rn ermldrmtm mm Amocor urn1 Pro GERRY PROULX oi Dcux Montagnns Que mncta utter missing it putt or birdie dub ing the llnnl round ofhn CPGA seniors tourney at tho New Seniors CPGRChamI mmnn Gerry Prouix at Dell Montagm can posted his WWW tive amps tor wholei total to via the Camila Rotational Gail Assoclation scnlcs dnmpionshlp nzcsday mtde par 36 on both nine on Brunttord Golf and Country Club on mday Proulx shut 7272144 to win tho title it Wirephoto buntry Club course beginning on ssyearold Prouix thememinuniebadthrvc birdies Pmlx pocch so for lap ping tho eld at 33 in the $30 event Put Mr Neutral the Tum leader with 7L mklandlkoppedlnlone it second win Gold Debut oi Weston out at MS DELI carded to so with his open inground 1L Both earnzd 3500 Bill loan or Montreal put to gcther two round 01 or 163 and Ernie Neriich of Up lands picked up $50 with 7574 i9 Medalist Honors For Wilkinson DAM Conn AP Mal Lhn Wilkinson oi Whittier unlit took medalist honors niesdhy at the United States womens nmnicur golf chumpi onsblp nishing two dnys of qualilying with thverpar 150 The coin or match playon the 620ynrd pan We Briur today was 151 with six pinycrs at 152 going into suddendcnth play to ill three berth in Lilo iicld of 32 Marine Stewart Stroll Fon lhllL Out diet 73 to go with Mondnys or 156 totnL Jana Kirkpatrick of Toronto hnd tworound total of 170 while Eliznbcth Dunlcl Oak Ridges Ont hnd score of mi This Could Be Last Year For Davis Cup Tennis NEW YORK AP Bccnusn oi the possibility tennis pro might compete this mny be the lost your at tho Davis Cup Dwilt Petal Davis JR whoso other Illst donated tho cup or umntcur competition in 1900 snid ho would retire it after this your it contract pros umniiowed to participate mm said In an intcrvinlv he has been approached by United nsunlo moon Fishing Pressure Slovved By Continuing Heat Wave 13y THE CANADIAN PRESS The dcpnrtmcnt of lands and toroch rcpnrts thot shing pres sure in Ontario during tho last week hasbecn slow because oi the hunt wnvc Howcvcr kocn anglers who didnt mind the heat were able to land good sized iish in scot tercd arena of tile province 21pound luko trout vns caught in Trout Lulu nczlr North Buy and topounder in Wnongu Luke ncnr Gogama Most waterways vcro produe lug good catches of smaller tish such on pnniish and sunilsh which provide good sport or the vnootinnlng youngster SOUTH Luke SimeonLoki trout and side Lake Simone pike good Smnlimouth buss Itilko and pin Iish good to cxcc out in north end Buss good to excellent in Lake Couchichlng Georgian Bay tram Midlnni to Wnubnush cnc largomouth buss and pick crel lnlr smallmouth musky nnd pnntish good pike and porch poor Sparrow Luke buss fair to good pickcrel good to excellent and musky lair Luke St John buss tnir perch and pickcrcl good to excellent Six Mile Lnkc porch and musky poor smnlimouth ctr puuiish good and plko and pickcrci air to good Gloucester Pool intge mnuth pike pickorcl and punch lulr smnllmouth good musky poor and punilsh excellent Rainbow tout and punish good in Bass Lake States Lawn Tennis Association ottlclnls about allowing contract pros to compctolor the cup when my inmcr dnnated tile cup thino was spirit oi com petition ho was seeking said Davis It was spirit for on tinns to compete with each other Ind at least every other your to chin ouL um 91mm and spread tho game to all muntrics But it the pros nrc allowed to participate which country could get into the clinilcngc round besides the US and Aus tralia No other country hzis the contract pros capable of wirr ning cdnt see the acceptance oi pros in this it would dcilnitciv kill the spirit of the cup us it was given Bunyanls Parking Lots Driveways nnytblng also in paving donn by RACHLIN lrnnsylvnnlnn paving experts Regtstcnd with govcrn meat Memhcr ot Asphalt Payers Association Over 15 years expulch 165 Anne St Barrier 7284351 pickercl poor to tail on cost NEW STORE HOURS Mon to Wed am to pm Thurs to Sat mm to lo pm We spooinllzo in decorated oukos for oil occasions Yourordor for Wedding Birthday or Anniversary when will recoilo oxport attention by our bakers $1 No Money Down No Outside Financing Save Dollars and Dollars DURING This CLEARANCE SAVE Buibecues town Furniture Power Mowers Comping Coolers Sleeping Bags Coleman Stoves All Electric RANGES Automatic WASHERS and DRYERS are PRICED TO CLEAR Portable Transistor Radios 925 up Record Players 2995 up 100 Numerous Io Advertise