AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY caossaarm ByManAlLDI KmudlzsAldbeldaqullt ingot Lin Ailms moth to Mr and Mn ends wsinwhocelc Those mussels who have hand was BL veolzarywilhalygathering Friday or Martial theamuulcehmdmls was SLmlmnhunmhw uhadgoneiotnthohousowhcn next two weeks will be the can mmzkugnugumnfg $95m NEWS 0E 31 38 GWENL Local toll were among the 250 hustled inlaid and neighbor who gamma Cm uily lustre for benet euchre monsoer by town reman tor him Watson and iamily was cleared and mmendonon should be given to this mun try eiiort minim looking choeuloie llyer cake added an in moo when draw was held ior same aux The World DAY oi Prayer March saw the Indies oi loco churthcs Ithend at St Jamcs Uultul chums to bill the 58 vicc of worship arranged by group at live wearer tron Ems Guyana India Philippines and USA Mrs mld Wallace cos ducted the ilrst port mined by Mrs llcrb Black Mrs James Wm led in the second but hiss John Corina conducted tho meditation assisted by Mrs Wil lisin Campbell him Vern lb clllrc led the intercession The address was given by Rev Joan Hunva on the theme hike Coinego With Mrs Lloyd Booth at the piano the solo by Mrs Elmer Pratt added special STBOUD Snpperilllbeohsmcdln the Presbyterian ulnrch histh attsoun GOOD BEGINNING madethelrcnllshavetnrnsdin ouileancnoomagingsurn ior the report st the Sunday man noon muting It is hoped the was pretty well completed so farther plans can be made ELLISTON Mr and Mrs Harry Thomas and Mr and him Gordon Gli more oi town have returned home site apmdlng two weeks in Hawaii his and bin Hilbert Robinson ware vacationing In Florida ior month lilrs Kenneth Council And her daughter Mrs Shirley Walsh are vacationing in Florida ior iy visiting hlrs Connells par ents hlr and bin Blind Ellls at Lockwood Sash Allister Horticultural Society chartered bus to Toronto liiareb to sea Toronto Garden clubs show at OKeeio Centre note lhe oilering was received by hlrs Lloyd Webb and Mrs Johnston The ladies oi St Jamcs under conrcncr Mrs Barry Horton Icrvcd tea and ot trscuvo goodies giving all In opportunity to have ieliowablp to gether 0E5 BIRth lnnlsl Chapter IN Order Eastern Star was instituted March 19 1927 and on Thurs day March 12 1970 the 43rd birthday was hcld Always spe cloi night in the ills oi the map tor is past matron and it past patrons wcro present to enjoy Mrs Lucille Mstcalia WM and officers presentation of special birthday ceremony Visitors and many members were welcomed and three charter members Mrs Sadie Green Pltl Mrs Lena Webbrli and George Martin PP were specially hoaorcd and presented with gilt by the wor ms auscunvson thy mltron member oi York Chapter Toronto Mrs Laura tho huhond and family at Verna Alexander who now resides in Ferris Wile oi Clarence Hutch this area was congratulated on loans aha is survrved by three having received her to year daughters Doreen lira Norman membership jewel irom Grand Coleman oi Boxdalo Joan Chapter Mrs Helen Mulhol Mrs Lloyd hirchasol oi Allis load PM presented her hus toa and Botty Lou Mrs William band George with his is year Cola oi Sohomberg and nine pin on bohali oi lnnisiil Chapter grandchildren Too iuasral took Following the close oi muting place irons Thomas Moral Mr and himMervin Booth son Chapel March with interment David and George Mulhollnod in Alliston Union cunatery sho presented pmgramxol music us udlonc and friendl lot her client willihmplplmolta Zonedan mole tlin and kindly acts endeared her ed generous round of applause toall Mrs Grace Browning lociol convonor and her committeo hi on PATERSON ranged delicious turkey dinnar day cake by WM and wit program oi toasts was enloyed Mrs Hilda Neely proposed the toast to Grand Chapter and pro sontcd Mrs Laurens Mcchhaio land and mumd mm lm Bis wile Jean died in Ailision in 1967 Wing Commander Pat erson is survin by daughter Moo Mrs Jack llackett and son Major Hubert Paterson with tho Canadian Armed Forces at Senactcrre Que JACK HANCEY Jack Hancey 55 died at his homo RR Alliston on Feb 28 Ho leaves his wllc the former Ruth Whltcside son Brian and daughter Karen at Guelph Un iversity His mother Mrs Her bort llancey and sister Elean or Mrs MacKcnxlo Beatty live in Alliston His lather and an MulhollBnd PAP WMr Mm other sister Marion predeceas Lucillo Mstcaiia had provided ed him no sympathy 01 um DDGM with small gilt Mrs isahol Webb proposcdtoast to charter members and presented Mrs Beatrice Spesrn EDD GM Barrio and an honorary member with slit Mrs Sadie Green PM replied on behnll oi charter members Mrs Lily Webb PM proposed the toast to honorary members and visi tors and reply was given by Mrs Spoorn and Mrs Norma illicit ctt VM oi Stayncr chapter The iinsl toast to lnnisiil past matrons and past patrons was proposed by Mrs Marion Young and replies worn by Mrs Don othy Lowsy PM and George special place iavors WEFEE BREAKS lnnisiil 0ES members hav boonl enjoying morlning colics part as amas MH PM in the iirat Varict Co ert Webb and Mrs Fraser Campbell an 131 show myaMxis Mrs Lucile liloicalio WM at Monday Am pm tandcgacrccegtlon in igontgrior ort ran Matron rs va him how Bu MoKenzlo and her Grand iamily run5 mica Fashions iluyesiiay Mr and Mrs Craig Hunter March 24 at pm in St Pauls Sr ion by plan Saturn morning ior three week or prizes gricuitura tour They arrived in Rhodesia Saturday night and alter three day tour or that area will so on to South Africa and South America Mrs Tom New of Timagami had short visit with Mr and Mrs William Now last week when she was in Barrie as del egate to the Toronto Conicronce UCW PRE EASTER SERVICES Rev Crabb minister of Stroud Presbyterian Church ob served Passion Sunday with his sermon What docs the death oi Jesus Christ mean to mo as prelude to Easter services lhrco services will on hold in in nlsili 0n Muundy Thursday March 26 communion service will he held in Stroud Presbytro teriaa Church at pm Good Friday the service will ha in St Pauls Anglican Church and on Friday the choir oi Loiroy United Church will present an Easter cantata at pm it is hoped that these hitcrdemonhi oiionai services arranged by the local ministers will be well at tended Robert Miller oi Lciroy who has taken over the duties oi or gnnlst in the Presbyterian Church was at the organ and accompanied Miss Sharon Wat son in her solo that added much to the service on Sunday March Hrs BIRTHDAY Robert Patton celebrated his md birthday March in the Baker Nursing Home in honor oi the occasion the Ital held little party complete with birth day cab and good wishes Mr Patton was happy to receive vis itors cards and girls rsrn ANNIVERSARY Several irieuds from Allistoa attended the 25th wedding sani versary or Mr and line Albert Dunn in the Masonic Hall or angstills Feb is Mr Dunn op crates drug store in Orange vlllo and attended smool in All iston His will is the armor Nora Leash and the couple have two sons and two daughters Sympathy is extended to Mrs Cinrenco iichcan in the death at her brother Clarence Granola at St Catharina pothy is also extended to wille nualod by her many disposi Aitsr long illness Robert Paterson MBE died In Allia toa hospital He was Veteran at both world wars and retired from tho RCAF In 1346 with the rank of wing Commander Ho was born in Glasgow Scot Following cuttingoi the birth 35 momma ill nsmsmrm sommmm snow more Hommml $25 assist humid memb or am scum lows on in mm au as was knocked on or gaging gaff3 m1 investigation in on mit Georg ung head oi the 5mm 311 Tram piul much improved New +8 duh held ape cm meeting hlnmh lot mu plans ior Athiermeut dsy number attended the mectln Waverley Wl Thursday IL The gloat tcrnonn wtxn Mrs Lyon close at in fur is dissweorlnz mmmedhwthsvislton yum KNOCK Alcohol Not There were is tsbiu each The UllAWA GP Boy Drake hunter deiccr not mt Police found Drake asleep In imnmd driving America 17 TOWERS community goes out to the ho roaved iarniiy runginnit snow The Golden Age Club are bold lha hospital auxiliary is spon Auditorium There wilibo isnt half so HECTiC Wh an it is followed by Welcome Wagon caiii phma 7235384 or 1256302 IS on sacrament oi Lin Laura li BUNNY MR WHISKERS delightful hori go niacin bim ny and Mr Whiskers hmrg iun ior you Both l0 ounces of puro milk chocolate in mlcoful CANDY SHOPPE idouncopurondk chooohmeosochrmnyoomeoia hinownoondyshoipwith oldinsh ffii lnncd 2mm goodn EASTER PALS Your first intend this Easter is lovable chocolate Baby Doll De livering Easter eggs for everyone this year is ll standing bunny Two pols como togetth bringing double pleasure lab you And theres surprise inr you big ger bunny with more an Easter eggs Dont iorget our iricnd tho squirrel such good chocolate And more bunnics volt icr you at More the Illllll yuu iisnnvar Tillers oven EVERY SHOPPING DAY AND NIGHT UNTIL IO Tho bow bring on omAch or or chewy Emu eggs with him in tho package Woke up on Easter mom mg to yo oldc candy sinppo with Easter eggs and chocolate biothy looyou it 4a STER GOODIES BUNNY BONANZA Elmer All Stars is on or pure milk chocolate Hockey Rabbit Theres solid sunrise in chocolate standing or tting bunnies cheer rully gilt wrapped oz War om will an ohant your children All these gmatcla7cointo Easter Boaonzos are at this low price egg yours ior only Emtcr moiruns aannla onssror camas prllold Stroat Highway 26 and 27 Gas BarFood Clty TEE Em mm TITth ma ma bomu at was Leaving r2 nonsmocsnwoclrlbmocgh henna szmjnslvmLSn auxmum ionadhsurvouhh tstartso hogs theme shotsiruznlhecancldelcet Luide he iound windows his Car early on the morning oi pharmacology Dec and charged him wig the Unircrsuy or Ottawa tem mm ngnesday 14 led that the ether in the deite spread palliation allowed the Draha told the court be had was lbs some as hospitals use breakup oi the wiser vcmei spoke in libraries This was tram the wild rims oi Latin bod threedrmhs oi rye and one ior usestbctk He said the men Liberian roanatlas beer the night beiom ot the smountemlttzd bythreesquktl ran Immlcbc Gorgema fruit and nut egg is Sunny Bunny will greet you on Bomstihllly decorated oz Easter Sandbag or sitting Funny Bunny mini urinesilie more youll save CONDUCT muth UerWA 31 Janka Smilsi ingolthctxskminovn departmmt at part arm DmJalziesan ll ROOSTERS AND BUNNIES Cambomoodhe rrmsoreorbnmnlosintholrclmr Whomlomcosoipuromllkdncomoitm mngstcmonmor awning THREE EASTE rams Easter egm in many brilliant colors ior you Then theres delicious chewy opera glans Or lb bass of bright cheery jolly eggs ior Eastcr 43 97 214 LBS OF FUN lhisrrobhlt is lurking out ior your happuw this Easter Ho stands 19 tall and is pure milk chomlato with has very own Easter egg 57