Barrie Examiner, 2 Apr 1964, p. 8

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rrmmwrternvv MN vary By MRS TERRY IGoon mum The cold windy weather on worshr did mafia tb ppers loan union service in St Johns Unt ied march Rev Illillrham conducted the service Dr Ferric preached an im pressive sermon Son of Man Love of God Miss lda Ramsden spent the holiday weekend with relatives in Toronto gt Mr and Mrs Roy Rowat Pbtl tip and Sisan ni Markham spent the weekend with the iormers mother Mrs Rowat Miss Kerry and Jamie Hodg aon of Scarborough are visiting Mr and Mn Ross Hutchinson Mrs Joseph Martin Mrs liarry Borthwlck and Thomas McKenzie are patients in Pesetaan General Hospital Mr and Mrs Donald Mr Neil oi Toronto spent the Easter weekend with the lattera par ents Mr and Mrs Graham Christie Misses Nancy Patsy and Sally Campbell of Toronto were with their parents Mr and Mrs Campbell over the weekend Mr and MrsDouglas Paul oi Toronto were weekend visi tors with the latters mother Mrs Thompson Mr and Mrs Grant Py hum arts and Blake oi lsllng ton spent the Easter weekend with the latters parents Mr and Mrs Beardsall Mr and Mrs Verne Beard sall returned at the end of the week from Florida Mrs Mollson and children of St Catherine are visiting Mr and Mrs Verne Beardsall Mrs Ed Caliandar oi Brad ford is spending iew days with Mr and Mrs Harvie Rowley Miss lsahelle Preston oi Tor onto is visiting at the homeoi Earl Dysdaie Mr and Mrs Oscar Srlgley and Billie of North Bay Kit chen Manning oi London spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Manning and Mr and Mrs Ray Srigley Mrs Bernice Oidiicld oi Mea iord spent day with her mm ther Mrs outenberg Mr and Mrs Terry Garrow and Debbie Mr Garmw Sr spent Sunday with Mrs Terry David Manning oi Markham is spending the Eastervboliday Mr and Mrs Manning Mrs William Beardsall left at the end of the week to visit rrtriendsinMontreal EASTER TEA The ladies of St Johns Unit ed Church were pleased with the large attendance at their annual Easter tea Wednesday afternoon The warm sunny day provided ideal weather for the auditorium Mrs Jean Thomp son presided and welcomed the many who attended irom neigh boring groups The theme of worship Darkness and light was taken by Mrs Coe Miss Nellie Hoskin Miss Flor ence anning and featured ex tinguishing lighted candles as scripture was read and relight lng them Mrs Robertson read the scripture duet was sung by Mrs Marie Hawks and Mrs Marguerite Dunlap Mrs Flegehen accompanied at the organ Mrs Higham the guest speaker delivered an interesting message on Easter and Family iiiv liighMrsr Guthrie rs am or preparing giving such wonderful talk In the church schooiroom the comrrrittee served lunch at the AROUND SI At77vamEnsterSundnyr event Assembling in the church served The choir at voice led Mrs leopard Warr sang two anthems which were enjoyed as was the vocal solo by Mrs Warr Another pleat feature oi Flam was organpiano hymn accompaniment Mrs Black and Mrs Warr Easter iliiu adornedtho sanc tuary and number at form or members and lrlenda were seen smug the convention Mrs Margaret Knapp and Edna have returned to their home where Mrs Knupp is note vales aiterspendlngamonth in Ba hospital Harvey Rpm from Guelph visited with mother Mrs Margaret Knapp over the Easter weekend Those who make up the Oi tlcial Board oi Thornton United church charge are reminded oi the meeting Monday April at it pm in Holly fitnday School morn College students home tor the Easter vacation are Gary Maw Miss Eleanor Jennett and Miss Myrna Spencer imm Tomato Iand Bryon Brethet iromWater on Mr and Mrs Melvyn Harris and daughter from London were Easter guests with the farmers parents Mr and Mrs Cecil Harris Mrs Donald Shannon is con valescing at her moUIers Mrs Black alter having had minor surgery on toot in Barrie hospital last Friday Easter Sunday guests with Mr and Mrs Carr and Mary were Miss lsobel Carr and Mre Arnold artcliiie of Toronto Mrs Jarrnan Mr and Mrs Rn bert lemon and Boake oi Barrie Roy and Vincent Holt oi Eg bert visited Mr and Mrs George Holt on Easter Sunday and at tended ihe morning service in Trinity United church Bert Horton oi Toronto is spending the Easter weekend glib hisiather or HOP Mr and Mrs Bert Schlaht Mr and Mrs Giiien of Bar rie Mr and Mrs Bentley of Holly Mr and Mrs Del Bates Shelhurne and Mr and Mrs lvan Bates Toronto and all their families were Easter guests of their father Oscar Balers GUTHRIE By Mrs cmraau SPECIAL sanvrca GuthrieHawkestone YPU met at the cottage of Tom Harrisons pareuw for Sunrise Service This was led by Rev Jen ninga who gave an insp message based on St Luke Chap sumptuous hot breakfast concluded the meet At the regular morning ser vice Mr Jennings preached to full church Tom Rosss ap propriate solo was Easter Lil ies Tire choir in two num bers showed the excellent train ing of their capable leader and Mrs Howard Camp bell public address system donated by Mr and Mrs Gore don Caldwell in memory of their soniloyd was dedicated by Mr Jennings The church was beautifully decorated with yellow mums lilies and basket of white mums and pink snap dragous which were donated by the wedding party oi March The sermon topic was The True Meaning oi the Resurrec lion Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Byron England nee Jo to no Ydareliltnticoiorarh Packmtgloro the investiii on row rtos Friday The nest meeting will he Ttresdny at pm Ansitcan Parish Hall Sorry to report Bob Therrieo is in Royli Victoria Raspltll with led him Officer Cadet Keith Stew art at Royal Military College Kingston spent the Easter holl daya with his parents Mr and Mrl Stewart mm In lnvestlture was held Doullns red neck Therrlen Mrs Audrey Stlbhard Mrs Harry Marshall and Jack Boyes are patienLv In Royal Vic toria Hospital We wish them speedy recovery 0R0 STATION By MRS NEISON JOBNSONE Congratulations to Oro Station Midget hockey team on success fully winning the cup at Guthrie Arena This is the second suc bl the First Midhurst Cuh Iack Fri day aiternoon Mardr Tl in Am gllcan Parish Hall Parents were present to watch the cubs kr various exercises Cub Master plosenied the ct and tenderpud badges to the following Gerald Draper James Therrlen Brad lay Collins Wayne Crsit James Hugrnan Greg Cinq Mare David CraiLBntce Stewart Refresh ments were served to cube and parents by Mrs Wilson and Mrs RyyililtS wANLw Mr and Mrs Harry Hawkins and Sylvia oi Stnyner were per guests Good Friday oi Mrs Kirkpatrick and Rose Mrs Norman Rawn of stay ner visited Friday and Saturday at the home at Mr and Mrs Cline Ran Mr ant Mrs William Ritchie of Toronto spent the Easter week end here withtho latters It ter andbrotherlnlaw Mr and Mrs Archie Mslcorn Mr and Mrs BlakeVOgllvie Linda Gail and Janice of Straits roy rpent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Archie Wartime Thomas Hlsey ni Brampton sp the weekend at the home oi and Mrs Fred Viney Mrs Clarence Atkinson Jim and Murray and Mr and Mrs Campbell Steele visited during the weekend at Deep River with Mr and Mrs Elmer Atkinson Mr and Mrs Everett Ed wards and iamllyspentmday evening at is home oi Mr and Mrs Keith Harvey Sunaldale Quite iew attended the card party held Thursday evening at the home oi Mr and Mrs George Smith The winners were Mrs Russel McElwaln Mrs Cam eron Jack Cameron and Harold Smith Allen Busch and his nephew Al Preston of Midland were supper guests Sunday oi the ior mers brother and alsteninlaw Mr and Mrs John Busch tessiv year Mr and Mrs John Viney Su Aflimf Romuieuhama 9m can and Shown at Barrie were Barrie hospitai Sunday visitors with Mr and Art George recently spent couple oi days with Mr and Mrs Abe George at Utterson Mr and Mrs Elwood John etone called on Mr and Mrs Edgar Johnstone and Loreen Hawkesione recently Mrs lred Viney Misses Judy and Donna Rae Sinclair oi Collingwood are spending this week at tlra home oi Mr and Mrs Cline Rawn while their parents are on holi day in Tennusee Mr and Mrs Howard John stone Lloyd George and Diane Orlllia and Mrs Earl Roblt ertson and Sandra Mrs Wil llarn Robertson Rugby called on the Johnstones recently Albert Ayers Myrtle Station EVERETT By abounvs Mr and Mrs Alba Mr and Mrs William Shepherd and family iriendsdo Toronto two or three weeks Tobacco growers in this dis tobacco seed early in April home in Creemore THORNTON By MR3 JAMESON Hospital Mr and Mrs Murray Moore and family visited Mr and Mrs Gibbs and son ofvToronto spent Sunday with Mrs Mao Wilson and Elwood trackerrandtsmiiyofrorfiuto spent Sunday with Mrs lrene William Duncan and Sandra spent the Easter weekend with Sam Peterson ot Winnipeg is visiting his daughter and son inlaw Mr and Mrs Smith for trict are getting ready to saw Mr and Mrs Reg Knox and family oi Toronto spent the East er weekend at their parental Mr and Mrs sander were in Orlllia on Saturday to visit the iormers father Sander who is ill in Soldiers Memorial Miss Marlon Arnold is home from Toronto for the Easter va Other members of the who spent the weekend linens By MRS DUCKWORTH Mr and Mrs Richard ireland and family Tomato spent the weekend with Dr and Mrs West Miss Margaretta Latimer and girl iriend left by plane Thurs day Marnir 2510 twn weeks holiday to Trinidad and Barba os Mr and Mrs Bernard Lati mer and family Barrie were weekend visitors with their par ents Mr and Mrs Elden Latt Petuhoroogh are enlavina weeks holiday with her emu WP Mrs Dee Partridge were Mrs Hart he 1an Eesterwiih at unassuming visited his parents Mr Mrs ormaa Cookn Iat er Dmdsy In huh and doubt at of son and Mr and stream Good rum utterin Mr and lira Norman Cook Easter guests with Mr and Jean McAlary and Mrs Foster both of Willowdale HOLLOWS rats aowosN Mr and Mn Waiter Wilson at Riverviaw were visitors with Mr and Mrs Bowden last Monday Mr and Mrs Allan Bowden Knit and Kim of Midhurit visited their parents here on Sunday Mr and Mrs Roy Duncan oi Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mn Archie Bathgate Mr and Mrs Chris Bow den were pleasantly surprised Monday evening when nephew at Mr Bowden Roy Hughes from Worchester England call ed onthem unexpectedly Mr Hughes was in Toronto on bus lness Mr and Mrs James Smith and iarrrtly visited Mrs McLar pay in Toronto on Sunday weekend cakes and mapleayrup the conunuoltv Wt ANNUAL croWn Hill MRS humane Mrs Ed sutton is vialting her mother at Perdue Saskatchewan The Explorer and their lead er Mrs Tuck entertained their mothers at Mondays meet ing Heather Edgertan and Judy Atkinson received their second red star Carol Vernon Caro lyn Kennedy Sharon Gilchrist no Lois Smith and Myrna Clark gt theirsecond blue stariLnnclr was served by the girls United Church women of Crown Hill held their March meeting in the Sunday School room Wednesday March to President Mrs Howard Cald but live well conducted the business ea alsted by Mrs Newson sec ooklor retaryMr Tuck gave PsYum ROBINSON ayjnrrm LEESQM Mr and Mrs Lloyd Cohorn Paul and Peter visited Mr and Mrs Lorne West in Toronto Sunday Mr and Mrs Ronald Coleman of Huntsville were weekend visi tors with Mr and Mrs Chantler Miss Betty and Frank Meher talk on indla stressing contrast and rural development Tea hos tosses were Mrs Gordon Dune morerand MILWW Newcom lrene Durnont is recuperating from tonsllectorny Mrs Elmer Johns of Windsor and Mrs Edna Osborn Barrie were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Dunsmore Mr and Mrs Harold Drury accompanied by Mr and Mrs Jack Cooper oi Wonder Valley hair style PERMS merr Miss Judith Bush Barrie is spending the Easter holidays with her grandparents Mr and Mrs Gordon Bush Mr and Mrs William Graham and family Toronto tled Sa hrrday with their sister and bro ther in law Mr and Mrs Clifford Duckworth Miss Erma Duckvorih in spending few days with rer girl friend Miss Juel Choulnard in Toronto Mrs Raymond Everett is spending week in Toronto with relatives F0 and Mrs Maurice Gysel and iamiiy Ottawa and Mel vin Haggar spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Robert ott and Mrs Neil Bush Melvin Haggar is spending the Easter ya and Mrs Elliott Miss Dorothy Lutz deaconess at Zion Presbyterirn Church left Sunday night to at the holidays with Midiand Mr and Mrs Ross Wilkinson and family Richmond Hill visi witb his uncle and aunt Mr her mother at rrmsmuammvamarmmenu Wed trio in Ottawa during tits weekend They viattd the St LawrenceSoawa cod tour ed the Parliament Buildings Mrs Ro Newcon visited her law Mrs Don Neuron at Miss Elia Drury and Allan Newwn artToronto were atthrlr respective bomu during the The Evadinl Circld is havinl social evening at theUnlted Church Friday April at am oclock Tire girls are presentinl skit to be followed by pan Measles are still prevalent in Womens institute annual meet lng will be held at the home of MrsVlolaAnoniay April pm Roll caiipaymeot oi tees motto the man who lives only ior himseli runs mighty small business program rs porta and election oioiiicera Conveners oi standing commit tees are asked to bring writ ten report of years work Hos tesses Mrs Handy and Mrs 499 to 12750 mm BARBER SHOP Dnnlop St moon Stan Peacock Prop STROUD OPENING Mr and Mrs Fred Mulhnt lnndMraoersl7rIokMui holiand and George Muiholland attended the opening at the new wlnpn York County HewittL Newmarket in this vin ia room in memory of donation by their uncle Fred Muihoiland plaque on the WW ward bears his name Mira Marilyn Rlddeil of Bell villa is riding iew done with her lgreanclparenihMt and Mrs undo Black lilon you min then you baby marsh in when you bratuveryspeclaiiarn llyoceuion Your Weleorn We on imiirimrii ad oi pee via and iuubmifim When the occasion moire 72min small daifodil decorated tables Mrs Dope and Mrs Simpson poured tea THORNTON By MRS GEORGE HOLT Thorntons Womens institute orthonoth Thornton Mens Hockey Team Saturday April 11 Exit pm with banquet in Thornton Orange Hall Recent guests of Dr Horton andMiss Frarnces Wick lum wera Mr and Mrs Doug las King Murray Joanne and Miss Aileen Callighen oi Don Mills andDert Horton of Tor on Mrs Leo Dykstra Mrs Bob Pryde and Mrs George Srigley oiHolly paid asurprise visit to Mrs Leonard Warr ctr Anne Bares who were mar fled in Guthrie United Church Saturday March 25 Easter visitors were Miss Mar lon Gray of Toronto with her mother Mrs Gray Mr and Mrs Lloyd Campbell and family oi willowdale at George Campbells Mr and Mrs Kydd of London with Sgt an Barser and MrsIGod dent and iamrly oi Kitchener with Mr and Mrs Annette Mr and Mrs Joseph Brown and family and Mr and Mrs Walker and Cathy all at Toronto with 8g Mal and Mrs Mason Mrs MeNahb oi CoiJJIIaWMd with Mrs Mikey Miss Ella Drury of Crown Hill and Toronto with Miss Edna Besse Sgt Bares was home from Moisie One for his daughters ted their mother Mrs Thomas Wilkinson Easter Sunday beautiful Easier lily was placed in Angus United Church Easter Sunday in 7m of Kirby by the Kirby fa with their mother Mrs Fred Arnold were Mr and Mrs Boyd Amoid and family of Marion and Mr and Mrs Murray Me Vanel and family Toronto Mr and Mrs George Oreto Janet and derah Toronto Mr and Mrs William Jamieso kitty and Brian Barrie Mr and Mrs John Wilder Catherine Margaret and Timmy of An caster visited their parents Mr and Mrs Jamicloh during the Easterweekend Misses Nancy and Ann and Shane Reid and Miss Laura Carr are spending the Easter holiday with their grandparents Mruand Mrs Arthur Reid Miss Eleanor Peacock Toron to was home with herparents Mr and Mrs WE Peacock tor the Easter weekend Mrs Carrie Mao Stenning Wayne Darrel Barrie are visit Renaud Mr White Alfred Willis accompanied Mr and Mrs Rod Maxwell Bare rie to Boston Mass for few days visit with friends EDGAR by Miss mantras Mrs William McLean and son Bobby Torontovlrited bar par ants Mr and Mrs Merredith MacLeod for Easter Bobby re ofyaudited responsible hgurésjvvbich for almost 50vyears have been acceptable our advertising budget has big and vital job in building sales The very health of your businessdepends on itHenoe there should never be any substantial doubts about the size of the audience you reach not about tire template of the figures TheAuditBureau of Cirétliatioas btiyen controlled organization wasforgallrizeditor providebelievablereliable and Eovable circulation figures ARC protects the in Some audience figures have been Subject to 33533 fifigtk strains Ewmifrfiilfiiifi$ Kroner we deficit rams iiioi Mrs no we rode serious fireham my audience when and much more Mitzi gafiesHogJogflulfirthne andMr mff3 331 Toronto on Easter Mon Efizfiudawififigfi slim and sources Itiwiiltaireagooddeal of Easter guests of Mr and Mrs and mgefiihgntglmeefifi ing before anyon can adyance tir If Want What Your ldvmmg Norman Turrall of Weston ORRECTION The meeting place or Thorn Womens Institute or April will be atthe home or Mrs Leonard Vanderpost instead of Mrs Ctutningham as as reported Further details he announced in this column later March 25 DOLNo 16held anothar chrewith 10 tables players in attendance Euchre ramsSchind Parish Hall Tuesday eGinntschairm nd introduced presidtoi MIDHURST Sunday with their daughter and roofgrin Mr andMrs Bruce Ta nnrs nasa Mo Stayner Mrs Lydia Puymon Toronto Sailiidfll Attfli 11 F9 vlsited las week with her sister Hill Home and School Associa Mrs tron is holdingan afternoon tea Mrs Denney ipenl two and bake sale ttheschool weeks with her daughter and gins and family Painswick were from 2prnhto son ite eiep ant sale Danni Last Saturday night Mr ishhinintis Patents are invited to attend BOYSCOUT gammy mud the 59m Guests with Mr and Mrs Jteltirleagianddtrfichnshecs or Easter wereMr and Mrs three of her greatgr ndchiidren werebapuzed Patterson oiTomnto Denmyflecdved Mrs Cecil Sheardown spent wanderer escorts 31131511 15 Shanahan oiKnocklastv1eslr We Mts Mahal Everettereturned homo Thursday after several weekaholiday with friends at gin Team andd Mr and Mrs rn ayesausonlechael fez 5mg PM Daily newspaperadvertisers are able to buy Mr and Mrs William Ciitten den Edgar Mr and Jack potenhal audience of known size on basis Crittendeu and iamiiyStroud andMr and Mrs Stephen Wig statistically unsanitary sound dollars any use or copy or out when ABC report Th Easterfinor Trinity United church was it smmnen tended andi

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