Rep Adam Clayton Powell DNY gestures during press conference Thursday at the Abyssinian Baptist church In New York at which he charg TOILONTO report by human rights oaicer in orthcrn Ontario that tells at the alleged killing of an In diiln woman by policeman in 1968 was revealed Thursday to an Ontario legislature commit tee The covered up report read to the committee review ing the estimates at the litter neygenerals departmnt aald Mwaiter 02m Identified an Ontario Provincial Polite on gfmvarud the woman into charge against discrimination In 61 lndlans iiighway is was driving such manner that her head struck the wall The report by Bruce Lenten was read to the committee by Donald MacDonald New Dcm0lt was so intimidated crallc Party Ieadcr reprlsals The quotes Rev Samuel Oliver ui Whitefish who Falls as saying the woman not meeting told Mr identified died later but that the OFF said she hung herselt with blanket in her cell Mr Oliver also is quoted as saying the woman was drunk and could not have hung hersclt in the manner described by the police Mr MacDonald relcrrcd to this incident and to separate rcvlew both cases point noted that no Indian one at Will Study Damage To Historic Sites and will prepare report on how they can best be preserved Mynlei ni Affairs Minister Darcy Me cough announced in the legislature Thursday Don Taylor director at the community planning branch said in an Interview the five month study started in May RoblauKIrinard and Edward Comics will visit municipalities that have restored their old buildings he said The legislature Thursday awe second reading approval lprinciplo to bill giving Kingston city councilwith the ier approval the Ontario unlcipnl Boardthe right to ass bylaws designating bulld rigs as of historic or architeeh tural value The council will be able to prohibit the destruction such buildings provide for the ac qulliition by purchase or lease and make grants to the owner or renovation restoration or maintenance Imm BOYS WALKING SHORTS Plains and Cheeks Size 310 $495 sors BATHING SUITS anll Medium Large $298 TO $600 It Italn style out gat STEPHENS explosion which cry in IrIMIiu CHARLES ELECTION STOLEN ed that his victorious oppon ent in the Democratic primary election wan wit money Powell 15 year veteran oi the House of Repre case involving an lndlan couple who tried to lay an assault lllr Crawc as an example at police brutality and caling with Mr MacDonald said Ihat Mrs Ell Pltawanakwat was the ground and handculicd by Mr Crewe on May lDGJ on near lilttlc Current on Manitoulinisland She later charged with Mr Piluwnnnklvnt acting on the advice at human rights or oor later charged the oiilccr with assault on his wife but dropped the charge for car at Mr MacDonald said OPP Commissioner Eric Silk attended the committee MacDonald that the facts as recorded by you were grass misrepre scntatlon ot what happened liir Silk gave no details AttorneyGeneral Wishart said he was prepared to them later Mr Winhurt at one the area tor the purpose at hav Bakers Aid In Bomb Hunt close to solving series of bombings of Italianowned hulii nesiics in the city allowing an tile borough of North York early Thursday Police Chief liarald Adamson said that Investigating officers had been hindered in delving the bombings which occurred lag the last two years because the victims were not willing to give Internlntlon STREET SOUTH NEWS BOUNDUP triple Leader Donald the reputation at the police had been seriously by C15 Lion with Canadian alaosi it said sinner an Silk was tarts James chwick and social way iaal background MEET BOT COUNTS George Clinton Oakville Ontr Duke Lawn Equipment meets both Mr Rcowick said The comments islllturc committee that senior provincial seniallvos said that the elec tzorl was stolen and cited two television networks as backing his claim AP Wircpholoi mcrlt ier police use white rlod ending In 1968 said Clergy Pay ing police of their own race deal with Indians Mr MacDonald also said that Mrs Fitawanakwat was hemor rhaging from miscarriage when the oIIlcer threw her to the ground and aha was forced to spend nigllt in inn without treatment The next day she en tered hospital where she under went surgery to stop the hemor rhagingr air MacDonald said human firm ottlcen in the area are thwarted In helping lndinns by salaries over ing the resulting mm Thursday impaired TORONTO CPI Attorney General Arthur Wisan Tam day promised further invcsugs alleged MAE inu ence in Oatano an opposition politicians charged the provin cial police had beea drawn into calculated web of linfia in Ncw Democratic Party hiatDodald said provincial revelations that senior oili had socialized with an ex cvnvict alleged to have connec that OPP Commit innocently drawn into calculated web hia intrigue and added that thats how the Maa operate by rst making social can NDPTo rnnto Rivnrdalel spoke on ttl same thcmo saying the Maria would not work in the open but would ever period or years work through man prominent in the community in business but with crim Milk Powder Borden Co Ltd olflclals in To ronto have Diiered to meat rep Dultc 65 ct presideat of those counts came on the third day of discussion in leg on state merit by in Wishrlrt Tuesday policeoh tieers including Commissioner Silk had visited this Duke home either socially or in connection with purchases oi lawn equip Itt the time of these events occurring over veyear pt Commis sioner Silk was not aware that Mr Duke had been deported to Canada mm the United States In 1942 alter being sentenced to In connection with Alleged Killing By Police Wig Is In Official Rights Report OTTAWA UP All Irra tional Scnu of guilt has pre vented the clergy from discuss Iha years and low pay is deplet Further Maa Teachers Union 1030 WI sentalives of Metropolitan To rontos 7500 secondary school teachers begin discussions to night which may result in the teachers arming their union The possibility at an independ ent Toronto union is being consi dered by committee studying alternatives to the present structure the Ontario Second ary School Teachers Federa lion Erine awn geatupoa bis Signing saying he wont pursue the rast tcr further Its to ketp mc silent to buy me he said in an interview It seems to be very dishonest it scans to me unacceptable Oriiiia Sale renown CPI The city oi Orlllia need have an tear that the Torontocentred regional de velopment plan will attect lls economic luturc Premier Ro nvestigations Set barts said lbursday INGERSOm out GP National Dredge Lake TORONTO CPI Ontario Is expected to proceed immch ntely with dredging sections of Energy and Resources lilinls Ier George Kerr said the Da tarlo Water Resources Commis sion plans to dredge particu larly around those sections near the source of the mercury con tamination He said Dow Chch cal Co of Canada will do some dredging on its own in front Its plant Pass The Buck TORONTO CPI Officials oi Canadas two biggest labor unions rclcctcd statements by Ontario Premier John Roberts Thursday which stated the prov ince would acc federal wage and price centre They accused Mr Robarts and federal ofcials oiplaylng lag the ranks at the ministry an Anglican minister said Rev Herb llnrsey ot Clayton Ont told the 77th Session of the Ottawa diocesan Synod that the basic wage in Ottawa diocesan parishes44000 year with an seen Increase ever 15 yearsis not enough to cover the cast at the political game of passing the buck John Macmillan director oi organization or the 140000 membcr Canadian Union of Public Employees said Sure suppose he would like the icdcral government to Im pose compulsory oontrols It would take him all the hook and he could blame cvorything police ilo dcserlbed the polch living and human riser ofcers 05 Men are leaving the ministry on Ottawa being engaged in state at to seek other employment be its the old biickapasslng by police he fcald war cause they cant attord to stay guide bctwcen the province and awa TORONTO MacDonald leader of Ontarios New Democratic Party or 17 years announced Thursday he will not seek reelection to the party leadership this fall leav lag the lab open for younger challenger Ills resignation clears the way or Stephen Lewis 32yearold province of Ontario and report on Mr Crawe I5 tw estcrl to for about two years pccted to announce dacy tor the leadership narly eapon on have ciylil ml Wm scrvans ave sure stu new diam may 5b also CH toric ui ngs across Ontario nnld lhursdiiy they may be mam the mm MI eluded he could have retained the leadership this year as ho In the i17Sent provincial legis lature and has support from most sections of the party Mr MacDonald 50 appearcd on the verge of tears as he lett the news conference where he made his surprise announce merit He told reportern he decided It would lie host for the party for him to resign and sold the NDP stands on the Verge day rocked bak dur ancc at is ill llliiiiltS iii OPIICIANSOVEII 3000000 SAIISIIIII CUSTOMERS HOURS Turin Witlu Thllri SM rum to vnl Friday sun in pm Itlllid Mnntlny lhono azsanil at Canada and Ievndid ORILLIA any Principal CI lob Now Open As Leader For David Lewis Son To Grab Donald magnicent breakthrough in the Frontier John Roberts has in dioated the Ni could he more of threat than the Lillcrnls In the next election not expected And the choice oi youthful new leader for the NDP ncxt October will Increase the threat The NDP ioadcr said he as dId when deputy leader JamDs Ranwlck challenged Iiim in 1903 But the campaign would only he at the cost serious diver alon of lime and energy from the top priority of election prepv oration and lnevltahly the con test would huve had the appear longtime trying to hang on beyond his glossed one low price COMPLETE WITH BIFOCALS E95 llCiliISIS PIIISIIIPIIDIIS Alli fltltll II SIRE IW PRICE lloxltt Insult ltulun Ill ltPlAII wuiu sou Walt Iiiocils It areutun Katmai ours or luvtor Still No lob OTTAWA GP The Univer sity of Ottawa Thursday con firmed decisions taken six months ago not to renew the contracts of professors Jacques Flamand and Julian Lambert duery dustry wage an hour trom $155 He said further increase is April 10 when don roles will go up to $165 an hour and rates in construction to $190 Mr Bales said he made the announcement now to give In dustry time to adjust to the new rates Died Oi Inlury CPI corv ncrs jury ruled Thursday that Clifford Reach 55 died as re sult of head Injury received when he tell during scuffle wlIh hotel employees lng eVlctcd from beverage room The lury recommended occasions Lake St Clair that have been polluted bylindustrlal mercury title legislature was told Thurs 0ng alt that news release said that bar cause contlrmatlan oi the decl slon occurred In June and could make It difficult or the protes sors to get work by September the board oi governors had ties cided to make each an ex gratia payment equal to six month of lie told GE Simcoc East that although Or iIiIa was not among thc cities designated in the plan as growth centres the citys aorm Wins result Canada groups central distrauizldifnhis my MacDonald observers an my Ml Professor Flamund as sald 500000 SUDBUIIY when arise the police he called SUDEURY Smith the minimum wage will be in creued to SIVSO an hour from $130 in the nooeoastructloa In tho construction in will rise to $175 similar Suit Mr Justice Ill King said Gertrude Fredetla of Val Therese drivcr ot the scc out car was entirely at Inuit Parts Body LONDON liutcllinsan oi Winnipeg presi dent oi the Mothers Union at CPI urged the or tians former parent body Thursday to alter It colonial attitude towards Its member The Canadianbody was ole pcilcd from the worldwide An glican Mothers Union In 1957 alter It agreed to admit di vorced women or those married to previously divorced men in an interview Mrs Hutchin son snld there was mixed reaction to her speech to the council Iho body at the organization boast lnn membership of rc lt is expected al development Willie be Nicholas Vaslilv was awarded $13749 in damages Thursday for Injuries received in twocar crash two years age and for wages lost as JUNE 151 TE ennui mumnramsr no ltd address was charged late with posse sioa volatile substance assault with tillan to mist arrest and their raider we LeDain Talks TORon 111B Daln comlissiorl will not coast der the possible reactions at other countries when complet TORONTO It Dr Claude Bissau president the University at Toronto says he plans to remain at the unim srry teaching and wriungwbea he retires from the prazdenn in June JETS In Statement issued Thurs day Dr Bisscll said he decided eturrliag mm to resign after year as visiting antiwar Ca ing its study at nomcdlcu sadian studies at Harvard Una drug use mg comm chin unity in 1968 man said Thursday Gerald ltDaln dean of lie said his desire to return to academic life was malor roa mode gun swam Md son in his decision to step down public meeting the committee is as president not trying to shoulder the pom ieal responsiblqu ot gavcm Breathalyzer meat dont know how on de OTTAWA CF Supreme vclop national policy while trying to look over our shoulder for the reaciinru at other as resealativcs at lihe Mu comma Farmers Union are pidet the in the Borden plant In laden maioffdfmdjl tests tjens he added all 5min $1 50 An Hour is gauging He ggbamvngeasm1lon handed down ay us sponsor an on mailglniliiirr vicopmldcut mrwnm ICP gene Minister rutoer told the Corn tal Health Association bthat thn oi the iarmers union dlsciased increase in the minimum wage mm Thuday fgmzizinb peg the otter Thursday adding it is rates In Ontario to be eitcctlve Th brcathtest legs log weeks Pe 13h IIl highly probable we will call for next Oct was announced passed last yrs in P31 01 101 complete mobilization of our Thursday in the legislature by governments omnibus bl 19 d1 membcrlllp to see this through Labor Minister Dalton Bales amending micdcilmlggl hCmi 303le rum Sc 01 to sat act cc cusioa bQLD rue nva Dry 1m mid mm from Court of British Col Road Accident SAULT STE MARIE Ont tap coroners jury tound Thursday that Lee Joseph Maurice ID of Sault SID Marie was negligent in road accident that caused the death of threeyear old boy David Sdae was killed May 22 when he ran at the sidewalk into the path oi litaurlces truck lie died later of iracturcd skull and severe brain damagc The jury said that ii Maurice had driven more carelully he could have avoided the boy Breach OI Act TORONTO ICP Expert Packers Co Ltd city food processing firm 1hursday was Iincd $500 for breach oi the Food and Drug Act The company was charged ailcr nearly 11000 pounds of frozen eggs containing salmo nella bacteria were released to customer last year although ddetillning order had been is sim Lake Levels DETROIT CPI The sluch at lilleiroit reported urs ay owln vi in the Great Lakes lQ Superiorll Inches above Cir nudiiin and chart datum hi it and Huron29 inches above SI Clamoi Inches ubuvu ErlHo inches above Ontario3t inches above umbia Alter the provincial ruling the federal government took the issue to the Supreme Court at Canada for higher ruling on iLi validity Still In Iail OTTAWA CPI The govern merit will make appropriate representations lo the Clucil Slovakian government concern ing John Lansky oi llamllion who has been in Jail in the Com munist country since June to aI Alfairs Minister Mitchell Sharp said Thursday in reply It Commons ques tions from Colin Gibson ll ilamliionucntwarihi ll Sharp said It would not be ap propriate tor the government to interfere wilh the process of lustlcc in another country but representations would be made or fair treatment and for Mr Lanskys release it he is acquit ted Sprays Tear Gas TORONTO CPI sho plltter caught helping him self in supermarket Wednesday sprayed tear gas on two store employees when they run after him outside Police said the bebluws employees spotted the sus pect filling his pockets with food packages When they caught him he sprayed them with tear pockctvsizc canis cr Ki Ryan Meehlin 20 at auricu Phyllis ganlza STRAWBERRIES Pick your own Strawberries 30 quart six miles tram Barrie at Crown Hill on Hwy 93 or If you do not wish to pick your own you may order them at 49 quart pDWCl Telephone 7166036 about leader Hiram Walkers Special Old Canadian Whisky wins on taste wins on smoothness wins on popularity Make yours Special Old You cant lose