior 450 Jehovahs witnesses at their semiannual circuitconvention this weekend The program or the conven tion included discourses prac tlcal demonstrations and Bible dbcouions all designed to im prove the ministry oi each min kler present Saturday colored the show ing ol iwnJIoul technicolor iilm Entitled Proolaiming men lasting Good News Around ih World During the widely advertised public discourse Facing up to tire Urgency oi our Times lilacPhersonJemladed Chrd tians thatln regard to national disturbances that crop up it is at their duty to rotorrntbe nrld but rather to preach about the Kingdom at God Donald Brown presiding mine later tor Barrie congregation said All who werepresent tor the weekend ieei better eaurp pedkto carry on Bible teaching wor Will swearIn Auxiliary Police While in Barrie he is not rureen auxiliary policemen guest at Mr and Mrs Floyd Griesbaclr Tomorrow he visits some or the large lbrontocoop Aerstlves He has toured such establishmentsin the hiarltimes hiie the Antigonislr NS un iversity ihese ncluded potato meat will be inspected at local Ontario Provincial Police Head quarters today inspecting oilicers will be OPP inspector Dave Adair ot Emma and Cpl Jack Fuller Following the inspection which MY outfall ol Cooks Nelly before they alter the Show held attha Irenasst vilie gives instminute instruc tions to her Duet Hound Osteopaths Vote Two Barrie Men No harriameo have been eleraad otllcers ol the Ontario Osteopathic Association Edwin Wilson was elected vicepresident and Maurice Mur dock was elected secretarytrea aurer ibe elections were held at the ad eggooopcratives and cred begios at it pm the men will it minor Hometown toEast lat our week May cooperate with you in planning your insurance memorized coonnanrorts GIA HSuprerna Court at Ontario began tat2 pm today with Mrmius lice Richardson presiding Th are to cases scheduled to veard at the aittin Dissolora oi Victorian Order of Nurses will meet this even ing at the new nurses residence et Royal Victoria Hospital drans Aid Society will meet at eight oclock tonight in the UolmtyAdministration Building BOARD MEETING Barrie District Collegiate Board will hold regular meets ing in thehoard Room at Cen Collegiate beg pm Term insurance on the best terms Phone 4871581 TQRON l0 VAL TAYLOR Drrihvulnl iLllv Directors oi itetlouaty oi mcoeandcityotharfleurii hssworninbyalocalnugisV irate protection 7mm sunme Assoomrorv Private Stdck lttl ii yfifiériclal ring as councillors in the Bar rie Kennel Ohios ltth Dog annual meeting at the Ontario Osteopathic Association It the RoyaiConnaughl Hotel in Hana iltoa last week other ottioers elected at the annual meeting were president Douglas Firth Tomato preard eatelect Douglas Lauder Lon don dimers Robert Watllaul er Hamilton victor delardine Toronto Donald Jaqulth Ton out Allan Fuxilay Petertior on Should put your money insurance Knotty problem Herénre mn gt stqrtofiwith aLandon ife Jubi you are yonngrmarriedmanwith family bear in mind the old adagelook factsfro who thinking ofinviesting Examiner Photo emu odours IN EMERGENCY 21 Police Fire Dept Hospital Ambch creasonsiwhy for Mire to Henry Willis Ellis oi Gill 8L Oriliis was killed and is son and daunrteriniaw were knocked rmoornclous Sunday nisht when television aerial they were erectin touched high voltage wire Ellis was halEIna his son Ctaruraa Arnold Ilia and his sons wile Marie put up telnet aerial It Clareams Barrie Road home in Oriilla Mushlp ltra top the let ill struck the power line and the current travelled down the metal mast Mr Hits pernloner who iormerly worked as civilian employee at Camp Borden was pronounced dead at the scene by Coroner Baillie The son and daughterinlew regain ed consciousness quickly and sullered no apparent iii weds Besides his son Mr Ellis leave three daughters Mrs Donald Burndt at Ottawa Mrs George Smith at lbrooto and Mrs Lloyd Sherman at Trenton hendon Life for the yo newy mum sermon sum Iwmmmrev 72 gymamymz separately by Percy bosses at we Best at show in this class was HauseChlees Hot Cake owned by Garrett ot Judges tor tha show were Peru Roberta ol Connecticut USN speciIia andbest in trsa and Joel or laiington and Mrs 15an Joel The show superintendent was FL Allison Barrie rvr FAVDRRUM HAUFAX CF DespitI thelrties with Scotland Nova Sootians last year co 360000 allons oi rum could pared th moss oi whiskyn They also drank 51736 gallons oi gin 29883 oi vod 833 0L brandy and ensure More than spouooo gsiloas oi beer were downed ung many ft 6Iondon Lifedividcndsarehighbecanse among other things th Company invests wisely andprofita CanadaIni963 d1 Company earned 554 on its invest mentseaiter investmentexpenses The Loaded Life insurance Company operates only in Canada One reason premiums are low sbecausecana on the average are long iived it When you are

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