Barrie Examiner, 6 Aug 1970, p. 1

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PUNK LIBRARY who Iliarrir Examift 21 Malayaism MAY OFFER EXAMINER TELEPHONES Wm WW mm All 0M 106 Ne l82 Barrie Ontario Canada Thursday August W70 TATE TRIAL Future Appeal have laid the groundwork for push iuture appeal in the mmn Talc murder case any they are abandoning their quest for mirtriai based on corn ments by Pruldent Nixon Threetlmes the lawyer askedlhat the trial be Illed oil followmg President Nixons comment in Denver Colo lnttr retractedthat he be ilevud one of the four defend ants Diaries Manson guilty Three times Superior Court Judge Charles Older has denied the motion This will be one of the big gcst cases In history regarding rejuicinl publicity nun mznued tooprosecutor Vincent Bugliosl during break in Wednesdays proceedings Highlights plea by marks Knnamk counsel or Manson 35 that Presient Ntxon be asked to take the wl stand in tha case so that the defence might learn his motives in takin up publicly the Manson trial The motion was denied plea by Paul Fitzgerald counsel for Patricia Krcmrim kel 21 for mistrial on grounds the jury was unduly in uenced Tuudny when Manson newness 3iusiznb ilIIY muld still render hit and impartial verdict Mnmons three women co ddendauata arising when the in rettnngd to the murtroom to Chant in unison President len say were guilty so why go on with the trial Review Service fit Meeting OIIAWA CF namlr service between Winrupeg and Toronto launched earlier this year will be reviewed neat month at series of public mcotlngAthc Canadian trans port on anncd Wednesday Bearings will be held at lhun der Bay Monday Sept Sault Ste Mario Sept 21 Kenorh 5ch as and Winnipeg Sept as The commission approved hinrcb an extension oi Tran snir routes to unto Kbc us glonai airline now operates daily return lat survice between Winnipeg Illlunder Bay and To ronto It also operates daily return turboprop service link brandlshcd newspaper headlt lrig Winnipeg Kenorn Dryden line in court reading Thunder Bay Sault Ste Mario Guilty Nixon Declares and lhmnto Manitoba Modifies Insurance Bill lion injection into the anemic 1970 housing market lllr Am drns announch the lniergen cy inlectlon at new confer 10 POSTMEN OTTAWA P0531133 torGeneral Eric Kierans may recommend to cabinet that the governments wage offer to the postal unions be increased an informed source reported Wednesday The recommendation is an of several contemplated by Mr Kiorans in an effort to loosen negotiations between the Coun cil of Postal Unions and the fed eral treasury board The board gt has exclusive msposihility for $100 MILLION IOli HOUSING once in Ottawa yesterday smy Page eight or wire photo mm cal Manl dlnsand the unswcrving opposl Iobaa political future and the tion from the other parties governments public auto losuh meant the bill was doomed to to make the legislation more prospect of an election mmcummc Pour Into Mosport Parka palatable to the insurance in dustry and the opposition 1011mm cpl Opposing Tuu when ill is lot Wednesday no can sae wwxo lo loturc the New Dormant VILM raw Drneliller acid that existing ants Threat TOKIII Park this weekend were to be insurance salesmen would b6 heard by the Ontario Supreme permitted fair tea for sailing MONTEle Reuters Court today the basic government policy in Guerrillns who kidnapped The Provincial algal93g addition to any supplementary American official Daniel Ml ernls dcpnmunt sought in coverage trinno and Brazilian diplomat junction to stop the rock music Mr Scbmyers speech we have threatened to kill them if portion of the tbreedny event designed to win at least one the Uruguayan government while tho festival organizers supporter for his minority gov does not release all political wanted the court to rcstraln crnrnunt Ills hopes of establish prlsnnors it was reported provincial police from what ing compulsory staterun auto today they term harassment and in lnsuranco were given severe Radio reportswhich pollca timidntion jolt last week when urry Des were trying to confirmst tho Hundreds of rod music fans jardlns selfstyled Liberal mpamnro guerrillas said they most from the United States Democrat said he could not sup would execute the two hostages continued to pour into the park port the bill in its lorm at that it political prisoners are not 40 miles east of here in crpcctm time freed before midnight Friday tion of three days of love Tho defection or Mr Dulao night sun and sound as advertised in US neupapers and by rock music si lions wbm John Rose vicepresident of Quhbcchascd Lcs Productions Sportives Villelllnrlo 1110 sold in the groups affidavit it had legally contracted to hold the Strawberry Fields Trophy Racn US Continues Heavy llir Raids or motorcycle in carnival mmmamn atmosphere SAIGON AP us Alr armada kept up heavy raids in said the rockmvsic enter Laos and Cambodia today to block the rotum of Communist base minim N395 310 camps to the border areas and to help the Cambodians in their mm group Advertiseman in fight against sixouyoid Communist offensive us fighter Im mm mm bombers from Thailand and South Vietnam and from carriers 07 grafti 31 ln shaming gnkindhltbtnrgcts in LaosE and 1Cariilniciinwvhiie afx Egg bl in some oppe is out 1200 tons exp 95 vcs aung 800 no Candi Macon yclo As milcs of South Vietnnms border with Laos and Cambodia swam which summoned um Ictvent nm was to agtlidraw su sni Two Ottawa Resxdents Held By FBI Mum dimer the amocicilon believed it had CHICAGO AP lvo Ottawa residents wanted in New York Men ms ed as to who the on charges of grand larceny vcro arrested Wednesday by FBI weekend activities worn to be agents Richard Dennis Kohncy 27 and lllignonna Laneile John Stone mm of Clarke vcre arrested at OHara International rport on Warrants ls Dlesdayd in Rochester NY charging them with unlnwtul to nvoi prosecution VI aws lolate Washington To File Susi 0n States 15 States say llllstllNGlOll AP In an attempt to cover all bases the Justice department is expected to tile suits against 27 states that WASHINGTON AP Fif have not taken steps to give loyearoids the vote The suits dos teen states oslml the us Ss signnd to enforce the new federal Voting Rights Act and force prema Court Wednesday to find swift trstot its constitutionality are expected within few that leading nutormbilo mou dnys Th0 department is expected to sun in both the US mlpremo lacturnrs have delayed rcsoarcls Court and the lower courts and installation of car pollution amigo gisl and thus vlolt ae an nws They also asked that the auto 30 Persons Killed In ill Crash Pygmy com be oh RAWALPlNDl 1A All so ersons aboard Pakistani alr he were mum my my uh use plane crashed anus instill ilslis tibial domestic flight in swan storm ll miles east of this west Pak downde but or we deny high city officials said lt looks as it the plane was hit by caused by ma mugged consmb thing an airline spokesman said uy GDOIOlidllllISill thgonctionFarg opera or 11 Ol Pentagon To Bury Nerve Gas In Sea Motor Chrysler Cor American Motors Corp and VASlllNGmN AP The Pentagon decided to bury nerve Automobile Manufacturers Aslt tins nn lhooccnn floorand risk damaging the environmentchiefly socintion because the Atomic EnormCommlsslon was opposed to destroying The 15 states made their alle gas undoi tIiBLNEVndn desert congressional testimony indicates gdtlons in asking the high AEC reasons for refusing to destroy 12450 gasfilled rockets in an courts permission to Illa their underground nuclear blast at Yucca Flat last September were spell complaint alleging conspiracy cd out to Sonata group by Dr Fred lcscbo zillm mnpw lUS aWS in support of their plea that the court assume direct origi Israeh SthaWk Sillll Down Along Suez nal jurisdiction of the case the chum Rankrs An lsracll skyhauk Wns shot down will ssiigrtiiwur iriigeitiiig flames during raids alongtho Suez canal today military spkcs by at least two years adding Rigid Tho kacsmm did 9th PM that time is Csscntlhl iii view of rockets or conventional antlaircralt fire continuing air pollution by auto exhausts rock music festivals from the motor raceway Promotion in the US is being handled by lhe Warnick Con cern New York public mlalt lions firm acting for theatrical lawyer Jerrold Kushnlck lllr Kusbnlci said Wednesday night in telephone interview from New Yuri with local newspaper that be has bccn in Iccnstant contact with has Productions Sportich and has gentlemans agreement that the Canadian group would hire some of the top rock groups he represents Mr Kushnick represented JWJ Productions the organiz ers of Strawberry Festival which had been planned for site near Shcdiac this News Blackout On Kennedys Drug Charges BARNSIABLE Mass Robert nnedy Jr and Sargent Shriver llLiboth shaggy haired and grim faced entered luvenllo court today for charges or being delinquents by rcasDn of possession of marl juann The two cousins both 16 were accompanied by their uncle Senator Edward Kennedy and by Ethel Kennedy Bobbys mother and Mr and Mrs Sar gent Shiver an parents of the Shrlvor boy who also is known as Bobby Kennedy led the group through crowd of about 75 reporters and spectators The Kennedy parked their car and entered through the back door of the courthouse Kennedy asked for comment on the charges said softly have nothing The Kennedy youth son or the late US senator from New York had his right wrist which he broke last month in tall in cast PUBLIC BARRED The juvenile court session be fore Judge Henry Murhy of lst District Court at Bnmtnble Counw was closed to the public by law Reporters ocking to Hysnnls Port to cover tho expected aplt pearanco in the district court of Burnsiahlo County of Robert Kennedy Jl andhl cousin Sargent shrlvcr ill both is were pelted with eggs and gar bage Local police clam ed news blackout on the incl ent Kennedy sccond oldest son of tho assassinated senator and his cousin son of the former Peace Corp chief and ambassa dor to Franco were served with summonses at their homes in the Kennedy family compound Wednesday nigbt The summonses said the youths had been in possession of marijuana However neither of tho boys was arrested weekend but was cnncnllmiv by who NcwsnBrunswllr lllr Kusbnicl said 8000 tic ets sold for the New Brunswick festival were to be accepted at hlosport Mr Rose had denied this in his statements here ear lier in the day lilr Shepherd denied that the Cnnniinn firm is connected with the New York promoters db rcctly or indirectly HERES ONE tomcat and tabby were courting on the back fence when the tom leaned over and purrcd ld din for you you beautiful thing The tabby gazed at in long ingly How funny times ROBERT KENNEDY rm 16 second oldcst son of tho into New York senator shown riding motorbike in Paris sub on Juno 27 contract bargaining with gov ernment workers While Mr chrons cannot in lorvcnc directly in the negotin lions the source indicath that Davis Fleet COM BC Fish cries Minister Jack Davis took to the air Wednesday to look for Soviet trnlvicrs but the rst three times his Canadian Forces Argus ailtrait swooped through clouds to investigate radar blips he sighted only Danish bulk carrier Norwegian tanker and French freighter Finally after covering the greater part of 80qu mile search amtK ho oundhnlt 11ch Bo ct trawler in anonnver Island Mr Davis wanted to show rc portcrs the Russian vessels which Canadian shermen say have been harassing Canadian boats Ottawa has protested to the Soviet Union At CFB Comux before the flight Mr Davis said the Rus sinus have been moving slowly south apparently in pursuit of fish In what one mlght loosely call waters off Canada there are only about half dozen Another six are in pos on from which they can mow into tins area within an hour or two Earlier alter night on Canadian trailer off the west coast of the island lllr Davis said hes willing to meet fishermen to discuss their claims of harassment 1968 was taken into custody on narcotics charges mesday night family spokesman in Hynnnls Port lllnss report ed yesterday AP Wircpholo the minister believes thn gov ernment must take the initiative in breaking through the dead lock key point to win would be an admission from Treasury Board President Drnry that the Past ofce dillers from other government dcpnrtmmts the source said Air Kierans has in recent Stalls made no SEC of his NAMED COUNSEL Joth Rohlncttc land lng Toronto lawyer has been named counsel for the inquiry WW tan Duke an Dakville busincman 41 Wircphoto Panther Leader Pledges Help For Viet Cong SAN FEANQSCO AP Black Panther leader Huey Newton 5355 his militant Negro group will pledge members to help the political arm of the Viet Cong in Vietnam Within two hours after his rm lease from jail on bond Wednes day in nonrby Oakland the Panthers cofoundcr and minis ter of defence told reporters We are going to pledge troops from the Black Panther party the National Liberation Fron Newton set no timetable and did not elaborate on the plan He said other wwlutiom ary groups also will participate Newton was free for the first imo la 33 months on 550000 bail awaiting retrial in the 1961 slaying of an Oakland police man For more than two years his militant black followers had alert at damage to post ofn businzss caused by the retailn strike dawn of the worms in the last two months He is also re ported to be concerned about the clIect of postal disoptions on the health of many small businesses Such wpoint does not incide with slaltmuan in June by Mr Drur and Prime Mini ler Trudeau tn Lhc effect that the government was dctermmtd to uphold us wastrue aunt guides despite the possibility ol shortrun damngh to the post office our SEND LEHERS ng other proposals that trans was believed to an ed with top advis us in the post ofce at meet ing Wednesday was the posibll RV or sending letters in postal workers outlining lobsecurity pm sions Another recommendation my be for the revival of mediation attempts that broke down Juno alter unbday clinrt to win an agreement by Cm rather of the University Cab ENT At the time that he announced his failure lllr Carrothers said radiator might have more success after the two sides had tried out their strength against each other Ally compromise settlement or the 10montth dispute would involve concessions by both the government and the onions on wage increases 60 cents in twoyear meat Political llrm made Free llucyl national rallying cry When he left Alameda County jail Wednesday crowd of about 350 greeted him with chanLv Huey is freei Huey is frecl Newton climbed on car roof Save clenched fist solutes and the customary Power to the People tin WILL HELP SOLEDADS You can see am free Newton said Now want you to do the same thing for the So lcdad brothers he Said Ht XL femd to thrue Negro convicts charggd with lnlling whitv guard at Solcdad State Prison inst Jan 16 Newton also called for an all out effort to free Bobby Seals the other Panther cofolm der who is on trial in New Haven Conn on murder charge Ceasefire Soon Is Envovs Hope UNITED NATIONS CF The us ambassador to the United Nations said Wednesday night that he hopes the new Middle East ceasefire proposed by the United States will take effect very soon But the Pal estininn Arab guerrillas vowed to keep the fighting going even Promise Fails To Dampers linger Cr Que CF promised visit to this commun ity by the Quebec lands and for esls minister failed to dampen the anger of local residents who demonstrated ancsduy night against the decision of lumber company not to build wall board factory in the area More than 700 residents took part despite decision earlier Wednesday by Mayor Guy llll chaud and his councillors to hold only peaceful demonstra tions until Kevin Drummond lands and forests minister vis its the community Mr Drlnnmund said he will arrive Friday Th demonstration was sparked by truck drivers who dumpcdrlogs in the main street to protest decision to award road improvement contract to an outside firm instead of hiring local truckers if it means attacking UN truce observers Special UN envoy Gunnnr Janing pressed ahead with in tensan negotiations to deteh mine the site and date for the opening or Middle East talks which sources said are expected to begin by the middle at tho month The $itdi5l1 diplomat was closeted Wednesday with UN representatives of Middle East countries as hopes ruse that the ceasefire would takeotfect be fore the end of the week Only final arrangements remained to be agreed upon diplomatic re portsslid However representatives of two Palestinian guerrilla organ izations told news conference in nipoli Libya Wednesday that own if ceasefire ls pro claimed they are prepared to force UN observers oil the ceasefire line to keep up the right aaguisi Israel While the guerrilla throat promised continued harassment along lsrucls frantich with Jor dun and Lebanon it should have no effect an ceasere belwocn Egypt and lsrnci since there are no Palestinians along the Suez canal front SecretaryGeneral ll Thant today was expected to officially ask Jarring to open indirect peace talks bciwcenlsrnel and the Arab states following to quest by tho Big Fourpowers Lorraine Barry following Lnu sons arrest for dmwm mAWA CPI The Car dian morclevision Comm Wednesday of licences allowil Broch Uggmud Sudbury to r0 pr gram from its 3450 at lion in Eudbury to two neigbix in Northern Ontario comma it also vc Cambrian pl ion Magisnlilato CKSOI from the CBC and to afliate stood with the CW network mm on Glance vcvycar licences wm to conditions that would cindotbo requirement of affiliation the rcguintl agency on An application by Climb to rebroadcast CKSOTV North Bay on Glamlei was Died 1114 commicsion noted bothambrian and Can Lavlgna Ltd of Sudbury had oiled to provide crv and services respectively to without attached be in till par vc month pl

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