gt1 mmmuuduor mew Vim Reonal SebodctNmsinLBareprov tented ccmminsmedpsint SHOPPERS GUIDE Special Spring Treats Trout And Asparagus II 3113 Linda AmIIL the Lt nursing at the Royal Victoria Hanna in bx rs ynr as Examiner Photo mom coth puma any is the mu when all lgksgggpggf sugar outdoors burst wide open wth treasures it is the time of year one looks or such delicadm LI rush shtrout or picde are special treats asparagus and resh pickzd pink rhubarb or those hick enaul to have garden patch or rigid who has one This is also the time at teas and bridal shower for June bridut To fit thn spring mood we hare Included some recipu to le rrway until the fish is caught and the asparagus pick ings are sufcient to serve the family The sh recipes are from the les at home econo mists with the federal Depart ment of Fisher and the vegeb able bake comes to us through the courtesy of Ontario Depart ment at Agriculture and Food Lucky the family that has sherman in it providing of course that he catdles the fish With continuing high prices at other main dish tare sh is economical and good source at minents and vitamins Quicken continues as best buy with whole chickens featur ed at so lb and cut up chicken alteredatmtomlblcdil am luxury Item to 1mm era but careful shop aizraenve buy 100 or chuldzlr cheat Old diner white or colored at 79c 1b eggs large Be dozen and bub ter 67c lb Canned salmon is BC or 71 01 size EASY TROUT BAKE dressed Ntan trvut cup French dmssing Salt thin lemon slices haw lish it frozen Wash and pat dry BrUSh sh inside and out with French dressing Sprinkle each lightly on the in side with salt Cut lemon slit es in hall Place halves in each body cavity Place sh In It shal low greased baking pan or dish Top each one with lem on slice Drizzle with remaining dressing Bake in hot oven at 450 until sh flake easily on taming with fork about It minutes Makes servings TUNA TEA SANDWICH can or ounces aked while time leinon juice hardhoucd eggs sieved lb cup finely mud carrot snipped parsley prepared horseradish V4 salt mayonnaise ls sllca buttered sandwich bread Combine all ingredients except bread lilix gently but thorough ly Taste nnd add more salt desired Spread filling an slic es of the buttered bread portlbn ing ll cup at it to slice Top with other bread slices Remove crusts then cut each sandwich into small triangles diamonds fingers or squares Makes bout 32 tea sandwiches ASPAKAGUETOMATO BAKE lib uncooked asparagus spears to butter hothouse tomatoes diced ncl chopped onion 2T nely chopped celery Irtsh breadcrumbs with torn tour alc fresh apple pie wedge of good Canadian cheese cause bad weather ncss ride crown that Is bargains are when you set or do the marketing Blade and short rib mast are 65c and Sue lh at one chain and nunth in ludes cross rib or boneless pot r023 as wcu asblade and short rib at 7Bcth Prime rib masts an the lb boneles beet stew ing meat B9 ground chuck 79c and the lb Mag bone and sirloinsteak is cab nrc at 99c lb icked shoulders Wk are 50c TIL side bacon 586 lb and treSh leg at pork 58 per pound New crop oranges from Calllt ornla have arrived on the scene at dot 89 lemons no net cssary with fish or as an ac cent on fresh vegetables instead at butter are 59 hall dozen New crop carrou impeded are the young kids glangthe 40 is also cngo as Sammy Spndlna Avenue old colorsblack pastel hues businessmans hat Finet Bakery Products FRENCH CHOCOLATE lAYER CAKE treat the whole family will enjoy Moist chocolate cake filled and iced with delicious chocolate tudge Regular Price $109 Special 99 24 DUNLOP ST BARRIE MADE TO ORDER TELEPHONE 7283401 PAINTING DONATED T0 REGIONAL NURSING SCHOOL ingtedle 83001 Abovc k3 crumbme Bromdirectordtbenwinl schontmnnihnnxuudm byPeggy Iziw Min hick butter in bottom ol angular bahng dish line bot asparagus sprinkle with diced tomatoes onion och cry breadcrumbs and cheese Season to taste with salt pep pa basil and nigar Cover dish nndbakeinSISIovmtorts mm or until tender Serves To round out the vegetable bake serve crispy frled chicken with Wered rice and for no Hats Are Back In All Colors NEON OF Hell are back lnar on And its not be Sammy Tait EpIdinI Ave nus garmentdistrict merchant says the but he designed and sold to athletes mobsters and movie stun during the late mo and early 1940 will lonn againon some Hnu have been out or the last to years says Sammy But you can no theyre com ing back now especially among brim which hasnt been around me Appreciation or Mrs Ellls Remember the hlghuowned widebrimmed hats the Chi hlock or the crease Those jobs were known named after Ssmy lalt the Mad Hatter of Getting away tram those dour brown and greySammy now sells hats in Among popular hats today are casual knoc and more conservatll mounds peaked caps in all col SPECIAL OCCASION CAKES AND PREPARED FOODS ANN TENDERS ADVISES Tattooed Lady Deer ALI Luisa was to terestcd in the letter lmrn the prt whose beytrieod askd he to lure buttery tattooed in her hip It seems the kook wanted highly personal rym bol at her inttag lore nod dc votion something no one but he eouid rec Pleatetellthegirlnattoben tooL Four your use had my backside tanned to prove to my tune that do anything to him We Ire married now but notcdsypoabythstldmt regret my hand too Wt nobody but my truelovewwidseelt butlw wrong lot or people have seen it When we boqoitalined tumybahleslwu thethlkol the maternity ward Llst year joined In usrdse class Ind had hadropoutwbcnthewordgot ground Everybody wanted to For University University Womens Cilia nI Barrio concluded on exciting and productive years activities with record turnout er pot luck supper held at the borne of Mrs Wilson on May 13 On the business slde ot the with Perri Recording secretary Mrs secretary Mrs Boomstr well MIA or bald smml coerdlnntor hurlarv plnn by Mrs Wendy than est ribod mans Cansnve nnd naked for vol viewing on Friday at the onenet play which the hilt Festival at Onkville on its way past efforts as president sharplu pin to Mrs Ellis Miss Jane Rookc wun tuckv um Lloyd Pllyll tot only 7233531 1113 Slate Of Ofcers Submitted meeting President Mrs nu is submitted the shite or olllcers Past Presl EIramyxlll varsity Servich Overseas and Representative Mrs hm mum lnsry trnining to village high Speed Gencrnl Education con vencr Mrs Helen Smith with assistant bclng Miss Norma Rel ly Social convener is Mrs Wesscngct Corresponding menu treasurer Miss Catharine Luod press secretary Mrs Ptr member convener Chambers Special projects liaison Mrs Gun $333359 for her pludt and lngcuulzy in ducted by several groups under motion or change in the Mrs Mor on will be wnsidercd in the all desc cam ndinn Save le uuldren Fund teer help trvrn the Barrie club She also invith members to Hill Players are considering tor And um wldu presentation in the coming Dra exprwcd by Mrs Kelly who presented the pest presidents Guest speaker for the evening as lnlrod dlycleaning Stickers Save on nationallyadvertised products while you got the bust dryclountng Just usvn the stickers you got with such dlyclonnlng order Come in for tree redemption toldel on um Accordll Batman 91 see tho tattooed lady kit like excus cant deserbe the this this ridiculous thing has caused me Please tell that gal to prove her undying love nod devotion some other wily or better yet him prove 11 by the idea Under the Rb DeIr 305 One might all this umge The Tall DI Two Sitties tor the esti rnonlal hope your lettex shook the Dickens out at her WHAT HAPPENED Del An Lode What happened to decency kindnms and love ot ones fellow man may day hear about another inadmt that must we to mourntorthewyourwnrldis going This morning my dear MAY 11 70 Womens Club ed by Miss Laura Young tilelong friend ol the Itooke ism lly She also Welcomed Janes mother Mrs Rooke for mer member of the Barrie cuh who is now residing in Ottawa Miss Rookc an honor graduate of York University is currently tendntn at Richmond Hill On modulator two years ago shu volunteered with Canadian Unllt school in Ghana where tor one year she was the only white pct son ln this Alrlcnn community with use slides Miss Rooke girlie vivid Lalcture at tile and vast awakening continent Her life in modern bungalow where the constant battles with cockroaches and the occasional poisonous snake were mmmonplnce aroused the respect and admiration of all Regrets Proving Undy ingiLove met mttslest blow imaginable surgery tcw dirys ago Mary Louise Benrhesd has been in coma since but the mother of tour Indian children Is not urgotten by her 13year old son Larry to remember We Am mankinJ 34mm nu tried it woukkst hi to print the harm drug hornetIL Why the mole hospital black eye became one stupid employs Most hospitals have stand procedure or thinning tn phones and 22 Whit rim til home when the family saliva dogm neighbor received the nxinwhlchtheywuetcldol Her youngat son undement print the name 01 the hnstal their sonl death Pertups they Howsathinkthsworldoughttoknow use tuna Mother Of Four Remains In Coma After Accident hcnvy work shops for groceries at Dufeld Supplementing the entity in come is small garden in which enough potatoes and other vegetables are raised to last the winter The Benrhead children catch bus each day to Stony Plain where they attend whlte school at the insistence of their grandmother who feels the We dont lack too much for money says Mrs Font My husband and get old age pen sions nnd there are weltare cheques or the kids Our fuel is supplied though It must be hrought from the bln Lnrry takes care of the Incl and the char children help with chores Mrs Paul has been unslt DUFFIELD Alix IQ lie is the only one old enough his mother the young woman who smiles lit him from photograph stored with family treasures in tin box hie to work since she sldfercd Sil 23 me about so it T32Xli2 mm ltd momcr cm Mr Paul unable to perform white man world trig hrnc or while They re sume their daily routine and prayers Mrs Bcnrbend injured in an automobile accident has been in Charles Cnmsell Hospital in Edmonton since OcL 29 1963 Their tuthcr died year alter the uccldenl says Eliza beth Paul 70 mother of Mrs Bcorhcad lie was struck by car on highway near Stony Plain nurse from the hospital oc casionnlly visits the familys loingot hump nelstled In once on nus Band in dlnn reserve so miles west oi hmm Nd Edmc on your aroseopo indicates the at report on Mrs Wu mun Benrheads condition chum om5gcngmuw And the report is always the guest with me 12 met monthsend you yourself could wruusmmsu mnauarn tlorl ingenuity and the pro gressive ideas you get dining this period should pmve highly very soon Keep mulling them over until early July and then advance them in quarters where they writ do the most good In tact stars promise that both July and October will be excellent periods in which to capitalize on originality and creativity Sep temhe will also be good monthdor job interests but ylu may ind lull in these 11me between Nov and Doc 15 Things pick up again It that time and you can look to Iurther FOB TOMORROW While um aspects will be on themtldsldethntwtllbongood period in which to plan alter nocn activities More vigorous influmcce which will prevail allu men will encourage any compllshmmt in important in terosts FOR THE BIRTHDAY adapting to her surroundings The barrage ot questioning which allowed indicated the interest ot members of the club at two lcs was no HUMAN HAIR Speelnl Special Machine made and or evening doi in Special THURSDAY Gt BRlDGETTE CREATIONS INVENTORY with detachable velvet hand Machine made and hand finish ed Dome cap tor pcrteot height Can be worn as cascade of curls ringlets etc 13 long Bridgette Reg Price $5935 HUMAN HAIR WlGLET Muchan made round not bliss with nomh llulr length lirtdgetn Reg Price 295 HUMAN HAIR WIGLET ishetl with sewn comb Dome built tor elevation can be worn cluster at curls in in length Bridgette til Price 31495 YOU COULD WIN MUSTANG BY SHOPPING WOOLWORTH Mrs Paul communicates the be the instrument of such message in Cree to her hus For the next two hmsu in your occupatloml band Pierre before the chll planetary aspects will gain in Deccm drcn are told stimulnto your lnrinte imngina cry and align Jam MONDAY IO WEDNESDAY AJII To 530 PM FRIDAY Ad T0 EMJ SATURDAY AM To Pll Product not exactly as Illustrated FALL HUMAN HAIR FREE Machine made finished by hand 14 In length Detnehablo velvet hand Dome cap for pertect height Falls are versntile they can be worn as some cascade curls or ringlcts Brldgolto Rog Frlco $3995 Special hand in tor kmn $999