Barrie Examiner, 21 May 1970, p. 6

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Walls mink City council this week took an import ant first step in restoration of the bum edout area of Dunlap Street It passed bylaw giving the city power to remove the third storeys from the damaged buildings Only three buildings are Involved as the third storey of the fourth structure has already been demolished It is quite ossible that the owners may carry out demolition work themselves but the bylaw will assure that no dangerous walls are left standing much longer When the work is completed Dunlap Street between Bayfield and hlemorial Park will be reopened for traffic Much more important than this demol ition work are hope and plans for the area involved committee has already been set up to interest developers in purchasing the burnedout area and possibly the entire block and building afsix or sevenstorey office and store complex Furthermore planning cone sultant ls working on report on pos sible uses of the street Admittedly the city and private derel opers face grand opportunity to foster the ultimate in urban renewal for this section of the downtown care The city OTHER EDITORS VIEWS he monomy under control This is disservice to the nation moment that ination und IMPROVING QUEBEC DRIVING Montreal GBZCMEI Almost anything that might improve Quebec driving habits is worth try Er en ticket good for one free hamburger with french tries at your nearest drive fn Such was the remedy adopted in the Pennsylvania town of Upper Potugrove when the local authorities decided it was the scene of too much bad driving Courteous drivers noticed by the police are agged down and given hamburger tickets Everyone is trying to get one and think its cut down traffic violat ions says the chief of police CRUELTY OF INFLATION Christian Science Monitor It the Nixon administration is wise it will step up its effort to curb inflation This is becoming anabsalute political must The bad effects of continual rise in prices are being felt in virtually every sector of American life and the second ary effects are in many cases as bad as the more easily visible ones From inflation stems an increasing na tional restlessness This is reflected in less responsible attitude on the part of labor in greater uncertainty on indus frys part in rising urban costs which themselves result in an acceleration of urban blight in more and angrier words between housewives and storekeepers and so on It would be unjust for tile country to blame the present administration for in ation The decision to live with the conditions which kindled the blaze was taken primarily by President Johnson it was in his day that the first hard wise decisions should have been taken and were not but memories being short and politics being what they are the fact that Presi dent Nixon did not invent ination but inherited it will do him and his partys candidates little good at next Novemb bcrs polls if his present efforts to lower the rise in prices are not conspicuously more successful than hitherto Ination is utterly cruel and merciless In millions of homes across America the old the weak the young the ill the handicapped the less fortunate are suf fering because for some years Washing ton has not yet found the political cour age to take the drastic steps required to armrm MM IT HAPPENED IN CANADA was at gfsrenr 5AILED lllgt NTREH so Yourva 112 iarric xaminer Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Hayeld Street Barrio Ontario Kerry anbio General Manager McPhenon Managing Editor THURSDAY MAY 21 PAGEI Good Opportunity Faced To Develop Dunlop St little more tbsp offer encourage results of studies already going renewal must through cooperation of the presen tng owners and major develo boils down to business construction of that will bring returns on dollar investment If the building owners so only if the price not luves can do meat on Essentially com build And it proposition storecfflce complex unimillion ell they will do and devel tunless he can be as he success of his financial ven is rigb opper wil sured of tal importance is The question of vi ch on this can the community interest su investor We believe strength of Barries pole ing centre and its im centre under Ontario government plan Incidentally Iarg plex could include or walkwayconnecting shore road and the would bring Lakeshore parking closer to serving the downto The probl with proper should not he an insurmoun can on ntiaI as trad nee as growth porta recentlyannounced sioreoffice com edestrian arcade Dunlop to Lake waterfront AROUND TH Wartime Controls Proposed For Today But the blinks had also been playing the stock market and did not have cash to pay their system col lapsed The US virtually with drch from world trade and tho enLiro world was plunged into an economic crisis The situation today Is radl cally different Because of fed eral regulations not been able to buy stocks on credit They have paid for the stocks they have What they are losing now ls hopedfor profile mlhcr than actual cash INVESTORS HIT losses are felt keenly by people who bad In vested not for income but In the expectation of making capltal gains In other words It peolt pie who had money to opera who are not maldng tho extra money they had hoped to make Bank deposits insured and books have not been allowed to speculate as they had done In 1989 So the stock market crisis is cnIlrely different to the great crash of 1929 what not on trely different the govern mmta attitude know what to do today as It did not know what to do in 1929 Es sentially it is question of hulfsmensurcs The government in effect Is running warecon omy burning money in Vietnam and financing huge defence establishment Defence is infus ing some 560000000000 year into the economy of tho US and that in itself is tremcnlt flour intervention which distorts the socallcd free enterprise aye tcm tho 380000000000 has multiplier effect because of the fact it is kept out of fields other $0000000000 is in eftoc burned money unproductive ln vestment which does not breed wealth not even wealth equal to itself The monol or good part of It has to be replaced by tho printing presshence infin lrn shopper to find developer financial backing This table barrier em is By PHILIP DEANE Foreign Affairs Analyst This is not another 1929 in one sense but it is in another The US economy is much stronger than it was in 1929 much better lile to withstand stockmarket of Amerlc crises and ownerspr of stocks is different today On the other hand the government of tho US seems as Ignorant today as it was in me about how to gowns an their 35591 To meet their debts they tried to withdraw whatever money they had in the banks bring longlasting We do not suppose for it is an easy thing to bring er control Once an economy us to overheat to run out of as size begi it is an im control to throw off sparks mense task to slow it down skillfully so the opposite extreme cow that it will not go to beats But it can be and begin missing done Not only does Amerlc than enough economic expertise to ac plisb such task but the economy is QUEENS PARK Lower Ranks 0i PCs Show independence In 1919 millions of people had have more bought Shams without paying rich enough to give these experts plent of leeway for their mlnistrations Despite the business slowdown hl interest rates increased joblessness col market greater buyer re obiles and even ination still burns factors mentioned per lagging st slstance as in autom allghbdrop inits rate Perhaps the along succeed by this fall But above wll haps is not enough People are increas Ingly demanding something more BETTER CAR BUMPERS Chicago Tribune Traffic safety experts and lnsur companies long have complained auto bumpers are more decorative than ractical Motorists are said to be end ing billions of dollars year need 95st because their cars are too delicate to withstand minor collisions Now the Ford Motor company has moved to meet some of these ob with the announcement that It is under sIgnificant improvements in hum The companys research disclosed that lot of damage from min or calllsionsin fact up tothreefourihs of the damage resulting from parking type accidentsresults from what Ford calls bumper mismatch in other words the hbumpersonlyour car may not be same eve to meet the bumpers on1 1yillliiur neighbors car in the event they mm mm mm inde co So Ford has developed and filed with the department of transportation detail ed guidelines for future bumper design The guidelines deal with position of bumpers to protection for lighting fixtures grilles and sheet metal Motorists will welcome these improve ments The sooner they appear on cars the better WWWMVVW Ono of the devolopmcnta of the era of Life 70 has been new profesalonnlism In the gov nment private members For years there was nothlnz more pathetic here than Pro ance gresslvc benchcr 1bcy were men with nothing to do They were and his upprnlsul of government elected In burst of glory and pro then went quickly into limbo my There was party line which lecuuns an which with the rarest of ex ceptions they did follow reli glously They were sheep and sheep without even bloat They were waste And they were lamentable Behind the roundproof walls of caucus the occarlonal one might make bit of noise But publicly they had the Image of used facial tissue Now there is new growing taking per function the shape and cl I897 WMENT DES VATCHEDfJE wumue FROM Mnnl 512mm ALONG 66 Izod Rlllarfa 04 INTERNATIONAL LIIJE nansmma THE MANITOEAGO raAIDN gl WEWMIGIAIM 115 PIEE time art01 zf Willy572557 WWWlily M5 my$459 Illlav 451 LEA17 llfAZA tint llMLAQ 55174 51506447 rum5712555 ammdoeCmnelI Vllr IIIS ARM euro wmnow laprd MlNlBomss plloruouss luv WWIMKWIl of U450 Eumv wmrere 54 11st NMILV Miniamend SINCE I908 MM JAM Manor on nvwzraoh si I010 By DON OIIEARN had to follow religiously pendcncc refccied from the RC lower ranks This spirit prhaps not yet widespread There still are goodly number of government backbcnchcrs to whom any thing appearing as disagree mVlde better mcut amounts to party treason 16 Boyfleld Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 72665 Second Class Mall Registration Nunbcr 0184 Return postage guaranteed Dally Sundays and Statutory Ilolldnys excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 55c Weekly new yearly Single copies too By mall Barrie $2860 yearly Ontario 51800 year Other mail $31m your Motor throw off $2l00 year National Advertising Offl cca 415 University Avenue Toronto 610 Calllcart 5L Montreal Member of the Canadian Presu and Audiollurcau of circulations The Canadian lrexs Ls ex cluslvcly entitled to the use for republication of all new dispatches Ill thin paper cred Itod lo It or The Associated Press or llcutcrs und ulw the local news published thereIn iho Iturrlo Examiner clnlml Copyright in all orlglnal ad Vcliialml and editorial mater lzll fritllltil fly lll employee and reproduced In Illln nowa paper Copyrirht Illl trutllln Nlull IKf mum rIv or III MAGNA CUM LAUDE OTTAWA REPORT Civil Service Rapped For Extravagance WORLD This of motel measuring ll inches by 24 Inches with mir ror on the door and small drawer such as one finds In any mediumpriced motel both cabinets placed In cabins aboard the Bonaventure Some of these bad mIllors broken drawer pulls missing and point scratched hvil serv ants estimated and the taxpay ers paid for 15 manhours of work at $5lD per hour to fit new mirror which cost $20 nine manhours to fit an Sisdrawer pull nnd 18 manhours plus so By PATRICK NIUIOISON Chairmun Alf Hales asd his public accounts committee have served notice on our civil serv ice to spend our taxes more carefully or be fired one committee led by Guelpha Conservative ll and with outstanding support nota bly from Liberal Norm Cofik of Pickering and New Democrat Halold Winch of Vancouver has submitted to the House of Com mons its report on the Infamous refit of the aircraft carrier Bon aventure promising to pay later when they could make prot because the prices of the stocks would have rLscn they thn the for them depositors belieth prices fell Stockbrokers demanded merit for stocks sold on CM millions of people were sud denly ruined because they owed much more money than they could possibly obtain by by then Instead people have worth of paint to touch up and rdlnlsh the paintwork on the small cabinet Thus it cost an average of $25320 to rorlovale each mch clno cabinet vhlcb was worth only $50 when new The significance to you of his wanton expenditure is that that $25820 happened in be 30 cents moro than the lvlr valken chlldran ago wage of in incomo tax his weekly pay packet through out the whole of that rofit year The civil servant who ap falr and reasonable to for that costly cdiclne cublnets Is he report Prolcct of St Laurent whose mmittco describes ible and mislead in tho Estimated at 900000 the refit ultimately cost tho taxpayv or 311100000 And now within three years the ship wlll be sold for scrap next month This report Is the most damn lng Indictment of sluppincss In tho clvll service board in livng memory yet It was presented unanimously by the committee of 11 Llheral MPH six Conserv nuves two New Democrat and one cradltlsfo To describe this Bonny finan cial and administrative mess such iyards no lusti nllpshod totally Inaccuralo adlng testi moreover Ontulq wife and earning tho thenaver 113 per week paid cductions from But it has yawn strong enough to be definitely noticea ble and also significant POTTER STANDS BUT Dick Potter probably led the way Dr Pot ter quickly became known as Conservative back maverick through his Independ ont thinking on henlih matters they used phrases as inefficiency flotation intolerable irresponsible and grossly mIsle and false testimony ltleo ls of the was on son and sho lion in the deport ment of defence production the department of national defence and other government depart ments sold the report URFACE lng all the evi dence and carrying out it Investlgatfons your committee feels that it has only more tip of an Ice ilsfoctary estimat mlscalculatlonl dministrntlon Ivld highlight of it does not proved as the estima work an named In ficcl work the co Irrespons was then paid wage bracket been promoted to of Quinta many Your comm opinion that this refit expensive les serve as can grams Some people would his crlticisms of them It would perhaps be more fair fr say his proposals rogordlng them But Dr Potter Is not by any means alone It probably would surprise many people for instance hockey liar Syl Apps Is taming Into one of the more fndcpcndent PCS always lcd such that his lmngo would be that of downthcIlne con formlst He Is to an extent conform In that he tends to be II conservative 3144 nnnun and has since $16805 BIBLE THOUGHT Let the words of my mouth and the meditation OI my hem be neceplnblc in thy sight Lord my strength and my re dccmcr Psalm 1514 Not only what We talk about but what we think about is screened by the Lord is it aclt coplaqu to the Lord TOUCIIED After heor 1100 that former explored the Syl hns model life small but this expos pctcncn an be the famousm uro of waste incom dishonesty has to edlclne cabinet strung smu John Morrison MID Villium Fin Jack rotary Seltz Wally Hedger Did ROW Mr Cole Allan Scott lion lllyson of Midland Mr Perry lien lloughton 8111 Marks competed town relay events artrldge BACK ROW from Weldon BARRIE ROAD RACERS of and Grim in inter Imlt Midland ICI top left Harry Snljclllll Doug Smith Rufus Urd Art McLean YMCA sew Mar FRONT ROW lick Donnelly Nell McBride left Gordon Goldy Coultcr

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