EXAMINER TELEPHONES mam Cuiad Advertising 732414 All 02 Department 75m 105th Year No 129 SAWCHUCKS STORY Stclrted Fight Finished It NEW YORK CF Tcrryl Sruchuks doctor says that the lo carold New York Ranger guui who died Sunday afler us of operations told him he started and finished fight th teammate Ron Stewart Dr Denis Nicholson of sub umu Long Beach lnmlly ph dan for many of the Na tianal Hockey league Rangers said he was called to East At lantic Bunch homo shared dur ing the bockay season by Saw chuk and Stewart on the night of April 29 Nicholson said he was num moncd to the house by Ross mary 53550 nurse the doctor knew and who told him she was Stewarts fiance found Salvchuk in horrible this doctor said He was in shock Hr was pale and had extremely low blood pressure The shock must have been from the pain Nicholson said that they told me then had been fight and he called an ambulance and sent tha veteran goallcndur to hospital in Long Beach VI T5 SAWCIIUK The doctor said that during visit with the goalie few days later after the gall bladdrr had bccn remolod the two dis cussed events leading to Saw chuks injuries Terry told me that Stewart had been bugginghim all year and he had gotten fcd up Nicholson quoted Sawchuk as payingn punched him and kept poking him down The fight was rnportcd to have occurred at the and Pub in Long Beach and con tinuing to quote Snwchuk th docior laid may kicked us out of tho bar and hit htm againI just kl knocklng him down At tho house Sauchuk and Stewart drove home in separate cars lagged him again and knocked him down again amp himand fell on his FINISHED IT Lson said Sawchuk told started it and fin 1cnolsou said that although Sawchuk gave the appearance of being thin he was actually by his build when exarrnncd him An autopsy report showed that Snwchuka cicth was caused by blood clot that trav elch from vein into plvnon ary angry pulmonary embo lism no report also said there was injury to tho liver After having his gall bladder rcmovcd Sauchuk underwent two operations on his liver 8000 intend Palace Party LONDON iAPl Eight thousand par on crowded into the garden of Buck lngham Palace nlusday to drink 25 gallons of tea with the Queen and cat 21000 plcccs of cake and pastry it was the first of the Queens ihrco garden parties this month attended by diplo mats visitors to Britain members of Parliament and of town councils Girl Guides oldago pensioners and others In party frocks bright huts and tnllcoatn for many of the men um visitors pmwlod thrown tho royal shrubbuy stared at the pink flamingocs in the palace lulu and hoped for chat with the Queen or Princo Phlii got it Dollar Performance Watched Before Making OTTAWA CF nance Mullsler Benson rejected mmons opposition demands Monday night for immcdinto re muval of restrictions on spand ing and credit saying the gov ernmcni would wait and watch before charting future cconomic policy He said ihe government will watch tho performance of tho ncwlydrcod Canadian dollar on international we changes before dcekilng on any measures to offset the impact of hiphcnvnluo dollar on busi ness activity Answering opposition criti cism of tho dollur move nnd calls for shift to economic Policy Change growth policlcs in special dc bato Mr Bensonsnld the gov ernment is ready to consider special help for industries hit by this weeks dollar revaluation He emphasized that applicant industrlc would have to prcscnt pcrsuasxvc fuctua cvldcncc at injury to get spccml old He was referring to argu ments that dollar revaluation would alloctlvcly raise the price of Canadian exports to foreign buyers whlla tho price of im ports would bccomo more com petitive with domestic products But ho snld tho opposition had ignored the benefits or rovnlun tion and exaggerated the dan gcrs bAPSULE lian Blezard Valley Flooded By Rain BOWLING Ontl GP Ruin for three days has caused wido sprcad flooding in the Blczard Valley and monthly almost isolated this vulloy mmllnlty 20 miles west of Sudbury Rosldrntlal areas roads and hool yards were under wutcr as the nearby Onuping and Vurmiliicn rivers spilled over the banks Money Will Help During Layoff OSHAWA CPl General Motors of Canada Ltd and the Unit cd Auto Workers agreed Tuesday to endorse proposal by whlch the company will advance enough money to provide unrcrluccd oup plumentul unemployment benefits for employees affected by Slim merrearrangement layoffs Two Listed In Poor Condition ST CATHAHINES CF lvo portions were listed in poor condition Tuesday nlght after thu crush of their light aircraft cari lor in the day at nearby Niagara district airport Peter Griffiths 20 at Niagara Falls Ont pllot of tho fourscat plane was taken to Hamilton General Hospital with multlplc fractures llcrbcrt Fil at 48 also of Niagara Falls was taken to St Catharineu Hospital Commercial Aircraft Effects Studied TORONTO CF study on tile offccis of comlncmlul alr Crufl on tho economy of Northern Onlurln has been completed and rec lllllrnduilons urn bring examined Tourlsm Minister lamcs Alllll lil Tu dny He told Put ittld lvlinllly liver the study will not ho mud public until the Ontario government has decided what its policy will be Widow 0i Automotive Man Dies GROSSE mmrn Mich IAP mum rhumpsml Dodge low of ulltomollvu planetr llulucu Dodge died Tuesday at her 11 Palllio hunle at tho tlgo of 103 Mrs Dodge had been con flucd in recent years to hcr elegant harm in Grossc Polnto Farms lzllaurn ol thcmator caplml Where her husband made his fortune utlmalcd at somoopou when he dlcd in lo I71 lt Barrio Ontario Canada Wodnosday Juno 1970 Formcr Gov George Wal lane of Alabama addresses supportcrs mcsdcy mm at his vlctoly headquarters at Montgomery Ala after he lcfvrated Alabama GOV Albert Enswar in runof election iol the Democratic nominee Behind Wallace is his daugh tcr Lec giving victory sign AP Vlrcphutol George Wallace Is Back Follolllring USBrimcuviea By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS George Wallace has won his bid to recapture Alabamas govcmorshipthc likely prelude to another Unitcd States pmsl dentin race in ismand Jess Unruh won tho Democratic nomination to opposo Gov Ron aid Reagan of California Wallace who ovcreamo nar row firstprimary loss pmmp celebrated his Victory in Tu days democratic runoff over in cumbcnt Albert Browcr by dcmllndinl that Prusldcnt 1ch us back our schools Nearly cumplcic rclurll Wallace 542151 votes cwer 510442 in slimmeddown nlanknmvn us alg speaker of the state in the uncull Mayor Sam Yorty 01 L05 Angolcs Reagan was lmopposcd for Republican rcuomlllullon for the November citClio Primaries in the Ullltcd States arc hold to loot candidates for general elections Only rcng tercll voters are all blc to vote Peruvian for candidates for their partys nomination Californias battle of two antiWar Dunlocruts saw llcpro sentativc John money son of former heavyweight boxing champion Gcnc Tunney ahead of ltcprcscntutlvo George Brown Jr who once threatened to launch lnpcachmcnt pro ccctiings nst President Nixon been of the US at tack ullo Cambodia The winner fact incumbent Senator George Murphy tho on time nclox nnd dallccr who dufclltcd millionaire industrial ist Norton Simon in the Ropub can primary Murphy is strong supporter of President Nixons policies in Southeast Asia Hclurns from 16 per ccnl ot Californias 21501 precincts gavo Unruh 32606 Yorty 58507 At the same time the totals stood nlnnuy tl2627 Brown 132802 Murphy m22 Simon 101283 The ycltrs husicst political day so far with balloting in Town Wiped OH Map LIMA Reuters An entire Antics town with 20000 inhabit ants was wiped off the map dur ing the Peruvian earthquake Reward Raised By Township TORONTO GP King Township offered $1500 rc ward Tuesday for information leading to the capture and con vlclloll of the ltllllr ul two women in neighboring town ships Tho offer brought to 315500 the amount of reward munoy put up for the solving of the hilly rupc Llllil killing of ifulcn Ferguson in lulgrnvo and the May 19 rapt and killing of D0 rccn Muorby in ulmlcy Police said they beliovc the name man killed both women and havu issued description given them by Mrs Fergusons son Dale who lily sick in the next room when she was klllell and saw man go by hls door Pulgravqu ln Albion van ship wcst of King and Gormlcy is in Whitchurch Township aunt of King All three town ships are just north of Toronto Sunday As the full extent of the holocaust was pieced together today the overall doathtoll soared past 35000 Northern Pcru was shattered Sunday by tho illsecond tremor easily the severest ever to shake this earthquakeprone country The worst single disaster was in tho tourist resort at Yuogay nestled between the Andean peaks of Huascuran and Huan doy each more than 20000 icet high The town and Its 20000 resi dents were swopl awuy by ava lanchcs set off by tho quake presidential press spokesman Augusto Zimmerman said nlcsduy Ho quoted an air force pilot who flew helicopter over the town as saying ihcre was just no trace of tho townjust cloud of dust Zimmerman said some 14000 others also apparently died In ourrountilng vlliugcs and do ucrlbcd the whole area as very hard hit Ylnlgay 250 miles northeast of Lima in central valleyI was town or narrow streets pictur csquo markets and colorful In dian festivals The military government of President Juana Volusco Alvar ado dcciarcd night days of aa tlonal mourning for the dead but did not suspend work during tho period eight states saw the rcnontinr lm of our Democratic senators Mnjorlty Loadcr Mle Mans field of Mon John Stem nls of MI pl Harrison Williams Jr of New Jersey and Joseph Montoya of New Mexico Bcsldcs Reagan two other Republican governurs were re nomlnntcdllobcrt Ray of lowa who vu uuuppu and Frank lvarrar of South Dakota Canadas Horse Wins Derby EPSUM Enxland AP Canndlnn bred Nljlus rid illn by champion Jock Lis tet Pillilott look if it II in the final HID yards today in win uuulunus prcmfcr classic um Epsom Derby ovu miics Nixon Report On TV Tonight WASHINGTON All dent Nixon guns on tclcwslan night to issue all lntlochi progress rcport just hours key vote in the United St on limiting his future Cambo dian policy The Senate test was on till uti mtnistratiollbaeked proposul by Kansas Rpubhcun Robert Dole dcslguod to noxnlc an amendment lll would bar funds for operations in Cambodlu uitcr Juno 30 Tile Vole on the Dale proposal which called for allowing thc president to use Jurors in Cambodia as lung American troops were held prisoner hero is not pc ed in uflccl Nixons rcmarks lullulcd for p111 EDT The pr ont sci spccch altar meeting with til nco and military load during tho weckcnd when he is reported to have been given optimisiic ac counts of the monlhald Combo Llian campaign No Watch On Law Commission WRONIO CP Premier John Robur rclcctcd sugges tions Tuesday that if Allen Lcal chulrmuu of the Ontario Law Rololln Comm ion is under RCMP surveillance Mr liobnris was replying in tho lugislaturo to Elmer Sopha IoSudburyl who asked on several occasions during the current scsslon for an investiga lion Into what he termed RCMP surveillance of Mr Lent ecoudary TeachersAgree On 1970 Contract Uhr Titanic ixaminrr PAGE VIEATHER ClstLnzd coaicr temperatures Thursday under 5m skies with cloudy perzods Low taught High Thurstin 51 Sec pag Not Man Than 10 Plr Copy 23 P196 STRI lROTATIO STEPPE OTTAWA iCPl The pace of rotating strike acti 1y by pcslul workers mu stopped up today in he waits Tuesday break down in mediated talks although both siLlLS id they allth to kc talking post off ice operations wore disulle as workers walked out in Saint John NJ the northwestern Quebec centre of ffDuyn Nob nnda Val dOr lnos and lila lartt and in and the Briana Columbia communities of Prince Rupert Kilimat and Turrucc Willlam lfoulc C0Cllllllmun of the Council of Postal Unions all rcprcscnts the their coniracl at government said all le walk auls were on orders of union hoadquarlcrs We dont want to leave the bargaining table he will 11 lsury board officials wcrc lmpulul or gctllng hack to title unions or more talks but any possibility of an early sut tlclncnl scmncd ruled our by Mr Carmthcrs resident of the Univcrsiiy of Ca gary Mr Carrothcrs who entered uto Saturday said ho was pulling out because he felt he no longcr had useful rolo to play lo the effort to bring the two sides together Each party reckon if can do better by holding out Mr Car rolllcru fold rcpurturs uLlon again before it Summers said some sllght progress had been made toward solving lllu various is sues ill dispute Ln his fourday lnlcrvunlioxt but that prugrc falls far url of hot is noccs ry to ucrucmunl lllc fedornl mediator placed lln blame on UilllLl side for Lila wc lL Council of Posilll Unions ill illlcnltnt liliti full bilily all the mills til and stuhtmrnncs govt uncut It added that union mklllbk would or txptclud tu ltluitlluill cclluttt unity and tiltl Llllor union ufflt llcmcd lllnl lllc lolldcrslllp ycl ready to end lllc of tlolls the cm rnllwnt an Slllkt mm They may bu zcady CARROTHERS GIVES UP AS MEDIATOR irua ry Board officials llled ill dciuil initiatives lJIcy on to produm all agrou tllc ulllutls ncgutxulur Cecil rpcr id he bud plosclliotf compch pack pmm conttlillill up ml lrovud tutinch so off but lllul it had been mut iii no to cilllULill offer by Lhe unions ill rofustd tr uloclfy vllul collcc lli bLul offered by vollllncltt Ml Curlmin opinion would buny be tho dccldulc lu or in LllL snuggle lin tutor in talks uppcurcd to rosllll ulaillly mm the Hi pe lcuco of flu two he cup gu mi Tht ccmrcl ut job cu and ho rd publicly ml to an offer of 41 cullt ullour nitreuse ill 30 munlll Pf while Lhc unions have llulv llkltil Elicunt crullse over two Return Capital Punishment In Bid To Curb Kidnapping llllflNUS AlliES illullttlsl ul llllll lctll was rcim ll in Al llllii iu lily in in goverllmrlli bid to curb llwuntilli wch of error nit ks and ruitls climaxcd ltl iv with llll kidnapping of llllL president Pedro Eugenio Arlmburtl ullnuullccd tt llullUllWldC by President gut following unconfirmc rc 65 was in nu cululn on uf an ab llst his guvorlllllcnt stulcmuut purporting to conic fur rlsi llLIll llllllucl lllt ltll Ulltrnl day from lllLllt ll it Butn said Arumburu was shut only immun rcs im Two Schoolchildren Killed During Guerrilla fliiack AVlV IAfl Arab guur lifts in Jordan two wuvts of rockets into the fron tier town of Bull Shctm today killlng two lloul hildrcn at woundng at in an olhus thL lsruuli milliury command announced lh were illc lhld ltluup of ca allies among sclloo clllldlcn in two chks Another rocket uttaclt on Belt Shcan Monday killed schoolgirl and guvrrillu umblbh of school bun on the Lebanese bnrllcr killed eight children and four In the first attack across the Jordan River today can rocket cl shed into house killing nillcycurold girl while others woundcd lllrco girls and 33 yeurold woman An hour and half later sov crul Sovict ltntyuslla rockets were fired at the town and at least one hit school building llupu lid pnllcc tlll vlllItul were uarclllng for rulur llcd the li warplllus laiurllcd thcir against Egyptian lml ihu Suez cunnl lllc military command ll il pounde fur ll hours mun id that one lsruol Si hawk Wusl downcd in the rnlds lie Suid five igypllnn soldiers were killed and fivc voulldid Tllo lsruolis llllvo intensified their uitacks uguulst Egyptian positions on the canal trying to block placement of Sovlctantl aircraft missiles there Air slons into Egypt this week were the most prolonged since the 1957 War Lha lsriltll stilt radio stlld posed lili ll ll Iliuncc by fir lup squall fur unupp who kill or call bodily ill lu lhc vlclln llltd to be aimed di roclly ut Alellllll abductor who illlnotlllcod lllLIi llms body would be given ltris lilln burial lull would not he rtitlrllLLl to fllmlv until the tumnills of is roll strongman Juan icrons vliu wcrc tslulttl to the gullllnc people Purim tiled ul rtlnecr in 195 and her cmbul rd bnclv pl cd nu llculqutlrluls of the usual Labor lluu pond the on public mulltllnclll Peron lt musicti in septum her and alter Arumhuru Cigarette Firms Have Legal Right TORONTO rCll Cluaretlo at off crinu skulltc lug one are on legal contra lhlil Id Tulally in lilo vulllll ll dlti llu based his opilllun on rcuulll lcsl case in the Ontario Supreme Court where man was awarded $10000 Judgment after question ing the methods in which Lhu prlzc money was distributed Mr Wisllnrt sold if Mr Jus tice liaines who conducted Lao case had felt that this was an iliea1 contract that it was bascd oll nlcgaiity he would not have dealt with the case bc cause there would ho no con NEWS ROUNDUP Gets 14 For Disru TOROhTO ff no man rho mm the opening of the Ontario legisialxza Feb by throwing hum if in front of gotvnzmmt benchcs and rhoulv in was mu hrsdsy to 14 daysqu causing disturbancr Allah Baldwin 57yard runacnzlnr who uyl he was abmnaoacd in work mens compensation beacfl was also scat to days 213 wcumhnlly on vfull ca pinup works Baldwin who picadcd gullly to both charms in adduan was pulp probation for nor ln passtng sentence Judge Donald Graham told the ca cuan Protests of this kind an be too frequent and shouldnt be condoned in rim ncrulc socltly omcrwl the ornate ystem will be 111 in Sign Contract WDBURY KT About lOO workers in ihc constmclhn units of orlhcm and Canrai Gas Corp signed conlract Tuaday which gave them percLnl wage increase dunng tilwa period 11 warkm me the unugd Sieclworkcrs of Irma icagwtrc also grantcd increases covgyng life insurance drug howital coverage and pension plans 12 contract cover workcrs fnv ry onlua North Bay Sturgeon Falls Runaway and Sault 51 Mario Ont it in cl 1m maintenance nu ra operators clerks dral and construction Traffic lam SAULT lllAluE lulch CPlv spokcnan for the US poast Guard said mcsday mohggut shipping traffic jam in ole history of the Sault locks would probably be clotter by aoontodny said no Grant Lakes frugbtcrs were affected by the who closing of ho lacks be causa of fo The locks ro olihgd at 11 am al lth more than 100 all ya lieJail the ticup represented abougn third of the Great lakes colhrrtzrclai fleet and about half thduhipa which would annually mouths loclu in if dzippln mu Acept Contract VBUEY Ofce clerical and technical workers at Jakomridge Nickel Minna Lidfvotzd Tuesday lo accept an average mpokrcnt wage in creaseln KhrccAycar contract Local 6855 of the Unilctl Steel worker of Amcrfca with about 600 members voted 71 par centin favor of the contract It includes an $80 settlement how ironweek raise retro native to March $12 ralso mum and 5m raise March 1272 V5