Barrie Examiner, 1 Sep 1964, p. 2

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team Vie atrdction and repair work being rushed timeouts masher masses on Patric Published by Newsp is cotton seen suns Oglario spars Iimltm If Wilson General Manner StudentsLocking In Knewiedge History concoct Speskln at the annual meeting of the Csnsdlsn etton of Professors of Ed ucstlon Prince Edward island College firinclpal said that Canadians know very itle about each other or shout their countryand its problem Oneresson for this condition he saidi was that most history textbooks so most history teachers make Canadian his tory rat dull and uninteresting sub ject ofessionsi historians may not agree with that complaint but Dr Frank MacKtnnon of Charlottetowns Prince of Wales College went on from there to make significant point Because he is not portrayed as the colorful personality that he was said Dr MacKinnon most Canadian children re member nothing aboutSir John lilac donald or understand his accomplish ments Yet the country that lllacdouald and the other Fathers of Confederation founded has one of the oldest govern ments in the world having watched the downfall of most of the European Cent ral and South American countries that were in existence century ago Despite the of the Canadian con situtlonfl he sat people are shocked that we now find few weaknesses in it Tue miracle lsthat there have notbeen more and that Canadians have been able to hold all this realm history eremademore interesting to lodeysdlldrcn they would realize together with so few thatCanada was an enormously difficult country to form and to govern and later on they would be better equipped to help remedy Confederationswe essti somewhat similar complatnt has been reglsteredby the magazine Industry commenting on the results of survey made of some 100 students of 17 differ ent Toronto high schools Only two out of three of these students could say what happened here in 1687 and less than half could name our first prime minister Only onethird could even vaguely identity touts Riel or name Canadas prime min ister during World War ll Other quest ione met the same lack of re onse Canadians are shy on know edge of and interest in the facts legends and heroes of their own histo for many reasons not theieast of wblc is the flood of US magazines books and television shows that circulate here But the cure can not be left to one agent Itwill require the enthusiasm and efforts of arents teach ers writers publishers an broadcasters Tell About BabyhBeatervsvl Twenty children most of them babies under the age of three years were best en to death is Ontario last year by their parents older brothers or sisters This was the report that Dr Cotuam Ontarios chief coroner gave to the Nat ional Association of Coroners meeting in Vancouver Dr Cotuam also saldl feel that for each of the 20 proven deaths there are 100 cases of beaten and abused children Simple multiplication sets the total of beaten and abused children in this prov ince at 4000 last year The figure may be an overestimate it could also be an no dereatlmste who knows Doctors are well qualified to express opinions on the causes of injury This is why they appear in the courts to give ngdicaltestimony They testify in re sponse to acourt summons Responsible authorities in childeel dare are now speaking of compulsion in requiring doctors to report all suspected cases of child beatings Rebuttal to the Down MEMORY Lilia WAR DAYS 25 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner Sept 1039 Adolf Hitlers Nazi hordes invaded Poland this morning after the German dictator had completed pactwith Stalins Russian Se Good progress reported on con at RCAF Camp Borden and Army Service Schoo Two armed guards placed on duty arrle Armoury night and day to thwart aabota Town Council stud ied working ans or new sewage plant lAlleged Bale bank robber escaped from county jailin Barrie by sawing through steel bars andusing ro of blanketsto slide down 2Moot wa He was aplured next day by OPP in Mus ko near spot where money was thought hidden Board of Education shei ear closing of King th transfer of upila to Whitby won on Blake Street cleaned up and rep attract reitdence dispelle wh as Withdraw ffer Volumniat wrote that France was lgready and steady in face of Nazi peril He said the Germans as nation were lacking horse sense at present Newspaper was shocked at lmmodesty of tourn courtesy of Manager CTobns Many guard powerplants and rai self in adilemnia Awomanwas charged with wounding argument of doctorpatient confidence is do the re uiremerit that doctors now rev rt guns at wounds to the police Soc al welfare workers police and neighbors can also make their contributions to stamping out what is described as ma jor social problem and that is an in adequate term It is more than pattern of social behavior The crmlnality of in fanticide is more thanmurdcr of the new born or recent bornhlf it is to be you its proper de initlon in law Per aps the words should be changed to set up an indictable offence to cover children up to the age of five years However these ire matters for the legal experts They may feel that the law in its resent form is deterrent to the sour er and beating of children and the weakness is in law enforcement There is more than public duty of good citizenship in reporting cases of child beatings report in time follow fit by investigation may save childs feated Cookstown Beavers 21 in first game county softball finals Pitchin duel between Morley Schandlen and airy Couse St Marys Parish held look at St Vincent Park Ross Ma of 301 won trophy at Ontarioathletlc meet Couchiching Camp KenJerry and Bob Delaney made good showing Walls and Mrs Angus McNabb won Rog ers Tro by at Barrie Golf Club defeating milk and Mrs Arthur McKenzie in final Smith defended his mens championship beating Jack Wilson in final Harry Morren placed in charge of arrie Post Office pending ap pomtment AlvinBowen and Ed Reid won Allandale lawn bowling twilight ottagers held happy social evening at Minets Point dance pavilion calls rerieived by police from peo le con vinced the had seen Gerrnanpspies pooping ound outskirtsofCamp Bor den Each investigation revealed that ieged spy was person seeking work there Veterans Guard beln organized to way bridges Chatham Daily News grand jury in ew York found in ently street attacker with switchblade residehce of Mrs Nicol Thomson Bayfield St Midhurat Foresters do knife The woman admitted woundin her assailant and said she would do again to defend my honorvand my life eutihesiiuiviniaw in New York State outlbws this type of knife tie in us ildlyl ex ted five cents instruction and of pi we at 8min Bank etlfll IEGK tlf OTTAWA across LTer tnr517 Rosana sane lintblnsurgaace Piedict non mass momma slice industry is via us lulu Milton have reportedthat es usualst tent in mat airbase earsthere is in Ii boost in nus And with this com the old 3uutlon whether gavelanneal tlvea the pennant MY HOdKéY ISNTITI TNQY MIC EVEN Tut RufilANS were Waltons FAIR srr yooasrir asgoriiriis Hanserd Cheapest News Paper Canada MN OHIARN OTTAWA The cheapest daily news paper in Canada has the pitifully small paid cir culation of under 5000 and in readership has fallen off so severely that its print run has been reduced by 8000 copies in the past two years This daily print is Hansen which the official verbatim report of the proceedings in the House of Commas it is printed five days esdi week reporting the questions and debates of the sittings held normeily from Mondso tllmlldh Friday Al the deba continua in most days lilov sent is av able on Parliament Hill first thing the following morning English languagereport sre distributed esch day and of these 4914 are paid sales The Frenchlanguage version enjoys daily distribution of 2001 fopica of which 794 are paid if Hansard is distributed free still to the may dove meal lcilld the proceeding and to the Pressthllery VOnthe other hand many cor porations colleges libraries and associations wish toreceive Hansard dailyas do certain number of private individuals For instance know the wife of friend of mine former 1er who was beaten in his Saskatchewan constituency over 10 years ago subscribes to Han said and still reads it avid everyday CHEAPEST nsmr Anyone may receive Hansard by ordering it from the Queens Printer in Ottawa The coat is day or $3 per session inc udlng postage As theyrescnt session is ap proaelung its mthdayw and still goingstrongs sessionsl subscription works out at about two cents per dayand this for paper running on average from about 45 to about 70 pages per day The guefiigffirinteg or sov ernmen VI op so ts andlsells wide selectigdmof books and pamphlets of consid erable interest sndcusdulnlsl There areof course all the periodical governnient reports and statistics which are of specialized interest But there is slso gs wide no of pamng oflerin such nsa M1552 hold is Canadlsns sports meat These like llsosard srel erallyava ble inbolli English Ind PM mmrasca necm as Porjesample 50 cents wlii bring you ven Remarkable Recipes for SweetGrass Bul llng to site our lock buffslo you msyflad more use folFlsh for YearRound Salads 125 cents OIJIMIW Cook tiled cotegorle in tour of the sales room was especially interested to note Birds of Cnnsdas National Parks $100 which is beauti fully produced book containing 50 colored illustrations And one can buy descriptive booklets about our various nstional parks Kootenay is the most costly at $150 Prlnce Edward Island National Park costs half that snd Ontario National Parks srs cheap stso cents In viewer our shocking Ang ust weather waslmpressed by the tboughidul Aid to Work ing in Htsptbld molt im portant single fact relating to worlnngntnnhe north is that the midi not as bad as it at first seems to he begins this book let encouragingly There is series of guides prepared by the national com mittee sp inted by the depart mentof abor for the use of foremen sndothers who do training on the in for75 cents each these cover such employmentsas The Radio and Television Service Trade New tor Vehicle Repair Trade and CooklnzTredmmrnercial The products of the Queens Printer are too little known and bought this applies especially to Itihatl Ottawa eyeopencrllan sa LONDON or Exhibits ckiugrbeyondr most mens aglnation fills strange and exclusive museum in Scotland Yards basement Tbevbisck inuseum is the popularxnsme for fmrr guarded rod that contain macabre collectionof phernallaused and photo graphs otlhe Victims they slew in revoltineg cniel ways The four windowless rooms hold blstorlceldllplnya and tools or various illegal trades but the fourth shows incredibly loathsome items that few see and fewer dismiss Only police officers and dri shed criminologist of visits are admitted to the Metropolitan Police Crime Mu seum lwas tied in di unspeakable exhl its themuseum stocks souvenirs of famous crimes sequence brides Not far horn endled riding evlll Best used to ds to retinas OFTEN usen Indiacroyined TconstsitW film to to cw methods of dspollng of their victimslts too palm Women could beidivid or trimklble lninkable depending trultlte andprrterredlodis ve lp in id Elm SEE YOU LETTERS TO THETDITOR LINCOLN AND KENNEDY DEAR SLR Uncoln was eluded in 1560 Keimcdy in 1960 Both were slain on Friday and in the presence of their WIVES Both were shot from behind in the head Their successors both named Johnson were Sou thern Derridaat and both were ill the Senate Andrew Johnson was bomin1wa and Lyndon Johnson was born in 1900 John Wilku Booth was born in 1339 Lee Harvey Oswald was born in 1939 Both Booth and Oswald were Southerners favoring unpopular Ideas Both Booth and Oswald were assassinated before going in Both prealdenls wives lost children through death while in the while lioitse linoalns secretary ydiose name was Kennedy advised him not to go to the theatre Kennedys secretary whose name was Lincoln advised him not to go to Dallas John Wilkes Booth dtot Lin eobi in the theatre and ran to wardaouse Oswald shot Ken nedy from arehouse and ran to theatre The namesjlineoln and Kem iiedy earls contain sevenlettera the names Andrew Johnson and Lyndon Johnson ends co tale is lottemu The carries John Wiiks Booth land Lee Harvey Oswsld each contain lsrlettera CONTRIBUTED By READER There is variety of weird weapons An ordinary looking pair of binoculars lsilfled so that when the viewer turns the focussmg wheel long needles jab into his eyes Ernes Smith was found dead in 1000 with asmslihale in his forehead and tilt 7w days hefore police umbrella lhathad been used to dismemher his unwanted itine cee Emil Ka volter toria articles are among the most terestlng collection of counterfeltln and lorgerlcs includes mi denomination postalorder that someone relied by five iii tags after hours of work with set of pm if urefl Mild not It look It Mom Hilda Hepburudld thlsuios HI di with the law sacs sad so be added is to the issuance an one scales as Iutboriw regulators Thelsenlon hss never been proclaimed whifia means It isnt actually law therefore of course it has ne er been used But then sense controls over the urnnco industry generally have been lightened through theyeare nobody since Mitch has shown disposition to reslly swing club Its doubtful if the present administration wwld have any such inclinationcltber it bu drawn itself to bl not indirposed towards the inatt ance industry FORCE AmON is not beyond possibility however that Its hand Intuit be forced milendearele memru lnllflvm the companies claim cent years they be lnlndllhli tion But the gamut obit to Avoid lhlll cause there bssnt been any stantial body of lornsed opinion backing it However it would er most certain that one will ARM The auto lnssusrm in does have an Adtillesheel lal up ministration and cal lug percentage of its mium at to lol rather than clsl The lie generalb too as aware of th But each rats In more resentment of ity about the ind eventually this lend to more knowl induxry and demand some govermnait action DR RYNARD lik Simcoe East MP Talks Of Finance on is nvNimo MP saucer em was asked the other day ll knew what the final deiiut was it just so happened that the lion Waller Gordon had glven out the figure that day 019 million dollars in round lis ures Last year these was def of 691 million dollars This looked to be an improve ment in the right directionsod indeed it is but when we was done we find it at least done the expense of the tax by increased taxes The sales tax of 11 per cent which was imposed by Mr Gor don right after he became Min later later cut uncle lot cent starting next thlssource he as collec ed 140 million dollars alone which was not available the previousycar ss therewaa no sales tax INCOME TAX then looked up Income Tax this was incressed hyl per cent the government collected oveaizi million dollars more than was collected by the pre Vious governmant The outer source is corporation illon dollars In Without going into revemie Mr Gordon collected sum to rtal from these three sources Maoabre Collection Of items FillYards BlackvMuseum locally or lilSTQRY Nova Scott New Bruns wick and Prince Edward Is land met at Charlottetown Ito dismisspollllcalunlon of the three Maritime rations 10 years ago today in 1361 lot toyvnfiercnce was in creased the presence of represents vcs from the lavernment of Canada The meeting blossomed into the 01ch Conference ter Th Cansdlsri Press wssformed ss coopera tlve to henna dis Wall which involve is of no million dollarszrnore than was collected by the previous government yet in boom thnss only showed cut hi dcflclt of 71 million dollars in my oplir too this is not good enough hope lime not being unduly critical or pessimistic but this has occurred in year when we sold over 00 million dollars worth of wheat to Russia alone which was paid for in gold and which helped us in what in have been most serious posi tion with the international Monp etary Fund My feeling is that rituals will not be buy beat this year drought conditions have improved there In other words we may havetn export more wheat together countries or sell more goods and these should be moral and snoop was dis turned when read last months Labor Rmrkwhlch dis closed that while we had more people at work fhllrdlllyrfiul seasonally Idlustod Memphi ment rate still comes to just over per cent of the labor force higher than the lisAig last war scouoanc arena For the last three years we have bee on an economic spurt What would happen if titat spurt slowed down lithe United States economy slowed down Can we rely on our young people eytng at school longer or taking retralnlugpmgrainsf The Unemployment Port To pubit thethrd way we must sclt more manufactur ed goods lnworldmarkels ila order to give more employment for the manufacturer toremein competitlvl and increase sales taxes must be lowered The gov ernnicnt vshoulditske look at bat is happening south3of the border where taxes have been out and where they consid ering moreeu

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