We ruminant $2 on single by tn the on tuning Bonds base and score Gm Bonny 80 Baitinflgivlghlfgxlogz lorRtlnt stole second and third title May lrepholol 1w BASEBALL Fireworks In night to lead the no nctory vcr Pitt 21 Pirates and Lat 56 0V mgblkeawks in the let tied lull ol teams colortul mas Cl gt Noonborn relaxes wig ex ploding Lrtmark us the ten 1112 Assoc PM Tuesday TE Bram Gate Boyer docsntwan to set the world an turrettinged little flame in Gnu Nod bnnlastcpccdcd Bo cr male 03 out ill Aliza Sz=dlum White Sox Bounce Back rm Assoc 135 Jenn scsttcred six his at ATE PR Cleveland where the 21ch Sex The ball L1 beginning to and Indim tied major league bounce right in Tummy lohrl record by cumblning Alor can White Sex but double plays Luis par igloo Erabgnder and Milwauch mngmmg bele 152 Brewer still get naming but ammo the bad hops slumpedL 11 tie John backed by live double fill 50 5t xiiinlitilmiiadlinns 21 rsidiy Good Double lit Greenwood ht or their fourth American Ilasagna victory in the last two games The Chicago lelthander has wen his last two starts alter string or five straight sct backs gets to the third P555 has be MaycelebratingBirthday39 While Giants Montreal tm every day but don Th Izit 39 hes the oldest CPI REAL 145th Ltd ls so today hlll tho incompara blivgfn nglnclsco Giant ccntrclieldcr is celebrating bl birthday while the Giants are in town tor threesome series twlth Montreal Expos 1b tortilrle dilator in base bulls National League proba bly will spend today as he does other lewlont have anything schlgl planncd ior toduyJLl just the things normally do on the nine dAlteorl lllgycars in the National furs with tho Giants hluys still would like to ploy etcly dny and Giant mannger Cly weekend says King base on Willis Mays joined the New York run and 58 runs home runs he has LRiog added Id like to use 1712 runs Americas Cup Stage Beadled tho Intrepid loc bloburrclled domestic d2 belore the interna ompctltlon not under no This year EW YORK CFAP ntiilonttrro or two sleek vessels ng mg battling the sons and each other nun or possession at tho yachting worlda gr ntost glory the Americas 01v still more than four months away But ol rcndy the stage is being set in about month tno Ameri chnmplnnsulp nro owned by Re cullnugh led from 95111 gzSltcr specimen the am MW West yacht tn detond Vlb Horton Why um united status hns clutched cautiously Blood 851 And beginning Aug 18 outs ders who want to wrench it awaythis year France and Australiawill hoist sails to de termine who gets to challengo once again the boutbuilding sult premacy and scomoushlp of the icons figletio contenders Wlll bocome two by Sept 15 start at tho iclnsslc racing series over midmile triangular course writers at the Atlantic oil pictur csquo Newport RI In 1967 in tho lust leap race it was the millionaire is Iicrom ll Gretel ll second at owned Sydney slon magnate Amerlcos Intrepld ed Emil Bust Mns or Write Plains NY U011 Mers thnt dashed oil with the honors PitchingSonny inst on outclassed Dome pitch iggriitio an Australian chal longer ATHLETE TI BREAD ottheswingplosistigrv ln illustra um iygwtiommon The goiter has titted tho club to the top In stead ol havmg swung it The result is minimal shoulder turn and an obviously bontlolt arm roblom occurred In the signaling the subsequent take aWa In both casesLho oltuor hel the club too tightly With his rlght hand or too looson with his loft The result wasthat his right hand and arm picked in Flint itliiy important that your alt hand arm and side dorm note your backswing as mtnaln lllustratlon ll sollg liliiiiihit an sw hortillbshouldor turn and make nice wide swing are With your The top Ba sum to when tool that your naturally 53m right hand St meat in cr in lilo mains excluding gainers llcs played lot at games lor us already this year including doubleheader but Mays is in excellent condition last Sunday against Philo ed rum first dclphln ulllc scor bunL Glanlil lam re still my uhtle they mane season with 10 home he batted 21 band time batting rnark no iliis season was 293 Ho has 600 into at her Obstacles to dc cm Vauum bort ml the Heritage ndicnto headed by Mm mulling Whats and builder swin two handed hgmll an stll om no and Slde am be certain thdat rorgct active driven in Mc French aspirant owned bynxilnrvn Marcel men hangout the France comes the her name to th Americas Np Md rmby gir Frank Packer publishing and televi BIISEBBLI STARS Ely THE ASSOCIATED PRESS trottingTony Ollvo drove six runs with home run tr and single to load Minnesota Twins to an 35 victory over Dc Siebor cd in threehitter to lend Boston Red Sox to it So triumph over Milwaukee Brewers PW club illustration hand on the tip Yulme or atollt mos an arm exghrild make your normal ho sure arm and aroout of the picture we run um In in lplo mecnder pitched ve per lcct innings then was raked or runs in the sixth as Boston Red Sox blanked Milwaukee behind Sonny Sicbcrts threehlt ter extending the Brewers losr lug streak to nine games In other league action Tony Oliva powered lilanncsnta twins to an 35 verdict ovurpelrolt ll gcrs Baltimore Orioles rode and hincd with Donna nal tor 5130 daily double this year TORONTO CF Lard Yates of at Btol two the sub race Tuesday night at Greenwood Raceway and com lacrh Gcisel lr drove Sparky Eden Hoarold pacer to victory in the third while Count Bimbo won the tnurtn tn tst Victory or driver Allan llatldrll teir 111 19 en ads has um rsr ism run but Minced 3w Eifdildfqigegy umze use around the rest ninth 5151am fir ham team nits cc out Boyer umSndemeEo Se bro shots and llnnk Anas med weiggpt mm twpchmg WSL AL $3 sab limp Huston Asuus rvp uh hem isntmxt Cabs 51 nos Angels 132 up bctu imm ldr is elding ex rered 55 annals be pltilts at th has dun his and sshl Function lanu mm longdau Montrez Expos in is tried til1 BASEBALL RECORD Minnesota our home runs to rt 74 victory over Kansas City Royals Oak land Athletics racked Yuri IVER VEDNESDY MAY mo Il than the $1300 claiming lid ILAMBURG Cpl Re Lan Baily ol Consccon 0m Yankees and Washington Senators downed Caillurma An gels Tuesday night in 209 or so MORE SPORTS payoff at Bullalc Raceway 0N PAGE IS Baltimore McNauy +1 to um NOIISALI tmlmo Indonluonrl upnlmd sv wt nstuwn nupon dlvel lo plum Something Special for QUARTER Rolex 0i gidiiiiiin 79 Eorornott Flitiiiiiiii SAUSAGE 59 in mu mull COOKED MEATS In noun 0MIIIMIIIVJIIICIXHLIIILIUI Nil FANCY 39 CHOICE QUALITY AYLMER VEGEIABLES CREAM SIYLE BURN DR PEAS any ma ASSORlED cutouts FACIAL ll 01 llltS Frozcn qulntltlts YORCHOICE IJHSEN Y0 REDEEM YOUR in PB IGA FOOD tRllllCAlES In in not In Mmr mt IX FE Will It llQlllD BLEACH Haunt EXIM SID PE Wim rum unto mus INSTANT DOFFEE IXIRA SW PI Willi Ill sum ORANGE CRYSTALS urltorl Mutts DR MES MON lec mm mu mt mm llulllltlafllll srltu SPlNIClI XIM $2 TAPE Wllll stunt rut tom PORK BNOPS no rxm $2 TAPE Willi our soul Hull DRAHGE JUICE ll nullt or lGA CAIALOGUE GltlS it ill toruh in mm sh Iqivlll WNW 4r mammtvnrsaw1w MARK SQUARE IGA ll ESSA RD JCT 0F TIFFIN ST tqu mm nultlunlJlll or nutmut CHRISTIES IGA FOODIINER Bowel 04 It rm Tm CDADL Delle Milan or C1 on American Lug Eli Pct our National Lengia D5 15 532 gigmm sat rs 1323 Detroit out ctncagu 1i Washington 11 st 3m rork New York 500 Philadelpgla 113 53 Cleveland IS 409 51s griltg 11 6m lluntrenl lo 273 linnesata 15 003 lm 12 11 um cnctnnstl 21 Gringo to 85 51 Atlanta Kansas City us Angelcs Milwaukee 1le San Francisco is Probable PHchc Today mg 131 my New York Stolllcmyre 24 at 5m whim Puck Oakland tDowning 31 Pro muicduhn Wm 01 atsiimifriliiiium 24 Drunng 22 at Milwau hiyAnkxilScsavlcSXutgl Nut It ttin om New or kcglcliisiand McDowell 327 at San pings harbylilat Phil cc Chicago llorlen 32 adslpzsuguglnnglll 10 Kansas Qty Butler lama Nicuo no itin HAPPY MolllrttS om Mom mt tun lm mum AYLMER GATSUP mrmulttmmr BEANS PORK Itrvnumlulmr 31 iihronrn WHEAT Ionidtlscoru n33c 1251 as Ill 1W0 1A5 TEENS in oral FRESH APPLE mutt so MID IGA ROYAL BOLD III to umtorsltuxml DANISH RING utumultmummx GRUMPETS lrl mm romo CHIPS alum Ill DAVIDS Biscuits cFoods InThc DairyCasc IGA Mill on tum CHEESE SLIGES 1X 35 1M Wilt la WAXED PAPER to null isutttuluvnxs um 1m wml SWEETHEART YOGURT wum tumtilulmmrlt APPLES MARGARINE Ftnurrns PEANUTS til ir29 2290 SOCIETY nos roou 4ni85 trxrfagc Martha Logan MORTQEN HenlthiBeautyids 33 REFS littlest if likdkfmmmiirg ilritrs sprigs MIXED VEGETABLES =45 ggamdmm rulers nun onuusnggutus HAMILTON PIES 49 wwww titl5 loose 97c 66 YOUNGS IGA FOODLINER STROUD