Barrie Examiner, 25 Apr 1970, p. 7

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Attack The Problem Not The Person When Arguing New York tNAPS Though all couples srzuo 12w do it as skillfully or productively they might The truiis at tamin gumeni itro oiled hurt lcdhgl and cmtinued anger kmly Dy posit results can be obtained mm squabble It both P3 lies train tbcrnselvn to look for tight instead just victory milk at tact an occl sioniii flare up can do more to help your marriage than to harm it provided um it ends up in now tenderness and under standing So so ahcad and Squawk it its your way at releasing your pcnl up tmsions and getting yuur zmuch out in the open Then make that verbal brickbat end up in verbal bouquet by needing those tips ATTACK THE PROBLEM not tho person The more object llvcly and impersonaily pro blem can be tackled the easier it is Instead ol saying dont likc the way you do thing it more objective approach would be we have problem and may be we can do something nbout It In other words try not to stuck your partners oxo Ask his help in solving your pm blcm DONT MAKE YOUR partner broad or hours In silence It you quarrel at hrcaitiust both at you bro in tors bleak miserable duy since time Schedules often demand that the husband leave or work before Issues can be solvcd bouquet flowers can work wonders in the cant he hurt to work it out situation And lhtms no law nguiiut wile Icicphonin her husband III thu wine instead of sulkin Its wonderiul woman he may think who can help mini tn concentrate on work main when he is emotionally upset MAKE SURE YOUR criticism ls constructive Your suggutions will meet with better new Iinn it you commend bciuro you criticize observes Dr Oswald IIoIImnn cl radios tamed Luth Gum speaker at it nrri solvice on Sunday in Burton Avctluo United Church will he Mitts Nancy lklwurdil our 01 Tnlludus radio personalities Ilho ovont uniunited by the United Churdi Women includes no lntonnni tumheart to Ioi low tho sorvico Mb Edwards conducts public utiuiril ral GUEST SPEAKER AT BURTON UNITED othcrs egos icss dispulrs arrives the nature whidiishonndfivo days week by over to radio stutlons nerds Cunudu Iiur programs includo topical corn ment and interviews with people of interest in tho help lug proisssions tonvhors donors ministers and social Ily lite and social concern Photo by Nolt Toronto sLli workers The accent is on tnm min Hour The noted theologian who dbfmcs marriage its Gods institution for the pmwrvution oi the human Iamily that when your spouse criticizes you ll ollcn means that he or she taking in interest in you Your ability to criticize and ac ccpt criticism may mean the diluent betwmn the and Isiiuro at your mirriupo ACT IT OUT Many couples know when dulcronucs arise but not what caused them couple qunrmiing apparently nothing cum to mcnnct their avming to see what mysterious Iuclor coined cold feelings to rive Then we got into thr taxi husband nlipht de And then you said to mo air This dc lcctivo work alien causes cuup Ies to cooperate in remember in instead of lighting and it helps tithe the pmssurc all each notcs success about SET TIMII LIMIT Im quarrel Slimr tniiguo hill way or creating omnII mooning Couplrs pressure uuxht to set aside limo during the week whrn they In talk or discussion In which diitcrcncos can be aired thn smuli Irritation illIzll II it II it caupio too tired to cope with to inlp iutltltrs at uni priit your in total oilutttosu ouys mission It the Irrttitlion in very trivini it may even be or gutten bolero discussion tittt DONT Ill AlRAID TO Iitlk about sex It you Illttl that you Are quarrcling Iroquoittly but dont Know the reason it may be In inn rcni ruian In Mancu or cmhnrrnssing to you Mnny doctors min that no coupit has an immodintc and perfect soxuni roiuilnnship igtut any rcIntio ship can be helped it the couples arent luu nice ln itll cttch other What tho other Ono is doing that is right or wrong Ilut never novor talk aA bout this in spirit of alum Sexual ignorance Ir DHIIHIIIIISS monl can came nllixrrvlr Ihnt seem to nriso ovoi smucihlnp IIDSOIIIILI way not oomopdoowo Qumran STUDIO l6 COLLIER 51 GIFT PROBLEMS Mothers Day COME INTO BARRIES ONLY BATH BOUTIQUE FOR MANY GIFT IDEAS AND SUGGESTIONS TOWELS OBATH MAT SETS ACCESSORIES QREDECORATING IDEAS FOR YOUR BATHROOM Wedding and Shower Brides Register Available Register with our Brldos Service LCZIVO Olll mime Gilt request colors cum in our iidcii Registry 7287 Iindtl Ion luau is nrvuni In women comortlblo saiutmnl xv SARI LAMINER SATURDAY APRIL 25 1I Japanese Dessert Luncheon Is Collier UCW Project In May lull colander ol utivitiu Ior the spring mood was rtported at the April Min of Collier Sued United Church Women held April with Mn Ross Stcvhciu dimming the session It was announced Lbs on SHIP Mrs Mason ul Guthrie will speak about her winter at work on the mum island lridian Reserve Pisa are underway to ISLst with the UM small 92mins Sunday June at 250 run at day Korean minister and choir St Marys Romn no will be welcomed at the Nguisr Church Amelia sod Dtthdanald morning service at Collier Unil Sts ed Shut Ins Sunday is project Japanese Dessert Luncheon involving msny churches and or will be sponsored by Lhe UCW gnnlutions in the community on May at which B111 Tamil whidi makes possible attend at the Japanese Garden Club nncc It Church service or him Tumnio will give dcmonslra dlcnppcd residents lion on the art lower arranx Members the Collier UCW trig continue to assist with the unit oI Coliitr UCW wrll tI Meal 0n Wheels project it Oriiiins llillcrcst boch or Mrs Macmillan outlined the utinl in May Miss Vern plans or the all Dmktl an Baldwin unit loader rtportud inttrnuliannl Treasure Fair she had new request Ethnic mods and crnlLs will be Irom Ilillcrcst Lodge Iur slips qutund in dlspiays and singers ol perennial plants or piamuig and dancer will penalm during around the Lodge grounds ben the clIII Che suitable for the union and lilrs Cockbuin conducted light weight gait puum or us thoughl provoking imcstigatlon on putting green at Tension of our times and An invitation will be extended certainties of our Faith to all UCW groups in tho city to Mrs lrry Maxwell itd in the attend the June meeting wiltn worship Scrvlct Local Girl Guide Executive Will Attend Annual Conference annual tutcling utl Friday uiteni it hits Cub butt will Summit the iindtlli oi tho cunlcrcncu discussions planning lo itltcmi mun Geor gum AXlII Executive Alis min Grucuy niirrio Ami Commissioner iirs nukrr lllillVlt Dupuiy Am Conl nlissinnor itirs Adiinu our Sixty tomb niitr uulmg bc ltlliutling the gun In St Cniharincs sou ult Llllil ttitmhcrs wlll ulllhtr ntnrily Niagara ruin tor the anttuztl nttvliltg Iilltl tutlltrutltt oi tho Ontiirtn Counrtl Girl Guides at Csnadn Guides du Canada Tito colttciuitto Nlli bc llcld ANN LAN DEBS ADVISES Den Au mien May borrow your alarm to pit lav million people live Enp llsh lesson Every time hear someone misuse the Ward bad and badly cringe II is so simple to km to use than words pcrly Bud is In adjective cu eel bud ll you hurt someoncs ecllnzs You do not eel badly Peopio lrequcritly make simi isr misuke with the words good Ind well person does not look well Ill be new dream she looks good in it To say person looks wcll means they do not look sick Food mics bad nut badly Or it tastes good not wcli Any body who cant complete the se ries is hopeless case understand uliy this mother Wth are todays English zoos for excuses you should mchmg Dent my mm gm ind her bragging less irritating lLsh Immore am in Bulls trachur ind MEID umm Dear lnr Linden try busl Im no longer teaching pies that answer my QllflllJH band and worked hard or not ytr3 built guud busliiuszt DJ Washington Dru Dl Thanks or mod Intl although it scan if we were killing up Ill lLIill You Liid writ What Joltd ti When received an mean is yuu didnt do badly DUT 0F WEDLOCK OIILI to sell out All handsome Der Ann landch mk In prullt we look itthtnkmg the tuctury Where it is novcsury time it come to take it easy to stand or sit nionuldo other rm women or scvvrul huurs time girl no older than started to work here last Au gust Al Iirsi She was rry qulut Alter thror wotks on he job she begun to Iaikttimtly about her litilr boy who wnx born out at wedlock Then SIIC began to bring picturesevery other day lShc must spend $20 week on tum Ii we hvar is Van Van Van Its Van th nnd Vail Iliul lu listen to her Vail is the itlnsl beautiful the smartest sutxh lost bust behaved child in tho world We all have chiltirnn Aim itnd nillurnlly we think nurx trn special but no nltlllltl at tho aviary brags Iboul illl legiti mule kids the way lint girl rur rleit on about litr iiioltttintulr one Is there pbiilt wily tn ANN LANDEM be out No wupullle or impoliivr The girl prubably eels who because the boy was born out at wedlock Once you ourselves LOIN PORK CHOPS 55c lb Mom Tun Wod only DYCKS FOOD MARKET 150 Coliior St ric and Mrs Lisk llmtult in tho Sheraton llmck Hotel April 30 to Mn 1m program hit hucli mtg girl MIN Juitn Corbett II Vtst muunl Gnome II Iomtcr Cunn dliin Cth Cnmttitsslonrr will open tho contorvnct with an Illi tlrcss to ittimulillc tilsLlIsStan and the rxchunut of ideas nundu lltnllnarr Mu lull Russell ncputy Cltalmtnn iii the Nationili gramme Cunimitict will present sus Inn rntillttl Discovrry In Sour Tho guosi speaker Fr titty morning will be Rilbe Sluurt Rosenberg of TUIOIIIO KliIil FRESH SMELL loiit your outtamum unm senlblcd IiLtwem me to keep it cicunsmciitttg Iftlie Shoe Fits by Walkwol How door the foot dovnlop between binh and wolitlqg ago At birth lhoitool is my soft mass MilliGil titty tissue and culiilnuq The only bone 116ch is tho heel bmio lit Litr next nhnngc tho IutLv tissue in tibkoriirti mut Ihu IooL begins to tako hupo us it ercruixcd from crooning and stand ing Finally when walk ing mally boginn list1c unti boim develop very and not tlovtiupirlrllt is rapid fititi sltot Willi flexible solo should be chosen in stunting baby on his minimiio walk through llic mntn right Ihe ilverugo person wallet 80000 miles in lifetime whlth Is lht best rensnn or well titling qtialily strict For Your Conrado Hot llO MULCASTER ST Nothing but hotw Flor ienbrae Plumbing 133 GROVE STREET EAST BARRIE Cnludo Hot Wstor Heston svsIIabio II McNabb Plum Writer Gives Lesson In The English Language So my Dumad went on lob mm ill new iile sly husband ls do pressed because he doesnt haw enough to do but having him around the how so much used to be busy Now trom 515 till midnight we sit around and look other new business ll ninnc good health snd energy mm do you saytllunkgny Doubts Wembothiwdcsinm and mm ll each Are vr too old at st to start We have Deu Daubts Dbtluusly both need chanttut in order to feel uselul and productive Neilhcr you nor your husband are happy but at humus so my advice is to back into busi nesson smaller scale Youll be Iliad you did mm more rm Stun llourI M130 Bully JDIIN ST East at Brndlord 5L Towlnls also FIIUNI Ixsltl shut htr upzVnnnra out rtoHnrwmgr no ame Cascade is U18 simplest way to keep family in hot water because its electric Ii hot water is over problem In your iomily call your Hydro and find out about todays biggest bargain in hot water the Cascade eioclric water heater ask your hydro Wotor Hooter roqulromonts contact BARRIE or Healing hing Ideal PHONE 72891 PHONE rst

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