DEAD secret negotiation lFor Barrie Firemctn One Barrie district man Honix liberti St at V5 township has beat iound dead in ma leina area 100 mill mwmflxï¬umn ml Floyd Mahlim $11 inoldii SL The men were moited mining Fredav The two men Ves lowoahip tobaeol iarmer and McMirla member of the Barrie Fire Dcpartnlult wcre Sundaynidatlmnd Vera bodyhutaresï¬lllook lorMcMinn libertta body was lolind under to ieet oi water 75 yaida oft allure iaDecda Lake pair oi boots believcd to belong to hiclilinn was also found in the area The men had driven to the die trict early in the month and Down to Deede beige agaPrlday When chartercd plane rehiroed Fai day to pick them up they could not ho ioiutd Searchers in hands and Fob LOCllI GENERAL EMERGENCY WARD Royal Victoria Hospitala cm ergeney ward treated only 105 patients during the Thanksgiv ing Day weekend But more than quarter of these WEN admit ted Six people were involved in motor vehicle accidents Two people were treated or nre ailer they fell into they while hunting alao treated was one child who swallowed ole kin and other who atulied but ton in his leit nostril BOY SCOUTS The annual dinner and meet ing of the Kempenielt Bay Dis trict of the Boy Scouts of Can ada will be held at Trinity Ana glican Church Hall October it at 090 p111 Aabcstol Allanan um Alberta Diat Albert GI 72 Malia Atlantic sun at at Mont Bank of NS gel Tel tan BA Oil Cdn Aviation Cdnlmp Bk Con Cdn Brewer CPR 13 Dom Tar 1m oil Cln Centaur Chancel Le raglan Gunnar Bollinaea Kerr labrador Leacnurt Lorado Mldaen MnlthMin aenrelébam nowahiuaa NEW ndualrlala up iv nail up 07 FLOYD MEIMNN rats aileron Saturday discover el the mens overturned canoe and Sunday diva mm the de portmmt round Ebertta body and McMinns boots The aeaich Earty reported very little oi the tmtein food memdh amply that the last date circled on ralandnr found at the campsite was October mm leave hie wile dune boy at home Ru in Robert riotous anallrr Iland Gary and 63W MnJamuBmmlandlline ain1A tobacco farmu inthe Barrie district tor the pad 15 yem he lanned in the Debt area 10yeara beiore coming Milli dilllnlnlng laan eEtyear veteran oitheBarrie Departmentandamaident olimiaillStmLHekmanled withonedzild Mayor Cooke To Give Report 0n Police Building Tonight on we said thia morning that he will introduce Mir his Mom the Police night it should be over and PW dealt with tonight he Bis Worship Iatmdled an it nuiry into the construction at the building in early Jilly Since then no concrete information has been releiued meaning the matter and the building has remained unoocupiedt Since the Ontario Motor League has announced it will open its new driver halnlng Falcnnbillilb GL lIh Puller won an Harden Farms HawL Elddaley Home Oil and any hlia Hudsons Bay Imp Tobacco Hula oil ln Accept Inland NG inter Nickel Inter Utilities Intelprov Pi Jockey Cluhp hbatt MINING Lla Mint aorta ml hilt Naw am course in the building at landï¬ll and Vienna Sheen SSTOCKZ PRICES compliedby aEFiynn 92min st alganth nznvamau is EIEA Dam Found Donal Store ilho Pow Riv illmy tort Nonnda 01 MG oerl to Paciï¬c Pele Pena Pip Pall Barney Power C017 Que Nat on Rival Bank Salada Fonda arrr Steel of cm TorinI EKP no Texaco Wa Union Gal an II Zenltla l°$°l 0pth Vi liln Alxaln gamma Tribal Unlltd Oil Uniled Kano Willm Wiltan thtlll lav Moan ailrm aaocaa can in an Sullivan imam on Honolul max amaora Utilities yup nonom amen axanNul Indua am or Golda It YblrfCanl Beat 02 Metals up 52 om up go THE SARJEANT F0 Spread your fuel oil paymnlts evenly over many monthaAvoid heavyniidwinter hula when fuel consumption in high and other exlzenaes are generally heavierrcail natoday Nomi The Current Mariel Ifl tle senior more Doreen Roberta Junior al hum dermen servant Hawaii to oiormw auto Ieaasuminimmilitant the inor hm July is What on the City Devi Committee mind that Winter Worka giantiwould be only amazon um originally estimatedat t3 by in an year an to38000 thk year The iinai The youth lower because Mperoentoltheworkonthe waanotcompletedby ihcAprilldeadllna iiany£orthe Nduotioningrantdlouldben vealedaimgbtacoundlmeei lDaJlliiaetarts at city hall at 7pm By TERRY CHAMBERS Mayor hen Town Before going into tuture evonta would like to bring you up to those whgmare not mire who la the executive la on lol lowa Terry Chambers mayor Ann Campbell new Don no terriï¬c idneon treasurer sue Hardy aeuetary Maureen Stewart Pat Quinn Dougimith Merolielth alderman Bart Sim Lut weeks dance was one of the liveliest have ever seen ammonia no uloua being able to play all var iation and mood of nail from Wild Weekend Eve mil cinjwln floor$50 gO Empiwwaadroooimn 000 Years Teen Town kxmwcmcwm Wm amm mu manommtaiau Boyaliéunitedi With Patients David and Donnie the $de comebave been DIM leek are bad with their Mr and Police said thia morning that led to the involvnment oi the police depameat and tho CA5 lhe parenta evidently kit the hay with Min Wllietia until they leannodholn the air 23 they were working lat The girl aaaumedtha parent would be on sooner than than ad the children but laft without 8m litter being tranalerred to the office at an unarmed ottlalal the children were taken briefly to the CA8 Oliice during the weekend They were returned to their Walla yesterday may wanted their dlildrcn had vary mudl CA8 director Jachon commented He also deacrlbed the situation aa misunderstanding No diargee have been laid fihta dountvlook like real case of donation Mr Jackson Mid thhlluanila and Family Court av laid thin that ahe war can and le Fire Prevention Week ySucceaaiul Med SingingiGlouplToilppear ill Barrie Teen Town Session beawrul diangea their par iornlance was flawless Barrie Teen Town in planning great thingsto come aiar date on activitiea of Teen Town with th in the past Mir thebenefit oi appeararroe of the gmngmmm 81 at the group comm di rect from ironlthe same agency at lvugt you Ray Qrbkonl comlsta of three parlormera who are now to arm with their ash moulding of Tall Him No and Bread and Butter These fellows have jtwt ietumed European tour and were in the fpop liiow Sillndlg two weeira ago and induced real excellent parlor ill ance allezuiar record hop withali your favorite records twirling on the turntables lmrn mo oomid tum humans rou cano wml uuuarrs PRINTED olrrrvrllsror DDMIWREGISTEI TAPES NECESSAIV Alelmandhlfliqlri tearnoimoeldmtiog wlnwiththeirolfleereg around the troplvln the Ar Foreste no Ma commanding Marjorie Hamilton or Ila nasmrNTliiLoanass arcle PM phase oi thia yeara Barrie United Appeal Cam paign begins tomole when some 500 volunteer manner begin iï¬ldential mile the city Their objective is $10 part the $4000 tar colonel win duel of the Grey airiilaphyricalatamlnaandre member of the team in addition to the regular army inimun The the ï¬rst or therthreecom pctitionawaaheldhuoinBar rieBanuadinnuboacntora the GREY and Simon threatena dooatedalrini team regimentaoowlnthe lo Militiarygroupoompetltion at were awarded fELI Rmheriord GuergiliaBdeaar trophy donated to Tom Ruthuiord honorary and Emma Forestera The acndrlinaia of the com petition wereheld at Camp Borden two Wteka 30 and defeated teams from tia mag 15 and 17 certain omonen were infantry regiments In the linala 1503me bewere gvcn an aulgnmen car riedout The patrol includes all ohnllmgea to test the military souICeiulness oi each individual get or the 1955 operating ilmda of nine local agendas or service and welfare The campalgn walrnlan la Mrs John Ignore Woods left and the vrcechairm is Mrs Sylvxal Craig onldiela acting as many the team commuter obstacle ol all types booby trans trill witco blank lflll ï¬ltration mulata artillery the and oilin httl 23 am ct taronlyonedayanoiireaiao £36m senior Wiiil lite win they serve tllo tat handdiamm rs Avvarded Iop Militia Trophy CANADIAN SCHENLEY APPOINTMENT madline in ï¬rst au as judges go along to ob RnyESeiciv The appointment of Selrh aa Salea Roomma tive or the Barrie area or CunadlanSchenieyDiatillerlca Ltdia amounted It Kennedy GeneralySalel Manager tor Ontario All lDB DAM HELP voun nusmrssr MINDUSTRIAL DEVELUPMENT BANK ameliorates mm CANADA loaoulo VFW We Play Numbers iill Revere DEE on ion