Barrie Examiner, 8 Sep 1964, p. 20

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sen Rehii3l1Y an lrrnzaAaRInnAuiNsirmNaana SEPT lru ANNOUNCEMENTS ARK EDEN NURSING HOME Built for this world Ammo datloar or had and in patients Male and lemalc nod lood television Reasonable rates Call Siroud 4861461 cnnnr meal will now in and you our ram only at its Wonlg at Qua mp vmr nan lam illrvhoha minis or norm BIRTHS mains Alli IMPORTANT cam in nun so your child ahauil mi pinum IM am will In now your motor Null yourmun is plainly aa poulnlo and uu an vldual name In Barriehunlner aura Annaunrr ma Eimfiifin rainfall an nonuI whim ainh Ned In the nut edition or mlvdlfrr Mwhono 1mm In this alrith ratvice Wiri maul II Innoiulro Ch MITh wiflfiflm On lid II Colllnnvood nenuil ind Madinc Hannibal muwnolr air Mn lather Underwood RR DIHII go ha tn sham3 hart on ay umber 7mm at the Royal Vie toria ranpull ENGAGEMENTS NuamwoooNonnlr air nod In Nanawnnn of Eud my won in nnnonm tha inr runmeni or their drum salin rillng in William ml NnnLl son at Mr and in ma wonIr Sullnldlll Ila4 The namin la In In placr at Collier Strut United mum on Slvlmber is it 130 pm IN MEMORIAMSV mulniuvinr dear brother iluwlrnd who panod lwly Swiemhlr ion sunmlne Adel and mannar tall hut meet rlmlnlbrma outlutl IL Invinrly ruch by An ril wrunn Ind alrterinlrw Vicatrlca CARDS OF THANKS oi our hum rtenit and neithbora Ind Aileen and their lamlilu cAriroNI would like to ram III the nu run an surge at the no Victoria Help Special thnnlra to Dr Renimi iur ma rinduersea Ind care II In no minus my my in iiaL man also to my many mos lor thlllolrdllndllllh1n carsoa LEOMING EVENTS BUS TOUR Sponsored by Barrie Horticul tural Society to CAVALCADE OF COLOlLf From Wellington Hotel corner to North Bay MONDAY 3m 29 AM Bus tare Take your dinner or troy it in North Bay Colioe brealis going and coming Re serve early please Phone Mrs Archer 7234735 or Mrs Eiherv ington 7251553 nuirllen anonSaturday so tembu so ni Fellothip Hall Coi UM street Unlied Chunll In Auapicu Untied Church Women Crews Salvage toivii War sup Jlist below the surface oi the Yam River north this his Alolic bluff city ghost of United States Civil War history rests partially cradled in two Uoaliln slings On thesurface crew disal vage experts worlis careltu and precisely with giant float Ing cranes lheir task To raise tha sunken ironclad Cairn IOIIFA muddy grave where it has rested almost 102 years intact except for missing sinolrestacks blown in ltd side The 512ton warship operated trauma in iLswar South aanere without loss oi lile as hugged up the Yazou in searih electrical mines or torpe oes It made explosive contact with two of them Theships captain steered the gurliioatto the hank The crew le the amokestacks to keep Confederate soldiers lroin linding it ondrecoverlng the 13 amino aboard ed the bottom where it restid gotten until 1956 REAL EsTAiE PROPERTY FOR SALE HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Photo M15 Realtor BAYlmD ST 716653 WE TRADE MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE THINKING 0P SEEING YOUR HOMEI We have buyisr writing or many Wiles oi humanll your present home too small or your ialnlly needs or taolarge perhau you would prefer change in location Dont put it oil Call Adela flayna tor round advloo with no obligation ammo CALL CirU moonmun or tEl Ifllil DUN Mildnd KNEW Sun Slcela glint Bidrlfll MalrsIIaII 58 WORSLEY ST Mortgage Binds Avaiiahlo ALSO PROPERTIES FOR RENT 77486081 ROOM BUNGALOW Willi Ill conveniences Largolot iii 150 on pavedroad Good gar age and soil tor garden At RR No Strand Call Ralph Bonlie MOS GOOD DAIRY FARMS with milk contracts Can he pur chased lock stock and barrel Also arms only with good brick houses and barns Call Ralph Burke M03 iuipu an 1mm Norm noit 7mm Hurry ogrinr 1mm alas Ru tmvrunA mam rRDRERTII FOR sagas PHOTIOT ML REALTORS wilt merit PHONE 728 5568 ll MOUNTBAIIEN RD VERY CLOSE TOCODRINGNN SCHOOL $15000 Garua attached Moon bimgalow in highly desira hlelocaflonlhlarpoilcfllyk thomolaaeuitrohallplanwithn hlglront kitchen Basement divided ialnrec room laundry roovn rtnragaroom and large lrult cellar Ownertranrtcrred ol larr quick malaria and exceliait turns EVENINGS CALI MacArthur 7160631 ldrr Norinolloflera William Hamilton 7235823 Fred Epictt 7289191 CAan7m DACoul¢ll7MSS SHELSWELL and WILLSONL Photo ILLS Realtors COMPLETE MORTGAGE SERVICE i3 DUNLOP ST 7264422 or 7281423 REAL ESTATE ROGERS custom aUILraoun mum of Barge hedloolna lamiiy airokltch arge Iivln room illhhardwoodfl plcca bath with built In linen dosai hillbasement finished rec room breeze way and double garage Oica Brown GENTLEMAN FARMER FOR SALE or rent 60 am am On Township only miles out on paved road 50 acrcr workahle good clay loam good hard with steel atabling us looting area has good well water on preuuro and water La no house on property Only $500 down Call IadiWillson cam errr Dc Atkinson Norm Shelavvcll lonn Whiia Inn WIRING mm Hum mam 7mm llama mun Dirk Bend non mass Oro Mild CAMPBELL Real Estate and Insurance Photo MLS 32 HIGHISI 7280241 RES 4875274 32 of Value Mortgage Funds Available BRICK BUNGAIJOW $13950 close to public and high schools large living room kitchen nice bedrooms pc hath lull basement owner will accept 51000 down Call Joe langtin 150 ACRES mom 100 acrcs excellent clay loam working Balance hardwood bush and pasture room stone house large hip root barn 30 plus Right of way to lake mile to highway Coll lor an appolnunent to see this exceptional huy Photo Realtor 15Clapperton St 7232592 AliRAfilVE 6YEAR OLD HOUSE bedroomscarport Canlea organmonthly $10000 FULL PRICE modern bedroom hmlse large living room piece bath laxca Silo yearly IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Modern brick home bedrooms living loom kitchen and dinette Low down payment to one We mortgage FARMS FOR SALE all size oi acreage Details on request Evenings call Win niu Purvir lamall visual mllir COUTTS CO Real Estate Brokers ldrr Joan Lang 71357817 Charlesjeadflinml Dei coielvzoioar Mrs Rico4am Don hi Campbell7201783 Bill Rawnmsifii Joe Longtin 7203549 Memhlr or harria and District Real lislaio Board COME TO SEE CHARMING NEW SPLIT LEVEL Setlln the perfect location or beauty convenience and gracious living OPEN HOUSE Friday Sept nth to Nonday Septemberflt 29LAYSTREET BARRIE PHONE 7283649 ISBRANDT Builder MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE AGENCIES LTD lst and 2nd in COLLIER 5r BARRIE 7235901 Central Ontarios Largest Real Estate Brokers Photo MES Realtor on ALL aortas nuns AND COMMERCIAL Paormriisa Rates as low as IF YOU NEED MONEY 0T0 consolidate debt ay all existing mortgage nurth wminl timeIn rovemeatr oAny via whlla um Write or Phone 7W1 MortgageFunding over SimpsonSears gt 129 DUNLOP ST Member Ontario luurtrrn Brokan Assadlion WANT MORTGAGE First or Second at low simple interest up to 80 at your prop Gard Spencer1min GARVEY Real Estate Broker RR 4BARRIE Tumors DA on NIGHT 7287952 avom Street Barrie Member or Barrlr District Bell nunlimo MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE AT REASONABLE RATES PHONES allurmzias cannon la e33Iiirsilaim SANDY co sizuzs warren sizrisil Ml LLE Photo MLS Miller 19 Cliff 7261881 Kari Marshall Emory Miller llama lzrlm MADEIMARSBA tIylire kitchen rpaclous living arty value Low monthly pay ments Iip tofilieen years torre pay For any mortgage problem are COREY Real Estate 93 Dunlop St 7181419 MOETGAGBFUND Plant Munro as my ulappral vriua at prnvlllIIll lea No ennui rn cpnsolidata loam pun home orany type or Investment coni In and rib ms your Ironm mulrclncntn 09 in and and mortgages arr ed on low monthly Pmlnil will buy your present in and 2nd mortgagee or 133m Bégnumkl Alliston RR it ran mums ilonaItN three bedroom Erick hinglow oil heat rnil basement RENTALS convenient to wandsH em lot mlv on flrmmmfl am iiqu rparnnent rim alasr arm Two rc mtoi heat Ind wa auInIuw like cw uinfuppudllilallnpmna 7mm atoms andmrnm in rm dy nEruHmi Home than on ANDIWO neuronalAnni manta Initoi service Renting flail mm Slfil lclaphuno mm mm merit lice Park am Sell hintd cried Parking space Tel pllona violins Tm annan no road cundltlnu cnmromhla or living or commercial nrer Also email two bedroom houseWa tea migudown payments Iniaphnno Immmllhcd mo hmnnolvi llama 2nipally locatrd on nufi leirs rim ror entan room with lure window not it deo pm no in VI iron gggl mm Tiiifl Tod nipring finfiii nul rku milieu Neu bur Larr lelydee ou fledged lot and $7500 manta in living roo loom ll ll livtnl matad thrnu Ind rel crater Stflhbl or new lyuedi elwhona mam UNFUIINISDBD three room apart ment or rent Adults onlyocat ed at ll Mndnnlldvslflct Edgar Gray Telephone mam Room iridium private bath prime ennui panking ircliltlar mum location us par monthmemoir viaiota rwo xoonrsrurniahad CRESCENT lourl HM mmbcdrdom home iinlsnld p12 lliclltJvflh lovely recreation room lily In th I1 mi womanly rm hedr Ill Amman vvlthllovo Indvr nu try22 wit air an Conrail zinlpnooM Arr llllflnlm sinll run linear phon 1mm Mortgage Loans Anwyhere 71w sunnInIe lmtlErkooilifipartnlonl to rent RENTALS APARTMENTS To RENT IDOer nthnil mm ll MM mu mm lumenUnl wmmann to H1137 Mus or in my WA mum of Iy Talcpbona 7m PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner llynilyvould liiiciohavera prints at any pain picture Ionn child wrinkle Parking mun loo mow Ihly levhnnn 1mm till new Wm um Living Room bedroom lit cheuolu withdinlnr arll aim and niriuntar cauual location purine can In nrnternd Trio phone 116m aiicr pm IUlmlm ullwntainad bath or nicely Mull duallad and alone to downtown in monthbl Tellflmna MA Availahlo October IIL llVl ROOM unrurulihed InnOrlan Md roilcarl rename enhance min lolli unna Telephone mo or mill 1100M Ill containd lglflmlfl Utilities mind Sull lo or couple Near Wut Fin Parking Available vaune 7M neonram nail on hed mm unrmumn armer monthly Ilcat IJII Alena REEL AVAILABLE Now No bedroom uniuruisnrd an out with new and rcirldarator Cnler Street eru Bar and laundry lulu tier Tdcphnno mam alter on norl his ownlo IllTIMII 1rllhallyullellmin min am im nirnlahld apartment newly dccnnlzdl heat hydro and vraiar lncllidril Ill rent Clm In downtovm runNI or couple TI lophonofnuoix mmunxn noun room Inert nlcnI Stove HI and iaund quipment lugplifil Modeln criean arms par frléocnnhltlfig nnw en mod 7MB flier pm rlxr MOBIL norm two bid rooms complcldy furnished Cara i°i°viiul°lai iii Hullvi an DOWNTOWN DIO ammrmm Earn roi Der innn ml 56 ZUINQPINNIB 72M Lillian lone mdfuomd apartman re an or all In rwnlled 0n bus route Kant VII per month Avail hie is Telonhnna meloni Swim am autumn mund flour untumlrlled nil healed ova Iplflmeht on our mule ante Ind hIId hook duller nullll unlemd T919 mm nvmx mam milkllchen III Ind llvlnl tor liked walii winner Fig3 ra tlclephonr man noon modErn tarnished apartrnent mnno floor opponie arena as monthly Alon nrwly flnlahcd inn ronm Ilniumlahrd apartment monthly Parking and apathy Telephone llrroii raua nouiu pmnnni remi pita hutEdGmIInd floor Pri Vlta entrance Convenient and iiiifil GD 15 Dr lord at or tel Ahon min In pm iii3 APTS WANTEDTO RENT Iraman coolLn dram our mom made math nonl muu by on or is yielme ennui st Vincent or Queen SLieephnna 7156613 HOUSES VSIHBDRDOM lnrn alnw in or leghono 71H Tlntll ligand icr 71ml MOOSEN tam beiiroonr noun or rent on lint rnli nmlnnur Telephone mma rim pm BEDROOM nouns he wiring oil Immac ma egg vcnlcncl Euphoria Lenny M1521 mo BEDROOM Bonu dr mouth alum eleplionr lard fig ms Ronni House two bad moms Luis livtng room flared Ieca ham Avalhbld October lift seen any time Telanhlmo lzrls zhzimoim Bungalow on Road OH wumAvlIII1IE 9° la cnu orwlih nun child mllmrl any floor dc Phi gugaai onuelhlnnltm rm Pm Mom on or aar 14 To leuc Iavel hum WM Ill madam conveniences 10 Intel of hclllullll node will this ahailn trees Ill call min or 31111 April noun Caving 11ekarphnno viaaarsa llOUSES WANTED To RENT rwoon renal Baum noun ei Dunglow required October human mun mu IamIly om Infill wrlIn than Basil nun or ram rnrvnio cnliert Waning ROOMS Tolgr LEE ccnhirlac an 71157179 canarrunnr house too martrm HornMal who Apply so anemson st or flalophorio Hoop iiqu For me iimn Bulloln desk etc angm man mlemd Telephone 7min run in turther dohlll CLEAN FURNISHED lighthouse heaping roomyincluded rahInu rny vtovahot and cold running avgEula groan unrn ruppllerl ruin Gentllni ly lion board lith Dime nongovlanéE ageill ND nbann available In undo proud and will do llm inundry Clara tobua nap Auan dole ITalophvaW OFFICE5= STORES pain nr Wm orgy Will fillNOW gt septum homgrcomlnrtlhla room taken by our mil photompr sienna call at our hurinas ot ce We are lorry we cannot accept phana calla NOWI 48 HR SERVICE GLOSSY PRINTS L25 10 i50 plus in FREE 1Year Guillaavtee on Used Picture nlhea Plus aoDay Warranty 349 AND UP MCFADDEN FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE PARK HIGHWAY Tl NORTH FOR SALE New and used lV rota Vacuum Cleaners plcie Rock at hoses bags ta brushes Re pairs to all makes Authorized Hoover Sales ADVANCE TN VACUUM SERVICE li hiulcaster OAK DINING room trhln or Mir Elm St Telephone 7109601 to minor Aaulfinm Air HEP and mum ea stand Tolcpiiona 71mg nan PMANL No in vtovu complain with ran and pv er Telephone Ilalu mmvale nAvmonr and chair in nod condlllnli ldul lor cotia rele paaua ilIW Camp Borden Two in is Firestone um and tuber only one loo mliu vii Apply daon north or Lilli Store Show or telephone 4mm ron aALa sun Winches tar carryinr one cleaning ammunition r15 all In good condi tinn Telephona mills BDYn Arm omar Bicycle and 24houriadro 7dayrawecl noose PETS iARneiEsEORSALE LARRCIEsroRsAIE LEARNEYMARKET FARM MA HINERY ON conur EllS SectheNewideaonealldtwo msupuplekenmondir venlh III in telrpaou 06ml SFARMERS MARKET DEAD WK Highest prion paid or dead or minded cattle and horror Small animals ramvcd tree Form service PHONE BARR 7161751 Collect or ask lor NiCKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH Mm NO CHARGE RE lnxmead Ontario uunco No no Nick Montague Prop LIVESTOCK FOR SALE rwo LAIGI Dairy mum on dnl hr mootha Tall phone will turn memoir Inn for IlIl lflll old 1100 lbl Sound and in work tirile Ind double phone Andian maul FEED SEED 8r GRAIN rill OATStor lair ply Fnllcl when on raw or sale Rudy to do now Apply at Robertson Anlt llfl illvghonl MW FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies in Service Case New Holland David Brown Batty Farm Equipment HARVEST mm IS HERE NEW AND USED Combines Swalhcra Threshing Machines Binders I73 BURTON AVE 7mm CASHTRADETERMS HANK BROWN DE LAVAL SALES AND SERVICE 25 taster milking with new several good used Pats McKee ulprnen Ca idea sale on 39 lllshvily to C00 town phone Dar lie mom FARM MACHINERY WANTED aiqu Internetin data Dog hd hit alarmhi mm Ir no Sundridga om FLOWERS swim yum Evergreen nnw inr an Gnu Tr fame hwy one mile anuia ot llama Trip Phdnl moan =2 6AUTOMOTIVE CARS WANTED TO BUY WANTED CARS AND TRUCKS FOR WRECKING Highest Prices Paid Prompt Pickup PARKWAY AUTOWRECKERS PHONE 7202503 cull rolx your car Lien Enid oil in lnda or down an daiu Motors il load nanll mom MOBILE HOMES MOBILE HOMES used Tagalong tent trailer Priced to sell RUSSEL CHURCH 170 Burton Ave No 11 Highway Telephone 7289886 MOTOR CARS FOR SALEn WANT TO GEI BEHIND NEW WHEEL Do Laval 100 Erie Milken Eel thatJALraenoiLwith mn1uoily no mo rutomadc clactria Nnio with ruilmriu or air un mrdhtely ialrphuaa Camp Borden momma not eomiort try nilnl nluru hilt work ahoer galll Allen 70 Wuniay 5L an TYPIWRITKRS bought raid rent ed to aired studen rclllll rater All our Rent Try than Elly IPlIli Silt mnlfl III Dunlap answer 95 ml quAufi DEEP tron duals tela 19c lh Rind amen Ma alder III Pan rider in la TELEVISION sacs lioi MA inn mooelinn clams II singer rm ndvnni or tau clauancl to nnly ms month Slnlll oi Darrin 1mm mama 12 wintrrlxed Meteor 55 Find BB Ford cyl or hrk cyL Jeep wheel drive cummlelltlll reirlgellwr Telephon Inoulhly Auu mm ovlmmcan Door Trick or car garn door Can be adiusied to my rileAim Loyola Ilwllinvwer ear old and eater iii Telephonc 21 Event im runnu ruralnation LARGE mu Bulidinx im Elinymi mi con Illntltles of usable materTTl onuct shiera auu Centre amehridn Ontario eirohone 55ml nuansn atrium and Nmnhallnl Machinel all rises and to order airman rervlce tut pruan go vzyiuContrcim3h£M minim mu auaeln street ennui1266551 Pom Iuowanr reamed Plow point rebuilt Rldil rl cleaned repaired neared Gas huh ro Eized amiiinn Radiator and vvn Mowerlservi Pmdlllck sum 7mm nu trauma stlJd hallo Furniture Column rpm heater ainuun two taco mitellzpoaresred aven Lil claimth oy manor efllllil TWO EdASmfin 22 males onl In any ar rum ind him forced III nu earl orinln Bristow oi micron filming and Heating Dunloll sum win siphon ii °u $1511 pace eerie puwuednhy dis Max is uacnnuuiyery 100421 Moranlust built IN yaar Ind bu linen em down be mm with or without engine can he run It the Hobby Centre Ill of mu 71M Barrie GARDENSUPPIJES nu wrim xilllnr Futilirllll and nascent Redldenthl innun trial General wu Erry ailvine dummyim Dante Cum enAnzIIa area BOATS MOTORS anan 112143 top minim canoe and tum outboard motor also Ii gauge ernlnuiomcu shotgun APPLY Alana SL llama ra Avlua nulam dhnwrourn mnflltlorl corn laton uI ed prlca inuuaurmmdquoPnPl mania Price 31950 or write HI Orecent Gal Ontario All ARTICLES WANTED FRUITS onETAaLas APPLE BARN HiPAlNSWICK AT THE GRANGE HALL Early Applea Bring containera mediate on nyclrr ruodIhurat tater no no om er Ir PIANO BENCH wanted In lood songion Telwholio limos llter TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mull BUSINESS Just One Call SEPTIC TAN TELEPHONE mom SEPTIC TAN Fast Oild 24HOUR CONTRACTORS Dump trucks water dolive fill topsoil root end loadéra excavating grading hackhoca soptiortanir avol crushed limestone DENNIS MORAN LTD 01 DRIVING SCHOOL MODERN DRIVING SCHOOL Dual controlled cars Fully Mimi BARR lj auctor 7268915 INSULATION NOW ISTHE AMEJEUE Rockwool Blowing Method FrceEitlmates Airtitolnsulatlon SCOTT MUIR 72111267 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Paintingand PEPE Hanging Sprayralunua Service sincolm RI Barrle PAUL HAIDLE AND SONS SCOTIA PLAN min am or nova scom SERVICE DIRECTORY TELEPHONE mum Ask about Low Rates by Month or Year SANITATION sERvtéE Does It All KS PUMPEDL ONLY $25 Well Digging Water Pumps Tile Beds Installed KEN WINTER CO 133 BRADFORD sr Ks PUMPED Efficient SERVICE ALL ARGO Sanitation Service 7268334 Werareeqilippedeithrlsoo galcapacity tank VPRINTINO WHATEVER colour WORK EXAMINER CommercidlPrinting lo BAYFIELD ST Reasonable Raiea Free Estimates also TVIServlcav WARDSFURNITURE Barrier 713182 aiiugyi 4063812 REFRIGERATION Purinaan lcnllsnnolilamaa

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