INNISIII NOTES Start Hauling Soon To Landfill Dump ByKGS me landll map for the tow ship vi may operations what cud will be gin hauling refuse to the new Site as the 72 contains west of 10 sidxoad After ion as to regulations and the maran tced agxmnmt um it was de ddcd could be ENDm ted after any WU notice or by dcrs of the provincial authorit ids decision was reached by full voteof Council The 1012 line dump will runain open for mum to endys ruidenu to ascertain whxe the new location is an wfsjda it will be CIOSEd dumping of infringe only is intended to be included in the new land fill dim lsite STRIKES TWICE Dan Nedwitt of James Street in the 9th cooccsion of lnnistrl had double trouble with res when building paper ignited round the basement about $5000 damages was done last Wednes day This was extinguth by Shroud volunteers and the Emily of seven children and parents want on living in the home How ever the neat day another re started in the attic and this with water damage caused about $10000 IOSS mostly to the roof and clothing in the bedrooms The family took rduge with nclgibor but have since moved back to their home and are hop ing that no more res occur Chief Ron lkonc stand that in Maroonedss dazalingllustplain thrilling vivid experience vestigaLcns are cmlmuing as Ether rs from unknown also have been Waring the refly tars The new tree of various mk planted In tile lakeside park lth yw cos total of 5117600 as approved by Comii In the ac counts of wailman Don Koop mans Another amount of spec ial mention was an amount of over 50000 for sheep destroyed in flock owned by Ted Henson Shawn In item read by 3min man Blake Constable An 15 count for winter service of Hyd ro at the lakeside park was rck furcd back to be explained by the local mum management LowFsr ulns No tenders for water courses were lot In minder who live unside the Lomnp as they Ind the lows bids among some seven contractors bidding The continuation of the 831 line drain to pick up water that comes from the Sfmud area was lot to contractor in West Gwillirn bury EHE Construction Cam pany of Coobfmlm for $18400 which was over $100000 lower than local bidder Another ditching contract for on Sturgess drain went to con tractor lmm northcrn Ontario who bid $532950 being the Inw st bid by over $100000 All work is be completed within thrce months of signing the con lrncLS FOUND GUILTY Mr Ycates RR Stroud Oumx may lo Annie lion ammm GREGORY PECK RICHARD CRENNADAVIRJNSSEN JAMES FRANCISCUSGENE HACKMAN Three marooned astronauts And only 55 minutes left to rescue them appearui in pmnncul coon last week and was fould faulty at keeping d1me an enemy place This was his second ap pearance in cart In the some cormaint Neitbon have statEd that the unsightly appearance of the yard is detrimental In their property He was ned $500 ad costs and is required by die bylaw to clear up the rub blsh SPECIAL PICKLPS Mariamnu are now corn plctcd for um regular pleup of mafuials dcposited in rccrpt ads placed at road ends through the township Ihe rb ceptacles will have plastic con tainers which are to be lifted guhrly and another container placedltishopesfhatthiswl keep litter from being thrown bout especially at road ends where Makers congregate To start the mice cost total of mass for the cans and plastic containus sidmt for the sca son It is bbped the public will appreciate the service and mat use of same POSTER AWARDS The Optimist C113 lnnisl under chairman Bruce Plnknoy have completed the awards for safely posters which were judg Ld especially for their safety mcrILs Judging was done by three of Innisls police force with awards as follows Grades ands Raymond Brown of Warnlca School Grades to Bonnie Roth Warnica school now snome 645 910 MATINEE SAT 115 MARCONED Exciting Family Entertainment WERE NUT BIDWNING AROUND YOU CAN OWN COLE rv For Only NO PAYMENTS UNTII SEPTEMBER CHEAPER THAN YOU CAN RENT Due to our low overhead large volume purchases from various manu fadurers we offer Instollation Color setup Iyear inthehome service 5year plcturo tube warranty Shop at home sovice Beat The Heat Ask Us About Our PHILCO FORD AIR CONDITIONERS complete line of Sioroo Cablnots and componertls available Ille DIOR SOUND EENIRE DAYS WEEK lTII I0 PM at 4872544 or if this line is busy call 726 672 Prznary We Kreouek at Sankara 121 Billy Dam of are to be awarded meeting nutburs Prza and plaques are to be awarded at meeting of me club he TENNIS The club winch bar been play in table Lens L53 at through lhc auspices of the Re creahmal Service held it wmdup game at Central School on Monday mun They playtd for an award donated by Derek Wail Canadian harmion ubo has toured buoy pans of Can ads FIELD DAY The annual Eeki day will be held in InnLizl Park this year on Satudrry July 1321 This is the rtguhr event word takes in the mnmsu Io Brick and Rollfq Fla The program now uner will Include many prizes for sporting events including ball gzmls Fircwmks will be the closing W13 follow cowl pm on by proleslonal mm TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7231110 anusrox sm snow my Su Morel mum thanmlocalladm arm excl expected to sew 2x31be the Palette an sub show Pauls separetz m1 audios hunter imsundayaf THE BARBIE BALEVER WEDNESDAY JUNE I170 nmvrnrr seems memos 52 Beetans Hmnzrzl headed by scaresdz Mrs Rzr Ach1anhbeeabcw cola seems and sin via its axis cm be 174 we can cm Mrs er Airs JA carom the SL WWW THE SHOES OF THE FISHEBMAN Egg ruinousammu an Tuesday to Friday simwaumnm if VV limvaHHHHHonHHHHHBUHH alumniHomolnnlullplun FAMVISIONA METROOOUJR nhwa onucr STGRES SHE 0i unscrewAlltn LISTERIN AHTISTDTIC SazPltlsc Lotion 450 of Oil 47 sugg List 139 acKAYS Pharmacy Ltd riistHs DAYSPECIALS FOR SPECIAL FATHERS allgliiu Ice am mule vv ill AQUA vvan Shaving lotion fit 93 77 Pros race Red Devil our in GILLEI IE Super Stainless Steel Blades Sm List 10 us 100 Solinto Threesome Pen Pencil and lighter Gift Set last Calms Sage List 75 Hill KARATE wRegular Argojinn Latin Bandages OLD SPICE Shower SoapamdRopo sugflyuus 69 suck BELT commie FLUSHABYES Econouly Pack 48s NEWBORN all RONA 332 oz sugg List 66 Dunlop StE 7282903