Barrie Examiner, 10 Sep 1964, p. 13

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sssncirsrosssts Linoleum unionists was Neildmdflflsm Cleanern no upqu he in to all nukes Am ADVANCE TN VACUUII SERVICE It lulu new IOU In mats lull an relohm suos mun Air has nsanitar soifsuna mousse mom um rosi saw WM unflng nu sleuth kilo Einsteins us so to lend poser tion Telephone mun nosl Arm Gm run or ill not re rr on meat Aldonlit elect1e inflows mediate Telephonl us comp Borden it Locum tor loot contort 3y Shauns Thom bill writ ssz irons Allen 19 Wesley EL Barrie my ausur nslr trout eun hind usitrrs sse lb Sfifiiil Pet sidss us lb Dytkl rm lssrsst uispadas no use LTIIS of best And sillgyeeiluAr in black mitts brown mi iber sue end hsiioiswhsursrs on or it Barrie isioN IALE lres RCA his $in to clesred Tslie advantage this ctrrs tor only use manila slursr dl Dents 1mm it so mume II MARTA me rose so or tion who condemn rrtrtglrstor roirpnpss 71007 an im tnhsust nu vy flint OD 901 GT lvasrils JJ Its Hand slim siiiupiop II Wut BAIY Alma MIMO ll Four men alumisiiiifson eseh ohm tubs ll Eliit isiehwsy uron mill autldias India lamest tiled litm conttiring lsr git hit an hi IIILI CHIS BPflEIidgnw0nurtn Telephone 5611 Runners armies and Nudihmu Machinee III rises snsdl to order Dependable service rm prompt delivery Contact The Lumiere Commercial Print paysid aims is on Union ism prod1s mooonru Coleman inodsi lit 10m nru Excelihio condiuop Also on unitsI 0gsllon capacity Reason lrlsp ens Hurst Moon mrnANr Plpsrl ur so willspan cnnru alleywayred by dis his in throttle cortisol very odd flyr Thin pinn lust huut this year Ind rm been test flowrs be some with or without lllllrie Can or seen st in Hobby Centre issn or phone 7mm sariis DOGS PETS PUPPY srt Border Collie and part Labrador Taloplloul TIMI CAMPING SUPPLIES Trailers Tarps Canny Slaves camp cots coolmror rent lsy week Barrie Tent Ind Awning Co Ltd st asyesie It Ernie mom FLOWERS SHRUBS passer moimops now ror tsll Grscey rres Farms 21 hwy one mile south oi Barrie Tele phops tissue ARTICLES WANTED PIANO BENCH wsnteo inx coed condition Telwiiaul 7166M alter pin =2 FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or crippled chttle and horses Small animals removed tree For tast service PHONE BARRIE 7707151 Collect or asii ior NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH 91100 N0 CHARGEI Mbourssdsy 7daysaweek RR Formed Ontario Licence No 2980 Nick Mantegna Prop FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Brown Eeatty Farris Equipment HARVEST TIME IS HERE NEW AND usso Combines Swatherr mum Machines severel good hinders 7282375 Tm we sunrou svs CASHHTRADETEIWS AtlENTlON CORN FARMERS See the New Idea one andtwo play at Mesley Equipment Co Pals McKee New ides dealer on so Highway at too Cook lownlSleaynlghta phone Harv rle 7280302 Mrs court sued with on larder PM drlv rubhs phone ivy isms More and more poultrymen Stared ready old chicks Order Ior early help on your poultryproblsms call Craig Hunter CRAIG HUNTER POULTRY FARM LTD SIIlOUthlHlill LIVESTOCK FORISALI PERCHEION MI old 1100 Ibl Sound 11 work Illllle delibl Andrews 1M1 Instr seen nthurl to lruis Isobarsire mp week imm and cow Holstein iI rs bred dill Llill item 55 Dodge owner convrrliiu ta nslurtl no CARS WANTED TO BUY rovlSuperpiclttrrnaw ondis filming DEKALB PULLETS order discount For service or FOUR GRADE llvlsleln llsllsre how ID SIID GRAIN run one he use oss nun Flusub Nil an thusEmlmr mm MACHINIRY wsurso II Mill JI NI finance um Imquusmhofl In Im In 6AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALI WHY PAY MORE NO SALESMEN DEAL DIRECT NO HIGH PRESSURE HELP YOURSELF FULL PRICE 50 Vsushell ngon 0873 58 Chev Card $35170 56 Ford new tire Ease 59 Pontiac Sedan $01066 55 Buick I110 179 56 Dodge radio 515977 55 Podiisc autos stem 51 Ford Coach Sill 5551 $13391 $30991 $40935 $40921 $50473 we se 57 57 Mercury Conv Morris 1000 Buick itlop Iiev Sedan 60 Envoy radio 58 Olds HTop $57961 at Sim radio 0374 3500 DOWN ON ABOVE CARS TERMS TO SUIT 0N BALANCE DAY SALE ONLY 93 BRADFORD ST 7285 92 use PONTIAC elx cylinder in good condition sill Telephone mam siter pni srss norm door in good running order No down psymeni on per month lelsphoatlznni irss mussac deluxe body motor in es condition r100 Telephone pins ldorrr redn cylin trsnsnusii on on this on us so otter nisphonr moss Ellis Coach powr equips wed autismLI transmiflinrl Al maltI 40ng HI Reynold St or sets on ze7lii me hmncule two depr hardtop loud cnndluon tsndsid nilalr ana Itesronlh Telrph 135s Ulflu 40l10mllltl belll IIDVI rm rtlrpnono liiilll as ominous our at scours 7158010 Ilhl pm irss noon osssxsr hue lop lu tooune innssimian custom ndio one owner err in outstandi con dltioll no down payment it per momts Telephone mind sers cnnv ninem doerv and mom custom new tun audio with msichinr interior us ewn ram per month Telephuna 1mm less roitn Palshes Vs cosine IIItdmIUo transmission One owner elr in immaculate condition Must sell No runnshll otterretired Telemann noises Iltvl piss iru MIRCURY Mdnun powr brakes and windows autamltlc radio three new um would oisA rider smell tractor as trade or our Mlar Telephone Merits use zsrm Deluxe two tone se dsrr ppod condition equblred with air conditioner ndio ee tiis upnoutsry wirian wuhm ssiderterior mirrors Telephone stump Borden our uremic 41 ss roan are with the rumour vs omn standard intminim gletlzshmyersllglva din lull uoclixmoiuy Inn must he sold our week esp be financed at sic down and use per week Plus enii 1235101 1062 PLYMOUTH automatic trims mission push button rsrllo DICK seat mlkol Whitlwllil chrom diur CI is In excellent drone with only now mill Have and it since Illvl Fhoiil 71H guawa to 41 iiius it Prist TRAVEL TRAILERS Ll MP Pic Truth WANTED ICARS AND TRUCKS FOR WRECKINGI Ht hest Prices Paid rompt Pickup PARKWAY AUTOWRECKERS PHONE 7202503 MOBILE Hollies 52 leo with LARGE moan HOMES GenereIVGIendgtale and Twentieth Complete line of Travel Traitors WEOANDUP iv uNDREDS or so On the Purchase of Your sAvefH MAllmli WOMAN to sit with ale or telephone mush marge to lo HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP PARTTIME We hsve sis orchid or srtttme stu eiit our ccountlng Dept alter school hours grade 12 commercial student with neat appear3npfilemed Iying an eeping ability desired TELEPHONE imam finisher AVON Christmas selling starts early with AVON Coanetiu Get your territory now and be ready tor the big Christmas selling Ter rltorics available in Barrie Big Bay Point and Painswick ares For personal interview in your home write Mrs Walker Box 160 Collingwood or call her He 7166551 SARAH COVENTRY OF CANADA LTD lisp opening or ladies to hold Jewellery isshlon shows inter esting work No investment Can earn from 02 loss per hour N11 or parttime oppor tunity or advancement Car helpful Nationally advertised on TV and all leading magazines Call meets or meets or ap pointmenL FEMALE CLERK STENOGRAPHER For position with Ontario Civil Service In Barrie Must be aged 30 or over qualified in shorthand and typing Apply In writing to Box hi Barrie Ex aminer stating ewerlsnoe sad qualliicstlons All applications treated as coolidcnlial MATURE LADY in corn ter smell sl child In childs home sit or days on week Telephone 7mm mcm ominous lime or lulltirn elephant res ms Mr army assessinn wentee tor ssr old from 345 to II midisth els ytlons 715ml liter pm CLIANIND LADY to work Illli ds knack in not lhsd Tellphdns 71 lxrnmxflcm waitress wante or no Lem RIINflnni Telr phone isdloi nAmllltBSSlB required TIIIIHIII employment Apply Sebastians Hair Stylists illnpiioul muss csstnio wow im itsusIdl or many mvida own trappom tion Sunni le ares Relerence re quired Telephone mom ALTERATION on lsdiu and gents clothing Must be ups gained Minstrels leIGPDUlII WAmtmls WANszn Unllomis Ind transportation Iuppllld Alrpl River Garden Real set Shanty Bey Telephone 715 WOMAN WANm to sit with tap willde 71113383 5112 rum to sun een in Sltuldly continents ipn or pm to pm Pie1c no phone elite MATURIWDMAN to LIV in HIM blhy llltlrl duties two Pf sehooi chill rest or room and board ulet eres Write Box Barrie sminer FEMALE altorsr OllllBl Cook rs guind rlthe CogfipeirAisl liaal use sss person use sns insi on on erly IIM Irons Duo 111 eo itso wpsmrmornlnla West end importation ixnvifled Talk mane flit157 ELDERLY LADY to llvo in The room and bums in pitchnu tar at dlIiIla Position permanent suitable PlusinnerWelconl ler Ippoinlmeni hinhtlnl TICDIM GUARANTEE it up sstlslise with onekmgnthhsehud more tlzdey or er arms irArsiLnx Po Box as suuonag Montreal IIIJIJDLDAGLD Woman taunnt woos Cook prsimnss Ti in Igzldnlfiammodltlo oen mu pioymoni rotyam ssosoRv MALE HELP tor the hook amen tronch lpCoilsre or Cans umber Tmis II hominid rssmmra irsrm all wanted to sneeraerint iii Worm RE heals droonis Century AReconditigned Rental Hitchos Parts and Repairs ilsed Furniture and Appliances RUSSEjC URCH MOBILE Hours 70 BU ghway South Telephone 7289866 my the Ar Thursday September 1031964 Illliar written CAREER mos womms MALI it SALES OPPonlUNllr ashes oncmmson requlruonemsnseuiosstorthlssres lus transmission rust mu benefits include URANCE PENSION BO 555 end MEDICAL CARD Aeound training program enrures your euc flm as mrfivrau cue it you are selected for this opening Send lsrticuisrs to no has his BARRIE ammo PIPES AND DRUMS GREY AND SIMOJE FORESTERS Youthslrornlxeroldlois lysceI old who word be interested esming pee or drums should repelimam Armoury 1uesdsy or hair Evenings see niltlon is GREY AND SIICOE FORESTERS MILITIA have vscsnciee tor men 16 lo Join now tar training sports etc APPLY AT ARMOURIES rose on muss T0 turn sumo mu ru sy dun rain to sadle medium and In In And on IN ME Iflil Second ltd lion DunIo It Wllt Pm rm renter rtstlen atten dent vented tor AWL mo slatIn MD mosses ll my IM eslsry expect to Port Ottles lo Berrte musics vented to were on rum Wall Preterm rim to experience in person egg to Nixon nu sins Products sian 91 nsrrie MALI is FEMALI BOYS and GIRLS tor BARRIE EXAMINER CARRIER ROUTES Application Forms available at CIRCULATION DEPT v18 BAYFIELD 8T AW DRIVEIN RESTAURANT REQUIRES CAR HOSTESSESf KITCHEN HELP FULL AND PART TIME Hostess uniforms supplied Apply in person to p111 and to pm Starting Wednesday 347 BAYFIELD Sl BARBIE sxrsnrsivcm usudnsisr want edd ransom hweelr aloud Fm ours fine Min sung To EMPLOYMENT WANTED cm DAY can to horns Huts Inclusive Telephonfiflllfl frowning estimates Tllephonl TITAN name hum is svslirhls for work is the tin or week Tols piions raisin ier pas murmurs Csrpentsr desires work Additions root in no rsllon Nome painting all en ml or ntry at on heads is phmd mu curl tor reeehoul ed oistldnnln Whats to be god may or my own two it Lid ren Lem use yard Telephone 7mm l2TENDERS TENDER son roars sealed tenders clearly marked TENDER FOR FUELS will be received by the undersigned Illltilfi pnr WEDNESDA tor the supply otv lurid tor the Townships Office Police Dept Fire Wound Works Garage Speutications and tender forms may be obtained tro to play the undersigned at the Munici pal Office Stroud Lowest or auyt der not nee uslrlly emptied GROH Clerk wssusno ONTARIO Tenders lors Flve Clsss room School lor Rama Townshi School Ares basis In mark ad Teggfiml lor ap 01 Class room on tor Remstowm ioSchooI Ares Beerd will received until THURSDAY7 24 at the eliicee oi Salter and Al lisop Architectsroo diorama Sires latrte Ontarians by Smith secretsiy Rio iimd EM sea oar Mills Ontario Plansaml rpgcilichuu will issued to eoeral conlrretors cgtects oti or other on dqroslt iii certllled dseque made payable to Salter and Al illloll Architects In the amount 181500 Tenders in mechanical rnd ill ectrlcal ruhmiitrhcts wlilbe deposited in the Toronto Elli Depository until 403 Tuesday September 21 IBM Plans and specifications vdll he on display at struciian Association ind Bar ill nulllderr EXtIilBlllD ewes oranytender not ato errsrlly accepted sun ALLISON Architecta TRY Ontario ie 106l FIVE oounns Torosilo Coir AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Thursday September 17 at 180 ns rho tor EV at At Let Concession has Nlllfiip miles south Ind Vs mile cut of Angus then take prtvsls mdwsy in Complete dispersal at drills and pigs hey and straw llcnns cash No reserve as Mr Gibson is In ill health and has to sell All his livestock JERRY COUOlluN Auctioneer star or an HuPUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE Tim BOARD OF TRUSTEE OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOLS FOR THE CITY OEBARRIE TAKE NOTICEthlt the have mentioned Board of Trust ees on the in day at August mt passed Bylsw Number 15 to authorise the homwln oi money by the Issue and rs iol Debentures oi the said Board or Trustees in lire priocipei amount of £1000 no purpose tor which ths money Is to be borrowed is the construction sod cubism oi threeroom addition to St iohns school in the City of Bar The amount to be hemmed Is 570000 on the security of the raid Debentures which shall be marge upon the schoolhouse property and premises and any other real or personal proper ty vested in lheseid Board at meters and upon the separ ate school rater collectible by the said Bolrd oi lnutees lhe Debentures arr lo be daicd September t5 1964 are to bear Interest at the rate oi per annsun payable annually endure to be payable to instill merits of principal on Septem ber 15 in the years 1065 to 1084 as lollows Year Principal Year Principal Amount Amount 200000 1413000 2N0W 100000 200000 1068 I907 106 600000 James JAMES CYLNE simianTreasurer To Convert Mental Hospital In it Say sunsunv UPIPart or the entsI hospital In North Bay is to be converted to small hospital and re habilitation centre for the re tarded Health Minister Dy moisd said Wednesday Dr Dymond was here to openthc bed psychiatric unit Sudhiiry Algoma San atouumw He said his tirst thoughts were to convert the whole ol the North Bay hospital to the housing and treatment oi the retarded as was done in 5mith re sssessmeat in oisr thinking Indicated that the chronically mentally Ill should still be treated nt North Bay while the less ill be treated at Sudbllry and Timmlns Dr Dysnond said Tenders tor apsychiatric unit at signiiar to the one in ciilcd lull uu September is roiiuiii poi rumours Danish Princess AnnaMarl is rides through Copenhsgm yuierdsy In driszle at the side oi her husbandtwa ltllil Oonstsotioeii oi Greece and bids iorinsl isnwell to Denmark An estimated loo ooo Danes Lined the streets to see the royal slr They leave tot Athens and will he married there Sept 10 AP Wirephoto via cable trolls Copenhagen Toronto Jillvlinister Elected Moderator United Church Sil0llNS Nild tOPlA es year old Tomnto intole ter was elected Wednesday night as moderator at the United Chard at Canada sod Immediately served notice lint he can be as outspoken as his wellknown predecessor Rev Ernest Marshall House minister at prosperous Eloor Street United Church was elected moderator on the first ballot at the churchs Ilet bl ennial general council lie rue needs Rt Rev It hiutchmor at Toronto whose two year term was threadedwitii mm verslsl striementr on wide variety oi topics Within an hour at his inves titure Mr Howso had dliiered with Mr iilutchmor no one is sue and had stated iirm colon lions on others In larawsll estimate the councils 600 delogaluseerller In Wednesday nights session Dr Mutclsmor said he had very llrrutad regard lor sis episcopully governed church which would result train un lois betweenilic United Church at Canada and the Anglican Church at Canada In press conlerence follow ing his Investlture Mr Howse said he would Isvor suds sto ion but did not see pay great possibility oi it ht this time LAUDS ANOLICANS Wevs had low great relig ious Iigurerin recent history but mount them have been ot the Anglican wnurusolon saidfille would have obiec tion to having bishops in suds united church lhe new moderator was given clear majority oi the Mbalhrte cast by the councils commissioners He won eleo tion over two other nominees Dr Alexander Kerr retired president at Delhousle Unlverlt shy and Dr Elias Andrews principsl otQueen Theologi stdiscwill educated inter Dr IIowse lot the press con terance that he favors birth con trol He said Cahadae regula tions on birth cohtroioontrflxite to the disrespect in which some 33 oitho legal system is These regulations are based on ancient biblical reference which is not upheld now even ullre MM Roman Catholic theolo He ssid Csnad to slut worliWedoeedayj laws are scandal to drill Ised communl Fmryone acknowledges that revision is something tlsat has iowmetopsssbutourpoli tlci are mulling scared Our le slatorsare timorous when ever the Iubleot pi revssinn wmeaup because they lancy the RomanCethollc clergy sre against it He said this is not the case Arlird whether he the asaxhtiesdershlp to miglous came mm wean rather than North American theologians the new moderator said he has little regard for European leaders since they cannot agree on anything He was horrified at the pole slbillty that senator Barry Goldwater might become United States president That man is evenmpre dangerous than most pie realise The electon ol the new mod liess at the mmcirwaions which began Wednesday morn Ing The entire day was taken up with services and naming of Ilibouncll committees ORDAINED IN I011 lions tn lwlltlngate Niid Dr Howre was ordained by us Maritime contestence in 19st lie is graduate oi Pine Hill Di vinlly Hell in Halifax and has served mission fields inuNew ioussdland the Mantlmea and Saskatchewan in Dr Mutdsmors farewell address he said the United Chords has provinciei and rodent Influence unparalleled by any other communion Wehave heavy responsi bility in all matters concerning the oonmson good of the Csrw dian people Thompson Miners Besume momsou Man CPIThe International Nickel Company aiarted operations here again Wednesday following settlement ot May ctrlite Campsny otilclsla estimated willtalie about six weeks to return be 4155 0003701 About 50 of ill 1000 miners and swim work re who went on strikeAugis were on hand Otiicllsls oiuie United Sleeh workersot Ansertcs CLO said there was no way to estimate the number of workers who would come bactelo Thompson allot leaving during the strik that the highway to work tlrmeyear contrad giving workers wage inmeasea total iiWsmeW wor ers still lss town approved at meeting The settlement Involves no major changes from one see mmsnded by union negotiators butreleuod by membership vote on the eve of tilelirile Union oiliclsis said key iw tors in the settlement were pro vincial government assiirdnces iso latedwrie Indus town l00 miles north at Winnipeg would be operand byilhe on of tbe yearan governmen prom idluveetigate the cost at Ilvusg In the town

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