My YOUNGSTERS Visitors Ire not slime In ad miring plaque honoring Sir William Muiock nt Bond Head Suggest Rising School Taxes Might Slow Rural Building 0R0 STATION tSlaII WIIh Increased school tuxcs propor tlanaicly higher in rural munit ipalltlcs the trend toward build ing homes in rural areas rather than ubon centres is likely to be slowed down it was suggest at meeting 0m counr Oro municlpnl tuxcs would have been reduced this your bad it not been or increased school requisition The local rate at 101657 msidcnllai and Illlil commercial included 71 and 7955 respectively or school rstos Average homo taxation is still somewhat less than In urban municipalitica but the glp has become closer during tna past couple oi years It was pointed out This mo lead morn pcopln to iavar construction In pllcos whcro snwnr and water sarvro oil are urovxucd by the niunlcl polity in now subdivisinno spo cial loclll improvement taxcs are usually Icvica tor the purpose oi Ilnunuing Councillor Iluwnrti Campbell lormur Orbllln school rus toe mind the clerk Honry New Ichd about an nnation why then was two It underlevcy or school so Inst your Mr Ncnicld explained tho levy was mode llamaling to tho boards requisition There was also discuulon con cerning interest rates which had to be paid on borrowill or school illposes Mr Neule LI won stivisc lthnt this couidnt bo Newer GRADE INSPECTED POULTRY IllllltRIZSSIID GRADE LEAN MINCED BEEF EVIL JIIH FREEZE LUCAH WIENERS Frost HIINIT BREAD 89 TRY IlOit COMPLETE Bill BRENNAN satwcrcnsn at LTURKEY ROASTING IN THE DAN WHAT TREAT FOR ANY MAN rumors 510 lbs EXTRA SAVINGS LIIS SUB lanthanum 3W5 Quolity oi auvrrliloii item Isnovcr out la mort priro BABY BEEF LIVER BABY BEEF FRONTS APPROX TOO LIIH CUI AND lVIlAIIlll NNANS EAT MARKET ADMIN BOND HEAD PLAQUE community park These local yountors also have shown much interest in the native DI Bond Head who was knighted shown in the school levy We how bccn told them is re Iailoa but we havent seen Observed Councilor Campbell The Increase in educational levy in on was out mills over 1969 and another mill was re qulrcd to raise the inlcrut The general levy was reduced by 338 mil but tax bills still will be more him six mills higher Councillor Campbell said 0m wunnl aiiccicd us much by the change in grant system under tho counw school board opera tion which began last year as sumo other rural municipalities lxc use Dru has bencilt nI tax rum Ponsldcrablc sumlncr mot oriios which contributc to school Will Stress Value Oi Conservation SUNNIDALE II II Stall Emnhrnls will ho giv on the value at conservation prtgt grams by tho Nattuwasugu Val icy Auhorlty buttrtl anti nlilclnh during Conserlluumt Vcok Juno lit to June at inclusive Tile conservation authority board which Is headed by IAsn dcpuLv rrcve Eugene Smith oi Utopia represents 23 mllnluipal liicr which with government as sistonoc how carried on busy program Flood Control rind Iro toction of niiturnl resources will be receiving mulor attention this your TENDKRNBS AND or 43c lb lb 75c Ib 55c lb ll IIOX lbs l2 iluvorn Hi EAL ICE CREAM 79c MEAT FREEZER SERVICE THE HOME OF QUALITY MEATS Jan government provided or such boards to re pinco tho iarmcr local and area boards In l901 FROM LEIT Palricil riulcmansy ll Ircne Burdoc ki 12 Gory heltmnnsy six iIanmlucr Photo taxes but do not send chllilcn to school The county school administra tion system bccnmc cIItclch 1969 undor provincial which lugislaiiun crrazemrpodsj mmmnm FRENCH miss riilifcuorsfi Eiinitv tiltillltnnriilufi iiiit GREEN PEAS irons and Ill BAXTER SthlWhile lea or paring county road 10 Ls the major project extensive other included on township pro gram during 1910 The work on road to is Iookrd after by the count Deputy Reeve Dunne Smith in rulermce to plan to pm the 73 mile stretch from Angus room to the present pavement this year Straightening cl on road through Angus also is listed on the county program In addition the county road committee has extensions of pnnmerit on county road west 01 Thornton on its 1970 pm gram Plans cull lcr nnullttr mile and half to be done this year arm LINE wont We hope to get the 3rd lint project done this your too said Deputy Recve Smith explaining this would be township pm leer 11w road is to ho recon structed from Lot to At 10 in the Allister area An Elizabeth Street culvert ox tension In Angus also has been the your The county has the pmpostd tukcom of tho tmrmlup road mm road 10 West Baxter In the Base Bordon road on in 113 road invruvtmwt Work also appruvrd by ES council or NEWS BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY 1910 Essa Council To Carry Out Extensive Road Improvements needs study list or later consid cation BRIDGE DELAYED There is no new word about demands for rephcuncnt the Me No no sidcraad budge over the Noltawasuza Rnr Just outside Angus pobce village hm its Deputy Reeve mum point ed out this Wus taken up mm the county roads committee some time 330 slnce the County is responsible for this bridge The roads commutes has been arranging st promm on pri only bZISiS and With its cxlcn sin other projocn the bridge has been ten or the pres cnt Now scrvim his mm your rr one nl Essas raprcrrntatlras In county muncll Deputy Rccw Smlth previously Mntd curs as councillm is int icinl nor in ISKIO native at less and Ilialimdi rrsldonl ou dupuir nou Izlrnis near Utopia Ileisutimmcr idont or the Barrie Agricultural Socltt and and of the simm cuumy Federation is Agricul titrc GUARD EYES Long lashes and oillthKth lids guard the camels pup eyes Iram un and trund by me decui our count resolution uh three to two has objections bylow and township isqu LliIOI Hower he supportcd to Slnn arranged law on June 12 Reeve mulmn Pultl pulpiyuc umu ll lllltllniz LI CountIII inm on 1h mittd an the hull iuktlll mu bihy the unicorn unlit have be tout by in oswnwr wnousau lwtno supply any is pronm IadeMndIMI mi mecung bu well and Lin ch Wu dimin provided tor publtc meeting to ll$0 review wus our opinion meeting viould have served good pur pose said Reeve McLean re krrtng to move made by Coun tmn deadline or the zoning by LEAVES CHAIR lchcun loll the hair to mend Councillor Campbells horlrs Simpcln in his place When Councrtlor slmPIH uiicd or shuw 01 hands Ihrcc otcd against and mo in favor We dont are any unrtliuhllc In mmwme pub Vilmomus ItItpiwnv culls cvn mud llrcu litLorin lclllng of to upturn cuumll position Wt Ilriii i0 iStall mnlcdtv said Reeve AI was defeatsd mar specically to Onos zoning other Campbell IiiiCh have ouch gt0 hole the obito Countlllur by holding ouch is limt rumurto slumm be lot at quot rg aw led in non phuno must of imc day hr tell it an advantage DC In leave lilo Fresh ONTARIO PORK SALE JJEAN BUTT PORTION PORK rollsr PORK Iri 79 mm Bun minim min non 1mm ciaov SPANISH PEANUTS 39 In 1on autumn maln CAR WAFERS 37 3a 85e PORK cHoPs IiIfI SWIFTS LAlV MAPLE RINDIESS SIDE BACON Ill 79 MEATT SIDE SPARE BS IIVIIIIIDK All 53 75 CHICKEN PETITE TOUITIERI MEAT PIES3i==99 nu screams can proceed mdl =mld understand uhy we had it sr In coitus ROYAL oussr ll 83uiii9 sunnv noon iii 79 19157 Hcallhgtqautvid iiiWilli DRESsiNil 79 PRODUCE or ass oaNAot No collar CALIFORNIANEW POTATOES Eiisiiiiiicl 42 cum rim um siloimu INTlISlI APPLES mun sicutirios Instrnun neural onion Ilsautn Wit PRICES All IIIUS TAPE ITLNS EFFECTIVE Jim ow Imu nu mam am neonm CHOICE mil ts cut in my lawn tipninenl nuli IiIl tun within it Int fthrjiris Twek gt ANEXTRA 556 yways mu sio iAPl wur um 3w lirr wuit um $10 PI wmr JIMIICL lot CORN OIL LIQUID DETERGENT or Iona umumnvlnl SPACNETTI SAUCE rlmni mu ml wmt uoouct or CELLO him no ml mm It IIVMMII IIIILO um 52 mt mm min minim HEAT EAT lliliiliiiiiiillll to run llle lino RADISH or GREEN ONIONS $32335 gtEATONGIFT IGAFOOD Ff voun TAPES GERTIFIGAIESr GERTIFIGATES tidimitstinntitanicllunniro louniniriiuniiiriolilnulitllonttlllli minisSlittnlinliiltiiruncouth Inlitlttinitntlliullilnttnnumm Cash Regserapco are Vaulosabe 35 FROM TIIE ICA CATALOGUE thuiio lien on trillion nl tilt in tho my on Iii Elllhllluiir DISTRICT 0m Reeve Explains Zoning Bylaw Stand 0R0 STATION atill trunk use should In called ll way one or development he b3 doein prevent said sum reel rs prop sectors and use Nathan on my mud rm been cl molar apprnxedrezzsured plus it was concern Ls is places V1th timer poured ouL mg to regulation II the public iier rhea our lull positiw an the matter may to net secordtngly sazd the reeve com matte such as dump situation increased taxes and rink could be darn nth at the some tzme LI dxmrtd The main bylaw over onion thme has been controversy was passed as preIimlnziry more More the coming ottlcial plan At that time the bylaw is sub just in amendment to comply an rs in the plan rush mNtinzs ill be called Inter to ne ratt pnycrs iull chance to give thuir rms on its aerct STILL CONFUSle Ricanltmc Tims McLean said than own to be some conlus am the tuning regulations rhlch he vmuld ham liked clear hm morning In Piling or telephone com plumb he derltd atlcrlltun to LIIli lhnt This uid No thln this kayo prevents the nculhtructlun anybulIdIng or structure that is damaged by causes beyond the control of the unnur ubwqurnt lo the data at me plixslng of this luluw pro riiimi the dimonsmnaul the orlg Innl building or structure Ire not intrlrnui or original trmi mum iiElzz WIIIZ TUNA ORANGE cnrsrii Eiinnro BEEF iicv souPs FRESH ICA ECCS ICA Ell ms immsm 29c mulllilol PIE GET DIMENSI FREE Whoa THIS WEEK Hills 8r IX SIG PI WITH POST CEREALS tints um not no ttrutslu or um um tr TAN wu mam oust CELLO SHAMPOO Itmvumvmr ll ESSA Ill JCT 0F lllilN SI SAUSAGES rustml ll TOMATOES it Il It or III WI FODL SIilOUD CARROTS ctr Itin uncut arm to omit II nlilsooI um pus nutr ll titmm cull mnuusom FREE Queuuoncd about dcxeivgxnmx Rte McLean sold such Appllraunru nouid be sub Jed upmrn lrom the 0m arm lumcpal Board and hi unuld couldIr than would be considered on lhllr menu PrnvLSmn llt made or construt lion arm building inchNil acres and minimum tram and reur tank or every bulld llL Thr dog uugs his utter rigs his or InTIwDairyCiR gt lctonin 79 counter sfvlfsiimimrzs 39 salmon WERE PAPER Lunotl nos 23 mittenvqimls oonurs TAVSTEES or FRUIT PIE 15 Wmdoirg or iNE sildo potkogo number Ior only menu so Irouum won run In coilrt amvlail misc huntltut colour sllhjncts at all ma womlou tho wand no patlags couiruu comtllolo list oi all IIIJII urbdmsion accrmy durum or any Iapicullurai me prondcd mm mmimum lot out cl side sour DIFFKRL ind wings his xul In his and deer his sings SIMCOE DISTRICT as The inux duplay of KL Irududs in Simm County 55 lnnhlll 7266531 aw ts 239 35 ll 67 343 TABIERITEI CANADA GRADE nu WHITE ullu till ONAL VIEWER you parthoss mm tumult ran on 58 yr rotors or at CISII IEOISITI HS MARKET SQUARE IGA wonqu AND MULCASTER