fumesw MR3 BDE shows one oi the reporter The keeping qunll liorlsts varietyoiorchidstanse SallylnuAhermeamlner av ties oi the Singapore Orchids are at medal interest to the tradtr Examiner Pboto Toronto Woman Visits Barrie To Aid lVOrthwhile Cause By EILEEN DIXON Toronto woman whose in terests ran irom the arts to llowera vi ted our city to iub ther what she calls worth while cause Mrs Moors Ede has person ll interest in the Canadian Schools oi Practical Nursing Ltd not only is she an honorary member but her husband Dr Moore Ede la medical advisor to the School oi Practical Nurs ing in Toronto Takin day out irom her busy eduie Mrs Ede travel led to Barrie witir Mrs Grin dall who is president at the re gistered trade school The Toronto women were here to make arrangements ior the Barrie classroom instruction which will be held here irom June to July The location is the Wilson Building Corner oi Fred Grant Street and Sim on St Classes will be conduo ted irom to pm and mm to lo pm OPENS DOOR Mrs Ede explained that the practical nursing course has opened new ior many women The school is Regis tered Trade School underthe Rules and Regulations of the Ontario Department oi Educa tion whose approval has been ï¬calved on all teaching mater Any student not resident in Tomato and attending the clas ses there receives her lessons by mail and returns the com irmed questionnaire torToronto nto ior correction The tests lll corrected by the Supervisor oi Instruction and returned to the student with any comments and her new lesson This procedure is carried out throu bout the 45 lessons which comp eta the theory work The student then attends iounweek course of classroom instruction where the lnrtructress reviews the entire dreary work aim demonstrations ows tiims etc Then the student is ready to write her iinsl exam The lnstruotreas at the Barrie classroom will be Miss Jean Belated Rag who has con ducted classes in iondon and Windsor It is expected irom 16 to so students will graduate from here Previously it was necessary ior correspondence dudents to travel to Toronto tor the libel classroom session LINK wrm CLUB Another interest dear to Mrs Ekiss heart is lowers in tad it was throu her eiiorts that visitors to Thronlo Garden Club Flower show had an op portunity to see display oi spray orchids flown irom Singer pore tor the event The story or how the orchids carna tnTorontn is round about ona linked with Mrs Edes brotherinlaw Iohn Ede who just happens to rnanaga an or chld term in Singapore Her brotherlnlaw began by shipping blooms to Euro een capitals Mrs Ede expl ned The display at the flower show in Toronto is the iirst time the Singapore orchids have been sh here rThsrbloomr areroulte unlike opulsr concept oi an or chr Mrs Ede said Although Loyal True Blue Lodges Hold Second Meeting lit Orillia The Loyal True Blue lodge Association Simcne District No Ibeld its second meetirm oi rose in Drillra Orange Ball The meeting was concluded by the Worshlpiul Mistress Mrs Mary Mamas Colllogwoodu During the winter sale oi tickets or lucky draw had been one oi the main prolects Each lod including Collins wood Or Barrie Angus and Midburst had donated pri The draw was heldat the tortilla mcetrng gNDP Women Plan Conclave mews cormo confer ances oi the womens section oi tbs New Democratic Party will beheld this monthin Montreal today and Sunday and in Sa kstoonMay soot Delegates irom 0ntarlnQneL bec Nova Sooila and New Brunswick will attend the Mont real The tour western provinces be represented at Saskatoon Prize winners were Mrs Doris Davies Mldirurst woollen blanket Miss John Watson Orr illia pair oi itannelerte blan bets Mrs Edna Bouillion Tore onto inrlt bowl and servers Mrs John McNeil Angus pair of bath towels Barry Smith Oakvllle china cake late and server pair oi pil ow cases donated by Mrs Larry Llndell Berns was won by Mrs Edith Hall at Drillia Mrs Fen eila Smith Barrie donated lace tablecloth which was won by James Rugrnan oi Mldhurat plush toy dog donated by Mrs OScar Linton of Angus was won by Lynn Perry of Barrie Among the guests Were Pro vlnclal Grand Mistress Mrs Pethrick oi Toronto Mrs Edge of Brantiord provincial director oi ceremonies her hus band Mr Edge and Bill Peth rrck who is on the execu tive bnard oitha Loyal True Blue Home at Illchmond to she is not sure oi the exact number at varieties the seven varieties she has had have aver aged 12 blooms per stern KEEPING QUALITIES They are oi special interest to the trade because oi their keeping qualities she coniid ed The shipment ior the Gar den Show although delayed en route was in pariect condition on arrival Mrs Edes links with the Gar den Club are strong The clubs inaugural loading was held in her mothers ilvins morn Her mother was the late mrs James Douglas oi nor on LOVES BALLET As Toronto resident she has also been an active member at the Womens Organization of the National Ballet Her daughlt ter Miss Diana Eds studied bal let ior many years but has now chosen the iield oi acting Diana is playing in Bridgeport Conn right now in Girl To Rem ember Mrs Ede sald proudly In her lpaie time the busy woman turns to painting Since she and her husband recently bought home in Thomhill she hopes to tindnrore time to stud and paint scenes in the surroun lug countryside Reception Held Alter Confirmation Arecepiionwa heldit Trio ity Parish liell last evening iollowing the coniirmation cere mony at Trinity Anglican Church Guests at the reception includ ed members of the conï¬rmation classes their immediate iamil ies and guests Itt Rev GMB Snell noodiutor Bishop oi the Toronto Diocese and Archdea con Road welcomed more than coo guests Beiruhments were served by members oi St Martins group oi lhinlty Guild Mrs Mansell Powell Mrs All linughton Mrs Florence Burrows Mrs lea Boe ker Mrs lvor Roberts Mrs man Shier Mrs John 0tton WEENLEY HEAD DIES MONTREAL tCPjv William Frederrckï¬gh SS president oi Canadian Schenley Limited and founder oi the awards for Can adas outstanding professional football players died in hospi tal Sunday Ills football interest attended hack to his days as an atth public speaker 03 at Montrealslnyola College and he returned to his alrna mater as ooacbin the early roses Billy Vessels of Edmon ton Eskimos won the iirat award ha inaugurated for the am in rose when it comes wedding gowns canoes now short one enciran cancers We Tritonrm is myu WW if Sugar indispin Sours One Reader Ans Honey We read your great little column every day Doll and we believe your ad vioe is gurerslly round oiten helpiui ands sometimes Orp cake it is downright hlisrlous However Toots your ador able little culesywootsy names ior thosewho write to you are bit too much So Babe will you kindly cut out the chummy little handlest The BuddyBoy appropcb to person who may be twice your age detracts irom your other wise sensible writingand you should know it Sweetie We sincerely hope you will so ccpt this critician In the rplrlt oi iriendsblp since this is the way it is intended Buttercup Bugar and Spice Dear and Thanks Ill watch it Lambls Pie OPEN DOORS Deer Ann Lenders Now that summer is almost here and the children are rrrnnlng in and out oi the house It is lrnpnssibie to keep the doors locked Will you please say something in your column about friends neigh bots and relatives who walk right in have been scared out oi my wits by ndghbors Who appear irom nowhere and tap me on the shoulder while am making bed or vacuuming nrg one woman actually goes from room in room looking ior mcYester day she opened the bathroom door and was in the tub 1here are times when hear people knock and dont want to be bothered so pretend not to hear They walk right in and shout Yon hoo know youre home because the door is open Please tell me what to do am hogtied0pen Sesame Dear Openr Keep your door locked Instruct your children to knock or ring the bell in special way so youll know who it is You can ignore ail other knocks and bellringing it you wish to An open door is an invitation to something iar more serious than brassy neighbor Use your head Lady CHARITY Dear Ann Lsnrlers Can you settle an argument have been having with my wiie She has asked me to hand over the names at the menu lecturers with whom do busi ness am the purchasing Splinter Group Plan To Seek Reorganization TORONTO CPA splinter group oi nurses seeking better pay and working conditions said Wednesday it will seek reorgan ization oi the bummember Registered Nurses Association oi Ontario Spokesman tor the groupthe Committee ior the Advance ment of Professional Nurses said air resolutions aimed at making the association more representative and democratic will be tabled atthe associat tions annual meetingtoday CAPN spokesman Mrs Buth LeRoux said the group will setup campaigri headquar ters and try to approach all 3000 nurses expected to attend the convention The grouptinsnced by bun dreds oi nurses across Ontario charges that the association ls controlled by supervisory nurses who tend to View griev ances irom the management pm sgentoisisiriylargecom parry She wants to write let WP ten to thus suppliers asking ior donations to her pet basic wbicb by the way is worthy one tool that these solicitation would be improper She claim all the other wives do it and Ii she doesnt get money out oi these manulsctlrrers ior her charity some other wives will get it ior their charity What is your opiniontcal cage VP Dear Veepx Your wiie is go ing to hate me but sure with you Her letter would add up to blackmail She knows very whit that supplier is not likelyio ignore request irom the wiie at purchasing agent and thats precisely why she wants the list Such requests corrld beckilru and cost you plenty Example What it supplier handed over nicetat cheque to your wiies charity and later you discovs cred that this suppliers men dlsndire was interior or that blsprices were out at llnet You would ilod yourseli in nice box Dont allow her to put you an der obligation to your suppliers because she wants to make slanting showing as it rsls run arms as Irarunners 70A moratow vi excelled planetary splendid stellar conï¬guration not only ecetsrrsguuseer sad ilnsndsl matters but is sspeo telly generous when personal niatioosblps are concerned nagwhom vltles generally it tomorrow is your horoscope ester that In may revertedby uences generous to job and ilnsnctsl matters and that you willbc so governed not only for the balsam oi this year but for eleven more tooome period ior accomplishmentti oicourseheputsblsbestloot iorwsrd and takes sdvan oi all the opportunities oils From now to Octobers end you should be the recipient oi many gains along career and monetary lines but for the int lowing two monthslt would be wise to fonsoildaés assets and re or er exprn on in 3mm Despite such an ex cellurt outlook do avoid extra vagance in June mldJuly and the iirat week at October how ever and dontenter impul sively into risky ventures in either June or December 110mm and creative lnten esta are also starblessed this year with emphasis on tire lore met during the balance oi this month in August Septembor we October and isle Decem child born on this day will be highly imaginative and ver satt elalpeclally talented along ur birthday Wildiord Orlilla Ca Montessori Educdï¬bnal System OutlinédviltTedcheIS Meeting tho Borden and Barrie were med to the school by Mn Osborne the Kindergarten tu chcr at King George School Barrie tudrers who attended wen Mrs Lenore MacDonald Mrs Nell Hall Mrs Elayna Dull Mrs Verna Hamilton and bin Jean Mchven Also sttendln irom Burris were Miss Dor lieroe Mrs Anne Pogua and Mrs Joyce leï¬who teach at Camp Borden rnhisry Gibson conducted the business period it °n°l£hsh°i oi on em Modern Education She lnirodu cod the speaker Mrs Brown iorrner teacher in Dr Potts private school in Calgary Mrs Brown explained the Montessori system as it was canted out in the Calgary school that entitled The Shy Child was shown This illm prompted considerable diam sion on this sdrcol problem All teachers escbrng ma terials and booklets as way of sharing and gaining new ideas The tall meeting oi the Sim cne County Kindergarten Tes chsr Alsoclnlon will be in BNAOToSeek LegiSIcition To ActAs Bargaining Agent NBONN iCPtIhe Regls tered Nurses Association oi 0n tarlo voted Saturday rto seek Ontario legislation making the association bargaining agent for all Ontario nurses The decision was made in resolution at the third and con cluding day of the associations annual meeting Only tour of 121 voting delev gates opposed the resolution an initial consent giving nurses ool lective bargaining and comprd sory arbitration rights Atter the meeting Margaret Page oi PortArthur new president oi tire econometh organization declined to com ment on when the board would act on the mutation The resolution proposed that committee be iormed to start the eollcctlve bargaining ma chinery and that tho RNAO take action to publicize and ell minute sub standard working conditions and salaries of nurses During the threeday session attended by some 2000 mem ber the association announced that management consultant Iirmstartod study Fridayroi the auto CHANGES WANTED The committee for the Ad vancemnt oi Proiesslonal Nurses splintergroup which became active In January has claimed that the RNAO la inat iective and that its executive is tapheavy with nurses in senior positions In an interview Ruth Le Roux CAPN chairman said her group is pleased that the collective bargaining resolution was passed But she said the CAPN would wait to see some reaction to the solution and the study beiore making any conclusions Another issue is whether nurses should be paid extra ior working unpopular shiits res olution was passed asking for referendum to ï¬nd out what lreywant done about the er Before Saturdays resolution was passed personnel policies report designed to give guide line to employers was ap proved it includes suggested sal ary range and schedule oi raises aimed at equalizing pay Linndards throughout the prov co the range begins at 320 yearior nglrtered nurse and rises to $8230 ior an assistant director was aegis mans Through the collective ban gaining legislation the associa tion will seek The right oi the association to bargain collectively with employers on all matters in volving salaries and other working conditions lhe obligation by law on the part at employers oi reg istered nurses to bargaln col leciively in good ialth with representstim oi the asso clailon The right oi either party to apply ior assistance irom government conciliation oiiiv cer or independent mediator lbe right of either party aaa iinalrresort to obtain iinal and binding arbitration oi matters in dispute by an impartial third party or tlrree psrt board Legal obligation of both partles to be bound by the results of these negotiations The delegates alsoflpproved resolution to allow directors to consider an increase loan nual toes The increase over the present on would be pro portlonste to oosteincurredby negotiatlons ior collective bars raining WANT RECRUITING They also voted for concen trated etlort to secnrlt new members ior the association with goal oi getting between 95 and to per cent oi Ontarios nurses to loin gt Among other resolutions deie gau voted for salary increases iorprivate duty nurses to too flirom $17 in consecutive elthrour shiit if the astoclttun is suctxssiul Play It gm Box STORAGE For Saietyr sake let us store youriam llys woolens this summer Just hone us and well deliver box to your nonFill it with as many garments as possible We will pick up the boliat your convenience and storaitln our refrigerated vault Everything will be detiveredaclaan and Your iurs our tem stature controlled Uvaults for thieï¬entizre armseasnntor am profes ed when you say the word anally store in getting legislation for collec tive bargaining this rate would have to be accepted by the arm players Ithano Beamlsh oi Kltdrcner past president oi the assoclalt tion criticised the map ior more concerned with dollars and cents than with the philo sophy oi nursing and prepara thirty ior service in the commu The student nurse must not be tndoctrlnsted into thinking oi ecisiixlng in one branch ior fun days week irom nine or iive she said The student must realize that nursing is yum Profes sion and to promote it we have to think ti our mml obligation to our country Announce Place Of Orange Parade AnOrange Celebration will be held in Mount Forest this year The announcement was made at meeting attended by Vin at Deputy Mistress Mr Wilbur Dobson oi Barrie who visited lodges inst weds mv EXAMINER wsrvr ans room menu the Electrohome Kinsman Organ oi the Midland mm IIKI TALK bold island print stamped on the silky softness of Everglaze Ministers cotton tailored one piece swimsuit with actionminded long line boy shorts Blue Brown or Green Bole oi Baliiurnia Evian Suits Available at mgqu Barrte Shopping Plan Franchise Dealer nurses California Swim Bulls es Dunlap must Meet and Hear MR DOUG iillRST Organist AT KENTHORNS srsaso TUESMAY 59 rum to 6p For complete interpretation oi Tone quality and Versatility oi Anorchestra at your ï¬ngertips tainterpratthe music you love sannrssxsmm rsorrnsr tear on