Barrie Examiner, 20 Jun 1970, p. 4

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Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Bayeld Street Barrie Ontario Kerry Lambia General Manager McPherson Managing Editor sawnnu JUNE mo PAGE dig New Unemployment Plan Step In Right Direction Cauadas Unemployment Insurance Act has long been in need of sweeping re form It would appear that Labor Illn lster Bryce Ilackasey has started in that direction with tabling in the House of Commons this week of new proposals The time was never better Canada has about 550000 people out of work about 86 per cent of the labor force Canad Ians who lost their jobs should be able to look forward to much improved scheme to provide for financial needs Mr Mackaseys plan should do much to ward cutting away most of the personal abuses which have plagued the present act The level of benefits provided will he sharply increased The present compli cated system results in benefits that aver age less than half of regular earnings and Preach maximum of $53 week the new plan will give twothirds of regular earnings to maximum of $100 week and later increase to threequarters of usual income if there are dependants To finance these improved benefits and recognize that in this new complex society of ours unemployment can fall on anyone coverage of the unemployment insurance plan will be extended to virtu allv all employees in Canada It will pro vide security for salaried workers in the middleincome bracket as well as new rational financial base for the whole plan It should also make for generally lower Walls Publisher insurance premiums More people will be eight not ployment beneu than the 3153 plan where many workers rztxcr Sicknes and paegmmq also become grounds for reaming hen of work The unemplagmr work closely new 021 vices to see =1 all be lite done to develop the stub of the unemployed ms or nt individual mil receive sonal attention and course employers with highervthanu terns of layoffs will have to pa for than lack of planning higher per employee payments will be required of them There are bound to be some adjust ments in Mr Mackaseys plan as Oppose tion MP5 begin to explore it What the paperisadvocating is form of guaran teed annual income something that Ottawa has said is the ultimate answer to the unemployment problem The new proposal is back door method of at taining that aim But the Trudeau government must ac cept much of the blame for what is hap pening Its antiinflation program has contributed in large measure to the pre sent jobless situation and the present drain on the insurance fund The vic tims must be protected now as well as looking to the future DOWN MEMORY LANE 45 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner June 20 1925 Sim coe County Council would add 71 miles to propOSed provincial highway system Warden Donald McKinlay Oro appoint ed committee to interview department Town Council held special meeting when costs of paving four streets reviewed Highest honors at Barrie Lawn Bowling Club Wellington Hotel Trophy won by Pete Clarks rink of Charlie Beelby Will King and Alex Sinclair Barrie Ki wanis Club stood second In achievement reportsprunnted by 500 entries in North America Club concerned over recent appearance in police court of five local youths termed unadjusted Andy Mal comson suggested that Tuxis Squares or other church groups never go wrong It is the undirected lads who get into trou ble he said Kiwanian Billingsloy said town curfew bylaw should be en forced Fred Otton remarked that some boys were running the streets on foot at all hours Duncan McCuaig said he would bring the matter before Town Council Barrie golfers beat Orillia 84 Maurice Esten and Doug Beatty were youngest players on links Thornton upset fav ored Ivy team 1312 in South Simcoe baseball with Elmer Feltis pitching Five of nine Ivy players were Jennctts Elwood Herman Vivian Burton and Lyall plus Bantings Frank and Tom and two players called Lennox and Broley Manager Albert Moffatt was tearing his hair after Alliston heat Barrie in league baseball 140 but he was forced to use six juniors of which one Ken Mc Kenzie got only two hits off Amby Small Barrie public school cadets inspectbd by Colonel McCrImmon of Toronto Jack Brumwell was DC with officers Arthur Wardman Wallwin Fisher Fred Lowe Hugh Fraser Ephraim McFadden elected WM of Kerr Masonic Lodge Barrie lady golfers beat Midland 64 Barrie Tennis Club easily beat Penetang with powerful team of Jack Boys Dr Bill Little Rev It Beverley and Clarence Ambler Members of Georgian District Masonic lodges chartered steamer City of Midland for cruise George Pow ells Melody Men engaged to play at Big Bay Point dance pavilion this summer Violinist Powell is somewhat hampered at the moment having suffered broken finger catching for Barrie baseball team but fortunately its his fiddle finger right hand Mayor John Craig and party had fortunate escape from serious injury while driving to Toronto San William was driving and son Frank was in front with him Mayor and Mrs Craig were in back Whlle attempting to pass wagon Bill saw another car coming When he applied brakes there was no result He managed to swerve into drive mained upright OTHER EDITORS VIEWS BRITISH POLITICS AND NICKNAMES Owen Sound SunTimes Whats in name Or in this inst ance whats in nickname British pol itieians it would appear are busy coining nicknames for their opponents on the eve of another election There are indi cations that thc ractice is not what it used to be But it is still popular pas time Tory nicknamers for example have come up with Bigheaded Harold and The Little Man of Downing Street in their effort to cut Prime Minister Wilson down to size Wilson designates Conservative Leader Edward Heath as Selsdon Man Wil son never refers to his political oppon ents by name if he can help it Selsdon Park near Londonwos the site of the latest Tory policy conference In his next politica speech Wilson attacked Selsdon Man seemingly some pre historic creature like Neanderthal Man for designing society for the ruth less The prime minister liked the name so much that he used it in his next speech in the Commons as well These sobriquets seem feeble compar ed to the fullblooded political insults of the 19th Century when one Canadian pol itician Sir Francis Hlncks was known as the Hyena and another William Mc Dougull as Wandering Willie be cause he left the Grits to join the Tories fulll mAwzzrerxmzm 51 11 HAPPENED IN CANADA 42 351V mans Wis Juana HANDED our av MD 19 CENTURY COUNTRY PEOPLE IT FELL ON THOSE WHO INFRINGED REGIONAL OR MORAL LAWS WildlIflffffIi If CHME 140 fol950 WITIWi 757R WMDWflll Yllilwllpi Few 1641 llf 713660 flif If maxwagon MlMAMMJ Autumn us mm mmwast I6 noun roam mommast MIG wtllulsau was one av usma ATRAvels Tiles W015 CottlSTEDaf Ma mus SEP IMmmtoysmrcamvE Mummy PORTIONSDFIMICH wenlrwnwuwooes emu name some mmwmu we IDIIG was EUMPEDOMHW mulled lNQucBEc EARN We IBJUNTUW lawWIDBV way thencothreedoot ditch and auto rem QUEEN PARK NDP May Be Falling To GOvernment Trap By DON OIIEARN NilONTO The New Dem0lt erotic Party It appears may well be falling Into political tron Recently Conservatives In On turlo hnvu been saying publlcly the ND is the party they have to heat that It is their Impoh taut threat This is thesis diet the NDPera themselves have been trying to get across for years without success New with Lhc PCs from Pre ARQUND THE WORLD Nixon Not Impressive In Economy Address By PIIILII DEANE ForeIgn Allulia Annlynt President Nixons muchher nldcd address to his nation on the state of the United States economy contained littlc sublt stontially new unless one counts rotten by tho presi dent on the subject of Jawbon Ing and committee he set up to consider the already well known connection between infla tan and productivity The stock markets were suita bly unimpressed Instead of Jawbuning per sonolly lecturing business und labor on the inflationary nature of their price and want de mands Mr Nixon established collegial lawbniler cum mittce whlch will sound the alarm when something intuition ary Is being done to me coon omy ctr13 Elle limit Examiner IB Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7206537 Second Class Mail Registration Number MM Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 55 weekly $2tui0 yearly Single copies 10c By moll Barrie $2560 yearly Ontario SIHJXI your other mail $3500 year Motor throw oil $2100 your National Advertising Offl ces 425 University Avenue Toronto 610 Calheurt 5L Montreal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of circulations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches In this paper cred ited to it or The Associated Press or Reuters and also the local news published therein The Harrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adv vertiaing and editorial muter lal created by its employees and reproduced in this news paper Copyright Reglslrullnn Num bar 2083K register 6i ruler Rohnrta down publicly supporting It they are eluted But you have to wonder if the government Isnt playln game foil owing political strategy If the government were really afraid of the NDP or believed it was the principal threat why possibly would It over publicly say so Anyone with political experh cnce at all known that such rec ognition bullda up the stature of In Peru Thus the lecturing illr Nixon hus despised as lnoffectuol and even sllghlly lmmorol will to sum after all but he person ally will be freeor so he thinksof the charge thot he is putting pressure on people exer clslng their right to make much money us the traffic will hear in free enterprise econ omy The camouage Is thln how chr when Mr Nixons commit tee warns that certain price Increase la Inationary every ultraennscrvzlttve lolssezfulre businessmun to whom the let luring addressed will blame Mr Nixon Meanwhile the leclt turIng by the committee will not curry the impact of direct lee turo read by the president Nol thur the political nor the NW mimic ends are properly served SERVICES AT CORE The lecturing moreover will be directed at major corpora tiona and labor unions It is doubtful that they generate In flation Ination is caused much more by rises in service costs lhcsc are the items that go up fastest Garage mechanics charge more both by buying the work took longer and by doing essentially unnecessary work repoirmcn who come to the house do the same Doctors charge more so do dentists harbors tallora gur donors window washers the corner grocery store They want more money to buy more of the superfluous goods that televi sion tells them will give them happinessso persuasive is the brainwashing of television that people without all Ibo new gim micks feel unhappy Even the young who tell thcmiiolvcs they have contempt for worldly goods spend money like water on everchanging fads giving away good cash for outrageoust expensive rings or for their records cosmetics and shoes And let us not target In mention the fashion Industry and its pressures to make Women feel their purfectly good clothes will no longer do BIBLE THOUGHT LI not up your burn on high weak not wlth XII neck Psalm 7515 True greatness softly and is willing IO stoop low to help another The Conservative political leadership may not be the moat astute but also It Is not that nnlve it Is not Innocent enough to blindly build up its main enemy set strategy is much more likely This strategy would be to dlv Ido the vote for opposition pnr tie even more than it has been tn the past Though the ND come on sharply In the lost election the Liberal still got the larger vote So logical Conserviitlvc think lng Would be that by building up the ND It would take Mme of thc Liberal support and the op position vote would be more equally divided In threeparty election the margins of victory In Individual riding tend to be low and small reductions in the Liberal vote in various riding could tend to return sent to the government If this is the strategy and It is logical one here is one way In which It could backfire The strategy would be based on the premise that the NDP would take votes from the Lib eruls But this doesnt necessarily follow at oil One of the fuels of our 0n an0 voting in the post which Is shown in close study of re sults IS that votes tend ID switch much more from the Conservatives to the NDP than from the Liberals On the surface this may ap pear to be unlikely For the popular concEpI Is to put the Liberals and the N0 in roughly the same political area This concept has Conservatives as conservative and Liberals and NDPcrs us liberal But when you get into the dominant characteristics of the three parties and their mnmbur ships this is not correct anal ysis For there ist one Very strong characterlstic that is common to the Conservatives and the NDP This is selfas suredneax that they are right The policies that the Conserva tives tend to feel right about may be to the right And the NDP may be to the left PHOTO WW ELECTRIC ENGINE and power house on Windsor side of Detroit River Photo is dated 1910 Engine was used to mmrwngmwc r522 LASHBACK FATE NIQIOLSON Do you at pay docked for mattrndance mark So does your old mater During the last 15 years dons of the House of Gunman have varied greatly in length ream hem as sitting days in the election year of 155 to 214 days in rest In the average year MP mi us working 11331 divided Into ftva working weeks An 55 may take holiday with pay on working days during the year For cad extra day of absence so L1 docked from hls Annual pay of $12000 and an additional $60 is clocked from his annual toxin peasu allowance of $5000 That Is unless he says that his abs ence was due to illness or to ob ficial business Every MP has to make $11th statement each month in this form was present at Ottawa and attended in my place at the House of Conunon in each sitting day of the House during the mouth with the ex ception of days during the said month the said days of absence were unavoidable my absence on those days being due to illness or to public or oflt clal business That is undlstiagulshcd pm5c hardly such as Shakespeare or your higliSb teacher would have written But still you probably understand the gen oral idea That publlc or official bus ness nlibl was added in 1963 Before that illness was the only excuse accepted for absence Just what that Deb when Bert Harri ge Sal as the New Democrat MP for the Kootennys he tried to have pooh claried in an amendment to the Senate and House of com mons Act Iic moved that pooh should be defined as business directly concerned with the work of an MP as replt rescntatlve or work related to matters coming within the limblt of the legislative power of tho Purllnmcnt of Canada That clarification he urged would nllow members to sign with clear conscience the monthly affidavit of attendance to respect of days when they worked 1n their constituency ills proposal was unwelcome During the latest yeor re viewed ended March 31 1969 Summer OTTAWA mun Even An MPs Pay Can Be Docked only one MP reported that he had mum his owed day of abuse without mum havuiz the slime or going poobiog sail days Don Davie rulzoa Salli that he Ind thus missed um Ling days no he was acmrdtasly docked use in pay and $150 in expense allowance All other MP drew thLlr full pay and allowance that year THEIR RECORD The only form of timoelock punched by MP L1 their anecd ance Ll recorded votes Then have been several midi since the Easter holiday and have analysed of them dimming duplication where more than go Vole was called on the some EY Allowing 21 holidays to an av erage working year of 146 dus one would expect to see on overage of no MP5 Iltlndlt log in their place at the llouse on each sitting dayless those poobing elsewhere Votes should nd better than average at tendonce because lemming is often given found that the number of MP5 voting on those recent occasion ranged from bigb of 195 to low of I210 The average attendance was 52 per cent of MP5 Reviewing those MP who may be of closest interest to the widespread readers of this col umn found that the New Democrats had the best party attendance record averaging 683 per cent Arnold Peters Timlskaming rated twp being present at 10 of the I2 voles John Skobcrg Moose Jaw was present at nine Tommy Doug las annaimo and Max Salts man Gait each at eight Liberals had SSHpercent attendance record Bert Bod nnai llnrt Villiornl was con scientiously presan at all 12 votes Lcn Hopkins Pembrokcl at 11 In contract Bob Andras Port Arthurl was present at ute and Serra Nickel Belt and Jim Jomne Sud bury each at four votes The Conservatives toiled the Liberals with Sodpercent at tendance record lion Angus MucLean and lleath llfacquar rlc both from Prince Edward Island were present at 10 votes and All lloles Guelph at nine Rt Hon Diolcnoukcr Prince Albert voted only three times Reading At Barrie Library mucus on rni ART or Love by Jean Dutourd This engaging novel which Is about the art of in more than the art of ovo is in the form of Iowa diary It concerns charming and egotlstlc young French painter who turns to writing In sterile period lle unfold his philosophy of art and life in countless nphorisms and In his relotionshlp wItb others his relatives his friends his mistress and his dog re vcnls himself as full person ality and happy mun THE SUN IN MY EYES By Beverley Nichols The lively lmd entertaining ac count olo six months tour to Africa and the Nenr East tra velling by ship bus and oli Plane THE SOUND or run MOUN TAIN by Yasunart Kawobata This delicately written con templativo novel relates the an xletles and desires of an elder ly Japanese living vlth his fam Ily In suburbsof Tokyo His wife and children no looser brlng meaning or comfort The brightness in his life comes from his daughterInlaw Kik kuko whose husband Is unfaith ful and with whom he may be secretly in love Events of the novel are real and disturb ing yet throughout they are touched and unified by an al most dreamlike symbolism SINCE SILENT SPRING by Frank Graham Jr This is follow up by Rachel Carsons Silent Slitlog hieh dramatized the harmful effects of pesticides on our environment 35 pull Bert Horton Michigan Central and New York Central and their potential hazards to human health and survival It is ulsa chilling expose at th who place short term econ omics aver ecology An appendix lists pesticides that are Hills for home and garden use THEM by Joyce Carol Oates ellAvnitten brooding nov el that moves from the Ills to the 605 while telling of the misfor tunes of working class fam ily mother son and daughter In Detroit ONE LIFE by Dr Christian Barnard and Curtis Hill Popper candid and fascinating auto biography by the ambitious and cgntistlc South African doc tor who pioneered the first heart transplant LISTEN TO THE SILENCE By David Elliott The terrifying ordeal of 14 year old orphan who was com mltteed by his foster parents to State mental hospital PEOPLE IVIIO PULL YOU DOWN by Thomas Baird 111i picarcsquc novel is an entertaining blend of the every day and the fantastic It con cerns cross lt country chase after lively and elusive old lady by IlLr two brothers one an irasciblc and outocratlc vid ower andvthc other gentle bachelor and ladies man and their philandering nephew At the close all three achieve some sort of understanding There are hPulIIIIuI truths and acute per caption beneath the diverting surface but it is in the genredi of Graham Greens With My Aunl Trove passenger and freight trains through tun nel undcr river Photo supplied by

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