Barrie Examiner, 31 Oct 1964, p. 4

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measure mums moron mosesu nun FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK ffhert primers ior dead or unfurled call and bones wSmall anilnals removed Irce Fcr isst cervix PHONE BARBIE 727151 Collect or ask Inr LNICKS DEAD STOCK 58le 31130 NO CHARGE 1131er dd day week RR Foxmead Onisrlo Licence No 33C Nick Montague Prov FIVESTOCK FOR SALE Ncnuxu or Pln an all alien iietcphm mutt Inns roll altul nlno not nu Autos Ant Perir actsrm lizllrrr due van ll nemwn 11 llvy um lime Poms lama to ltde Hutu Na or locnurn Also two Ind one roll Wobsr amid stroud Md du Noverrrbcr Illa In centrescc one 491 MIJD mull Bill It to ll month old amino HEN II hand will plot Justus to rm cm coax than mmo naumzn Welt Bull up viesbl um The Mn ugh ey fir Reamer éontutaensmlynn mums FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case New Iflalicnd David Blown Belity 17d BURNN AVE mm liCASllTTTADETEIIMS mun FERGUSON Tudor In yolnt mun Teicphonl Tatum ilNTnLNAlloNAL Eu WI Trees Vic Illh power taken also Cock fluu Fertilizerllzrill inm no runm box Telephone 713476 litu 14m AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE VlAU RAMBLER 416w 7mm Todays Star Special 31957 Sports $530 Tillyst Slslco limos LTp ulIImn st via217 1mm sumo Ls FIRST BYRONGRAHAM MOTORS 255 3P Ford éton Pickup $195 on around OBuy the best or less ITry this one taday lTIhradioNl St 7281061 jog scrap or oldsnobllo rol mic QJMIW best otter Telephone we vauxmu Victor or rain cxccllcht condition Rcr nonole Telephone spur Ilsa vAlelAH Crests Good condition ownzr inflo Telephono Camp Borden sol In Street Telepme mom urslssr vAvxeru host In Salient condition uso 351ch bicycle 549 01 but olierl Apply 15 Caroline Street rm Form Motor 311 Cubic in Jim tour barrel carburetor Au en Linn also or but when WEEDMop St West Amy dish consul blur Iour door sevenload tires lest offer above Rlvsh Isle Telephone in 1ch two door hard radio flood rel need mngh or out nita Telephnnn 72s TIET Form two door mechanic ally Defled florid white Mint It Did this week Eugentn sum WIZCHNG 1354 Fold M10 innerorerwxil°i lsrl rolm Folsom two coo Mantilrll light on with match in lntutor wh tcwall um When you no it agfleer month Mentions 72s 29 Rewnrd 79 lair mtqu Monterey Sadn smart whlto and Md re built V£ elmI2 Just been install hu sunrl beams wlndsilicld hen block heater and snow clan Must be sold ht MomT youul wmt 1350 down DH AuroMOIIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE hr in not oodillm rufihou III Inn Illdun radio DRUM MINI Torpedo ruetool door 00 pm Ten INHVIUL Good all elephouu mm use mm Van ecce Ditto Immune lazuliIa and TEE tu bu hutr EGO No new til orlu radon Mu herd and loft WIIMIuII mu and Im nito rluumlfiafioh Wilon Cali must tut nunn Deluxe American moduliI ln emum ma ion piano uniontic rest on ed run an or only at ll WilmaJule don budI lop nilrill um 61 MI Intent on on Hills one owner car down it surcx Inrdtop vs nutoru Ll radar mo HymnalIa ome power was OwlIA autonun was and vim Vhlepbcu CUE at more StdIn mall um union dlo IL War shadrd mu inn hormone ghono Maul Nun cu msunNclr Inn to or pnlerrcd drivers WI Ihmn In My INTu at In or circumstances eon Eatl M00 lenmisllu NED Fairlie melculltl Mild Ind out floor hlll lueptne whitmils II as dud opener seat hem robin hill CON 19 moor un WU lose thon dor llliamtlc min unionsLin ms 391W on rnuo or Thermal Telopbou ivy Suvcrlllt lmwt I7 south lulll TRUCKS TRAILERS last mun MN who or out flood mitt Itoawn lopllocgo 7133i 1m VOLKIWMIIN Window van or sale excellent condition May be seen at llcllli street or tallohone 1140 TRUCK wnsanc Jed but um and accusoriss Ann used mm or is core Truck run end sun Holland mam as Am To No 1mm relarm use MOBILE HOMES lm snow to clear at rice mrn use to 1559 In root models Used out Tnum we Orv Trml inilen Mobile Homar Rentals Repairs Open weekends 151 one arm No ll Bunny Iwkartone PERSONALS runs WANTen to Highway too Ind Find Ave Blrril It to ma enr mum In Hye day week filephoon 72 utter tun natures Con ler or no in win trig to inln overdo oowlln lounge infill is Iflni cl 371 op one uml mt 0L ruler 11 lo Toronto strut lhnil singled be rtmndou or any debt he hmroolrhinlrhmhlio ten new INSTRUCTIONS PIANO CLASSES Will be oven under the auspices of The Canadian Bureau tor SIC In the swoon the MUSIC Em 42 MAPLE AVE pendng approval or the Public Sdlool Board use the saloon Registration date will be Nov amber Ath iee $12 or 16 lessons two Vzholirs each week Full term must be paid in advance Music books must be purchased by Students iflor fultber infor nnuon call insoles 9Losr FOUND MM BEAELZ hosr In Am am up too thorn right ear nul do Telephcn about five months old Mk lrcl lclephollggallggmdln EBAGLE run lack with white Bzyfleld Rawnrd Losth III In In bills Mops vicinity dz in so Parkids Oct filephmwiflllflf To HELPWANTED CLERKrim tor ornce located Va llhuMIy 6V AIiAndIle Irvany we is Age blouse wn stating to Box to tic eelre dunoenfiimfi AUTOMOTIVE MOBILE HOMES LUXURIOUS I2 52 IO with bedrooms LARGE MOBILE HOMES General Glendale and Twentieth Century ICompleie line of Travel $950 AND UP UNDREDS OF $1$I$ HQn the Purchase Your qu ISAVE II Trailers LIReC0nditioned Re tall Used Furniture Hitches Parts and Repairs and Appliances RUSSEL CHURCH MOBILE liOMES ID ion AveN Highway South Barrie Telephone 728986 WMmElqflMulflw coach button ntle which um pa month Telephone no uric Holstein lieun no Al nonunion Mounts and mints am THE ADVANCEMENT OF MU DEMYmloN hated wt lIIIgHELRwAtlrEp NATUR GAS HEATING ANDIAPPLlANCES MUST HVE ervENsALEs ABILITY VTrun nu Mnmwwwmeouyu Whitman mm scenica mm COMPANY shamans TERIIN 1160611 DURING OFFICE HOURS MACHINIST Required or second run Interesting posltion run mg or Company bendils Wllu commensurate with ability and aper levee Apply In willing or in person to Mr MacDouId personnel director WEST BEND OF CANADA LTD MAINTENANCE MAN Required for shill Should hava mechanch Indor electrical experimee Interesting poaition iuli range of Company benetlu Wages commuuurtta wl ability and experimce Applyinwrlllngorlnpenouioltr MaeDonsldpenon rlel dLrsctor WEST BEND OF CANADA LTD SALES HELP AGENTS LINN Wanted TILL of NW time to all our lsrmul line CIle and Advertising floodli till lapHula metal but not el mar Won boon Repeat Olden Elm tm mvhwmh nor Brochllh Ontrip lwng We can help you card this kind mom with AVON Write Mm Walk LEGAL er 1°°I WWI NOTICE TO CREDITOR all Barrie MI AND OTHERS houuh 53mm 13 Merci IN THE ESTATE or ELMER HOGAN late or the Tomb worm on to tad Iool nus oi Innism in the County at Simone Retired Thicker De ceased two school born in cruxnu ror room board One or two Toleth no fimwffi All claims slulmt heed mg of Elmer Hem Mir siii In gfitfifi°r° who died on tile not day of Mary 19 at the Town ship oi North York in the County York must be filed wintho Imdersigncd Adminis trattix on or helm the 80th day of November 1m alter wiridl dab bl Eddie will be distrliul ted DATED at Toronto this ittlt day of 0mm 19 itszcl1 Weiiiyood Adaninlstlgtrlx Asn erguson use opge asst Toronto Ontario her Solicitor ILTENDERS TOWNSHIP OF 0R0 Tellders ForSnow REMOVAL Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 12 oclo noon on November 20th 1964 ior snow removal on Township FOR FEMALE HELP AVON NEED EXTRA MONEY FOR WRISTMAST figure rcsentailves earn 31000 Magthe Ornatrrus selling season now in full noussmrn hmulmlwgll mod sneer 31 Fund ol children Telephone moon lor rumor Ln mum MALE HELP TRUCK DRIVER WANTED 24 years or older Preferencegiven to ex perience Apply in person only to NIXON BUILDING PRODUCTS LTD 207Tiifin st Barrie DoNT BE DIEM BY AUTOMATION zlechontu tho intent Indu mug in curdsnerds lulu men pm with one oi than IDDIOVM counsel Our Placement bwns eurou urlsu on on lndurtlon Mm °f Automatlou tannin manor gliders huséategskgepe hot opera or cinema alumnaIn chhnoi wheel army power flagginMInndnwdr nil his M11 YIOP eraicd socwplow and wing inw est or any tender not necessarily accepted TUDHOPE Clerk Oro StationRR No 0me Ind General Electron cl Learn at home or It realdct schools inTnmnto Ind MontiEll Free tongs sunk omen in Electronic GE yours now RADIO Going1G1g 2g CANADA 4M King St Toronto OntnIo GWERAL MOTORS rAnTSMAN EWLENCED raI quired tor nledlnniés matter by large centrally located Cen erai Motors Dealer Salary and ms nlunau usual benefits nan son Barrie Examiner TENDERS FOR SNOW PLOUGH AND HARNESS AND DUMP BOX WITOUT HOlSl Sealed tenders will he received by the undersigned up to500 prn Monday November 9th is for the supply of one snow 7W and hamas installed and one dump box without hoist Speciilcations and tender en velopes may he obtained at the City Clerks Office lit Collier Street Barrie Lowest or any tendecnot necessarily accepted STRAUGHAN City Clerk EXPERIENCED Builder flu or wanted Telephone maloi mmm Tractor Tuner Dri wanted in of mm htdr copéTtrlhfi ucmsnn Body Mm required EIth wues id kl wan Dun yer uétol rd Eredlrds n1 up tree or canon 71 Two PEOPLE re urea inn to IV to train mu umoedrhu estrte medium Here in the counc to mm In Interesting Ind hi Miltblew career ConfiscEMr op or Cm noI Nate on MALEAFEMALE BOYS and GIRLS TOE BARRIE EXAMINER CARRIER ROUTES Applichuon Forms availabiegat cmcuhlmou um mealme ST édsegmutgmrr will be rift lgeilIEcificufionS dud tender eh City Clerks Officehifl Collim Street Barrie zlotvut or any tender not necessarliy accepted STRAUGHAN CityClelk ITS EASY To PLACE nthta Mi BARRIE EXAMINER LASSIEIED our club Id EMPLOYMENT wANrEp la anfns Eo Use one oi cse threeccnverlh elm LPHONE mum and wanttoplaoe Want MAIL it to The euro Exam IIIATuns er Barrle Our room log skills has Posltlan recap print it to no BdrrisExn iat mffissils aminer other Bayilaidptrostr velopes may be obtained at the On Goth Schemé My llltl Friday the lederll We eat and the provinces have It dad upon twostage method ior consult ing Canadas 205000 Indiana about men in to them provin clli welfare education and immunity development lerv cer Following twoday meeting with provincial ministers Mr lrernbiay said the first step will be to consult Indians on pro vincial or regional basil through Indian advisory committees In soma areas these are already established but elsewhere they will have to be let up The second stage vnil be con sultatiun with each Indian band to determine whether my Went to melts provincial services or wish to continue receiving serve lofirmirorn the iederai govern Mr Irolnbls provincial 5e imposed without indisn band Iold reporters will not be approval of the cumulus tutor ll liIIlGii Paul Emile Cardinal Leger oi Montreal leit laughs Irina liltensto Annutla Cardinal Bel German mentor oi the Vatican Orrin and head at the Vatican Secretariat for Glrlstiln Unity lhey arc DOMESTIC Policy puSIIEn ASIDE Negro And Civil Rights Main Election Issues WASHINGTON or The Negro and civil rights were the dominant issues domestic or Rule Truck Driver ill Pauli For failing To Use Caution nonunion onI cmAA cmners Jury ruled Friday that thatruck driver whose vehicle derailed CPR train at nearby Leonard killing himself and seven others isiled to Ilse proper cant The livetrnan iury look less 38 30 minutes to reNIrn ver The inquest as into the death of Bowl Czopyk in who died Aug 21 after his iuily loaded gravel truck kIuied into an OttawatoMontreal train at 821 am Seven passengers died in the derailment and 31 persons were injured several seriously The accident occurred at ievrl crossing in the tiny village of Leonard miles southeast of Ottawa DEAN In its verdict the jury said We llnd he daceased Elm Ctopyir contributed in his own death by not using proper care and caution when approaching the railway crossing mums Com OPP Const Ronald Collins oi Rockisnd detachment said the truck pluck thc iourth roach Irom the end nithe eastbound train but the third coach was the one thrown farthest olt the tracks Tile third coachcarried the seven passengers who died Ownér oi the truck Joseph Ambrozas oi Ramssyville JILL said pryls was very good driver and never had an acci dent before in his iiie lIe iiad seen him that morning and the MYERS SAYS If we cant stave you money We LOnt deserve IyoLIrbusiness KNOW TITIAT WE CAN Ccoeem or thersietyptymiort and centres driving the truth behind wheel 0ur puliqy to provide til possible tnotprlnglh nu istha key to our success most untodate hmeupjewlcc assuresthe driving public oisule sure carclree dupdopeequipnient in the hands ol our mechanics takes allure guesswork Dean Myers 145 paApronD ST Motor TEfiEllIQNE homes iorel hen the lulled States Nedaw in Septauber But in trend heipinglPres ldcnt mi urtlng Barry Goldwata worldahait in events seemed to push most domestic issues aside as Nov approached But there were plenty oi do mestic issues and one secrch to lie particular Johnson wenk spa ihst was the theme bam rnered at relentlessly by the Republicans oi moral decay generally and sandal in the White Hotlsa specifically Johnson amt to counter it with doctrine of peace pros perity and progress wilh pier ing up Goldwaters stand on social sccurity modicum and other podrelbook internal Ir sues DIFFERENCES HERE There were ciearut diiiar onces on big government ver sus less government or states rights education violence in the streets the supreme court agriculture immigration tar ills and taxes But generaliv these failed to draw headlines in an economy admittedly in high gear While both sides accuSed each other oi avoiding issues some pretty clear cut dltierences emerged during campaign the bale it we are to heal our history and make this nation whole the president declared at one southern stop posterity must know no MasonDixon line and opportunity must know no color line Segregation is wrong Senator Goldwater said repeatedly add ing the sentiment which was ex peeled to put as per cent of the Negro vote lnto Johnsons pockets you ever hear me quoted saiavoring the right to associatewithout favoring the equallyvital right not to asst ciatc look again because somebody will be kidding you Uk nth when Lower Stock Market By JOHN BELANGER Caudinn Press Writer Eeoilornle restrict brought lower prices to Canadian stock markets last week British Prime old Wilsonshoped restrictions bit deeply into export markets at some Canadian mmpanies Prices were down but volume was higher Brunswick Mining and Small tng annmroocd SHAWN in dustrlal complex In New Brun pwick The stout rm to high oi lots but closed at 15 down it Trading was heavy at 83111 shares Brunswick Influenced two stocks that hold substantial interests in the ilrnIKey Ana couMiues andFlrst Maritilrles Mining The iormer traded heavily all ahead 49 cents and the latter at 310 down 15 cents Elixir rion In several lauds Ilnoludcd were Texaco Price Emlharal TrahsCBoada Lines and Monarch fine stock split and increased dzvlé drnds gave some impetusto Placer Development whii scum lncreaéed its Ill dead and rose in rauga Styleni issues reached their is since the start of the main began early Ill er earninge produced be tipped shown prior to the start oi to days union oi the Eulmtn lcri Council in Rome AP Wircphoto via cable irons Tome hiasailty cant be logirlntcd In its rarely made lpeedl without mentioning Bobby Ba ker ormer Senate who was close to Johnson when the latter was Sepals Demo cratic leader and who metered last year aitm disclosures show his multiple money side deals But Goldwater himselt rarely it ever mentioned the name of Walter Jenhns presi dential aide who will dramdb ally sitar revelation oi two In resu or morale olich presidents anti poverty pro gram rated and said Johnson won practising big leading rtr to loci ignore exto eggnloro All an or poor cinl More and or tithes Goldwater med dint the uni governmele withdraw lis system of sharedcurta with the states totsilhlg men than $10000009 EU said the states should have more of their reqmnsibilitlce bad and the federal govern ment and the president should have less power Goldwater based his opposi tion to medical care for per sons aged 65 or more on the proposal to use existing social security as the vehicle John son reminding voters of Gold waters vote against it asked whether it was too much to leg islate so that older Talks can isle illness when it inevitably comes and lace it without the chill ioreboding of an empty purse or an inadequate Insur ance policy Goldwater called or more re strictive immigration rules and indicated preference ior higher rtrade tsriiis Johnson didnt Goldwater said most of our of government price iixi Johnson said iarrn policies have worked well the last years but need improvement rises Montreal Loconwtlvmf Canada Melting Algoma Steei Canada lion Foundries Jocksy Club Canada Steamship Lines Floss and RivmsidaYamst Montreal locomotive traded 53075 stares and atteincd high or on hunted at 11 ad Hi nod leasich gh lo my in relatively light trad Two of ihsweekr meet so tiveiersded industrials wed Brazilian Traction rife with manner of takeover rumors MasseyFerguson rimmed up loam slum and traded as high as an Its high or the year it closed at SS unchanged Massey moved ias isigh as 29 and traded 4557 abores but closed at 29 ahead it The senior base metals Iii was largely unchangedCeasiar and Noronds still at 11 and 4m willie luttflutiounlr Nickel muggy 33mm it On and Smelling to 75 In golds Cahpball Red lake 56 gt Mclntyre 1lolliuger Dick 050 shares and rose six cell walNew Hosco tacked on centric ey included Greater on paranoiaIda gunshot II high arm ills have been the product

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