the Torrie Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers limited WIlls Hibiinber THURSDAY MN Mt CBC USE STAFF OF 92 COVER GOLF CHAMPiONSHiP 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Wilson Gown all SEPT Swarm rM urnsore MY count TOOK six Candde lei Gvsircovemed Needs Some Anialgdmation Prime Minister Pearson and most dole gates to the Charlottetown meeting of provincial premiers inclined to chuckle over the proposal of Maritime union plot forward by Premier Robichaud of ew Brunswick He revived the subject tiiat brought about the first Charlotte town conference looyears ago union of the Maritime provrnces Prime Minister Pearson was inclined to joke about the proposal in suggesting name for the territory might be The Islands of Nova Brusland But Prem ier Robichaud said he was quite serious about the idea Premier Stanfield of Nova Scotia feared his province mi ht be accused of swallowing the others cause it is the most populous and best off province Premier Smallwood of Newfoundland didnt take the sugges tion seriously He made jocular refer ence to the problem of deciding which of the four Atlantic premiers would head the new province Premier Shaw of Prince Edward Island said it would be matter for discussion Why not amalgamation of the Mari time provinces the Sudbury Star asks Why not amalgamation of Ontario and Quebec Why not amalgamation of Manitoba and Saskatchewan and Alber ta Why not new political division of Canada similar to that of Australia where the country is divided into six major parts Northern Territory South Australia Western Australia Queens land New South Wales Victoria Canada lends itself to yamaigamation of provinces and division into territories because of the affinity of resources and development in certain areas The lllari time provinces have most things in com mon Ontario and Quebec have com mon bond in resources and industrial de velopment although it is difficult to imagine union at this particular name calling period in our history the prairie provinces are alike in many respects While rabid nationalists and racial ex tremists see only one main reason for seeking the right of Canada to amend its own constitution the severing of the final links with Britainstudents of con stitutional matters see possible benefits The Sudbury writer suggests one of the greatest benefits that could come from the power of the Canadian Parliament to amend the constitution would be toram algamate the provinces with similar int ests if such seemingly drastic measure was deemed to be in the national interest For the past halfcentury it has been or gued that Canada is overgoverned This overgovernment extends all the way from the municipal level to the Canadian Senate If mathematician or better still computerworked out the ratio of rul ers to population the result might be one ruler to every 100 population FantasL tic Not at allwhen the number includes all civil servants as well as those in the elected and appointed positions in mun icipal and federal government One has only to consider the number of boards commissions etc in any one municipal ity to see how the spectre of overgovern ment takes on substance runner irNE 55 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Northern Advance Sept 1901 Preside room and assoc lates working on ans for Barrie Fair in three weeks time Features booked in clude Hassims celebrated Arabian Acro bats and Selena de Diosilfiniature Hippo drome which includes three people eight dogs noccupied hotelman charged with selling intoxicat ing liquor to an Indian with hothhands The Barrie Examiner Authorized second elm ninir Post onus Department mm and fur payment or warm in bury Sundays Ind Statutory Holiday erem4 munn warns roannu vim wnnrow Gurer Manager McPEmDN Msnlxtorsoitor mm nowmun mum ans Accountant mcnnnr new circulttnn mum summon mo only by carrier is weakly $1030 yearly WDY 7C mail in Ontario v00 year 0550 monthle motifhr Motor throw I12 year ISM nix nightbl outdo Ontario oo year Outside Council Bruin poulllonl on your and Foreirn mm yur Gillan us Unlvenl An lbron Cath eut em Monkair mt Vancouver BIC Ifsmber of faunanudism plper Pub Auoetn In has Ind thl Wmnurnn of Ghoulcf std 1110 Canadian PM cnuuad anaemic but and lilo awn published therein not Want Ads Telephone Haul on labor to all for or gm Vkey anda mule Full day court hearing case of local ho Ihrcr months Mr Pond Sinai niches in our samputatedvas result of frostbite Ailingham of Brantford appointed principal of Barrie Central School Barrie Cricket Clubltbeat trillia by 55 runs Capt Banting scored 38 Monday steamer lsiay towed of 8000 log piecés fromBig Bay Point to Oriliia for Canada Wood SpecialtyCo Customs office cleared largest shipment of Scotch whiskey on record in Barrie direct from Glasgow for McDonnells store In absence of Rev William Hip ldn due to nervous breakdown pulpit of Congregational Church ca ably fillede Rï¬l Harris oronto ario government announced public school children shall learn English lang uage and be taught entirely in that too gue after first two yearsof study Johnny Dyment shipped six of his horses to NévuYork Cityofor next race meet ins ï¬ringswere untidpatod and Jamie lawn wlers George Hogg Dick Powell RA Stephens and Stewart trimmed Orillia Death of Very Rev Dean Egan of St Marys Parish widely mourned Born in County Clare Ireland in1847rhe had been in Barrie since 189 home from southern tour Fred Stev ensan is in town on vacation from Chic ago Barrie AquaticCi held suc cessful dance in Town Halt Council gave third reading to bylaw for Barrie Carriage Co Post Office an nounced new stage route fromBariie Crown Hill Dalston Midhurstan puns les Hillsdale stageishsiï¬cut off will million emitter Ontdr Vivian Simmons is Town OTTAWA REPORT The scotch Tells 0i Early Ontario ly PATRICK NICHOLSON OllAwA The Jekyll and Nos of literoiumsalwnys of fer us Interesting contrasts There was for instance that Innovator of science ï¬ction Devin Carroll whose diarming Alice in Wonderland so en dinntedfluccn Victoria that she asked him to dedicate his new book to her But alas for the Great White Queen the math ematics professor at Oxford University whose real name was Rev diaries Dodgcon next wrote an erudite Ihcntin on Determinants our fathers cola ed the bil nrious avails It nrlpon of ficially llllllld Drillln plrodiod by the wily professor of politi cal mm It lilch Univer sity Stephen lzaoock Now we ourselves can enioy similar switdi the amusing account of life It the beginning of this century in the Scottish settlement of Egln County 0n tnrio written by famous econ omist in the United States Ibis la The Sootdi by John Kenneth Galbraith published by lilwnillanr The author who emigrated from lion greet Dunwicb Township to become pasha in the bndtroonu of Washingtons White House Ind 115 nirdiassador to India is well known through his trail blariiig book The Affluent So ciety he has also written seven more abstrurs works such an American Capitalism the coin ospt of countervailing power KILTS lN BLUNDERLAND One hundred sixty years ago young lrfshman Col Thomas Talbot received grant of 5000 acres in the then dense forest abutting Lake Erie He built rude manor horse to which he gave the imposing title hula hide Cutie after his ancestral home in ireland To settle his estate the drunken and irreltgouc seigocur could not attract the English immigrants he would have pre ferred but be was able to draw cmfters being evldcd from Scotlands Highlands 1hc McKellcrI llwailums hfclaodsyhlcxiliops Mormons Cowbell and other cinnamon QUEENS PARK curved furor out of the motor the bldroncr the noon Ind the roowt crating way of life Illicit preserved the old Scottish virtues of hard work and thrift one vialliu ici refund to their drnoiii Iftldimenu Ind their thrifty lbdr pride and hoo Axuimt thin Mahmud Galbraith rclltu his dilld hood reminiscences infestcoed with wisdom Ind wit Du cleanliness lho old farmer who lost his waistcoat after bathing only to find it It the next annual picnicbeneath bir underpin 0n snort Deny ing the girls none on the Idiool toilet through well aimed barrage of snowballs 0n society The distinction between lbe Men of Standing and the more frugal ScoLr who insisted that IIflnernoedcd moot bad and week mind un biased by schooling 0n food Theilnvor of the maple rymp was better than this less for tunnfe gooeralkni gets from Vermont 0n pleamru lbo tether who entertained hlr bairnr on Christmas Eve by lighthf the oil lamp Ind mnk log rabbit shadow on the wall but only briefly owing to the expense of the oil and the pos sible near on the wallpaper 0n diastity Only an acrobatic po iIr bear emuld make love to cutter in the Canadian winter POPULAR STORY This Vivid piece of Canadians has been widely acrialised and is already an established luc cas in Britain where it was published under the title Made to Last an appealing Scottish tag but perhaps deemed unsuitlt able to the Madison Amelia mired atrium of North Amer loan society Galbrth progressed from Hogg Street to world fame He makes it ebrmdauily clear that his upbrinztnl in the former made possible his dimb to Ihe latter and he tints the good old dear in Dunwidi lbwru ship and southwestern Ontario with the msy glow whichutonn truth nihcr flian 1onth men Predict No Change Two Byelectionsl By DON OEEAltN ohms film are on will be no chmgm drrouzh the two ourmrt byelectiionsu The Conservatives have held TorontoRiversian and the Lib erals WindeorSandwich and it appears that the seats will prob ably stay this way though still with ma dianoe of an upset it most likely will occur in the TEMPLENN RIDING Few byelections in recent times have bred so mud in terest the Riverdale vote musically of course this has been because the Liberal candidate is colorful Glories Templeton who also is con tqidel for the party leadership Also bringing attention to the riding however is the fact that the ND also bubeen on eg ing in very strong can With the government thus fac ing two shong campaigns tnere is considerable indecision hero in the vmlt area as to list who will win the seat But the writer feels you have hglve the PC candidate 53 garold Kenneth Waters the go Mr Weber may not be an imposing man His is small brrsiomn florist and has no realdistimiom but he is anrendert of them riding theorilyoncof the three candidates who is and is extra ordinarily well uprooted He has been an alderman for On nine years andhas held host of other offices varying from hospital boards to diredon ship in the Ontario Minor Hockey Asooiatlon Everybody in the riding imowiilitm and to many of the hvziers he ion bit of local ro Arid despite the forceful oam pains of James meick 46 to mow Mr Templeton this should see him through Actually Mr Tompietons campaign has been bit of drsappointmait to some people it has had tmdies of color But from this man really exci they havent dcyeloped WINDSORSANDWICH In the Windsor riding local observer told the writer before nominations were heldif the liberals get run they will lmidthe scat swearold lawyer to run And its conceded this makes them thefnvoritea lrerels large Fruitfulb5 nodianwneintberidingandit abouldbosufiicienltocorryolir Henna however once sgahifd very strong campaign is being fought didate fpyearold real edolq Archie liner to They did get MrGlgnec bytho government and its carr Party bigwigs have been flocking into the riding and Mr Thrasher has campaigned al most entirely on the theme Hie riding chords have is man on the government nde And he jun might room an 955 Freorriui And if fhtaols such an sunset HISTORY Sqot it 1964 Plans for economic federation were drafted by six nations years ago todayin 1951 lhe countries of West Gerg many France Italy Bel eiuro The Netherlands and hirembourg lniked them selves iogether as the Do ropean Common Market in faIbionoimlinr to that suggested by Sir Winston Churchill many years be fore who had lookEd riot ward to United States of Europe The Common Market cams lntobeing on Jon 1959 At the same time seven other European nations banded together economically as the Outer Seven thins bid for membership in the Inner Six was reiectod in 19 defeated British ships to the Battle of Erie which gave tlieAmerieuoroomo mand of the lake om Nsw Westminster ON THE WAY UP With the help of bin daughter Mar in Eugenia Moreno ordiclator Eustavo Rolu Pinilla of tours Colombia in search of support for his National Pop ular Alliance Party His 39 yearold daughter ocglnlpu demonstrations in working clam Glutrim Ind holds ï¬clh ammo cm In party hooded its all rests on 71 in mercuricl elections SOUTH AMERICA STORY Former Dictators Daughter in i0 doubler of former dicta tor of Colombia lulu hlI return to power In this My Plnl KHd of the Hlmlllon Spectator wrltmg for the Canadian Press Elle how also in going About By PAUL KIDD gt BOGOTA CDï¬re 80y old mother of two small boys is reputed to be the toughest politician in Colombia She is Maria Eugenia Moreno the tall sturdy dauflrter of ex dimaoor Gustavo nojas Pinilia Her avowed aim is to see her sfyearold fathers return to power Maria leads political demon rtratloiin for Roles Prnillas growing National Popular Al liance She organizes wo class distr and the right wing partys mow important member in melonshouse of the Colombian Congress At the congressional elections last March National Popular Alliance candidates polled 15 per cent of the votesix times the figure they hail obtaind two yurs earlierand boosted their six seats to 27 Rain Piniilu USeducated general who was stripped of W1313AnrAmerican flotilla BC was largelydestroyed bym retreat along the Miami River in France was accel craicd Austrian troops con tinned to force their way to5ekbtaomosstiirbrin River south of Belgriide fhs Gooemor of Nyhsaland announced the repulse of Semen troops there Second World Wu Twentydrve yearsosgn to day hr isso Canadn 1d glared waron Germnny VflbeFrendi smiles heat off German attadr on the wcsterntrontiei of France Germany French claim to dvances in the egio 1110115 ap plied neutrality law to Can daplacing an embargo on and munitions Ihip ANOIENT RAZOR JBEAOUNSFIEID ng land Ardieologists encavatv log iron Asa torthers nuckmxh ered be icookiucj DllllNG You Cant rights foil in 1957 continues to tour the country trying to turn the masses against the National Front coalition of Oomervntlves and liberals DEiIES COURT ORDER This political activity is in de fience of Colombian Supreme Court order forbidding the former dictator to run for of gce or address political gath gs sooroocauy Holes rlla la arrested for defying the court order lheu after short well in prison he is released Al ways he returns to the cam Paigtl trail During his fouryear rule the dictator fried to make his daughter into Oolombian Evita Peron ihc Argentine dictator Juan Peron put his lovely wife in charge of national charities Evita shimmering in and furs as she addresed Buenos Aires workers as my shirtless ones evoked pas sionate rosporuofrom the masses llarlapappointod by her father as head of national wei fare hind has reverse im pacton Colombians When she went to the bull hia overthrow last March Ilia tom defy supreme Court order forbid ding the tanner dlaator to run for office or address poli ticai gatherings following his garthrow in 1957 GP Pho whistied at equivalent of being ioorod in Canada Maria left The next Sunday returning to the bullfigiifa the dim daughter was again greeted with loud whistles Suddenly the noise stopperk when plainciothes policemen scattered among themedators on Rojas Pinlliaa orders pulled tircirrguns and shot number of the whistle The incident is remembered in ailombia as the Bulking Massacre Today as one of her country moat active politicians lilaria is still soliietimes greeted with whistles But at last the crowds also beginning to favor her wlihj few cheers BIBLE woman Ac we have therefore oppon trinity let nl do good unto Ill momGelatin 610 rthe hallmark of the le9 lion spirit is charity towardov all No one would argue that this natural it goes against nature because it is only off Christ Hriiiuo ï¬r norlwirrr