PERSONALS awnarr ox mud oxL lcu Assn our nus Iur lxnnwlnnwmun 001 SALES HELP AGENTS comm CRAIN LIMITED AOOOMBTDAHON FOR ELDERLY ADM Tow mam mm nuc 1x1 imamu ei on Al my OFFERS SALES OPPORTUNITIES IN BUSINESS FORMS AND SYSTEMS SERVICE um um roan REQUIRE Au acm pnmu 1mm i=1 your nulure man mtll minimum or High School graduation mama or ram pooling la the Barn urea 01 Join mum Jury Am Eacknound In 1mg dill proclaim or rystuzu and wan to Box mulled would be uses it lSrri Exhalnl WE OFFER cemle and romprrumllu minim program cum wrr Competitive salsriu Ind cmllml employee benefits vacuum plan mumhm In or on rumn in dam career In on of the moat ripd mull Ludo rIc mamrzsmn Canada challtnga and creative type selling lo HELP WANTED MALE HELP PA RTS COUNTERMEN Jobber Experience Prclcrml 1w um Enplaycq Bmeu Excellent wanting condition PM M010 39 It St BAHRIE MANAGER CARETAKER rcqulrcd Ior lnnlslil oatation Centre or the 16 morltrul WnltLn mplltrltlons mil be rmclmt by the under lgncd until 500 Dm Juno I9i0vll Mason GREEN Stcrc Slmud Arm1 lnnlml Recreation Centre nTrcaL WALKERS rrmllm MANAGEMENT TRAINEE ants should be Grail lilfwiacurtldulf Good aimling lxwllmt Irlnno tinne llplkiInIiIIfnl MIIS lILECHEITE Tzcoxl llllano CALL us FIRST EXPERIENCED BREAD BAKER FOR SMALL SHOP IN ORILLIA lurxllanrnt poslllnn Ful turtlltr inlonlinllull call HUNTS BAKERY mlwmo COLLECT MIMI IAaImI tllt uslalo of FREDER ICK ALLAN KNIGHT lrilc oI Tmin of MOIIIIIIII Ill lilo CoiIn CENSED SHEET Mist MECHANICS 50 ntr him TCWIW m5 cuairt mulll Inr lnllit Mlvrv Till mrmnnenl lmlthm llil nu lwxlnul lu POTll In linulnmn II Iillxlitvu ulr Ill$171 IIIcPItlrsuNIAlIvIE March Anwllilnn rlIilrllI vnrllllnli YIWUHIKIIIII lilll rhi MIIIIIIV Ilelllu rouulm alrli Vlll MIIII umui dilution vlJlIl ml nunlulu nlilllly mill unlilllili cmullllull Ifnclu with In Ilnrllo lluuilliior FEMALETIELI swrrcllutlltlT lYllSl llllcirsllllg limilloll llir tlllllk ITrtlll cxlwrlvllciu hinln rcgllrtl only to the clulm ililwblllcy mil then him no WWW by 3le Apply lll am at hunt in IIIlIll IIJIIO plli LOCAL llMlI rIIlilILIrll llvllr tlltplill llily work no Toll llir Illc viillstrllcliuli lIl nil in Mwm tIIHllIIIII ill llli llilIllrllllvlll at run Mil Ttlltltl IIIIIHIIIIIIILK IIII II oli Ililillil IlVIIIl llln lIliI Ill lulilIi tiill Mllli lIl lllllflllll till lIIlI llilllllll iil IIIlII3 III ltllllll olil quiillllrlilllill lucml in MIR ll mld blyl lur ll tnlllll Acmlllllmli llrpnrliilriil llllllll liik llillllll runullu llltzlllu IIolcpiuuu SillIll Illv llllil or III llltilrll HllVlZR lmuuM PART TIME mum lellllll IllIIlIIIII lll llll lit rmlmd IIIIIIL INNISWOOD ONIE NURSING milrl llli llllll llml liliil mil llcml wmu ll wwml Vlrb lm mum adult mm Ilw mm mm ll rulrull Ininlnlialrl lltll Tllt mm mu LES lllIliI NI1 l1 trillinr TY ml tum litl rll lulu Mum mu uni uu mum mu hI mm mm xlm 0302 use Iilito ull hiv uu Tnmumur wmumlu snnrxr lien mum mm mm film um cums WANT ADS DONT COST THEY PAY PHONE 7282414 Ylllldivn mil pm Ilmrliimlu lyl imu lmul in T6 mum tum mm mm in humus xix mm cllritvr mu mid mum mun Alum Siding rm ml rum If MGM IhI For Appoinlmcnt Write or Phone mm CRAIN IO Garamond Court LIMITED Don MiIIs Onf Ill mz BABRIZ mm WAY 18 ANNOUNCEMENTS PECIAL NOTICES ICAiH Birth Ammonia imuimm do in Sanctum Magma Dam Curl Hum iaddulzlul tarot pt mgrjam VQIE Lu smimcizrtinamal Cazuug Slut IRTHS tur um In lacov IVAllama mm um um ia Announce the mm cl mi atomic than an Inn JuL 15 mo Enrol vmom llnrrlui DONOVANM m1 llath vlmrl rimltrl on Suiid to ma uni an own sued acne damwr Nqu 1min SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS comm By CAMERON The Prahykmn mulch was well lial June must Central congregation joined out Guthrie lor mice Rev Willzam Nicholson Gitlph took It services or Ill son mu who wenrcghdtDsayismuoutol bospllal The previous Sunday Miss Vivian Smith capahly con dlxted the uniccs n3 YPS were phased villi tho response to their car wash at one Saturday June This ven lure added $60 to their limits FwWER STOWS The Oro Horticultural SMILIY meeting at the town hall June tutumd an iris show and speaker on conservation The early summcr show will be July at On two more will be two sections all designs and one at Chlilngwood General in Hospital any RATES MKS mm nus Death came suddenly Lillian Maud trill home an Oxbow Monday June Mr Iris had null till home at LII 86 years and alter re it their permanent Tris was li tho Angbcan In the choir of The Peace Cllurdl Elnora nod inlzrmenl took lowtlnle Mrs Iris ls her husband Fred in Elmoulh England childrcnllla CaliL Ralph ItPuentc Pam Gibson Bed ch remen Burk telling Anna rm Kenneth banana clutch Mn kart 8GE1 lioni rumII utter go Cannon mm Georra Itt nan mo musfilm Emu ENGAGEMENTS on Tuesday rian mlli an roses two on lillles do MALE FEMALE WE HAVE AN OPENING l4PUBLIC NOTICE FOR TWO EXPERIENCED PUBLIC NOTICE REAL ESTATE TOWNSHIP OF ESSA SALESMEN me JULY naaum glam 1N6 Ess Township aunci 3I$m5l3sii will If mu mmuaum COREY sou at tile Munldplll Building st run 900 Dunlap Em Elonxtcr our VlS Ilcclc LIAN AND IFE TEAM GEORGE DA llcquirru who would like to add 11le GAULEY Clark substantial Increase In their Income working on par lrnc basis lo to 15 hours weekly In Ihclr own home nssrmbllng plasLIc products sold through 95 In fggggi Whlle every endeavor will be Tarzan02 In Iowa lg Ilnu and able to work will mm Wnilslnn wonall possible we accept no PHONE 7204441 tILhcr allure or delay In or Allulll am muna In Mltlllrm wnrdms well replies however lhlls IDKI lmurl nt mm caused whether by negligence Eris nrcrmry rule or otherwise or re LEGAL NOTICE ls lllilllv given IIIII pawns having cllllmu CILV if Illirrlt In tho Cotill ol Sinicoc Ilm1lltlly0l the of Grey lltllrtd Murillltic rcr llIll lllml on or about the phmjm panda Pickering junior section warm PARTY Mr and Mrs Inn Morison and taken by surprise eniug June when we County and Mrs ole aha of lhoruhlll CHANGES IN VILLAGE Many changes us pmparcs or busy son Instant lawns are up all DYLPOn skuoNAu woman Mun me In Ler antimu to Dlnki rnrv Oak ma Mn Mr Cole marrlnn will tue July la pm climb CARDS OF THANKS tLYNlKlNTh ml lunev Mlnnlkln iriemu minim ne member or In 101 me many tmutuui lam um ms ml at klndn outIn me 117 or Ind rtmr ur Ind Bunk mm mgr Dinnv Ion or nr BAH1e plum Satuni ntrll Un family were Saturday av 18 member Jersey Club Cecil Morison and Mr Jim Mortson of Queens rived to welcome them coo County Some of progressive out the way to been qunlntcd 11m visitor brought the lunch to the evening MINESING By MRS FRIch Mrs llurvc onto visited niccc Mrs Gllbc Quite num hols of district annual In Fllyslun is lh president Brlun F0 student or Sim day also Mr two days later awn nny park could of Look Bakery Plated an or the one Lucky Strike mung 330 pm Cash Prim on TWO CARS to 7c dravm ville ar rfmlz CM nu ma August 1970 Pbmouth leicdcro drnwn September ll You must be ST VINCEN STORE Wednesday 25 pm 25 and 12 Inn Saturday 12 to pm lllcr strch Easement ol Jerrys lv also has Iowa 35 has the Suntl tel on Riicr Rd River Rd envy machinery voice men tell ha Procch where liver games hm provided better ctc Loan for Irmukr es mm nul Imusml mu Mlnillkln ml mnliy DEATHS SNEWIWVZ orqu Frederick brie Illness ni Ibo Walla purl anulll to be present to will car DE PAUL HOURS ARIHOLE TOP By ANNE ADAMS nmplcle ginzl Ill the oils of 0U tons have ng on Peaceful Peter Re bdivision duturbtng mllu QUICK ookl sleek on pants or shor in cool contrast binding Send now Printed omens Sizes 34 Size bus yards 35 Inch SEVENTY cents In please to or each first class mallln handling cents armhole tunic II smart with IS Saw the cotton Aim Icy as June III hi will an hlcsdly ma GILArk Snelxro ear and born Calznl Itd humans sum of Clarence melyn Bolcanslield or Dude Friend Wedneson uncrnl Hnme 270i ole cllnprlv one oclock Ptcourlt The Ecsley lumll their dairy ha Byng Campbell of week with her rt Ilnight her or the monk tended the lrnvalc Mrs newlyappalntcd Trpncll am mim rroepon nunmus Ath and lie may cull after rum at on Trull Yonkc has purchased the HP ho corner Ave and alterations SHDTVER PARTY on Saturday Frances Rlscbo luncous shower or Ii Bryant who Is soon of David 15 guests were cm was the many gifts ills been prepared and dough Pattern 45770 36 33 40 42 in lakes Ii fabric FIVE CENTS 75 coins no stamps each pattern add pattern or and special Ontario resident add Prlnt plainly It stalton at and Wm extensive Its The Season To Adxerlise nstltuto at Service Thursday lfrnooll Juno Interment tcry lltm onlll Iowan to hold capital ty lunch Mrs lm or Sudbu at Centennial came and College to Toronto to rc ccrtillcato for heavy ry and diesel mccllnnic NIGIITERS Foyston und crtltlncd the Wednes bowling club of Bim nnquel In St Pcicr ll Carol ls the brld About tiles lax NMIE STYLE NUMBER Send order to cum of nm Pattern Depl NEWSNOW mucllnc We are skllled In our Serwce and WIII give you 55 and Mrs Prompt Altenlion CLASSlFlED SERVICE REPAIR GUIDE or Shirley ANNE ADAMS Barrie Examiner nddrcss SPRINGSUM Night lc Cllurcli Hn doves lumber of this clu mint I7 decor sislcrl 1th losls worn as MER Pattern Cain mclnbers of both the log lll styles roe pattern can CARPETING ROOFING pen 50 ccan IN BOOK cui om way $100 lN ACW rind AYM muralll amt ell bound rln STANT SEWIN rluntpoooil rrnnlb sew mod ma llaw REPRINTS JONES ROOFING lItlI uuy at November 1w nro LANDSCAPING rfluostltd to sundh pilrllflllar all clr cnilns to Haulmgn all or bclorc July 2th mo NO TOPSOIL mm lo mum lml litter unitll tulle the on lIc oslnlo will be distributed FREE OI WEEDS II DATED Ills 124 any at June in Illll lllfr llAlLANTY rltusr COMPANY 728 3000 mm CANADA INo Allxlllllls llur rtr llrlLlILllln gain mrlr sol sltzlrmullrumourm WIIMIN ANT GRAHAM II Uuin Sltl ODD JOBS IiAIIIiIIz lurlrin STANT FASHION BOOK inld robe pl nnnlng secrets accessory tips Sim PATTERN WASAGII BEACH lly HELEN GILLIES Congratulations llepuirs Cllininuy Inching Etlvceroughing 7282744 PAINSWICK ALL TYPE ROOFING Tllr ntlll Gravel Shingles lIAVICSTROUGITING CHIMNEY REPAIRS Rcroolillg CARPENTRY ern lllIK Axlv kind laxum libm would like to any mum taken by our sitill photographer lease cull at our Business We are sorry we csgpg ugono order have attery prints EJMO ov curricular nunm Aillllllnnl nnlilm mum llm DrILiuhc Tzoulw to Mr nick on MA or Tmr1140 BOND HERD 50TH ANNIVERSARY and rIvItttrNClti thugnu cuilbonull Speaker llrcd of Bradlom Mr Cook who member the museum board at Millllttrsi Silld the Womens lllSllltlIES lllllllunllll muonnulc nltrl mu GOllD EVANS 72843491 llliiric Ont mm Altl NIln nr ill klilils RIM culi scrvo at grout dotll or credit in Luod Bulltl lletld Vumcn Institute he rowan or we muswm cclcbrlllod their 50th anniversary lullm tull lulc Mm nlluu unlulluu nul clvk Ink TENDERS lnrk odd lqu Ilnlv llnv 71r dllllllllllsliul Inwnx unlluilnr Plnlfllgms ITIIII IL Tulsa43 thlNl tAIlil INSULATION StilliIl Tumors Will Imrim SIMCOE ECONOMY INSULATION lililNIIn JULY IIITII nlu blowllll method all yours cxllcriullcc sllctliilllc III clcclric llcnlod llllilinlliill 03gt Illllll Nil lllilllls illnrilllltvtl work Frtc Ullmrm lslllilliltR SCOTT MUIll MINESING Tatum nullm PAINTING IIIIIlIII I2IIIIIIIIUII Illis lrlillil IK Thur mullm lr imam ll ll liiilall IcIIllvl llul Troll remix rluilc lml cul ulm painr IInIIK nri utluulu mmlilc mmnntml Ilvik utilu 11 mt ur lillrrlur lvaluilml IKlluxlhm luulatl sun In qule Itlt llcnurn llrlloluel AEUmNUM RN ALUMINUM sTIlotln TELEPHONE Slum llllilows um annulus millims luulillg Hindu and lvullls rcnlodcllcll 2811 ms and adullion built REYNOLDS ALUMlNUM mliln xURIiIKlIuNl Immum mum Slllixlg gtm lo cumin Sum lacul zmd cmcsilullgllllig win mu Mlullr rwllrri ummm Lll Fm caliillalcsilllldxcl Itllhs mu mt 4Ii lurlllr tlil 00ch lulqu If ii mulmw tum ml mm uu mm mm ll ulml hitl ur n1 MASONRY limxllir mlwunt Elmr mi our lw vs II mu mm in Muck all mm Mr mu trim Ill uluu mm In muqu ml sold thcy supplied three tors of the Inspiration founding Mr Cook look subject Past Present and illrc Ilc gnvc mdlIy iltty ollcclinus ut the past toltl liu the young pcoplc IVcdntsiluy Julie In the com muiiity hull Ilnd Mrs EAVESTROUGHING EAVESTROUGHING AIlIIIiiIiIlIII illIIIrs vltidus ALCAN SlDlNG IIUGG AND SONS ll lllltl Cul Illlt0d Ila Ill EAVESTRdUGlIl NE GRAHAM ll IESIRO UGI llNG Froc lisiillltllvs 7260623 ROEINEN Sllinglcs or Rolls GRAHAM ROOFING 7286628 uTsEEbNTROL LICENCE Commercial uni vnrri mll Dumpster mlo SEPTIC TANKS TANKS Pumped 20 hour lliIElCl Harvey William Sutherland Vclculnttl the guests and each slgllcll lllt roglstor iuro pwsclltul with yellow At 630 Llll uicr 90 llllllllltls past illombtrs Ilild gucsis enjoy ed ll dullcluus bullet dlllncr cow cncd by Mrs ll lludgsun tlntl lltr helpers Tllu illstcltllly decorated with lzuld mid blue flowers and gold cull llzlrlcy opened the monthly and Mrs Siodtlari wild lllL minutes or the 1920 Tile first meeting was held ill Ulc bnscmcllt oLtllc Moltlml ist cllurcll ill Julio 11120 when llltlilcsull of Thornton who lllCSldDIIl at It ed as sccrc Allcrlloilly oltclcd plcsldullt Illll Mrs Smile sucrctuly lll Aug llsl the local lrldlos cntcrlulllcd ltlc members at Sclllilllbcrg mid Inlnus Mills ltlsilitlics lll home of Mrs Noble The James Mills llrulltll tlIok ill port til the Sutilcll Sclllcllluill Ill Mrs II Fulis us iiusltlciil Mrs klllsull was lilvsldollt lit bLllDlllA IICNL Mrs llrl oi Oillllli tlild vessml the India II this illoeulip Sewn ltldlls tlt lilosoill illll lllMl jtillltwl at Hull lllilu llllllus Illtlrlwl Mix Alllty Mrs Arillstlilllp MI llulllil Mla lillillil Slllllo lull Mrs or two IlIIlI tilltlllco UIWNVNI IIIIiI ilIl Ill Illum iiIIlIIIl Ii IIIlll liy Mia Null Mm Jiillll Lloyd hilllkcd spoilch mid lllc hourly applu showed how everyone had oil his talk Smelling 1r ti suns brought fium La cmksmm Fishers Gamers by Mrs McVely and chVI tiulll by Mrs nusumworiu social hour aqllailliullco were rollva mllny vicwtd llislur blink brought by Group were tallies oxlcrmiuutur rululllhlt by bunhcl Clllbitlo Mrs Trullor lllcsllcks to oil mlIw Anuua insulin BARBERING lltitnltltu nt Mut Na Mg mill Icll human lho hvtcdsmulr 31 all lcslrull unlml ll tlill Iinlnlrr Ivsklvllntllo lll mum lrlclillntic falls ullnu Dickson Iiumo scrrlco llls Illstricl tillVL proslded MI unics lll Lolroy mink WORLD BRIEFS Teachers Vote To Accept Offer llAMlLIUN ICII sclluol lullklllls vutcd Vtdilts luv tli accept rl puy OIILI board or Cducatlon salary cllllirltlrlll ltlck Warrlck Fewer than Lilli lLuClIk sum IRONING BARRIE PAWIG LANDSCAPING lurkinimslilp gunnlnllctl an Olt SMAL WE DO llllilll ALI Locally owned Road 7284 783 GEORGIAN PAVING ll Ililt mont Illttu llrk balk uu nu ileum rillonus DRIVING SCHOOL alumni otlnl can Illrulmi orivinu pclmol Imuer IvIrpllulu Nilll ll SAWSTTARPENING rrto Illnlm si Refresh Windows Ily Alll2 HOOKS noelmull Klt Oll Slinflwll IquI and umlrul null ctu 72nd aooEkEEPING Airman Tumult mumill ll lilml sl ulmlo mm 7mm INCOMN Illuulillv cuiilhll lull tntoluuulx no limit TREE nlnoVAl iiItAlN sliv linItIF and Ivilmiell lelm Al or rum CHIMNEYEFPNRS IIMNEY Iirlvk ur blotll tolllxe mlu III lurillllc RulLLli lllu your lltlllmls or silllug ill of cast SIIllKlll5l OHIO viiillllils Allsirlull cllNIlllIs lllulll slillmll tllulKS Ilillcln slclwbxIoll lllll lllllr Ao Nikolaos lllrrlo Tole lllliigu III small In 515200 IIII clvllso ill tllimlt to per cclll ANTHIUF IlONl CPI More $1le Ill llltlllllksulit sicnloi gtIl lllil It mm IIIIliIvtlcc Guild Pollco xllIit lllllVtx llrlllto window llilll look lllllllll guns swords Ilililliltllirll plllllliliu ll lllllllrtllllm clucltk illlll llll llllllllltS llxtlll cunllloim krilcd nrun Cemqu lulu lru mun STOLEN Il CENTS IIHIRI ollcll lillltorn lllli ililll 15 tililu TIiI or rst class IlItlIlIlIl llll Mll Iltl lllllldlllix lt Ill Alliu mm of llllllh lllx Nwltlcclllli liclii WIN Ilinilllli lllrlll nmllltlllls Illlll llIIIt lilrillily lll lllilt NAME Dllll Inllls lllcaso MIl lllllhlll uww ll IIIIIIIIII Mrs William lllmlnllts lilim lilimlo 715 Illml Mrs Williulll Sllllllllllllll ll$llllll ul Simone Sulllll Sllillurlllllll Nil rim IIIi III llllllll llcmi Ii lilo llIlIlIN IIMUlllIVl llllll l0lll Mrs Illmills iIIlllIlcl Ii IIlt SL Iii II Mllln lnx RN NUM PAVING C0 liAllllll Allyllllcmllil tu mlull lo AMA pale lllvlll all illAllANllZlle ll II ll EPAIR 7200qu Illlib NllMINATIiI Slllllllll 10 lll lll Ktnmmri lmtnm rtrnt UN mu ill mm HDME IMPROVEMENTS Iwr lurh mt llltl marlan to mumm mu mulllunsl 20 your guarantee wanna rt nit noxupum Doom Indoor 51 2TIr1ert EN MW vr mam um iv Mia on it fhlol ut mmlm sliliw lls lllt illallllil MiN Sllt lluitxl lllllllills Ill IIIIII bll trill lel tHlll Ili lllll allnllslllmu ulilll I1 rlllilu lllNllllll 1l Ill Necillwrnll nlnlliit ill pngvu 301i designs luv cwcllol Quill tlllllullllt ml pIIHv Smut Slll unilllxlllill Ivlillili GRAHAM 7286628 Web olierllfisulli Ciililillr III in ll II orirml PLUMBING HEATmo MIilltiilN VI sm PLUMBING Painting Illlillhllliml Vrllllcs ll Ill rllr cllloi VllllL Illliml lllllltl ulwllllli llil Nlllll WNINJ III Illu Nullill ll IlN NNIIII IlltI Null Illllllilllllulwcl Illlll lurk Wll Nillllll mill lltl llllllillllllluuu lvfltl lIN II MUN ill Ittisllllt rilrllvllul ll llll IN Ielllxl ruxlliulll lllllilliy lk 1w 4H lllimmlmkl lIIlI do llll Illlllllpllwlicilll lllilllIin llIilIIL Gills ll lilllx Mlx Nllllhllllml Illllllttll MN lllllrlm mui lluxlliuul ltlllllul Siluvlk Kllim ll Dru llllllll Ill summer Il rml uml Imuxll hw Mlilllc lallll qu garlic NIVIKV Aluul 13 WINNIE C0 LTDr BARRIE mm willing IamItI ILlf EXCAVATINO MIKo RM llN CONT CTOR Septic Hula Mimi Ml ill mmllrruuu MINE 40M us mm Ivrllkllpllzw myrimmml he 51mm jugulanou mm llnul slmllll out Ill mml on our lumlu uuallcmuu ur noon on mum n3lil3 an it Illllmll SE CALL BAlilllll Nlwl tuiiilillto Mullilu Illnik JIIIlJIVIi KIM IIIli 50 lliitllull IR Mm um Ill kll MN litilik who luliulia Qulll Ililtik IIII pullout NH Mumulll Illilll lllilik ll IJ MIIKIII ullllh illr umm panelus one The Sosor To Advert ISO mull4m Ill VIIl ILINN IN llllltllh ltllis lullle lm tlilili Iiislllliils tll linlillll luonlllllill Ililllt Milli lIlllIllx illllll lit llllluwunulllu lililllhlll llllil MN llllllll IlIlIlllllll lllv lm lilo It Ilmlkl litik liI Iv Illllllllllll Ll limllitnll OOHAKI IIIIII IIlltllllill NIMIWTI IIll plum Mamie Null llm mini ll NI Illiit lvllwllllilli I0 Nilth lint IIull= Hunt ill Kill ll iltil tthv Mlhkil lilullulll llN and ii sllls ll lllll lile uphill lwlullllla ll INN Mia llllllilh llllmlilmi Hill clllclll HIIlslliIig Floors lulu Siltmlnlh rill 4363283 Irma Ill lilile Ill In ill II him lull Alumni lull will MI lalrtil hm sllhl MI Quilla Il NAIIM llI ltllcllm Inwml li Illicliuy In gill llhl tlliII wrlv Iillwil vmlil lul Alllsllu Illu taxis drilling Five oulilluici 2+ 668 mi um lm IllI ll All llluMz Jali UUII milin