Barrie Examiner, 20 Jan 1954, p. 15

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MllS GORDON PlM huslhy at work on in landscape In the outdoor selling provlded by the grounds around Mrs Hurvles homc The llrst weeks on the classes wereheld lndoom 11nd slnce movlng out to the form the ortlstshnve been favored with oxceptlonullyfllne weather every week lnrgcrlnumber of housewlves are enrolled rthls year In the second season or the on class project What Middleweight LAWNBOY MOWIIRS BOATING SUPPLIES 97A Dunlap St llarrlc PHONE 3018 QulHly wcnr ur MIML MOORE SHOES rxunlullm trope mm lvatlwr lnmlu on P051 omen EVINRUDE MOTORS find your aqu Mu Outward Mum In phal book yallw mu SPURTHAVEN Artists QuEBfJDbérngdiiPaifiiing Insfiiiatibh LIGHT Sales and Service $1195 Super Funwln OUIIOAID Moral Brown Suede MOWER OXFORD umrim nmNa FOOTWEAR has eVerylhing Peluhmulh mm In CLERKS DESERT CASUAL Iurn cmm sulm and hut nummur KllLWI xhl uuldonr muuh wcnr $001 Selma Pup to ngnr The senior pupils cl Elmgravc and Bum schcols nctmrpafiled by lhclr cachers Miss Newlon and ML Melville and Mrs George Jullray and Mrs Fergus Km cu joyed plmsnm as wall as edutn tlonal bus lrlp l0 Nlngura Falls and Queenstun last Friday Going In Camp Burden 0n the closing day at school Mr Melville who has reslgncd as teacher me snniar mum In no top pr on he Camp Eur dcn teaching Sid 1n SLp mbcr was presenlcd wim am by pupils in appreciation ur hls work here during the pus two years lunpennce Speaker Rev Dr Henry Town Isenling he Onariu Temper ance Fe 1mm 5113qu Burns Unfled Church on Sunday Presenting acts canccmlnx Im llquur lrntllc Dr Henry said It Iv nol enuugh Chrlsllnns my about Ms cnndlflon but should be willing do somcmlng abnul II An cum wusqlnkcn or lhe work cfi 01 In summer School M15 MarianBoyd has been re cngagcd cachet he lunlnr mom and will mend he summer Intending school In Turunlu lllrlhdny may Mrs Pater Swllzur cnlcrlnlncd raw lifllc buys 1m Thursday at birthday party 1n honor at her son Donald on hisrslxlh birthday Tm guns spent an enjoyable lurnann pony riding Inlluwcd by uppnr No Regular July Servlces There will he no rcgulnr scrvlcu In Bums Church during July whlln Ihu mlnlslcr Rev Shillon nml lamlly an Mix Joanna mum Ix wcnd mg wuvk holiday with munch BURNS $1195 Jiiss Mnry Ann wmun Alllston spent Ihc wetkvnd with her friend Mm Shirley Connell runny tunlun ul nundalk Mr ind Mrs Mnrvin and Dor oihy and Douglas nllkndrd Innr Hy mmiun ul Dundnlk ml Salur day MRS it BRYMNER seated in the sun shine outside of the barn which she has phusen as subject This week Mrs Hur yie posed problan of creating it feeling or distance or her pupils asking them to use the recessive colors blues greens MnsL1AMEs IIARVIES Tuesdays temuon painters busilyqt viork Mthé slde of her Inrm home Thé classes which began eight weeks ago uhdérrtheausplcés at the Barrie Recreation Council wlllcon tlnue under mummy busls the guts college Sp snrl nr Mr und er vuick mm mm 1me anl Sunday wllh mm Ives EVCMUH Mary and Fullr Fuunlflln Xclurnml VHh thunk spend mm lmlul hm Hume Mum wmm 11 1mm Allan Curran mum1 Even wllh whipAka lmlo nhlllnoka lilo Ill nmuml Imp nu nyn on lllo supply mom nmllim Ill out at Kuflnun Com Flnkm thin momm Hun Inyullwr awn ll happen wary duy hummus Knlkxul Corn Fluke unl nnlmnllyum heal lo mum pmplu Alwnyh have Still In II II any wumlnr nu umny women ck up Ivan picks Krllnul Corn Flnlm uvory time they Imy my mm at any Hm Whol been eating my Corn Fluke7 The hnrncd nwl largest of Cun mllan owl speckx ls nunrly wu hrl 1n lunglll The ullcr member of the weasel Iany can swim nil vnuunh In mkh the mnsl rapid lsh Iho wmkcnd from MI enjoyable three weeks Irlp lhmugh the Can ndlnn Wan She WM accompan lcd by Mrs Aldcrsan of Alllsiun SPEEDY 0111 HG OWLS mo In the buckgmund and bringing the loreground out sharply by usan oranges In the medium background and yellow in Lhe foreground the end otthc Masses pcrlod or crmcnl npprnlsnl und discus sion 15 held In the artists studio standing resident nytlst can be seen Just mp the 111 otjtha doorway Mugone ofvherpuplls ngu1dng hand IqQhe fore groundlor the plcpfigejcanlbevséen Mrs pndgley Mrs Bruce MJokinstan Earl cox and Mrsanbert TatEush MONTREAL June 21 CWA kindly Mammal wlduw Mnhnwk Indlnn and mu federal Ruvlmmtm have jnlnLd In brlnx wince ln unl mnl lovers who don want Ihclr yell hurled nmunx he cllyh lar hnzc Mn Dnvldsuu ularlml Innkan or way round lhc hylnw Hnw uvrr clly nmflnh would no chunuo rcyulnnonl and Ihu wmnnn Iound mu ryum ml mmhm mm cl lmul uw In burlnl urnund nuywluru 1n 1m uurrnundlnu nub urhs Sympathy Indian Aids Woman Look Animal Cemetery It all xlnrlvd uur ycnrx ago whcn Mrs Grnlln Davldsun wnnlcd lo give Haney hcr pcl dax dr canJmnuL Shu eunu up nunlml Mammal bylaw Iurblddlnu Io bullnl unl mnl wllhm rlly Hmlh Mrs Dav idlnn =an the don lu Tmonln when ll wu bumd 1n lhu Pclu Ceme lcry sm iuuml Iympnlhy hvtl mm rum Thom Lnllnclm Mnlmwk llvlnz on nrxlrby ChauuhI nnwnlu rclcrvmlnn wm um unr New In Cum on um lnlunl mum BRAND NEW 115 Ill DUNLOI ST PHONE to BUY WHERE YOU Om flflllVXUE N0 BOWN PAYMENT SPEGIAL HUI DIRECT TINY 11W IAClllNu MIR REFRIGERATION 10 Recent vhllors Wllh Mflflwfl Ham Ccpelnnd were Mr ImLMn Jim 09th Ind Mt Ind Mn Jack Heather Toronto Mr 1nd Mn atlas thnd Cock wwn Mm Dm 62 Ind rhlldrcn cl Rlohmond HHL Mm Davidson charges lo 560 to enchpamm This covers com he funeral includingn head slune nudcnknl Last year waslucky 10 break even she say some uvlsh Burials The type or persoan who lake advanlnuexot the cemetery vary 1mm bpsincsmen lo sman boys whohnvc Ins their peu And sumu burlab are at mnrc lavbh lhnn others Mr and Mn Clarenge aner nndMr and Mrs lrvlng Ccaper visned rehflves In lcmmo an evening vhf week filsslon or me oduul government LaHache leased her In Iveacre plot lwn mllu 1mm thenvlllagg Annt er man asked that hls Chihuahua be buried with his held mung um He turned up at um interment with campus 10 make sure this was dune and Mrs DavidSnn Mnntreal plnnul Billie Eckstien rcccnlly hurfiud hls dog Casey in upeclnlly tannedIn plot with nmbslnne hearing be Image of he anlmnl lnld Mop the urn he hays and glrla Pnoch Wu ham Ind when he was killed on the urea It children started campaign to slVe he rcmulns my the garbage hcgp Mrs Mary Gllroy nnd naiph fled ML and Mn Day flL Wond brldge on Sunday Mn andMrs nod Gfllauzhu and Mr and Mrs Lorne Gallaugh ELVBXled kiunds Manflllld rc cemly Mr and Mn F1121 Fife Amman visited recenlly lwllh Ms Mary 1th and Ralphtl ML and Mrs Tom RA dger Ind Dawen Torantn several days 131v week wllhM and Mrs Don Rodgers Armed with myem lease ynd more dcmrmlnnunn lhnm money Mrs Davidson set to work This year her hobby Ksknowm to hundreds animal lnvcmlhmugh om Quuhnc and EasternOnLafln anldeuwwexxkuplvflnwereLlIMon lreu Dog and Pei Cemmewy the bodies murethan 1500 dual ell and birds have bun burled Mm Davidson told of Taxonto busflnessmnn who brough his dog In the ccmclery The nnflmal wns embalmcd and Ihen lnld II cus kc lined with fiin The most pamnuc inddent Mrs Davxdson has seen slncc the come my npcned concerned may manure who had been befriended by gang of youngsters In nearby Verdun They collected us 1n houselu housn canvasa and asked In Pooch be given spot Kn he came tery fine my spread amnnl oth er Inlmnl lovcm and the remainder ol the money was burnt Pooch now He 1n place 01 hnnor on the armor Indlnn 1mm Sundly Vlnlmu Sunday visitors wm Mr and Mn Forbes Cmm we Mr and Mrs Irving and and Mrs With difficulties being zncounl end over ncccpinncc oi In ailicinl own plan due In abloclion bainl rnlsLd by individual and munic ipnl organizations he important thin 10 remember is lhll town planning is nonsally in my municlpnlliy ihni have to build or the future CuicionPincc Ont Canadian Addlnnn 1mm ltMmumlm HI ECIALI ENGIN ERRED POM FRINGE Mer IUXIEI TION 0N InmumruUnu nmuy rxlrn rnulnwml Mlfl Irnlurm um nuulml Iur Ihlxk mm urnlvlnzI 339oo Addison 21 Console Model IHZHUIA 009 WALNUT 0K MAINHMPfY Mlle South at Ilnrrln on No 11 lllghwny WHITE IL N0 BTIHHH PERMANENT and TRANSIENT GUESTS MEALS SERVED T0 GUESTS BEtHEsbA TOWN PLANNING fiflfllGMHWll INN TELEPHONE mum sflroun mi binth Bxnnmm mm 30111 195 Edc mm at Toronto Mr ma Mtg Nmn Atkinson and cm dren Ind Mn John Dailry sm nzr Mn Dalley sllyinl an or visit wnh hlr dlughten Mr and Mrs ma ManI at Le my mum rccenlly with Mr and Mrs Carman Kindle Presbytery Blyl Camp Ronnie IndVtrncn Abrams spam Ch lhc weakend flu United W3 Churdh Boys Cam um Midmnd 1am snnm BrfikenAnkle up We are sorry to repan Mrs ems George Squlph ls nlmuml in hMon mm and mde make the perML dressing or the most dchmlg musyr gardenfresh ve mm And 0111 Just wuh chickenfislmnld mm Miran Vhi mum Umm mind so thntdxe flmqrof ever thing in the min is um murh eunrl Youll we the aurmm WK Miracle Whip And Miracle Whip has mu mallency whidh blcmls smnolhlyor whirls la 11 crown or Wiggem 116wa Mop your salml Mmmml Serve 1m of saladswait Mirnrlo up Nut Even hm flnllrring nvw lip lYou nun1 Um Lnunuhy stir mlourmn Blue in your make ya 00k rinse wum yl lnlnly vour vmnfi mm whiu wash 1m cm pmmmy mm rownmg yen tnko my ml Iry no Ir1£nlllxxcfl Yy Corn IlnsIrI will lhInylium Thats the new meditation um gals under our mm and Ir ush it out mm undemml In first Htu nvw mtdiulion fur corn unll callus in over mvrnly yener In nclunl lefla it wrnt to wark 33 finlcr wurkml 35 more surely thnn nny olhpr lending remedy 1qu on ynuveuscd new lilqunya youll never go lmck to oldstyle remnlins Your nvuuriie drum counters have nnw munJays with Phfluvlium Get samn uday 101 Dunlap St Opposite Queens Hotel Phone 2098 Dulch Pmlry Hunuhnld lllnh In broldcul Tumhyl and nunl dylovcr cxnu Mon and mnre people are making Dutch Pgniry their centre or name Baked Specialties Summer tlunl so much more nu when mmcoue else bu am the cunklng enpeclaliy when lhe cunkln is dam in Duich rumy wly pm whnlesume Ingredients plus the um home inking wuu hm summer mum thrnughuul me hnuday ieuon Jnst mm picnics waekenfls flu com etc FREE DELIVERY SERVICE ORDERS IN BY PM DELIVERED THE SAME DAY YOU TOO SHOULD BUY DUTCH PASTRIES CUP CAKES CAKES DUNS DINNER ROLLS IIAISXN BREAD HOME MADE BREAD COOKIES PIES The Tons of the Town mnlhr what you may 1mm 1mm the mumy yuur whim wk wil he in vllilvst wlwn you IN Lnumhy mm Sauna nml arm mumregarding wlaur lu din ml llloarh Ink out ButlLaumlry Him In wash ymlly whim Try ynur nvxL wash In my In use ml it mds Im mu mm mm vnAh It I005 whim winning or whih clnflxm Ihlvr ill lyLUli You mum Um Lnunllu Blue in your rinse wuch lnlnly your whiu It hm pmmmy nn yellow nun leut may b4 llm nnlicln Nu Ray1 Victoria Howiul 39 She had mpmlsfanunew la week and brzak one anklr Her many friean wilh he rpeedy re ccvcry Mn nnq Mrsl Charla Stone and children Omngavmm span the watkend Wm Mrs William Cope land Teen Rnubicrl EFadlurd spam the weekmd wflh her par ents Mr and Mrs JDSIFJ mqu urnmtém um on my wnh and Mrs Harry Squith nl Mrs qud Bangem 1m

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