Barrie Examiner, 9 Jul 1970, p. 11

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112 ame Exammnr PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SOUGHT He Had Some munsmv mu mo 11 rbcrc is sull nothing dcnrutr Lt depth topographical study Dr noman said suc lt Youth ets Year For OYI 1dan on the policies the government special grant tystcm irom this gcstion could be iaciudcd in may institute to carry on the ntr purine to tick pay or adrs citys bricl to the gnmnmcnt lccurcs ol Dosign lor Dcteluv unnal munich mix that Jim Greenbalgb memberol mcnl lhr Tnmnlo Culter Re come with rapid growth do the planning board asked how gion cinpment ol municipal land the arcrsgc man would bencnt Those pullcics uill come altcr bank capability growth imrn acmisrittrcl growth Scot an the date the provincial trc am planning board with As you coluuzc emplaymenl gotcmmrnt has sct lor mlr mnl authority and control and oppo unity mutcod to mquizc ing brtclo and rrmmmcntlalicns trrlcicl tprmlncial mlmleal pay Dr Thoman said He tmrn niunlcipaLlics and others and lcdcrall board to considcr said through camtul planning maternng the May design such Subjects as importation Barrie mild prucne the adv plan Dr Richard noman pollution and tho development at rantagcs nl mu city as ucu mid to persons golhcrrd at ildl the ltcmpcnlclt Bay horcllnc as gum same ol thc things dgfmumsiibi2r mm 9mm it ledl Ln snldlb White racev sum to wycr ruchI wen II Jute FI JI 1ch wth and been MRIqu IIIIII crcst school audizonum tor or recreational and consorta sidcnts now go to Toronto left hon Wedheidly in provincial lender in ma incidan lle clly sponsurcd public lorum uonai purposcs Why not pattern ol small court AM he pleaded guilty in said tthltlys had been left in Dr human is the tlinclnr at idcntiliablc mmmunitjrs llc and at two charges ol loyrid the ignition oi the truck tlic rc gio it al development NATLRAL masoan as suggcstcd in II HI llghthc sun lheI youIIlIlIt branch or this Department at James KnnX presidch oi the Aid Macmillan innitd One pencil on nil in no er ren nor wrlel desury and Economics llh consulting rm Canadian Mix the public lu make submission him were A1 Dtnov ml the Nm chcll ASSOCIJlCS which dnvclop on their mummcndaucns to hr munlly planning branch or the the Kcmpcnlclt bayshore includcd in the citys hrch Department of Municipal Affairs dctciupmcnl plans asked it the in the prorincc ilc asked all and Peter Brunch also 01 um rr otcrnmmt was wing to provide submissiom in be handed in by proper pct lt Lt easier to do was taking special cusses in it second urns Having dona it Barrie lie said Whit wits under second time it is much ens the supervision oi mlldmns itr la commit man Actions ltld Society loclll worker atrium Judge said By your Mr Alexander Lrlcd tn hsvu gional planning branch tnccntivcs to maintain thc nat tho cud oi July llc said hrs conduct you have set the mach Whlch pmhlblted irom nssocint lluyur tics swim said the pulk uni msourccs in Ll arcs as ltopcci lth city cuuld malts pub ew IIgfIIIIIEElf IIIIIIIIII IIIIIimIIIPPIIg LOSJKLIVG OVERAlhIIuIIDLsign cpmcnt branch or the Dopurl sign lur dcvclupmcni plan and EfuiLumbfr 233$ all ism mus 1m or even mcnl rant nl Tr II IIIII WIIIII who IIIIII IIIIII Owen IIIIIIcsIIdI The me casury and Econo nnsucr ques ions concerning tlic lan lic inciltd Centred Rclzlorl plans pro mics and trayor Lcs Cooke it The mccung tit litilcrcst WW one If D55 his 16 bIIIIdIIIIY MGde IIIMIIdVlWIII an IIlhIIIYI mo LE Aid Mqu br Thomnn was the main school auditorium was spoils CTIIIkIPMWIIIgI when mailman nrothoony wn InI III IIIIIIIIII III II In ck SIIIIIII III II an Richard Thumttn uptaer at public meeting somi by this city About to at porutcd in the citys brici to thc Iron IIIIIIIIII IIIPIIIded ICIII wIIIII IIIII CA5 SIIdIII mer IIIIII director ol the rcglonpl dctcl last sight to cxplnln the dc ltndcd Exlmilicl phuloi IIIIIIIIIcIIII ROIIIIIIIIICIIII truce Ind placed him on proba he leeLt it would be dilllcult to II mFI tion for one year do Dr Illulllitli siiitl lit in tin with the chance lve dudgo lticliiobon said he would given ytpi today you will build not put such term in the pro Hg EI III better illo lur yourself the hallon order IIIIIISIII bud IIII judze laid Ho udmoulsiicd tho boy to go There will be it rcullocaliun minim icstiral trill rst public appeardncc since the Crown Attorney John Alcxiin om this association with the III pruotnl exponuituris cru litrulll tho 0pcan oi the lair group rclormcd nltcr breaking tier told tlIiIiIsI courtgie youthItIiIuIr lhcrIItItgo and to try and make not lalltlnc noon on additional bym Youth Centre Friday tip gmwllt luitd lu said Tllt crunt marks the opening From 530 to pm lllL Goon the van IYIIlu sIgIlirui imtIIgulIIldg Tho sIecand cashing aging Dr lllontun sold lltcit uuuld lur llic summcr ol youth ccu gia Slr anuthcr local rock Barrie you was ll him no uluilcsolc dc contralim lrc in lite parish hall or St group will be trout and comm titm ol Tilronl thl is tinned Gilts Church on Cook Street The Strait will be followed by is that industriI suitable lur Tlil music will got undrrway uciidmoun folktlrlger nod Tar llcnve George Davis oi Essa him pullco protccuuu tor the do commission indicated it would WI In Imluctd locale with dlrrouMWHlhins lam lor in an hnuhlunl ills township will likely call an em signlllcd arm was his responslb stcp in it no action rus lurllt MW nboul pm according to Dan The Neon Ruse it lllxhbre crgcncy mcctlng or council next lity coming Thurdwas no indicaliun Allvr nuuslionlnlt Drl Th0 nls Saundels who directs the ltnnltd local group Will wrap chciIfIto dAnIni witli the problcm at The village has hccrIi without glvcn ol Whit this action would gunI turmoi lilttyUrI iluIbtrt program lor the Embryo cums things Iup slanlmlt zit 5mI poi ng gus police prulcctiult since is tiltcc be Mr Vernon llrmvm said on ty nluI SllltSI nc mitlco nlssiun or llc plysang Dcrcit Vcrnonlirmmc head malt turcc rcslgncd lust 0cm Mn Vmwn 3mm SIM he cuntntctlditiuius llc said thcrc Front mu to 530 pm the tonccrt is SLB pcr pot hir pt dclcgallun oi Angus bus her due ll poor working cundi Is nu Imam UNI mm should be rtIsllldy at land usc Erucninldc Exursltlrl it local Saunders said and cm one is lncssmcn th want with illurn tlons Angus has been tlcslgn and council ham but zlnd populatlun placement and rutk gruup will pcrtumt in their wclcomc to attend An mault chum niznlnst lawn David Hocben he Dnvls hcroro tho Ontario Pnlicc ulcd pollcu villugc or which mg in it summon youth arising out at it tight with Enid he and his sunhnd taught Commission ycstcrduyI said mix tlic lotmshlp not the Ontnrin hlu lather Wu dlmlssad by helm Mr lloshen suggested morning commission cltalrmaa Prnvinclnl Police is rosuunsib Judgg McMahon in provlna tho lights occurred when both Judge Thumbs Grnhnm rcnd ic um knuw um home he lt clul court Wednesday the lather and son hnd been the lnvtu the more and iuld lilr Vernon Browne suit the Minn nllchnnlchttk 19 oi iso drinking lid agreed Hes Mr vcrnuu lIlIruuuc Iit tclitpts were li to it llL tool Street was charged by city good hardworking boy when he status at tile Irlllngc chutllztd so Figmgggngw IVE hgmmm that tho prurmco could bmmc gylilallher John Htlcllltcalchukn QCwugmwmuy John exam spunsmc Pmme wrdsniiiwirmi or um um he vow illliiiiiriii ill home he tcstllleri ho totan Al wcggf it 310 B1 the ltlahpowcr in mid rlic Ncgotialious urn expected to Arthur nrnns MPP laid the courthouse um tail wcrc rcntsd hm on top or bi other pun mp ml pruvlnml pullcc have been tills start shurtiy bclwccu Slntcut courtly councillors nt thou lunu to this guvcrnmnnL in him will hlgum ln urn ue Ewan um 52 wotint culls in Angus shine the County prupcrty umuuiltcc ttnd moullm that ll pruvlnclal guy The county had been cumin haule the youth will 1th ion oi the Criminal Code in AII IIIIIIII IIICIIIIIIIII III IIIII IIIII III III IIIIII III CIIIIIII SIIIIICI mass maintain or ltta ultimo drpnilmtnt or public intuittit wits rtuLLV tu underluko rlilx construction or new Jail bullets inrcc They da mi atroi usto tn rurib the it nations rc in th rc nt mums ngnm Mr iloghlian oblcctcd nnyihn Brother satiation cl Barrio am And in the liltu xtlltliltllulpg utilldwllncw ml urctlllrillccim Co rcucliSdarlor old aallfd girlictlfm bicltL in ll the Inn hnd not mlumud In his anl Imlld lt ltblltst lulltics Mr luiuislriliou til uszlcc builds location at the count tiltc ilc ism At that tim ltlr vans mm 95 lath rs hum sin the tilt liilnrmiltlon srssiou Any mun down and MI rmka II fIII no at IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III bemIIIIIII II IIII iuon lituunc said or Lbun inc on the county block Ill nu said it was hoped things could sug slcd this be dclaycd Ito up cm and books mom Gnl Rescues Girls IIIIIIIIIIIIIIS IIIIIIIIII III IIIuIIII cI IitlchlIlls improve the rib tic clcurcd so construction could sotc the county rcsponsibiltty um mu 1er 11m mum had Judge iticilluhun utter rcndlnu 11 lo Bv SIlllNJtmti But they icit titc urllllu intrusiin tttvt oltti stltrt early next year or its part at tilc ilnullclng Tilc welt nnd cum and tho pertinent Accllunol lilo Cutie stands III III II II iIIII II buck door open ILlltisolt bonds the county cum Sililcoo CuunU mullcil aulhup lumber for Cellini simcbc who saw on Ms we ruled that II bond was not ro II III III 530 iilr Vcrllutt Drowttu dustrib lllitlcc which Ltlsu includs the property coinmltlco in was county wardun in 1958 when rd we did mm qulrcd There is no Invldcnco mm It chIAngus as won on moi lluutL Pull Oclim ul Stily rt ilillzulliitions on its hehull ruttn oi Hmdlurll said he un b0 mmka to support that he Snnl II Io piani InI on the iliulun bulill llnso Bur litore lllllltilllll Maurice use at the site Mr Evans ticlptiluti the guvurnmcnt would John MIChIIcICIIIIk IMIIIIIIII ms Allan mohuldmk um wk no it iti luv nctnl Put The Opt mist Club or drill um no said young pcuplc rum II had IIIIII med III home ma witness ElundI mm hp led built lotlnd llltllllt0 girls ilils been co allrrtitlllg mm the uordmI which lg p1lmllmdI ltlp Deputy it we said tin oulltrio dopurtuicnt at be giving utlonlion to tho jull nboIII III II IIIIId ho IIIId mmw 1mm MI unende II VlID were missing an Luke Slilt tilt llrutiltr Assoclulion by till li ls til AdJitlil Deputy public works vmiilil nprtlsrnl siluutlull tiller till now ndlltlni5 will lulu Alums la llu lllllc in burl Ellliltt or Flt and tile gorcrtimcut in tile ncgotiu lratiuu ullusllco buldlng is cunt turned on mm Apr 25 dance An argument about gaggiglgm IIIIII II COIIIIIIII milligram IIIlIlIIIcIlcfa llIiIIlIIIIIIUIl but hound turd litilltrlli dcu ticurgc in Davis ct Lions plotcd and pound have been money started and thou his to In II ISI II II of in Mt 08 It We dunl itch luIst it pull Untll throo rcttrs ago the Tht Onturu government will drum mm Mm he In rimmid him WL He mm Itlle utnlcd tit tuotuImu accucd tlou or L300 bcrc ho county had responsibility for tho ho rcsuousiblc lOr liunnclag lh it he Wm III MI when III girls acur night illilc Polnt Aruouo lntomstod lu bccum thorn is luntllttiitl llulv LIL ordltr M1 liottt denim Ur tum dimes comm mm tirlIukIIund comnIIlI lgy hxuso III0 II mm muck Mm and mo shortly bciurc pm mcsduy iiiuu lily nrothcr should contact rind lurllt ut slltlppclsI young Mciubcr at tho 01 Lugis Allurrlwsuwm 55mm gym mm umlppclw to ELIm said ohrls son Ball illth bcgon unu lowed them to sham itlrs llill tirurcs nt 72110515 people and lrililslcnls luluic lur Cuiilru hlmcuo pmmm gulcmmcnh be Mm In holdm not have any money Under crosscxnmlllittlon by mm mm nulnnd ML Alexander ht snld ll lintl when this son grabbed it dultcnso 5md mm mm mm lint night ilo tcalillcd containing his clothes lhots b0 Who me hum Iuncdy lie but hud live or six lights Mk me my IvIIItitII alienfnggthgclgmisliIuIl Norm Shelswell an mu over to tell with tho suitcase its tor as can We Me11le It Ewing rcmcmbcr lilo inthcr snld llw sons tcsllmnny said it nP Nururut sliclswcll runltor dolin Mlclinclchulr nitio tcsli WW I0 11ml been vmvok ed on ll um as bttu cites unanimoust its led ho had drunk lonror live ll 90m mnum Ki my hm hm humansthrombi mild in HAD HAPPENED BEFORE duubt hc mid no no dismissed Tlitl noml ui Wlls made by Undcr crossexamination by the churuc llltrtllllit drlci cs it the somt lllllluit club with ct ln Bnl riu tlt wtuk Mr shclswcll ls llll Llllllllt prcsltluiil illltl ii cililr ltr member ill the lilwunis Club Of Kuiltlltitlult liar Ila Is the ilr row that club iurlllud in yo lulu to be cltosun ills llilinlitlllftllt hits to be lulllled the UtzM district cnilvcntlun ltux llllillllt Arvltlil lllu Jullit Wrist pust president oi the Alliurn NttVllltllktl Ki is ttllib vlts lllliilliulllll ll Droyta While Licorice SIuspentled Pensmner Receives Light Fine 74yilnrulil pcusluncr David tilid lilo court in wits living on Jlimcd Woods oi Mary Street aid ngepenslunI cc lltllnn lrum Judge lnt oln lit ll Hlvgdnlls incisor leltllthun Wednesday tiller conslllcrnbi ll ii sunny tcltlttlt guvcrtltlr dd 1tiit iarg la oldllllnwllllo llsllcgncowo rialsltllllllonlfillxtlghsmirgmm lujgggcilIIcmmon IIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIII IIlzIsIIIcuunscls Judge Mc FrillclIt lucuns llo vIlIll ItiIIlett olIrI no can no mudm CHAMBER MUSIC APPRECIATION iir GEORGIAN COLLEGE Klwttttls illis tl nlltcd ii silc NORlllN SillSWELL mg momma by my poll ups tu tiltV ilolilcnmlt uovur ltnlllMinVlmll Brildrord Street Iter HO told Thu first in it sctics of UMP itt chrltllill Culltilltt llllck sill Fruitl Itit Cyrll Lucllcr TliL sccllllil cullttlt ill Yiul dVIms pulled he did not th0 llccnm Concerts to ltolp the lllilliic till bvloio tho concert tlcil tilltl Rustmimic Klllllllsku till will litl lloill Vutlllcs GUlllllll Burris of Turunlo bur Ol llurrlc club Mr Ross is nd that he was driving cm durstdlid and illillrQLllllu Lllilllh to the string ilttuitdt llillll Nurmrit Allibfrlt iii vlu ltlltlncr lltuiu lluytll Yurk Klwiinls Club new manager tor lldli itllcphontl his mm mm recently mumch bLl music was luitl lust nlllllt lht lmlsltiltlls held it rohcur llll culiu lilld litlit iccplc till 1970 iicuicllullt governor prc cu home from tho car lot 5MP Evidence intrllllllccd by Crown ucus ut Contllh it was it liitlius lilxltt Jbllltly iulill lllll itiullttily turlloon with Uulrlu Art Club members Altomoy mm Almond reveal liix llt ll lluruillti consists Mr lilid Mrs lltlivltt Ol it yourold Burton III Mum mum wamd on Voodg lulu um id Klwiil cluhs trout nurrlc hliuuiy titty Wulu gucsls ul tiny 51mm Mum yellow when pended by tho Department ot Kcnlpoltielt lJliy Orllllll illtl Milrhiiull iiillhwttyn In mall or mum to itllttl Ciliililgwoud Divcu Sound lIrlliu Musgrtlru lit Toronto car driven by tier lather Will tint sly in claim nvulnst him 11 Srvlltc City Alliurn Ncwmnr Klrlllswuy club vatu tiulllzltts JImeycggdgfhcf stupcitxlblt wits tul tr out ill ktt North Toronto Torin it till color llluslrtilud lnllt on tho ii oi Sllnnly Buy the Woods Wills charred llltmr Turontu llutrllluwnI Ntullt III Autumn Fusllvul til the illls it me told tho can the Tho xlrl was brulscd when lhu rt Yulit spullsurud by his club lie was could III ImI III III mm had ml mum My 0mm ill the uI lr Iltlilunltll tttwunllxillllcll by the Mnyur bl intersection oitorunto tutu Vol suspension mid Growing disulillsniotiunluOrll llllli 11n pluu sillti orilllu wuulti In tho dlrst lacc lie all ll Glllllic ty MP9 11 mbi5d Embm tin ton strccts Tulnl dumugu WM dIlVlnli 0110 ml lm iltt city cuttiicllwllltllluUturgiilil not be dcslguutcrl ttlr ittcLlLliltA Mr Kluzlupcuirl llltl mum in llhlllltullf role in lullilxljhil lm I0 hit 001E it wits $575 lhhcupl ha 15 tiny licgiunlll tLlllilllClll rd growth has done till lt linsslbiy Lliuld lll lltllutsll ill rlllltt llu sulll iild luubl lmwllli 0533 Illlnlsbtllrlrlll to rlvu car from thtv lol Found lIaIroku ItIlutI tggs lcckcwllit IIA HnuiiIIlIldllIluIlloIll by AIlil lid Ithtl lilisI to help Orlllltt got what tiltlllx ilns dlrcclttl scvcrui ill kkhw lltbllltxlmm 31 511 ullg1ugby vo mu Oils itt iittutl uult room 001K nlly re bronco ilsku lur dustrlcs to tirlillll lupl my Suffers tys smntl city lrxmihuln llEl lo the llbol hello and auEuest Orllliu would tuitltu rtut how loud cv tliln dlbl PM GM um Mm fl Flne Follows c03flllll1ll IIillliliDCII ed ItlIllll cutIlIlIlItlI ruchtllzlil HI itildtuktl to trim now At btlils lor lliulll when hulyulltilaucs smuw PM mum uxle Mun ea Juxles nu ti Wu mu oils Wilt postuiiur it tits ittlwt to time titty need tlic tillDRC ted suitlctlililg Mr Klnzlu 08 Convtction tllbicd iOru dobtlld bolero it lull iBilDC does not sou any need more than thit he sltitl stlilt mm om WI CI II III II III IlIiItlllIlItIiIIIclty council at llltct rrIIomilllllitg in the crgimlzu and an Ire tore wners mm chamam was mu Im in rvrlg tut tn ulI tilcolioi count in tho blood nl Aldbuudcuklusproposrdllud willuid ltiuzltprruldcntultlto In it mfgdvusgim muru tilltn ml per cent brought Orlillu suspend its mtmbbrshlpI GilttDC llilitt Vctlltcsdlty llill an cm ho was mung was It $150 line to Queen Street in tho GDltDC bdciillsd libui countll would Iluto to son orllilit New column Wm an nImlII VYlllllilIlIn lIllLiltIEtll uitIcr Illt BulItI illIcIii IlzgtlllllitIlhlerO rilliu lollecIi II II GunilIdiInnI TiISc IIStiliu dmrllts ximtoly 25 rIltvncrs including unda mch pull cl liu provlicn lll ilill inlBl Vil lissouu all lltu tip rum Ill ill OI uc cc on ruwtt the nitrrlo Cultu The Home occmMd on court Vrtlncsllity Otilbltlb its terms or retortlieu ill llrllctlllilulllts of every Tim Mm nulgudc the Hun nlul rcty gummy but Atlantic tilowiltrcs urt meeting tilillt Tiru Sturu will lltteltd lmhwuy 40 me lhwuy wg MlAllLK will chillgull Jllllc 2t itllllIlllMlll villloutIlltltlrc lll il llllllllclpulily ill the rcglutt Ltllll or Iklluud Bilustcls grutlp litcht itilulltu tutti Mctlu npull lll iiltrriu this work tutti tlcltt tu tiwllcrtl will lit discuss til till mmngtm lulltlwllll iIt llllrWl liccldctlt on link litemburtl ll ll llltlllbtl lllllll is null at that ltlglon which trlctl tu cuilvltlcu llltl plll siltvll by lllt llitllmutl lluosltm lllltlltl scllllllltrs with ilnrhridgc types at culltunlullruty lnuuugc cm dle by Manly no llliytltlll bticct Tesla Ull lilo chill susllulisloll would illut Illl Ilc stiltlt new guvmmmm lncumm pruvu it the rovmqu 30 House lnttrnutlonul rourcsclltn mcnt ulitl modern hulilllmls mulls claim it Toronto received no llrdlltllillyzct mtlcllillb lit liitrtlu til libel lictlou vus rc lvctl liO hllld tllut unfortunately llI tioirdltt survlcu bctwuult liltr cull mg rung wand llvch lit the lltlliduy llln ugcmullt mum but guf mice by OPP lltmllliLILlltcrs ruvculctl ho Nullco or libel action against tilt limit Orlllln hits not hccn rh rip rind Tutonto will end Mum iltu prot from tho run was llarhrldgn lluusu is it munuue Canntlltln Tim has been Denis Kingsley 33 ct Glitlhnm liiltl ti lelllllCUliUl cutlnt oi ll tilt Orillllt udwsptlllnr Vlltl scrv prcsbntcd Lit mbny Oi tilu Guil duy presumed to the pruvlnciul gov mcllt triilllillg tlrm planetring cnmpltny in tho llclti received $1000 dlimilgu trltc lvoI lllllgts under the iilgh uil Julie 17 lilld cullccrllil thu cd 1an unit nllltuul nltldtltlgs On lltitl tlily Miss UuitiI rc tvrmttullt to tillruy casts 63 TllL cullrtsu ln llurrlo is built ct prom shnrlng This system is Itgr atlIrlifInSgyIIcglargtiIIImilquIn lIlIlItIlIIIIIlIItIIiiItlchIQsInglldIIIfhnIlIg IlIlinIlIiglsIIm llllItJlIIIlLiIlIlI IIRIlIiuIIllIVIlIIllellsgIldlt wiltlt you put presenting lttllliuiltl liotlsiur will rltiill llut the government ill run in collJullctlun with to other usccl iii thutBnrrlu operatl rclvod $50 tlnnlngo ill the llLLl MLAlLLl ill lllt sltlllit llllll were will lllllll wlth ltllltlllftx til lhc deposit 11 cheque drum the littr stuittt ticcllicd to institute ti bus munagrmcnt trnlnlllg coursed Mr Brown dent You stlll ltOilcr illtcrwurd vlnct iiir $305 ullcqutsl it and mint but tlcrvicc illc lru Ctlnlltln This Is the ii it llllllln by the Crown tiltltlic lllltl its llliucllltb till Ors lwllcll you tlllllit state your Liihn ALlullLl of tilt prnllh cum Mic ms were tutlllltltll Itltt iur lilo courses Allll$

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