vnsunucmsawmv Mywavvuw tr The trial In Angus rrcn Cyer with wiltulb inter relizicus scnlcc may yangct to motion or mistrial is to continue July 11 Lrial began Thursday with tzstmy Lrom re Oman it ncsics two police officers tio Pmtmul ministers and youth who Ia speaking about drugs at Nov 23 youth rally at the loyal 1312 Blue Ball in Angus The youth rally was spea sored by the IIIWay Pentecos tnl Church Barrie John Leslie Butts Lloyd Polr on Robert Richardson ncd Rah rt Ottajnr were jointly charg with intrtruptinz servicc alter an incident outside and in tbc halt while the rally was go in on Lawrence Scott was charged aeparatcly All ve have also been charged with creating disturbance by shouting in connection with the same inci dent Five dclcnce counsels rter Elntd the accused One or them Barrie lawyer David Region catcd there might be motion OI mistrial coming because two 01 the Crown witntssu had lunch with third who had given testimony during the moring session and discuss ed his testimony All witnesses were excluded at the dcicnces request lrom hearing testimony before they testied 0223 Pro ri testified he bnd received 333311 at youtiu be estimated at we the hall screaming and shouting Inside the hall than was in group persons alA acre broken beer bottles on the our at the hall and damn ed car which had had its wind shield smashod and lend kick cd in in the printing lot He described the sccne as gener ally chaoti vestigntion he observed scveral person making disturbancc Butts he said was shoutiu and swearing on the sidewalk in front of the hall in and shouting in the driveway beside the hall and appeared to be covered in blood III was Smith said ABOUT in against the door at the hall trying to get in He was also shouting ihcrc ncrc pcpplc inaldl PUBth LIBRARY JUN 26 19211 panic to the and Elk rusumed and Carr on About 15 Hizulrs alter he an on what Quint had done In their rind the trend in iron me lives hall dispersed tentacle Smilh 12 general purpose of the Cbie Timothy Smith the al Falls at Bar aljihcut Zepigngrfovt can said up he said was to reach Cunciudcd and 10 pm rm L1 youth who might hale problt Jud acorn Gaxdhouse ad tau cars pulcd up in air nulls said Curio the al True line unit There put dam comma Bum lcrra mta drugs trncas lrsliic the hall sommae Freed 21 l5 5923 lie said um meeting ctartcd shortly alter pm with ham hour of singing updated 5055 at roligloua nature lie Llzn introduced Mr Leroy umbrella as was gtth an spear During crossexamination Mr Taylor shaned air Tunis pastels he had shown Constable Then is no price ad on it is tr POSSIBLE Palmer asked Mr Lcrcy and Paincr The youth ivcrc yelng arid hallermz he said lie saw Catajar at the scene but til was not causing dis turbane Constable Smith said tcr th ha artisan in ii iii did number gnucred out lit said ilr tho ques calt with cum ric trading mceurx him in turn introduced the your Co tab Smith carillr alr Tanks said Constable Smith aid LIere Md people he had brought with him my had been by mup gm em it uni ER ut lit erd gt rt uus drug meeting Nu in youths could rd in mm and know It IS by mu drug meeting lir Leroy adid Lntitr nutsunning lmm ilr iIiir 2dr Lcrcv said be had Ir hints and an Villa had not yet ippuurcil lic said they had dis cussed Itcv lecn icstmny Lilcr Judgt Ganitlmtsc 10 lc Lcruy It was improper tn illt lilltl IUIltII with Mr IJnks Iilti sclhs lcsllmuli Thai is nily il tin vnnctscs ncru ex clutlmi Ilt Silili George ninks who was com ducting the meeting llc than err tcrcd the hall and nrrcstcd tour Toronto ycuma who had knives and look them to name Under crosscxaminativn by delencc lawyer Taylor uho mprescntcd Polrier Smith said he had me thc tour Tor uths uho had thc knich thought tbcre rmght be trouble he said ASK ABOUT POSTERS Mr Taylor Shuwud Constable Smith two posters adxcrtising the Youth Rally that were Iat cr introduced as evidence on later llr Leroy preached message tram Lhe Bible YELLED THEN SHUT DOOR During the course at the meet ing youth ho Identied as Scott opened the door stuck his hcad in and yelled something and then slammed the door Then second door was re pcatudly slammed viplcniiy Later on ll crowd assembled outsrde and made their pres ence known to us Then Someone from the was tihule shouted were coming in and scvcral persons burst into the hall lie indicated that ol young people in his church in Tanks said hc had not seen auSGuc covered with blood but when the group burst into the hall Scot had shown inc Scratches on to lace and stom ach He wasnt covered in blood he said Urith questioning tram lawy cr inch unp rcprcscntcd nuns lr ninks said alter the door had been rcpcntcdly slam mcd two cllows who had comc tram Toronto lctt the hall on their own initiative and rvturncd about 10 minutes later he LIES cribcd them is ncnrinc leather on said The craud uu been about his rcptc lLth tlru lic Salli lit the meeting there 35 Iol ntiizt mJ bccr bottl llittl liruugh dow and amtral pcrsnas camt thruu in door IDENTIFIES Two lie idontiiitxl tuo of them as mtajur tliritr lie said Cutaiar Lntial gut mc out an umlirt hc vna stunning round his head Ir Davies 31M IhL meeting loll Cousin persona tilrct knives was DISRLPTED lr Leroy to lug had bccn cc youth ilt liicnliiitd stuck his hcad ycllcd something lie Scott inside oral others ll iv vindcn Iiltlktll thcn he ling ouunc niilc he was conducting an In nlth liII Scott he said was scream anti The iIOilr tm till shouting incrc wcrc pcoplc inside me postersv phruscs such as Scott and Patric ware among studdcd lackcts llc said aitcr WC thc hull with solves Constable win tva disrupth nircn the group mg cur hands at that IHIL ilr Lt at uni DLrIllh in or trips the the two Iclt ere no arc mm mum mm have in mm um ugh Mr inn rte sumcd alter tilt youths Icit air Taylor nucstiancd him nlt bout thc posters Mr said the signs indlcatcd youth ral lv II it says youth rally it is going to be youth rally it it slamming ol the door llc sziid tho two had not been invited up and wcrc not part at the scr vice AISD CALLED IN liI heads lrom Yorkville Constable Smith scni he had seen similar pcsicr at the Sands Restaurant In Angus which Mr Taylor described as local hangout The group won shoutim and issuing general challenge Do you want to light Mr Tunis testied Then some swinging was done Mr Tanks said he restrained one blruclcd the witnesses that they ch not to tail about the tcsliv mtny that Illlli bitch mvcn Tm Il one or the youths Ltmy had invncd up to givi mony at the rally took the KNIVES He observed Richardson bang un umbrella with it he Stilt he said the ritlly Iltld lltLn Fcaron oi Ollie Barrio Examiner CITY W3 FRIDAY JUNE Want Children To French Classes In Penetang French spcnlting parents of children attending eicmcntary school in Midland are envious or Frenchrspcaking classes held in Penelnng schools Alvin Gravelle told Llic Simcoc County Board Education this week The parents have askcd that buses be mode available to transport the 52 children Involv ed our miles into Pcnelarlg so they may also receive lnstruc tion at the elementary level in their own language The children IIIE at the Kin dergarten to Grade level Atcording to the Schools AIL ministration Act however if classes in French lire to be pro vided at least 30 in the class must speak French uentlyr There is mixture of French pnd English residents in the urea and trustees questioned how many at the children need class To Discuss HomeCare Scheme Representatives oi the six hos pitals In the urea Scrvcd by the Simeon County Health Unit will meet nlesdiiy to continue dis cussions on home care scheme tor the county The hospitals will present all cstimatcd numbcr or patients tic scheme said Drr Nancy Artil brust chief medical oiiiccr at that could be included In the unit The patients would be those not requiring constant medical attention but nccding doc tors care until they have re covcred from their ailment These patients now are kept in hospitals taking bcds that could be uScd or other patients awaiting hospital care If the pri ticnts could be sent home with coguliu medical visits schedul Summer School Transportation at week Student accident tlonr Pitts Life Insurance Co lrom boats Grade 135 and the route from No Rides For The Simc at County Board Education cannot provide transportation or deal children travelling to special school in Milton dclccauon ut parents was told zit the meeting this The school is the responsibil Ity ot the Department of Edu clition at Ontario Local school boards how no legal right in dealing with the special students Student Insurance Coverage insurance featuring dental accident reim hursement and coverages for lraetures has been accepted or use in county schools by tho Sirncoe County Board of Educul asking premium at $3 Ior covlt eragc 24 hours day 12 months PumpOut Station Assistance Clly council has votetl to sup ltort elty of Bellevillo resolu tluneulling on the province to provtdo linanclul osslstuneo lor the construction or pumpout stu tlons for the removal of Sewage Under rccciit provincial leg Ltlatlon boat owners cannot dis icllow and after while the Consume he mu mm mm naiiggvliivlehiiolirffihri5rcip Smut which had emprnde hall Vndf PM Emil lillcclttfiiilil iiiihiidmupinmg was dance it would havn it would nrlt be quict place 35 mm In was SIfjmmin $535 IM stun llll rllirt lull chcn TOGETHER sand danm Mr Thinks saldlhe group Socm hawctl Ir Ltr ilr llugbin objected saying The trial continucs in Pruvm Mr Taylor nzkcd Constable Smith said it could Mr niriks of thc lliWayPcn lccostzil Church told the court he had organized tnc rally llc hid invilctl nnothur Pcntcccstci min islet Rev George Lcroy who runs calico house in Yorkvilld tc bring some youths to Angus trcm Turcntc Io give testimony If Ile said they rcccivcd Call at disturhnncc outside thc hall and when ihcy arrived group at pcpplc were outside thc liall milling about and mcctlng was going on insidc inc llnil He Said while Cults tilc Smith was conducting an nvcstrcniion inside the hall he was guarding rd very mad about one of lm ilr Dnvics had had lunch with eial Court Thursday members getting slappcd up previously IIt Said the entrance DI the group into the hall upset things in while KEPT IT CALM lic said his greatest tour was that people in the hall would Blain Accepts Post lit Burlington High School Columbia Rent in Vancouver Ill transferred to the Grey and Slmceo Foresters Shurily after returning to Earric and recently retired as DC Squadron with rank ol major This year he is prcsidcnt of the Kiwanis Club of Barrie is lill elder uml sings in the choir of St And rews Presbyterian Church Born In Barrie he go his curly education at Prince Wales school and ECI lie play cd drums iii the Barrie Colleg iatl Blind during the curly 403 Mrs Blnin is the armor Dorothy Farmer of The Barbados whom hi met in Vancouver They have three children Sharon Ill Paul Kathryn The Blain lumin rcsidcncc is sanrkcr Court un tiLAugusk mo Sent By Bus cs in rrcnch cvcn though they Come from French background Kindergartcn and the cnrlv grndcs are or learning basics such as numbers and reading and or learning how to get ii Iorig with others For stu dents who have had contact with two languages instruction in language they may nut speak on the strcet would muk the Curly grades even more diiflcuit sziid Angus McKay superintendent of academic affairs Mr Gruvellc urged the board to take action fur the fall In pro viding buses for the Midland children It is important Ior the children to have instruction in their own language and this should start as early as possible he Said The bozlrd decided to have committee continue studying the situation William Blnin and his lam IIy are leaving Barrie before September He has ncccptcd position with llaliun Co ty Board at Education as head ot the Business and Commerce Department at Aldcrshot high school in Burlington For the past three years he has been on the teaching Staff Barri District Central Collegl ale Graduate of University of Western Ontario with huors BA In Business Administration in 195 he joined Canadian General Electric and spent most at his early business car eer with that firm in Toronto and Vancouver lie was trans torred to Barrie Works In 1905 3dr Biain joilriled thcmmislltillin Film service Ioronlo nutl tor c2ritih lieOpens MY Suffers Cut To His Hand lifter Car Collides With Deer rie Library will be closed Mun day and Tuesday while it is moved to ncw quartch in the and um cum mm buscmcm Chldmns stappcd his car mm on and 5mm Pm3 then walked to lricndc house It Will Llan ngmn July wxlh and got Tido to the city police lhc luilvwmu summer hours station to report the accident 1230 to pm Mondav Tues Damage to the Lowerv vchiclc is estimated at sum and to the Winner vehicle 5250 day Thursday and Fri uy It will be closed Wednesday and All 0m Township Illiln Hugh Blucltsnck received cut Iiiilld IAIN ed more beds would be liv able to scrvc more pnticnis in hospital The scheme could also cut hus pitai costs Home care would be operated under the health unit said Dr Armbrust The unit would he aSlt Sistcd by the Victoria Order of Nu cs which will have txilln tywide stall or home visits by July thc Red Cross homemak lvo men received cuts in acci dents on city StILQIs and arch roiid curly this morning Phillip Walton Lowery 34 Queen Street Barrie received cut lip when the car he was driving struck parked auto oil Cudrington Street Police said the Lowery vehicle was wc5t hnund lint swung into the St Saturday ailerllonns New telephone number or the Cis Clinic with centres in Allis mm SLI now scpnrnic lrom bound lime or Cudriiigton Street when inc ctn driving ton Barrie and Qrillla the stall lhe library numbcr will be 728 inaunted the curb and then struck dvcr of the Six hospitals and the GIN struck parked car owned by south oi the bridge curly tl age to his car 5300 lrances VIiittDr OI Codring tori Street The impact pushed the Whitlcl vehicle back 20 feet Six Men From Area Charged In Connection With Thefts tcr ullil tllclt ut IILiilis Allin E14 cctrie in Barrie Paul Ilraliiloll Valituur physiotherapist oi the Arthritis and Rheumatism Association in Barrie who serves In Simeoe and Grey Counties Barries Royal Victoria Hospit at may he tcsling ground if the Scheme is considered usclul for the county Dr Armbrust said was Cstlnlulcd at ORGAN CONCERT FOR SENIOR CITIZENS it Instead at the Canadian Na na a1 Exhibition this ycur IL imiller pllutu No Tickets On Sweeps Nu one in tile iltlmcdiute Bill rii llitn holds ticket dlwll Wednesday in tho Ilisll Hospitals Sweepstakes bilsctl Dll Saturdays running oi the Irish Darby Forest Di innd hassince rimint lo plllt nsc Llle organ but Barrie residents may sue Barrie rcsidcnts got hcnt lust hi on when pnrtnlnc pipc innnntrrt nun mp many llii inc hands oi crninn iamily lnr tincc gum Liutions struck up its times especially luv the nnn cili 7cus nt the urnrit Plnvdinn Doll iiunncv lleill vi the ill Spring Garden Competition Dc vililc Alexander Slx area men have been charl gcd by city police in Connection Winners bi IIIL Spring garden given til Ilene 136 and mun ul ILhctlilicuisllciic Slimmer Soho 01 icnnsporta pcnciang iian Midland to Orillla nns IIruwn ticket in Cush Vu Eric Brandon or liurtun lvcnnt mum dz the urlzun WI minimum It humus sponsor Blaic sheet tion will be providcd by three or all nrndcs Wit 0V the Past in Barrie have bccn elixirng in in antlnll inttiang It 1ng illvlilirLrLi ilmlngtulml nrwn 1123 193 3215 bus lines this your Sitncoo lcw man connection with the theft of an in org lws ll County Board of Education has itEmlgffmloblg will TurnartoLnltLnumlzu Cecil Paul Brandon West uuto irarn Gllintlvimv bnlil pl Dr Pad bran him Mrilt decldw Bi f0 fam brief outlining Iulmc incll Street Orillia Gerhardus Eclcsliey Paul lirandnn and SlrffL wmv cnnr ppm phqucs Jacksons Coach Lincs will the needed in the county or Douglas liclcslrey oi Dunlop Brian Kostyniu oi Dayliolil Nurthmnciicnnt ch Linton Itulullclh mm lr lundlc the route lrom Pcnelang Langdon Bus Lilies will handle education of trnlnnble retarded Street West Barrie alld Gilbert Street North But lunc bccn hm hm Ml NWIWHF mm um and Midland tr Elnlvuie tor the Bradlord untl Allislon run ildrcn will lic drawn up dur Vautuur or Colltre succt Angus charged in cuniiuclioli with tlw lb UHWV WWW an nun May 22 break enter and thcit at lm which is sttl on 21m Cnlhcr blrccl Mi Stephens now thanmun or the computi have liccn charged in connec tion with the May 20 break on street the Slimmer by Fox hits to Barrie croit Iivca in Le Ilullolnly liiclltinll Will Get City Help For Park St Mr Transmission in iiarvlc yualuld design itllm inc Black bccn lloli wns inhn Illgslcy Deaf Children said Ramsay director of education The chlltlren go to the board ing school on Monday and re turn Friday The trip Could be handled by the department or service club Mr Ramsay said He assured Jack Johnson dele gation lender that the board would try to put him into eon tnct with person directly In volved in organizing special schools or the deal and blind since the city lints not have nnmcy in lnnld propel park Sllc ilti IIIS ill the area we vlilin In litIll build it but the park cuultl Di he turned ovtl to tile Parks and Recreation Commission for permanent euro since the oily hull milde commit ments on the land wlh the dc pnrirncnt oi hinlnv The residents have rceeivcd an Vincent nrve cuts in IIIL Slit i0tliivi venue will get LIV nice in pro viiIiii tttl uii Lil0IICII luls ill the Cnnncii upprovcd finance connniucc rccoillmciiduiion and amendman that the public works tltlliltnltiit provide ill and tLmptlrmy snow cure for tile properly after oi playground equipment Altl Do Parker said the ruin Bombardier Lid local move was it of coniplulllise industry Health Unit Booth lit Fairs The Iirst tluoiil will be erected at the Barrie lair Aug 27 to 29 It will be trial booth says Dr Arnlbrust land blueprint or others The booth will have mem ber iii the unit staff present In umvcr questions and pamphlets will be available to explain pro grams Heads Council Phillip Dodds tho ivrmcr ed lloc ot the Pieton Gazette was clccled ilrst vicepresident of the association and Donald Kinek nursclamlm lrom Windsor second vlcewresldclit oi hie year and SI for mhour coverage on school days only The coverage or lracturcs and dislocations is new Irom last your oifcred at no extra prcmlt him while dental and death and dismembcrment coverage are still Included Parents pay the premiums tor the children The insurance will also be ollered to bUiUd staff The Siillcoe County Health UliIL is anxious to let the public lmuw more about its activities mill Iaeililics To Ptullloic ii greater aware ness of the unit booth will he set up at all luirs and the unit will Iiold li spLcial open house ihis lull says Dr Nuncy Armbrust clliel medical olilcer Dr Ives Dr Roy Ives of Stoyoer has been elected president of the presidents council of the Ontario Horticultural Associa tiun llls election came at tho associations meeting held in Timmlns recently is three years icit this week with his wife and family OI three in tile provinces pose of sewage of waterways but must dispose it at pumpout stations Bellovdlo contends because oi the legislation mullicipailllcs have to hour the cost of eun sliliciiun of sewage lines to the slittitins UI must earl the sewage In trutltS Bermuda Cupl Godlmy coni es from Hamilton and stori ed service with the Army In Benncw iii years ago His wile is lrom Paris Cupti Howell who has IIIBCttd the Barrie Corps for the past Barrie and Envoy Percy Wut son or Barrio Tho Godlroys are especially interested in re ligious drama or the Army They have served ill several loonlitlcs including Sydney Nova Smith and St Georges Lust night the illv ii lion Army in Barrie held recep tie for Its new Captain Ralph Godfrey who arrived with his wilc lrom Walkcrvllle ll vlntlsor yesterday From wt Capt Godlrcy Mrs GIXIIIuy Sgt Major Durkeo to command of St James In Winnipeg Tho Howells who started work with the Army in Toronto came to Barrie from Regina Examiner photo urPrvi Tfl rari 171 rrt Titrl