Barrie Examiner, 2 Apr 1970, p. 3

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Thom Is nothing jtmlor bout Junta Adilovoment ac cording to John vice prcsldent and managing dime ti at Junior Acblcvunem In Says Achievement Must Adhpt To Survive The Junior Adilomnenl pro gram In Barrio and similar pro grams throughout North Amcrl came under tire tram an un expected sourm yesterday John Malihe Iloronta bus Incssman who has taken years holiday to dnwta full time to his position of vicepm Idcnt and managing dirodor or Junior Adilcvumcnt at Canada made some xixast comments 00 members of the programs board direde In Barrie He said the Junior Adieu mcnt program In trouble and must be able to adapt to change It It Is to mvivo In Barrie italre am two unIcr achievement monies Inc and Norjtm productions are man utnctymtngond radio program ming businesses MW EMAI HUDENIS The ammonia are operated by studonts from the Barrie area who lm than with sham of stock sold to area residents The compatos eventually voltmthrlly liquidate their amt and pay dividends to stockholders Menu whileu main qpox lcnco In every tocet at business lintl It is hoped they will carry this lmowlcdgu with than to Canada Mr We address ed meting tho board of direct or ot mint Amine mum in Borrlc yesterday and he had satin critical things to lay FROM LEFT that he bod attended medias oi Communist and socialist or ganizations In which young people had ml emotional In wlvomcnt In the group mIIwhatwondenJum Ior Attainment he said we dont give ii damn the kitliI wont zivo damn he said We must awaken busi nessmcn and organizatitms to what mt ll trying to do The JAs are on cdixatlonol organization and we must have the support of businessincn II we are to survive he continued The average person In Barrio doesnt know what the JA pro Wo must broaden our philosophy or wem In trouble ha told the meeting Mr McRne said some peoplu In aoclnlist organizations would rather quote Miro TarTun than work Inside the society They linolhr discover that you cannot eat Communist philosophy and so tar most have swung back me capitalistic system he WANT MONEY TOO You pooplc knock bistros men or making budr but they want the many too This dirty esmhlishmcnt Isnt all dirty he maintained their jobs In later life Mr McRno told tho meeting Georgian College Announces Supervisor Course Graduates Fourteen manager and sup erVnois at local rms gradua tod this week mm 10wcck course on effective supervisitn ind mun altered as part of Geardint Colleges ex tension program The mum at for operations the business Dame coke other classes will be mploted In Colllngwood Pm ebongiiishene and Midland Them in aka count uttered Ruidm CIAG losurttncc Barr Minotau liar this course tor pmdudim managers Th la Lloyd Rintoul City May Try ToSellSaltBin The public workgldopnrtmont surplus storage bin owned increasing this by tho Public Works Department but considered too Inelilclent to he used will likely be Scrapped or sold by tho city If it acccp recommendation at tho publ works committee Tho bill now located on Pub lic Works Departmopt pro arty on Robert Street co ltructcd heavy stool pinto Its mnln purposo Is as storage bin for stilt used on Butrut roads throughout the winter The bin has bucket clevut system used to transfer salt liom trucks to the bin but the pro cess Is so slow that some drIv or delivering stilt icIuso to wait too roqulrcd tWrHIndEi halt hours to have their trucks unloaded Tho bin has not on humidity control system and sometimes salt sticks on shallow IIo Insldo the bin LEONE and DaMARIA Gcnernl Contractors 1230105 House and Gottugo Rois Buscment Digging Recreation Rooms Fireplocvs etc ink the cottrso rim to impch the nbility at the superVisor In his work In eluded are technique 02 person nel numgcmcnl cost roductjm and improving The class Instructed by Har old AgtSmall Is the second to graduate this year Last week class oil 25 under Robert llloedtam manager at mployce relations at the Canadian Gen oral mark Co Ltd plant In my cd their certl luctn gmctN outlet min Strudwick Conadyletos Young people learn business On hand to present certificates were chmnld Luchhnce chair man at the educmional mum oco of tho Barrio Chamber at Commerce and Harold McDon oilid oomdma tor of he remain ing Mlle opened by Georginn College at the West End Plaza GRADUATES The ohm were Bruce Baker at Taitdo Cmnrritnotor Obcrhollzcr Chrysler Ann mdgoway Bell Canada Eitcst Sour urcs Violet Wade Count Unit Susan Vhitc Mcm 0M1 Hospital Alliston unrl Rex Humor ClAG lnsur aicc hits considered angle or they slopo but It Is to Is Ic therefore mont has mlttco that tenders bo culled soil the bin The rccommc cit April 13 it council or tenders and It removed Mord Campbell Rumbab dier Hermon Hylund Ontario Hydro Buny Kerr Tolcdo elm Dutiorin Construction Pmmon CarminaClosures Canadian Ecnjn Over Garage For Ambulance Plans tor it new nmhuloitcn galago ht Royal Victoria Hos pittil itro expected to be ready pmscnwtion it the next morning of tho hospitals board that this solution would cut down on storage spncu so much that tho chango would not be worth while The Public Works Dcpnrt recom mended to tho publlc works com dntlnn will so bctore city coun approvcs culling Ihonzley prddent of the Barrie Junior Achievement program Mr arenas and Clitt Lloyd cxecutivc director oi the prayurn In Barri ET am Photo ii manl Invocrlsy and segments of our practices that need donn iug up but they fail to see our good points They mmsM that business men him good points along with their failings lm liner ested in anything short at going to toll to promote Junior Adiievemem he laid CHANGES some of tho chaugns suggest ed wore Me at public Indlil In which are otherwise lying don moat In offhours pubhu ty campniyi to Mom the public what the organizntinn IS trying to dinInd greater contam with clubs busincsvnm and teachers toput the program norm to wide scgment at people Emphasis on social nod polit Icnl Irsuca should also be mu jor consideration he said He also advocated change In the rian of Junior Achiovmtnt to mom accurately reect the purpose of the organIzaucn but 5an that this was not it pnme obloctl Wave got to stop soaking the some companies ycnr nttcr year to support us We must look for broader financing and gronter Involvement from the public Weve got to intonn students and btninosanon our teachers what this promom II about or our system at value moy change he said Barrie Film To Be Screened At Hospital Annual An awardwinning color lm produced by Barrio photograph or Bruno FAVero and Dr Delaney will bi shown at the annual meeting of Royal Victoria Hospital Association nicsday at pm In the hospital cafeteria The lm which won first prize last your in audiovisual Comnmtatm Vivinn asun Mcn pmscntntions lit the Canndian mooring deal wILh surgical technlqu made bendlines In Chattanoo ga We newspaper inesxman ranks the Canadian port ascend tar as uniting shing is unnamed First tor him the time he landed II toot 14 pound blue marlin in the Gull ot Mexico and Ihat is hsrd to but tanoogn News Free Press in terviewcd Mr Grab thcut three day trip to Irmcn Lake 5mm earlier this year The article rhownnphs oi scenes mpeand in the papers March ISM Simcoe motel and lshod at Al lens sh Carrrp near Barrio Using wial tackle made in Roland he caught ovnraging two and halt pounds He also caught few trout which he considers Medical Assodntion lee mm on Lake Simeoe has Don Grub mattahooga buy spans writer at the Giot his ed by three Ice fishlol Mr Groh stayed at the Lake Whittsh CITY NEWS TEE BARBIE EXAMINER THURSDAY APRIL In Lake Simwe Ice Fishing Grabs Headlines In Tennessee man the large Ezh Mod deep watcrs The article nsa mentions the mic Winter carnival Bur unin Twist Association said brochures to the area had 11 article maker statement sure Ln attract the sherman to the lake Simcoe area There Is no wattr pollution Council To Tour Some City Ofces th coundl members will our the planning board oEictn tit engineering dcpnmncrlt and the building Writ of dw hall Mondity rumour long tour is ruled uled to begin at 630 pm Stair manbcrs of the three de partmenu will be bud to answer questions Committee mectlnzs will rol Public Meeting public meeting on the gov ornment white paper on taxa lion sponsored by the Enrric Mr of Commerce will Lake place at Central collegiate nudi torium ntcsdny lit pm Guest speakers Ior the cm hing win he Dcan Levitt his manager for Toronto account In Ilrm and Horace PrnIt vice president at the Ginmber ol Commerce In Barrie questiomnndttnswer period will be conducted The allowing duy meeting on tho whitn paper will he held In Newmurkct Speakers at this York Simcoe Liberal MP nnswer period WILLIAM QllEPISiWAN Small Hassle for of directors The plans are for three the emergency cultonce bay brick structure located near the Ontario Hospital Commis native son who is prosldtnt onco Research Board til appointment Iar thr Tho OIHC says it prctcrs to thl want brick tilt the garage Is It will probably bo replaced by storage shed po sion and the board havent mm to terms on building materials metal structure but tho hospi situated at the trout ol the hospital tho board will have to be particular about It appearance chairman Caldwell said no hope that details will he settled by the next board mcetlng In May while enjoying Essa Rd Set For Tuesday At Central meeting will be Herb Grnymin star without portfolio who has respondblIILIcs In the nance do purtmcnt nnd John Robarts Tth will he panel discus lion as well as questionand Wlllinm Chccsmnrl Barrie Canadian Westinghouse Co Ltd has been nppoinltd to the Do years was announced by Hon ENTERIAlNMENT low the tour On White Paper ELPMTI tospenk Appoint Barrie Native To Defence Research Bd John Munro MInIster 01 Health and Veltnro The board has four responsi bllitios To provide Scientic ud vicc to the minister at notional defence the chic or delemc stall and the Canadian armed forces to provido for research requirements of the Canadian lms to contriblrle to calico tivc defence research efforts NATO and other hitcmational progrums and to support in terest In Canadian universities and applied miliutry monarch ith Cantidinn Industry DllBs activities are canled on ot its hoadquartois in Ottawa and at Inhorntorics tuid Held sin Ions in live provinces Graduate of Barrie Collegiate and tho Unlvcrsity oI Toronto In engineering phy Bill Clinti man scrvcd its is utenont with the Royal Canadian Novy In World for No He has held executive posts with tnternodon 211 Telephone and Telcgrnph and RCA Victor and became prcsl dent of Cnnadinn Westinghouse in 1967 oi ACTIVE IN COMMUNITY Active in business nnd com munity atlalrs hc Is dircc tor co the TorontoDormnlon Particular Men Pulronize Us Mix lbuslncss with pleasurc over hearty lun cheon here as so many prominent men do regularly Relax In our congenial dining room finest food NIGHTLY 72369 31m INTERNATIONAL FLOWER SHOW TIPS rst lower show In May m1 Norman Syrinott society member examines In an rungcmont Examiner Phntnl nilzht It the Barrie Public brury Mr Rolloson LEFT spoke on mung Iur Showing to prepare member for trios Barrio horticultural Society pmsidcot Cliord Rollnson win speaker at regular running at the society last See Barrie Employment Remain Stable To une periods In rocch ycnn the January February and March survny said 1770 mmm abouthgmral Lton you at the Linn sunnyad 23 WWW per mt tomost increasc nmiffx sis was 3th as compared to 301 per by mu cont tor the samo pctiod tn Infill Min 33 against only 115 per ccnt tor mun PM ploymcnt levels while llus acute In mm was only par cent The survey concluded Un doubtodly there reflected In the results or this survey ml or mourn with Light lmncy high Interest rate and govern ment tax mlorms but It docs In dicntc that unemployment rntcs should decrease across this coun try in the next three months The survey Indicated that none of the Barrie Irma on plan an Increase or decrcautn employment during the second quarter total of 1500 rms were questioned Employmcnt in arrlo has been predicted to remain stahi until Julie Cunnda wldo survey by Manpower Sthrvicos Ltd ruvcal id that prospect or employ ment during Lhc next three months are not us promising as In other years mun mptymn Company PreStdent Attends Dthlbtss survey for the second qunrtcr at Sales Seminar mo lndicntes sensonal strength In employment but does not com pare tnvornbly with comparable DcVilbIss Nntlnnnl Soles Se minor was bold In Barrio recent Lv Sales representatives Irom the eight branches ncrosl Cunnda utterlde to study pro dillan facilities new products nnd marketing lacilitlcs Also on hand trom the Tolodo Ohio headquarters were Rcury Kidd prcsidtnt of the company George Hnigh vicepiuidcnt at operation and Filmer general sales manager DeVIl hiss Canada Ltd in divi slon ot Champion Spark Plug or Toledo Bank and Cosmos Imperial Mills Ltd members at the Amn don of Proteuional Engineers 01 Ontario this Corps oi Protes stonal Digitoer of Quebec and the Engineering Institqu oi Cun ado viccorresldcnt and director the Canadian Nuclear As RAlIlER RIDE Born to the noodle Huvastpnt Indians of the Grund Column world rathci ride than walk when vlsmng only two housm owuy mbe Lh miimiitun 22 NOW AVAILABLE FOR RENT dinn StandClub association vico president of he Can ndinn Electrical Mnnuiaclurcis Association lttr Checsmun Is director at Hamilton Unlted Appeal mum bar or the board of governors ct MoMasttr University the Ham Ilton lionrt Rind the ngcrCat Foothill Club nnd tho National Ballet at Canada Mrs Chocsmnn Is the former Suzanne Grnsutt ot Barrio They have six children His parents reside In the Toronto area DOWNTOWN BARRIE ONT MODERN 5mm SUIT ANY DUSINESS minimamoxw mDmlopStEmtzoxsoorlargcr FULL WALKOUT BASEMENTS FOR INFORMATION CALL MR SWAIN MORTGAGE FUNDING 29 DUNLOP ST 726098l Tho Nnuonl honing Rome Furnishan over 60 store to lcrvn you HEADQUARTERS FOR ROOM GROUPS and Indivlduolly priced room groups BUY now Brion Md Controls Become Eltcctlvo law now No um payment required gt BUY now Up we to Month To Pay Room GROUPS PRICED no 9995 BUY THE ROOMFUL BUY THE HOUSEFUI Its your best buy by for NO MONEY DOWN minis TO SUIT roux nvncnr Ask Inleamiln or complete deion Slmlliu hasgains available in Midland 2V7 King Tel 5267671 pen daily to pm closed Wednesday 12 noon 111an until 3112 TEL 72602514 93 DUNLOP ST door up tron Toronto at iiulttr so

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