Barrie Examiner, 19 Mar 1970, p. 3

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pendlozaprosmtmropon 2m Martyrs Shrine schools in Midland Vthe shimo bod mndo highly Hadlilanluana Seatgnce Friday stove Earl Maloz Bank youth will be manned Friday for mansion maxim Moalln paraded guilty to the charge bdore prim 63ml Mr hm restedy Hi In piokad up during dune 31wa collegiate by polio Not1 Ballad two pad are and one scuttle which were all One package was lound to have grams of mariiuana other grams marli juztna and the ugmttz was 31 soltxnid to have marijuana an it Sentmdng wm set for Friday onthemsed AcharcepialLlImaxlodmnl robberyagaust on log Show calmly man now serving Lbreo months in county jail had llvo days added to no Rntence when he pleadcd guilty in provincial court yestcrday to fraud Robert Alvin Teal was charg ed with obtaining money through false prolcnse and road after he cashod cheque for 25 in London gas station on an an count that was non axialan The incident took place Feb 28 Georgian Bay Twp Will BePaying Simcoe Board Tax On Jan oral year the town ahlp of Georgian Bay will come into being One of it rst task will be the raising tax levy or tho Simone County Roman Catholic Sevllale School Board The board is responsibla for Iorno Catholic schools located outside tho county Superintend ont Frank MacDonald told truslt too as meeting last night that the Job of collecting taxes in what is now Baxter Township will shllt from the board to the new municipality as of the first day 1971 At present the board is rcs poaslblo for raising tho levy in Honey Harbor and surrounding area The District oi Muskolm is bo lug formed into threo new inun lcipalities Encourage Visits Thi italf5ofF0rtSte Mario and the Martyr5 Shrine at Mid land have invited tho Simcoo County Roman catholicSepar ato School Board to moko full use or the facilities for school trips educational program and religious education ltildiand trustee Lloyd La Plume told the board the ad ministration of the sites had ap proached him with the lllVlllh Lion He said lcsuit priests from auccesslul visits to Separate Theyre very willing to help in any way they can ho sold The esuit priests will visit any school anywhere for Chris tian education purposes IUDGE MORTON IS SWOBN CITY NEWS THE EARTH EXMDNER THURSDAY MARCH 1970 Media To Relay Separate Board Annual Report To The Public til iiorton yesterday was sworn in as Judge of tho provincial court family divi sinn in ceremony at the court house Barrie FROM LEFT Judge Morton Andrews chief judge at the provincial court family divi Separate Deficit $187000 decit of 3157000 was rc vcnltd by an auditor last night to the Simeon Roman Catholic Separate School Board Chartered accountant Mark Rolland told the music3 they had inst $3000 in their rst your at operation and had in heriled deficits totalling stomoo tram lormer hoards lie said that moon was ex cellent for in year of op eration ao condensed report drown 1mm in 73 page original was made public this year due to an order from the provincial gav eminent lilr Rolland said the $300 slop Bramptonl Stew art judge of the provincial court family division Metrol Judge Mortons family and approximately 100 spectators attended theecrcmony in coun ty court house Examiner Pbotol Board 1053 had already been applied to mill rates in municipalities with under levies lost year This would help establish cqualircd nsscssment he said The inherited H000 loss will have to bo made up either by the provincial government or by the municipalities An additional $100000 in grants is expected ruin the pro vincial government This prolon ted figure was included in tho reporl So for grants to the Cathlt all board have totalled 32110 000 The board has sold 5924000 worth of debenture lo the Out ario Education Capital Aid Con pnrotion Trustees Want Separate School Supporters only Catholic school truslocs will ask the provincial government to require clamor qualications for both saturate and public M11 menial or the mm hurzdueanou act tiny Simcoo County Roman CatholicSepar aoo School Board rcqucng that Catholic candidate for separ ate board post be Canadian 21 years old and supporter of tho the school he will represent At present trustee nominal cd to run for sopurate board nccd only meet the first two requirements Ht must how ever be nominated by separ ato school supporter Board superintendent Frank MacDonald said last night that its the regulations stand non supporter of separate schools could be elected to Catholic board This did happen in one case last year he said You could the loadcr of the Orange lodge and still get in Mr MacDonald said To Be OnBoard The new qualications which the board recommended are sim ilar to those required or pub lic board traltoe Candidates for office on public board must bg Canadian 11 and mpny or or the scbool section which in this case is the whole of Sim coo County NUI NECESSARY At present it is not neces sary to ho resident in the area to be clccted trustee at the separate hoard nustm Gabriel Marchont said that cottage owners are classed as residents even when lbcy only occupy them for week or so in the summer Ho cit ed also of Toronto residents being elected to the council of northern township recently Mr Morchunt said the Public Schools Act the Separate Schools Act and Municipal Act should have similar qualifica tions for trustees and council candldntcs Youth Centre meeting Called For April There is on llndcnlablo need or youth centre in Barrie and the city will have to launch an aggressive and coordinated pro gram to get one Mayor 1135 is Cooke told it meeting or the clu zens committee for youth ocntm last night Attending the meeting in Col licr Street United Church were on pcopio representing Barrie groups and prolcssions The next meeting will be open to all Barrie residents it is scheduled April lxt Collier Strcct United Church fel lowship hall Last nights meeting was plan ned by Rev David Proctor rniu later or Collier Street Unllcd Church Mr Proctor is concern ed about the lack of youth centre and suggested that lati ure to arrch at an answer soon might seriously allcct commun ication between youth and adults in the community The Embryo Centre which served area youth from the hall in Golder United last summer accomplished positive things which have been overlook ed in publicity of tho centers activities Mr Proctor said At toast foul youths broke drug habit they had developed and agreed to go totho drug can tre in Orillla for help Fivo cases where tomlly dif flruitics between youth and adult occurred were improved throu gh Embryo activities At least one family benefittcd from new approach towards bridging tho generation gap and by mid August several teenagers had decided to go back to school Perhaps most important of all that many young people found there is way upon for discus Tho Embryo Centre at the church closed in August it was understood from the founding of the centre that it would be ap erated 0a temporary basu only Although many people in HEP rlu have expmssed approval for permanent ccntro no pro gross has been made in obtain ing permanent building for youth activities in the city Search for such build ing began in September GET THE mars At the meeting in April mcm hers ol the committee will ac quaint pcon with facts about the need for youth centre An outline of how the present organization of concerned citi zens has been working towards its goal For permanent centre will be given Any citizen prpsent is welcome to offer his services or any or the exisitlng committees or any new committees whose nccd may be established Thoprogram will include an address by Mayor Cooke pan ci made up ot youth and adults will explain the facts behlnd youth centre for Barrie and Anx vel questions mm the laud icncc An outline ol progress to date will be given by the five commlb tees established last night pub licity finance location social writer and steering committee Garry Norris or the Slmcoo County ChlidictisI Aid Society was chosen last night to head the cltizoro committee iiu outlined events durindg the past 10 months including dros sct to service clubs organization nion with adults on their pro blems Mr Proctor added within tho city and weekly meet mcmbers of the youth commit tee Chairman for theAprli meet in will be Mr lroctor while panel chairman will be AWtl Dick Serving on the steering com mittce to arrange the program will be Mrs Michael lysablld ill the Barrie Branch of the Can adian Mental lieailh Associa tion Robert Alexander of the Addiction Research lfoundation James Perri city council Lorne Hassard Childrens Aid Society Miss Marion SedKWIck Canad ian Mental Health Association Inch barrister and Dick YM YWCA board Also on the steering commit tce will be the chairmen of other committees formed last night Ross Rntclilfo chairman of the location committee which will st site for youth centre bull ing Carl Bull chairman at the linoncocommittco Dr Evans YMCA board and chairman of the committee 254 thbliahcd to lind the city youth worker and Moore publi city eommitteo chairman Additional members to com mittees set up last night are torn Roach Rev Kunnclh Pur dun and Stewart Fletchch on publicity Donald Jacltxolldlr color or tho Simeon County Chil ens Aid Society and David ornpson on the social worker committee CORRECTION 1n luusdayo Examiner it was wrongly reported that car driven by Bruce Baldlvick 22 RR Midhurst struck vehicle driven by Alexander hu outo 53 or Stroud in tact the Buldwick vehicle was struck by taming charge at rape unborn mother in self Attacked while wallm borne lmmbeoin Police mill Catholic school trusiccs decid cd last night to mly on the new media to circulate their annual report Copies the rst annqu ro porl ol the blunt will be made in suillclent numbers for all county nouspnpcrs and bmad ousting stations Chairman ROSS Saundcrs lirst asked the board ii an annual report would be necessary Sev eral members objected to the idea claiming cost would be too high it was at lirst suggested that copy of the report highlight ing the boards work durlug the year be made for each scp arato school ratepaycr This was mjoctcd as too costly Midland trustee Lloyd La Plume said ha felt it was waste of time and money to publish report Each trustee should imp his ratepayers in armed of what the board was doing This report would contain sai ary schedules teachcra quali cations and tho likc Mr Saunders sarcastlcally commented on the luck at pub lic attendance at board meetings lm sum everyone is so in tcrcstcdv in what were doing Tumours Hurt In Mishap No Thornton men an in Roy oi Victoria Hospital mde alter collision on Highway 27 north of Holly last night Merlin Clark 52 one of the drivers is in fair condition in Hospital todny while driver Di the second vehicle John in win to is to satisfactory con dilion Damage to the Clark vehicle was estimated at $2000 while damage to tha lrwin car was as Iimutcd at $500 ONTARIO LIVESTOCK TORon CPI Slaughter stccrs and heifers were dull at prices steady to the weeks duo line at the Ontario public sluck yards today Slaughter cattle 1529 Choice steers 325411150 wlth sales to 3440 good 3132 mediums 29 3050 commons 2442850 choice hcifcrs 3132 with sales to 33 good 29504050 mediums 2729 commons 2342650 good cows $504450 with sales to 2550 mediums 2223 canncrs and cutters 1521 good heavy bolo gna hulls 2845 common and mediums 2327 Replacement cattle 800 Good stockcrs and iccdcrs 3538 good stock steer cnivcs 4244 good stock holler calves 354m com mon lind medium slackers and feeders including stock cows 25 34 Calves 117 Choice vcalcrs 4147 with top Choice selling 52 good 3942 mediums 3583 commons 3044 boncrs 2529 llogs 598 Base price 3550 3560 currently in Toronto 3555 stogs und boars livcwcight 2025 Sheep and lambs 50 Good handywcight feedlot lambs 32lt 34 good spring lambs 6080 sheep 1040 REPLACING OR INSTALLING NEW PRESSURE SYSTEM Give Simona Distmot Coop call bolero you buy PHONfE 7266531 Ask for Dalton Slcssor for on cstimale 259 lnnlaftl 5L Barrio lngs since last summer with tho Busato vehicle the way the crowd omnflows at every meeting he sold Trustee Margaer My 0i Barrio said the media could be relied upon to assure io ctlratc moons and would limit the information in an an nual rcpon to everyone in the county at no cost to the board as The Pixies the eye with her Wm afraid for her lilo at knlfbpoint several times acm out at can Jury Joseph my Bohr pleaded guilty in stratum Conn at Home ymzday to the Nov up of routing Mr Justin 06in Tb quested prbstnirnce report on the man after huno tes umnuy lrnro his athcr ion mcr cmployrr and Bakcr him Qvwn attorney Jdln Murphy QCmldtbecmlrtthttheo man who was living with her children after being zoomed from ha husband had been Sh was Embed by someone tree and lowed into car She got clear look or her assailaala ace and was later abiz to pick bun out of Baker drove to an isolated rz forestatlou arca known locally The woman was cut on the wrist and over Holding knife on her he lumd the woman to strip from the waist down and perform aumbcr of indccent acts with him Then he took her Into the hack scat and bad intercourse Mr Murphy said Lhc woman hav ing been Lhrcalrncd with death She pleaded with hurl not to kill her or her childrens sake the men ultorncy said Bakcr hold the lutlie at hcr chest and back as be repeatedly urdcrcd do her to commit sexual acts wllh him He told her not to look at his face and she did not look all same tum from ha him 22 walked into hr home Inn one of her dzlkihll ran to toil the womans mszhcf lned next door The woman stirruuod she had been attached but out of fear Dr bench had her childrcn sad ualluug about tag rape She was mkco lo nuptial and admit led uhare sh muflded la nurse asking her not to call thc Police The nurse did call th ice said 31 Murphy car was iaund outside crs home near Pcnrungulshcnc mm was change purse be longing to the woman and blood on the seal Robert Baker Lhc accuseds father told Lhe court that his son was good natured and not giten in violence Brian Martin Midland con tractor and crater cmplnycr ol the accugtcd man Silld Bulb who Pleads Guilty To Rape ilo Be Sentenced March 26 Pawgum no mo yes tnday Ilu rounded out of us lady until 23 or sul er was well on El WU to being musk whan saw him drlvcia rmuran our MAM the tents befarc lb 0am lie said he had been drinking mu Baker earlier at the Port SicVicall inn Baler admitted it previous conviction or break and color lit record showed mt be was convicted in Midland in 1l on ma counts brook chic and tilt and our com of break and irate with itan to szeal 33km said he had been drink inc heavily hclore the olfem but did not 61an drunkenness as an excuse for his mom im not saying was so drunk BM to know ohm was domz hc said He admillcd be fully intended rape at amn potnt whcn he lorvcd the woman in his out He said he ollcrtd the woman drink because Sllcd need one Says He Was Logging On Date Warden Says He Was Charged Confusion our the date ul lines in another hut unattended charge saved Onul Leroy lcr mcy mm scnlcncc lrl pruvmrial court yesterday when he plund etl not guilty lu shing through the ice with tour lints instead 01 two Jurmny was charged undul Fish and Gamu Act which usntrman may can for only two llnls while itt lishlng Gumt vartiun James Kitchun qu List court that as had chargud lurnlcy on Fab when he found lhc accused was status that When he dropprd the woman lines in out ilut which he tm attending and two other but hciungln la the Iucuxrd Jcrmuy said be not on the we on Feb but lo gin the hush from untll dunk He said utt warden bad intcrvteucd mm low alter Feb Chargus worn dls missed Earl Joseph imam or Punt languishcnu was mild $30 uhcn he plcodctl guilty in fishing with snaggcr another Fish and Game Act offence snngzcr is line lith sev cral hooks on it til oAlez ourcrop coma Boyiield Street ng11an 26 and 27 Gas BarFood City liilllill llIWHlS llilll llllllll Stretchy Ponry Hoso Towers pair Regular Irico 127 lovely comfort in yan fav orite shades No both2r mlh girdle or garter bolt again Made of double mosh sirdch nylon for better Sizes iii XL 20 Denier Ponty Hose Towns Regular Pco 167 Pair Double mosh panly hose with nude heel and run guard at partly Comfort in thwarted colors Sircich ny lon Sizes XL Nude Ponry Hoso i8 Regular Price 167 blade to Waistband lur slicer fashion First quality 20 lCih iser ior lenuninlly Sizes mmu StayUps 53 No wrinkles over with lhcso rst quality slayups Bcigo spice and taupe in your size A150 157 OFF Size Stretch Hose Towers pair Regular Price 370 15 denier shotr stretch tnp stockings will in size 85 ll Comfort constructcd to ho the ultimate in hosicry Towers Regular Price 91 Wramm the sinner will discover litters mini printslite mule youll save

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