Barrie Examiner, 21 Aug 1970, p. 1

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Elli dame Examiner Batdo 0mm Canada Friday Aw at two AFTER THE STORM the roof of their gnrage in Lively Hunts all in could do Glam was flying all around TOLL REDUCED Initial report after the 30 minute storm hit at mt 830 tun had placed the death toll this was later communicaqu amended as improved Listed as dud It police and RM ms ofdztls nmxsday night were Paul Reback gardener with the Copper Cliff park struck by debris while warm on tractor in in lanes commission Vincent Howard of Sud bury pinned under halfton truck in which he was pasem gcr when the Vehicle was top pied by the wind on Highway Damage ta cars truck imd building was extensive as cerday morning windsupto ioomph lashed truckreabrontopofmafh mesmnymeayyup tllelaTighwimliliuritxiita galusttbemndownlamof and pan of the bri$ work stnnn 6P erephotos fmtn Sudhury homo were re Abvve moved during the half was scared as hell said David Staff who work at re finery in Copper Cliff thought the building was blow ingimandtbcrchadmahig explnsionT We just stood in the middle of the house said SIL 350 LEFT An unidentied man killed at Wavy Industries cement plant in MburyT The mayor of Sudbury and Lively described their comm ities as disaster areas called an army taintes miners boy mills and volunteers to aid police firemen and members of the Emergency Measures 0r gnnization to aid in relief work Emergency centh were set up in churches and schools to provide food and shelter for who could not find slicker neighbors or relatives Ontario Municipal Affairs Minister Darcy McKeough toured the Sudbury area and promised nancial assistance kubthirwwmswxrrrrrr In Onwa Acting Piilnt Min tstcr Mitchell Sharp expressed sympathy for families of the vlcms and said the federal government would put all its fa cilitiu at the disposal or the pmvlucial and municipal gov ammenhl Mayor Joseph Fabhm of Sud bury estimated damage to per sonal property alone in this city of some at up to $6 million He said about 70 per cent of the damaged houses like they had been hit by bomb Police and hospital spokes men said about 50 persons had been admitted to hospitals in the aidbury area Another 150 had been treated and released The Red Goss estimated that about 350 persons had been left homeless in the Sudbury and Lively areas where 86 houses were destroyed and man than too heavily damaged Some of gigs Sudbury homes were in the 000 range In Lively community of about 3100 located 12 miles Mrs Cordelia Queunevillz 58 Field killed when the wind pidird up her 35foot house trailer hurled It 200 feet against deserted barn and pushed it 500 feet further i111 HOMELESS west of here the storm doves tilted sixbyloblock area but lull the other half of the town relatively untouched leouanl humor of Lively placed the damage of his community at about $15 mil Telephone Mayor Most of the homes in Lively and in Cuppin Cliff about live miia west of here are owned by International Nickel C0 of and are worth Canada Ltd about $12000 each Mayor Ri hard Dow of Cop per Cliff said personally dont think this is duste area He added that most of the damage will be in lost pmdum pp Copper Chi Inca which employs mom than moon people in Sudhiny and surrounding communities put hundreds of its men to work cleaning up debris which in some streets oated in lo inches of rainwater Sking Against Sheriffs Office DOS ANGER ALP Stil len and soowllng Glories Mum son told the ludga in the Sharon Tate murder trial that be was being mistreated in county jail and its like kicking dead man Manson is scekm cease order aguimt the Manson He postponed the nut of the hearing on the Manson motion until today so the trial could go 0D shakyhailed bearded Manson link the witness stand with the jury absent before the regular court sessltm He said he was receiving treatment and was forced to go through lot of confusing pro nedura in inf But he added strongerT mndic chm is on trial with three women followers in the murders of Miss Tate and six others Manson lack at me when talk to you and dont panic the pretty blonds said he told her in Spun Eliaerated English ave an explosive device and Ill use it Inform yutlr cap taili fobead for Havana She went to the cockpit with Diner dont like the smell the message and said Hedge of this crucial Tell the man Waiter that were going to Havana and clots for eating not to smell looked said that several times daily ho had been put jected to Shakedowns in which deputies made him dis robe and then probed his body He saidhn wasnt 4111an to have pencils and paper and that mail from his Lriands was stopped while hate mail was allowed to get through He said dark screen interferes with vision and voices when he inter views prospective witnesses Us SpyInThe Sky Rejected By Egyptians Fran lipREUTERS Eapt rejected today Amerl can survaillimco of the Middle East ceasere by satellite and UA2 spy plane calling the plan pretext for esplonugeT Politi cal clmles in lsrael said this showed Cairo had something to hide Such reconnaissance even if undertaken ovor Israeliheld territories could provide Israel with addiliannl advantages in delicate circum stances said Calms sorrdnaffh clal newspaper Al Abram The Egyptian statement came as surprise when the United States announced earlier in the week that itwns undertaking reconnaissance formed Egypt it was generally understood that done with Cnlrus consent Al Abram said Egypts island had been known all Along It added that the United States must adopt neutral stand to hgnrding this issue if it is ln forested in seeing peace in tha Middle Exist Al Ahrum said Egypt also had turned down an an suggestion for Sovint highlevel reconnaissance But UTS suggestion and tho ENDI rolection veiu formnlltfu because the Soviet Union til ruady has lnrgo numbers of mll itury personnel on duty with Egypts air and missile torees and needs no highffying planes or spaceships to keep it abreast of developments in Hindi anddeslst sheriffs department have not heard or seen any evidence thus far of interior once with the preparation of your case Judge Older of the Superior Court said to Manson for 45 barbaric it makes mo cock replied can be discour aged dont know what dis couragement means Monsnn 85 leader of no after listenin minutes fhu 221212 ip IF were hijacked to Cuba will it cost extra Inquiry Starts Into Sub Crash NWN France Reuters An ofcial inquiry was under way today into the collision of the South African submarine Maria van Riubeeck and French submarine during Medl terrunean naval exercises near MANSGN mer vacation for an urgent deI hate on lracliAmerlcan min and the state radio said the legislators probably would return to Jerusalem MouduyT The Arab parties to the cease fire King Hussein of Jordan and President Nasser of Eypt were meeting in calm to dim cum strategy at the coming in direct peaeo talks which UN Hail New Pact As Major Slep MOSCOW Reuters Lead ers of the seven Warsaw pact countries hailed the new Soviet Germun nanagzression pact and said today it repre sents major step toward rm faxing European tension Bulgaria mechoslovakin East Germany land Romania and the Soviet union made the declaration in it communique after their oneday summit In Moscow Thursday The communique by thin Soviet news agency Tass said the BonnMoscow talks and the signing of the treaty nine member Council of Postal Uuo days ago wemn major step on loan and the federal govemmenf the road towards relaxation if sit down Saturday with newly thv temfon and normalization of appointed mediator Thom OConnor lbmnto labor rela Thu Kremlina partners ap tioiis specialist in the latest ah proved the now treaty slightly fart to hammer out new more than week utter West tract German Chancellor Willy Brandt low to Moscow to sign government representatives to tho accord announcing the use gather for about of force and respecting the in envoy Gunnar liming will hold The two Arab leaders also were expected to reach some agree ment on ways to deal wlth the Yalesdnlan guerrillas who are trying to sabotage Himseins peace efforts The steadily inqu between Nixon Ordaz Hold Meeting PUERIO VALLARTA Mex foo to Meeling in an at mosphem of fiesta Presidents Nixon and Gustavo Diaz Ordaz amad Thursday night to end 122 years of USMezdcan hor der disputes resulti shifting Rio GranduT They hoped to and territorial controversy folo va between their two nations by setting the boundary between auxas Mexico in the centre of the Rt Grandc Two peoples geographyshuuld have no prob iu delineating our box tiers Diuz Ordnz told report power after Thursday nights collision The Galate benched on nearby Cape Ccpet defence ministry ziltnuunce meat In Paris said both submar ines were on the surface when they collided but gave no other details Unmnrmed reports here said there was an explo sion aboard one of the submar ines just before the impact South African officials were unavailable for comment and damage to the South ALricnn vessel was not known French Navy spokesman said thecrew of te Gnlatae left said the crew of the Galatee left the vessel after it was run aground and refloatlng opera tions would begin today PROTEST The South African summarine was handed over at the Atlan tic port or Lorieat amid an inter national stolm over supplies of arms to the republic practises apartheid race segre Ration lhe 850fon submarine is am doterigraglgg 1re aq also is majorEggopic oaths agenda of the alks source Cairo radio reported that Iraqi authorities had detained 55 Egyptian worm in Iraq and sealed off the Egyptian trade centre in Baghdad Israelinformed Juningthat it would prefer to have the talks at the ibrelgn level held near the Middle East rather than in New York but an faraeli spokesman said his gov ernment did not make the pref erence an absolute condition Connor Still Negotiating To Hammr Out Contract clmiwa ca The new At least four men aboard the the Galatee lvo others are missing and scvaral others minted officials said there were no casualties aboard the French httiit South African submarine which was handed over July 24 It returned to this French Ri viera naval base under its own PMs Official Iel Heading South GKARLOITE AMALIE AP Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada loft on his official jot piano today after secret visit to the Virgin Islands informants said he hixd Spent us time at the Iektiio ll under water research prolcct at the nearby st John Island Trudeau is believed to have been in the Virgin Islands two or three days Officlals atthe Sffhoman allport here refused to allow re porters noar the prime minister They said he had given orders to keep his visit secct The destination of mldeaus plane was unknown if mach were kind rig from the vessel the present married by and had it was being feruysarviwvmm Hungary were muddled which published Mr OConnor strolled through the restaurant and lobby of downtown hotel where the talks are being hold in shirtslceves available for meetings with al fher group He told reporters there mm ilvpful signs In the first few hours of discussion but it was too soon tomako predictions The issues involved are not new ones said Mr OConnor veteran of many labor disputes But the political aspects of tho dtsnuto are new both tiiu Good Hope Both the Maria van Ricbeeck mid tba Galatee completh in 1564 belong to the Daphne Class designed for antisubmarine partlcitlarly tho sittiution in wraps Mr Oihnnor met council and narrow against nucleanpowered twu lioiirs Thurde iuforo bothlsldelighcnl vi labilif of exist option to sepnrnu mania or or preliminary discussions position parties amend that lsrnell parlia ment he recalled from its slim itro armed with 13 torpedo frontiers tubes WEATHER rmmymnmnzm as late Sunday 152m Lw mic mm high 5mm mi Details In and on P1 Damage In Minions City Disaster Area SUDBURY Out WM after freeing his Dyan Hundrndl of the bcmehx old Stu from kirk um bum mat sheila In Mb Thursday night frank mama which killed at least four palm Injined about 150 and camed million of dollars in property damge in four com maniacs The storm packing torrential stain and wind of up to 90 miles an hour smashed through the nearby mining continuities of LIVer and Copper cm into Llle southern edge or Sudbiuy and on to the laggin community of Field miles to the east he alarm had the effect of hurricanz leaving buildings in ruins uprooting trees and 86 ions of concrete sidewalk smashing window and vehicles and cutting power and telephone railway ma min on disrupted by nmhaded stitch ohhelnmpunutapniedonlo ingemupmmiaiommd MmmllymAanb switchboard jammed with car commuter train carrying 11 calls Pastimes and three crew Provincial andci has members was detailed as nudged lam part of can trestle and mm mums do against looting but pollen curred In eld eudlspeang problems and no mu community of 750 half the vil Meantime weather experts 100 llama were de strayed as were the dime and the the lumbu mill when most of and unexpectedly that many the men were employed Canadian Amwd Fortes immediately are at the mi mxs mm Nam 83y hmugm ensues of the situation in we set of blankets and zoo George Heal when house in mattress and the harm15 bedded down in sdxmL Ontario Hydro emluyees was making coffee when he worked thmughout the night heard of the storm on the radio repar downed power 1113 and smashed hydro poles Bali Can pened and was shocked ada mumbled repar cows at North Bay awatng damage meteorologist in Timuuto said estimate before mung Telephone servce we ma tbundustonns For reasons not was badly dsruptrd because clearly understood one statm lms are curred by Wm and cell in such line can grow communca more Liza others tans wtb other parts of the Storm of mismline usually hit prvvnm are caned by mean wave towers but even so were ceive much attention it private police employed by lam patrolled streets to guard spokesman said there we fwd plaincd the rm qualiv ctf tillm whid hit so suddenly midents la the area were not Lively Is only two blocks from me sturms main pain said he came ovnr to see What up department of transport the storm was part of line of uninhabited areas and do not up Calm Hijqcker Controls etliner MIAMI AP Latin man who bomb in his lap Niacknd jelli ner carrying 31 persons to Cuba chned the invitation aprxareatly Thursday without entering the because he didnt want other cockpit The eglgxanepilof Capt Rab and new never saw until 01b3 ofciaIS 11 Miss James and the buslw six tled the hijacker off the plane and snatched the brown attache case in which be claimed he 19 D09 had an explosive device ENEM 4o hum keep the huackers identity in den W1 123 mlieyenea offal 1712 WWW mm 5131 after takeoff hum Atlanta to Savannah Gan when stew ardess Judy James 22 also of AflimL Did him of the man with the bomb In an interview at Miami In ternational Airport after they returned from min at 251 am today Miss Jams said the man rst approached her at the rear bullet us hecame out of lava stocky ask him if he would like In be bad come up in the cockpit The pilot said the man cit to know he was the hijackelT The rest of the ight Hedge cock sent notes to the mail by footer gave his urders quietly from his seat new the rear of The pi of said lie wanted to Passengers said stewardesses told them Lite piano hadnot landed at Savannah on time he catse it find been delayed by strong heudwind and thunder storms When the hijackers ideally became known to those around him Just before landing at less Marti Airpo rt in Havana he told one person he was from Peru He said he had done this to fare said Dennis Owens Sa vanuah Engineer are we make om Maw CAPSULE NEW Tropical Storm Crosses Caribbean mRONlOwPiOinnmofiommoregainedluahmior weimweigbt ilxtnsdayuiixba iecbniealfmocimm ow mmdwmmsnatmiommddmm atmCmNun Typhoon Anna Leaves 16 Dead HAWKESBURY ON Edmund Jteeph Pmlin of Almdria Milnwaskmednmtbistoimmmseastdotfawa Mrsdaiywhmaueehewaselugmkbnmmhead Princess Pats Infantry Heads East 01TAWA CPI be ad Sawmill Plumes Patricks Can adian Lighlizfamry will mpkite the Battalion HUNI Canadian Reginmmbpnmh0woberhheddencedcpamam notimxd The 490 replacements under LtCol Marsaw 39 Multan will leave min BC on arr fame Yukirns Oct 13 WmLmdmom tlhdmmnm mamas M7 Ottawa Tree Falls On Alexandria Man TOKYO Reuters Typhoon Anna out destructive path chmghsauuremlopan loasllSdoaihaPoaoe my Mmmminlnndslidssesoffbyhouvyminwmand causinsmlslamlslidesmdnt mvenpeismsmissnganduss Colin Fraser Regains BoxingTitle

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