Barrie Examiner, 20 Jan 1954, p. 2

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former resldcm at Barrie Tal hen Dahvan Rcd9rn dflcd at Van couver General HOSpILIL Vancouv or BC on June 19 pallet long illness He had been in has pllal since 161 September Mr Red em was in Ms E6011 year hituarg Prbminent Mason In Barrie And orth Bay Redfern 65 Dies prominent member 01 the Mn onk bodgc the deceased was 33m degrrc Mason and had bclungcd 1n Kerr Lndge in Barrie at which he was past master He was very inclch member In the Scomsh Rlu at North Bay as W011 as Enni The deceased had retired from the Canadian Nauunal Rallwayla cw years ago alter rnilmnd car cer mat began in me Allandnl Ikn OI 1hr Grand Trunk naiway when he was yuung man He was sent as GTR represenlallvn Iu Nath Hay and had lived more or about 40 years as CNR rLprcscntalive at the Ontario Northlund Railway Following rclircmunl he moved ID the Wm Coast Born ln Battle on Aug 30 1888 he was the son the late John and Priscilla Mdtcrn His awn sur vlving rclnllvcs an sisterInlaw Mrs 0H0 Rtdlcm and nlcée Mrs George Herring nI Tomnlu who alltfldcd he funeral Salan at Vanznuyer on June 15 in Nuzmand Thomsons Chapel Pallbearcrs were Masons cnuver Lodge Intermcnl Burnaby Masonic pm In nod the lmpcriai Co Ltd at Tullcnham arm undo cm later moving to Allls tan and lhun lu Darrin 10 years 1131 Following his retirement he joined the Canadian Corp 01 Commissionalrcs at Camp BurInn In me lunml ward haunt was prnvidcd by cnrps mem hnrs under Sergeant Vlel Mr Napier was he sun of he um William and Ellmhcm Nam Ten years at his We won spent 1n Elmvalc MM 18 years In Tul unhum He lived lur our year In Alllsion Ameng um mariy floral mbutcs were those from Ken Lodge and Barrio Lodge of Perimliunn Stanley ngiev Dies Suddenly In 715k Year After HeartANuck Funeral service was held on June 1954 or Stanley George Noble Napier residen the Barrie dislrlct for over 40 ymrs Mr Napier died suddenly at his home 115 Twin St on May ollowing coronary thrombosis muck In hls 1an year he had had previnux attack in nunry mm Born at Barnstaplc Dcvnnshlrc Englandl an Aprll IllV 1803 he had served 12 years with lhc 2nd Dru goon Guards Queens Bays Four ynnrs of lhal time commenclng March 1903 wcro spam ln Suulh Africa On coming to Canada ln June lie wnrkcd cw years or the late David Christie ul Elmvale and later at Copelands Mlll In Elmvalc number of BurtonAvenue United Church he was native 1n church Cholrs and choral gmups In Elmvnlc and Tututhm and bxlnnucd Elmvnlu AI and AM N0 WU and Tullihhnm AF MHI AM NH 467 whlrh he was mnslc In 1027 was alsu rushu In Tullunhnm Unul umn ymrs qu he was In nwmhur ul Harrie Linn Club Hrsltlta his widow lhu Innnur Mnry llvnlhml Hmnmltm In survlvud by two daughters Mrs uun Swnyw of London 0m Mul Mrs lLlv Hmczllcnlu Gwen It Nhlunru Flllla 0M am sluvr Mlu Hum Nam Urian Enu hmd Ills Hrsl wlfl lhv hale llnlllu lllxhup IIlmvulr tiled In My mu The umnil slrvkv Jrn mNew GWé 3¢ Delicious GRAPEFRUIIUME Hon5 Irnu ImIL Ilmrp vlrlull Illh mu null And that final Ynull n10 Ill lellclnullxlendhlg nlllmflpmfi nlry llmpclmlt MW Inn mu lmnl uumlfnmlhmllymlw fifty0 flay Ml Hoyt ill AT YOUR FAVORITE STORE 0R COOLER Van nclt Funeral Home wu conducm by luv Eugene Beech PIllbelt 11 were Arthur Puth Pam Mc lAren Humid Murray mule chk Charla Conan and Chnnn Bushey the 1m our member the Camflan Corp 01 Comm slonairex lnlermenl mi in Barrie Unlun Cemelcry Among the floral lrflzutea were those hom Elmvalg AF and AM No 466 Tonenhnm AF andANL No 46v Imperial on Ltd Taran to Impeflnl Oll Agents and Deal crs name Canadian carp Commissionnires Toronto and Canadian Corps of Commissinn nircs Qamp Borden Rnlatfves and Mend from NS agm Falls undon Dramplnn Searorlh Toronto Tonenhum Al llslon and Elmvnle attended he luneral Funeral Service Held For Lifelong Resident OfMansfleld Dislncl Alter scvtral month of filling health Robem Andersen of Mansfield passed away in the Siev cnsnn Memorial Huspllal Alllslon on In 111954 1n hls 75th ypar th as he was knnwn lo hast of Iricnds was the eldest son at the late Robert and Sarah Ander son and wns born an the Anderson homestead 10 on the sixth line of Mulmur Township Hun the days of his youth and Early man hand were passed until in 1903 he married Mary Gallaughur and they hLflfln married lite on Jul 16 In 1911 leaving his arm lo lhuir oldest son Elliott they mnved Io he Thomas Gallaughcr homestead and hue Ruben Andersun spam lhc mt years an nctlve and use jful lilo Robert Anderson was Iruly sun the sail loving every phase farm mg He continued erler est and remained fairly active un few weeks prior to his death guod neighbor and cmzen he was ever ready to 35m any In need and help in ail communhy prujms He will be greatly mlfi ed In community that had knuwn Mm so long Following he passing of Mr An dersnn the romalns ruled his home Elmcrufl Farm surround ed by the flowers he had loved so well in 0n Mnnday June the Iuneral survlce was held in Mansfield Presbyterian Church where he had been member and active worker on flu board of managers or many years The service was conducted by Ms minister Rev Malllund Assisted by Rev Clarke Hood Norwich The suioist was Dr Gilberl Newmarkd Iii rccrnnuurf was worklng among MS OWNS In hours he was able to glean tram his busy IHE Pallbearers were Bryce Andcp son Russell Anderson um Mur phy Russell Murphy Elmer 1mm and Dchar nanx The fluwcrs Wm carried by young men friend mu Anderson ramny Inmmem was math in the ad jnimng cemetery Mr Andurwn ls survived by his wlfc and our sons ElliutL Edward and John Mnnsh md Paul Grand anluy SIX Andchildrvn and one brother Wlllum To mmu Frxemu wen prescm mm NM unra Falls filmmule mm swam Crccmurc NLvmmrkcl Tummo Guelph snemumc Am um and Hullun urch Strvuu July On Sunday July mtmmml wvlu will mm In Hu mum 1m Dulslnn church In llw nnu mm le hu um 101 and mm mumrs unending mum mnu 11 730 AI luncnl In lonmlu Mr mm Mm Handy Jr at hr umml of Mr ICAlzlr In Iurunlu Irhiuy run Krvem vmt Mr um Mu Lmhy Wutmn mu null Tcxm Wulmu uwm sumxuy Iurl Severn DALSTON nus mom 12 OUNCES STEELES CORNERS Bllh BINInky Plfly Aynm the 41 guests who had the pleuure amending the 94th birthday party of Mrs WHIIIm Draper qukstown Friday even lnz were Mrs Dales Mrs finest Dude and Mr and Mrs Earl Dales Hape we may nll be together unln or Granqlma Drap c1 95th blflmday June 25 1955 TIylnrKneuhw Congratulations to vamcsmylur and Gwen Kncushaw who were married Juqu In Eheneler Un ned Church Saluniay and Sunday gums the same homc were Elmer and Hnmld Dales Tnmnlo and Mr and Mrs Russell Draper Cooksmwn The 143 Iklunu Next Week Glad to have Mr Walls back with us mm Hope Scatty has nlce vamllun but we will miss his wlt and humor in Ihe Last Col Sunday guests with Mrs For rm and buys nnd nucndlngGH ford annlvursary servlces were Mr and Mrs Dales Mr and Mrs Earl Dales and amuy and Mr and Mrs Greg Dav and nmlly nf Churchi Mm Fletcher and Terry at Tomato spent last week wuh he farmers wrents Mr and Mrs Em est Dales Home from Haspun Mrs Dales and Mn and Mrs Earl Dales mum on Mr and Mrs Charles Hounsomt Cooks luwn Sunday cvenlng Glad to report Mrs llaunsome home from Town General Huspilnl much Improved in hcnllh Sunday Visuurs with Mr and Mrs Ernest Bell and John were Mr and Mrs William Armstrong Mhnicn and Asa Slawnrt and Miss Marjoyla Stewart Bradlnrd 65d and Sunday gucsls at he Gardener home we Mrs Grlce Aurora and Mrs Hamil an Fennells Mr Frel mlchic spun lhn wcnkcnd wun he sisfier 1n 23mm Olllnrd Annivelsary Thnsc unending Gillurd church nnnivnrsary services on Sunday warn Mr and Mrs Doug Knuc shnw Mrs Edwin Kncnshnw wiHI her bmHmrlnlnw and slslnr Mr and Mrs Willrcd Nellly Mr and Mrs Ernest Knccshnw nnd Bub al the Rnihwcll home PREMIUM GASOLINE AT yiREGUlAR GAS PRICE Ulvus lowup I01 3¢ PeWiohIIon Saving Mr and Mrs Dale and Mn Dalu mum were caller at Mr and Mrl Hounsumel on Sundny Home mm Huryflll Mr Haunsmne Murned home ram howual last week NIIMI All It Newnnrkel M153 Margret flax LI working in Nzwmnrkcl hospital as nurses md AI Bah hr Summer Miss Nancy Wright warkIng n4 Bah at the siumrperrhallfinys Mr and Mrs Baulnthulm And children Buelon Junction ViSHLd Mr and Mrs William Carr and Mr and Mrs can on Sunday ramlly Reunlon ac Belch Mr and Mrs Buwden and Men attended Inmily reunion the ham at Mr and Mrs Steers puyview Beach on Sunday with so gucsfi was great time 01 mustang relatives we hadnt seen 101 yuan The waler was much 1w cold to go In Mrs Lennox Tnmnm qhd Mrs Klng Mcalnrd were Vlsllcrs with Mrs Robertson last week Congratulation Tn Parenls Congratulmflons lo FA and Jean namm Plenum on thearrival David Ralslnn and to Russ and Mary Todd AJan on we arrival Cheryl Lynne 113v fired mmcr Baysville was weekend visnur with lrlends here Home From nusplm Lmln David Olmwny home from Honl Victoria Hospital Barrie after severe mark at monln Miss Elcunnr Ralslon Kbromo spent the weekend wilh the Ear vcy Rnlnons Decoration Service In 6th Llne Despite the cold and ynry windy dfly mm was large at Endancc hc Ducalam Day service no Slxlh Llne Cemetery The service wns conducted by the 1minlslcrs of he mm charges Rev Muh Slrnud Prosbylorian Rev Morfls Canadas First and only HOllOWS CHURCHILL 73 One GradeOne Price Rev McCaHrey Named Director Marlyrs Shrine John Mccmmy 51 lur Lnyoln College Montrcul 161 the pan six years has been named direclm the Mnnyrs Shrine succeedflng the late Rev TV Lally SJ Fr MchUrey born in Saln John NE and cducatcd in Man ma In his turtles and was on Lhe mu at me Shrine or sevLml nummerx lnrth early 1940 most brilliant younger men loe Jesuu order he holds doctomms in both thcolozy and philosophy gained in postgraduate work at Immaculate Conception In Monl meal 1941 Afler his gradualan tom Loy ola College Montreal he received his Master Arts degree Irbm he Unlvnrsny 01 Toronto unaw lng past graduate studies man In languages For time he laugh at the Jesuu Semflnnry 1n Tun9mm oi Slroud Unhcd and Rev Sandch ol Churchnl United We suggest that this lovely ald cem elcry be given the name at Cen tenniai Cemetery SUNOII COMPANY llMITED inwmnce Colllnxwood has been vlslling her sister Mrs Ken Mr and Mrs Todd were In Pembroke last week intending the unnml Mrs Todds unclc Home Frnm Calllumla Miss Shirley Todd Reg PC re umcd from Los Angclcs for the summer vacauan Completion nf Sun Oil Company new nflnuy Salnla nlavinmul new pymlucl nipcliuc mm nrnln l0 Tnmnm mmm llml mmlhurmmlc llluc unocn aniline can Imw be Iclwmll In In llpunuhnul menu Humming lcmlmy nl hmfl uni 11M nnc muon why liKHc nluc Sunocu nuw mm you up lo gallon uvcr ulhcr pmnium gmlc unwlinu Ami nmcmbcrIhh llm xnmu pmnlmn qmlily highml llluc Sunncu llml plcvhmxly nu un lulahlc vnlue nl pmnlum mix Slill mer with Mfll nnlknock umer Slill qulthlng lcnn InlwingcontainingImm cnlnlylicnlly Emckul mnlcvinl than vllucr lllflhlcl gawlinn Slill In In Illtmllllll mglnu pcrlmnmnw Nuw mm than um Canadas gmch Molina vnluol Still TheSume HighTest Premium Quality I00 CANADIAN MADE uu HUMMER MAM FEW Sun MI Company lellea nuducu only one undo Inwllnapumlum qnnllly lllm Sunoculhil Ilnllu do polity mull In Invlnu on mm In lunch Ind Wo pan on Iuvlng mado poulblo by policy QNE GRADEONE PRICE Yot1 WVI ovory ml you ddvo WM Blvo Svnoco WI SAVI UNIS VI UN pumm The Invlnn In my ml on Io you lhrumh Invad mml In menth Ind MW Imnmml nflnlnl pmxuu l0 Iivayuu Inmniumlnduwr Hm run Incline mm VII SAVI WIN Vfififl

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