Barrie Examiner, 19 Mar 1970, p. 5

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orally reconiz REGIONAL culinch DISCUSSED by com they gathered It the county centre in Barrie for their reg ular monthly swims Reeve Harry Cross of Tecimscth left talks over him devel Rogional government changes in nelbming Illus koka and other axons were mung topics disumed by Simeon County coundllorl Is menu will Reeve James Wiles pl Inscronlio centre and Reeve Arnold Vandse ol Notuwunga Examiner Pho to Study Streamlining boy This sample was from user bu MW 5th hm in Wasngn Beach which was mm mm direct seeding harvested in Sep spin mm dwd ml ed for 936sz and $830719 moms ember was explained mfmng 5mm and WEE received the highct increase Base Borden Gill Emgengghwuua all constructed at um time munung 10 $131117 more than HWSE and Collaso Ems Ml year In contest nal by Mm and Son mm roux non15 oxce Others to be levied for more mm County Council Rule four year old report re commending reduction in com ty council membership in half as major move toward stream lining achrunistralion has been receiving renewed Ittenliou in county circles The meat cwncil hn st members representing muni lpslities if amalgamation an made along the lines suggested by Hon Darcy Mcchugb min ister of municipal Itfnlrs re qulring sppfoxlm sin 0000 people In minimum require ment for municlpnllty this would reduce municipalities to aboul It to 15 SHARP DIVISIONS While most members of the county council appear to he in greement that some amalgam tions are advisable to provide sufficient tax base to raise en ough lnxntlun to maintain munllt clpel scrvic It satisfactory level there is considermle dll fercnco of opinion on bow this till be Iehleged rummans villages will eventually be phased out genL momentum too has run 1nto strong appeal tion Groomers nave Wilfred Warden for example has found from talking to pwgie in big home villnge that majority would prefer to continue with their own council rather than be forced Into an Imslsgemntlon In Geomores case it would pro hsllaly be with antnwssagn town Ih The situation In much similar ior other village municipalities Boston and Tottcnham are both anxious to cling to their aw councils rather than unite with chumselh township for joint council If the latter were done it is felt that within few years the township would have the necessary 8000 If small villages were re quired to join larger neighbors it Is presumed they would have police village rights for lo II services This would give them In administration board nI three typicul rcacllvn to such suggestion was made by vill age spokesman This uuld lppcnr to be going to lot of trouble just to make some sort it change Why not just let our elected councils remain We now have five members and pnllce village bsord would give us three We fool five givos us better representation FEWER DEPUTY REEVES The 1960 report of special committee headed by former Goldwater roeve Earl Brandon made recommendations along different line although It also proposed reducing county coun cil membership 50 per cent in one report it suggested di ens ing with deputy reeves for ces with Iowerthnn 3000 people on their volers list instead of the present 1000 Twenty three of the current 54 members are de puly reeves and chnnge such as proposed In 1960 would re duce these by about 10 mam hers In second recommendation made by the Brandon commit tcc division 01 the county along the lines subsequently followed by the county school boards was prvposcd with direct election on ward system rather than have the membership made up of reeves and dcpuly reeves elect ed in their own respective mun lcipnlitles Both reports were rejected by the 1960 counly council but in the Intervening four years the swing toward regional govern ment has been such that it is now consich that more nltcn lion might be given some or the mmondntlom then made particularly if Simcoe County is going to be encouraged to follow the new rcnnnl trend which has been adopted in some other Irons The county has special com mittee following the procedure and results in other areas Pre vailing opinion currently seems to be that regional government means higher taxation and more centralization of administration farther away from the lac 11 level However member are watching closely to see II any will be able to come up with the Icmdlcuons that more 11 be achieved If less cost to the taxpayer PRIMARY CONCERN Simeon County council also has shown considerable concern over the democratic process After nil our main purpose is please the ratepayers and serve their best interest re marked spokesman emphasiz ing this was primary concern With change in assessment from local and county level to the provincial govurnrncnt at the first at the year general feeling appears to be mom drastic chsn gas are to follow iffe rent members have emphasized their view that Slmcce County council should come up with formula of its own in recommending its own guidelines for the now pat tern Howcver progress has been slow with waitundsce attitude prevailing It might be pointed out there already has been considerable change in county administration evcn since 1066 your in which tho county took over nssess men from municipalities under then new legislation The county also assumed responsibility lor administration of welfare th at year In both instances the oven nll county cost went up substan tlully partly due to inflation and chnngcd conditions Ccntrlizu tlon of control away from the local level was frequently criti cized WILL COST MORE Administration of assessment as provincial function lust nd opted last January was not primarily made as economy measure slnco ll wm conceded the overAll cosl would rise The main purpose emphasized was that it would effect holler assess mont unifonmity across the pro Vince with the argument ndvnnc od this would result in fairer dis tributinn of tax burdens other changes in county ad mlantrstion in recent years In cluded shift In administration of justice to provincial con trol change In health service administration to district Ahllll zmrmluum Bonnie and Clyde 1430 pm only null 30 1025 lm Togetherness ovum AND minus vmu mun minority representation shill the Monday March ax to compete in lho provincial finals board in which the county registry office control to provincial lcvci and also olher similar chnngcs including Chil drens Aid Society The sdminlstrnlion of justice shill plnces the county jail and Wm entirely under provincial control along with courts and re lated oiliccs This help to relieve tax burdens on real estate the cblol source of county revenues While these dm nlstrative shifts were made the county council approved other expand ed programs and entered the tield of trade and industrial pro motion on larger scale than pmvlouly Recreation service also was expanded 72 Inspections Made For Safety Some 12 constnmtlan safely in npoctlntu were made in Slmcoe County I01 the period from Feb 10 to March IO It Vvil shown by latest rvport of Mnglough ion of Bradford safety inspector Some 58 orders were Issued un der scctlvn 17 at the Oonstruo Lion Safety Act but no informa tionswero laid There were three work stuppugcs issued DeMonle Pans Compensation TORONTO GP Liberal labor critic Dante Dclilonte nllt lacked the Workmcns Compon sntion Board in the legislature Tuesday calling it cudal and devoid of social justice He ur ed public inquiry by lcgis nlurc committee bvnrd operations and recom mended the investigation be backed bv research stall to pmvldc data unavailable through the boards unnuul re ports He said some workmen how olv ycurly Wages of $12000 yet the board maximum for total disability compensation l5 $5250 annually This is nothing short of men strous tho Dovcrcourt mem ber said man can be crippled at work and crippled nancially in the bargain Can you imagine for one moment this govern ment treating company like that life said tho boards adversary system which requires worker to prove he received an injury on the jobhis cruel un Just and results in long delays TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7232414 DISTRICT mm EXAMINER THURSDAY MARCH 176 Bradiord Man Gets Award For Winning Seed Contest dent of Lhe 50133 Simone Sell and Crop lmprnmucnl Ameris tion on Fraser has presented In argued tray to Ralph wu liuns of Bradlord in recognition for he honor brouhl the county lums iii Council Names Delegates control in lunisi has been re ceivlng oenupn remember of township cam rangcmcnls tor lnnidll reprmn tation at the rst annual con ference oi the Ontario brunch ol the Canadian Institute on Pol Dillon Control at the Holiday 1111 Emma on Monday and me dny April and corn my Was mend in wm roads and 5035651 for gerL widowenlhwlln Emhimbf mi GONE and nnoracndn sinei up ovcr dude pep mmwuhamc Mr by in Stephan ping centre In 1550 Abraham mostly due am DeMARIA bins and Councillor Blake Con nor of Zone orniorlcul contest for Slmcoe Dullerin Halton and Peel RoseMarie Darrnch lllt In ycnrond Barker public school pu dro and the Ontario Public Soho Trustee Association the corn petition will be hold at the Roy al York Hotel Vim winnch par ticipating from various areas in the province of Major William Barker VC use Is Winning lhc to run puns no DEALERS 33317 PM CONTRACTORS WELCOME Area Men Receive Drain Diplomas Into New Subdivision Plan Will Boost Gilford one pmscnz rammed ezs boned crall av no the open NEWS alumna 521 Named sex GlLnrd Ireland by pzon um InseamWest Gwiilirnv border couumxnify or in sixth as is picturesque place on Lake Sinsee which on the rename develop ment residents have reported There is new Illborne ml division being planned ms Mrs Mam Walker local poo mistrm no obvious enthus iasm as future prospects for the area were deemed They are just waiting for an animal plan clcnr the way MNG LLuDhIARK Mn Wnlkzz and her husband Tom and lawlin came to Gilford two year are largely because they were much impresed with the urea and its prospects They purchased the Village gm cery shop on main intersec tion of the GlLord mad bulld in over hundred years old il was originally constructed for halal and has been remodelled several times To residents it LI considch limdmark In it pioneer era after the rail history prqaercd by manor th Florence Inert There also was cheese Inclnry and grain in of new season and elevate here at one one resumouv to the popuisnly of Moden Gillord rs busy mar the nearby water was spar5 inc cottage ml recxuuaa cea men mom tracks on wzth popular seam Golf lord mills Show that winter Haven gil and cowin club and spam also saw good 10an other span mums in here Farms are ill operand in the We were rm much 1mm area Ind considerable interest with drums in Walker continues to be shown in the old said as she were further about public school bum now nomad xu the location on Cooks Bay oiled into building centre the son Peter worlds at the Royal 1554 Methodist chum and other Victoria mean in Enrrie and his uric places daughter Denote azlcnds school NH and Canada is wonderful Nun try mm much to offer and do not know oi any place where would munr live than rwh use in Gillord slc added aha Walkers came to Canada from England in ma Anusmx sum Presi by winning the champimtkp in forage crop needs It the Royal Winter Fair Mr ascr Marooned rs Bradford winner for his success mechanic in particular the ex hM of red clover Mr Will farm has been active in small seed inan for ya and his chievqneut received mien mer ited pram from Sir Fraser and other number the assoc tion In South Simrme area Gordon amazonn of Allistnn was mn grarulated for winning the John man Memorial trophy for charlipionxip in 51115 seeds lie exhibited sample of lakeiand red clover the spring sccd nlr Douglas Jcbb Cookolown who showed Simple of high molstum corn was congratulated on winning the Simpson Sum trophy for the best sample 01 Toilenham Levies To Cqunty Raised mnmnasl 45mm Tot lcnham is one of live villages avm which has been requisi ggggvrggf mmougafv 51m mu of upcrmgnmys sccoml Towns mm thh hi in Europe only to Wcsz Gob manv headed by Reeve Ralph naran has been asked for comes to mono an Pollution The munben have mane Ii SECOND PLACE Italy has man than 2000 Rankin brought planner from mtnl from home eonstructim Alliston on sample of nm cu Aurora and established shingle sample of Hana barley which alsocarried mum sample certificate with 100 per cent gur motion There were once four hotels In Gilford said Mrs Walker masher of the Womens Insti lute in referring to community than last year include Victoria Harbour 51718 inc re Cookstovin 27924 increase Ind Creemm $9197 increase Ililllililllilll Recreation Rooms BASE BURDEN Sinil Winlt replaces etc is going in Toronto on CASH CARRY PLYWOOD LUMBER LTD Sponsored by the Ontario Ky Miss Dnrrach spoke on the life STEOUD Slni M5 Quarrle ol lefroy and Bob John son of Cooksth were among so men mounted with certif icnte in sting that they passed the primary and advanced trans in schools Edgainango canqu 011 fmopiarmcut agriculture and rill lUME 2x4 noon moon SPRUCE The ccrtificnm were present ed by Brubakcr agricul lurul engineering program dlroclt tor at the drainage contractors conference hold at London Ont The conference sponsored an nually by tho school 01 engin curing of the University of No Const Spruce PRECUTS Guelph Some 450 delegates nt tended SHEET No SprlstSpIues SEVENTH BEST on W5 scvanh ml in their 53221 Na lgonirSpiuce SHExET No garlitSpruco $EEQMI V4 GIS FER use 18 572 factory grade Sllg POPLAR NDERLAY No Const Spruce 16 2x8 $ll5Jw leJW snow Const Spruce 16 2x10 SHEATHING No Consr Spruce 4n 61x15 IN us ROCK WIOR ummnl IlIls was the RUMBLE that ROCHE Laslfesas IanSlEmlJEHEMVSLAIEcilll NOW SHOWING 715 PM $50 $33 small deposit wlll hold your order at these fantastic low low prices Delivery can be arranged 4000 bm minimum so sheet Ms plywood DELIVERY CAN BE TAKEN BETWEEN NOW seNDor APRIL 1970 For 21 wild wicked weekend and the deadliest gamble over dared LOCATIONS COLLINGWOOD 51700 NFvesrlom surname sgomongInxbaummuwnn NEWMARKET RESI515 BARBIE 7200300

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